Chapter 15: Restore and Improve
Shinji was eating the food made by his sister, rice with sushi.
It tasted better to him than the five-star restaurant meal.
"Slow down, the food isn't going anywhere," his sister said.
"It's just too good."
Miki looked at her brother with a slight smile on her face.
It hadn't been easy to be alone, but hearing the stories of her brother, she realized that they both had it hard.
Stories of homelessness and vigilantism.
Never in her life would she think that her brother would go down this path.
"Shinji, let me ask you a serious question."
He stopped eating and looked up from his plate.
"Were you there when mom and dad died?"
Now this was something Shinji didn't want to hear. Should he reveal that he killed their dad?
Shinji thought deeply and a certain green haired boy came to his mind.
'It was because I didn't have the courage to tell him that now we're separated.'
He didn't want to do the same with his sister.
Shinji made the decision to tell her everything that happened that fateful night.
When he finished, Miki hugged her brother tightly.
It was conflicting, her father showed her love and took great care of her, the same thing goes for her mom.
But seeing his brother being abused for being different made her resent them a little.
Still, Shinji didn't know how to control his quirk by then, it was an accident.
"Shinji, I'm sorry for everything that happened to you, truly. Do you want to live with me? This too is your house now."
This time he didn't hesitate.
"Yes, I want to live here."
Getting out of the hug, Miki asked him about what he wanted to do.
Shinji told her that he wanted to go to the U.A, the school where renowned heroes came out of.
His plan was for her sister to take custody of him so he could be sent to the U.A without any type of problem.
This place was for people with great future aspirations.
Maybe he could recruit some students into working with him towards his plan.
"Alright, I will have to get custody of you since you're still missing."
"Thanks," Shinji simply responded.
They both then spent their time watching movies and telling anecdotes amongst themselves.
The mark on Miki's neck reminded Shinji what would've happened if he didn't take decisive action.
Time kept passing by, Miki supported her brother on his vigilante work but worried for him.
He was the only thing she had left at this moment.
They both fell into a routine, and in the blink of an eye it was already time to take the exam.
Shinji looked at the massive gates of the U.A.
Hundreds of students entered the school like a group of worker ants returning to their nest.
Taking a step inside, he was brought to an area where they were going to be assessed on their hero knowledge.
Shinji took the exam, his knowledge from years ago and his arduous study this week proved to be useful.
Without any type of effort he was speeding through the test and finished in less than half an hour.
'Thankfully I'm not being tested on math as I would fail without a doubt.'
He stepped out of the classroom when everyone was done and was brought to a huge auditorium.
Shinji could see a certain green haired boy sitting on a seat.
It was Midoriya, he'd already arrived and was currently focused ahead, a steady resolve painted on his face.
'Should I go talk to him?.. No, he won't recognize me in this form.'
Shinji didn't reveal his original appearance to Midoriya, he just decided to not talk to him again.
He looked around trying to find a certain girl, but she wasn't there.
'Maybe she's late.'
Having a seat, his focus was put on the stage, minutes passed before the introduction began.
They had to take down some villains which were going to be robots located in an artificial city.
He saw the robots that ranged from zero points to three points.
'Doesn't look too hard,' he thought to himself.
After the explanation they were taken to the practical exam site.
He saw Midoriya further ahead preparing himself for the challenge.
His attention was diverted to the sound of a voice saying the exam had started.
Shinji reacted fast and got ahead of everyone, destroying robots with his partial transformation.
His quirk had been registered when he was a kid so there wasn't any point in hiding it.
Robot after robot were being destroyed as if they were paper.
He looked behind him to see Midoriya defeating some of them by himself.
'He improved.'
Midoriya was using a metal staff to destroy the robots in a quick manner.
'When did he learn to use those?' He wondered.
Time passed when the sound of recently destroyed buildings reached Shinji's ears.
It was the zero pointer robot that was now leaving his mark through the city.
He stood there, admiring the sheer size of it for a few seconds.
'Should I go?'
A slight smile made its way to his face.
"What am I saying? Let's go."