Chapter 16: Number One
"Ahhh!!" The students screamed and ran away in terror.
Shinji looked forwards towards the destruction while the students ran past him.
'How can these people aspire to be heroes and run away from a threat?'
He couldn't explain it.
Shinji noticed a certain green haired boy running past him towards the zero pointer.
Then he noticed a brown haired girl trapped under some rubble.
'You haven't changed at all.'
Midoriya quickly helped the girl and ran where everyone was going.
'Looks like it's time.'
Shinji ran towards the huge robot and started climbing to the head.
His claws ripped and stuck into the metal without any effort.
Finally having reached the head, he looked down.
Everyone was looking at him in awe.
He smashed a hole into the head and started destroying every cable in his path.
No long after the huge body started to fall, the city trembled from the tremendous weight.
The students' jaws dropped and their eyes widened.
Did this really just happen?
Shinji came out of the robot and walked victoriously towards everyone.
"Time's… up!"
People started approaching him in awe, asking questions about his quirk and who he was.
He paid no mind to this and walked away without a second thought.
'It feels weird being recognized for something.'
These past few years while doing his acts of vigilantism everyone he saved saw him as a villain.
His cruel methods of saving lives made them afraid of him, especially because he looks like a bloodthirsty monster with his partial transformation.
Shinji returned home when everything was completed.
What greeted him was the sight of his sister cooking dinner while listening to some music.
It felt nice to have this freedom, he finally felt unrestricted by his environment.
Waiting for his results, time passed by slowly.
He just wanted to start right now but had to be patient, a virtue he would have to master.
'I didn't see Momo there, did she lie about going to the U.A?'
Shinji stopped paying attention to the topic, it was a shame, but he wasn't about to let a girl dictate how he felt.
He already had a girl in his life called Miki, he didn't need anyone else.
An email arrived at his home and showed him to have the highest score in the practical exam.
With his future now set in stone, a smile made its way into his face.
In the blink of an eye, Shinji was standing once again just outside the huge gates of the school.
He walked through the hallways trying to find his class and finally stood looking at it.
It said class 1-A, class that would now educate him to become the best version of himself.
Shinji had realized he lacked the knowledge necessary to make his dream come true.
Taking action was vital for him to learn and grow as a person.
Looking inside the classroom, he went to go in but stopped once he saw a yellow larva on the floor.
Midoriya was a little embarrassed as he was talking with the girl he saved in the test.
"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends," the larva said.
Shinji looked at it closely and saw a tired man leaving the yellow sleeping bag.
It seems that he was the teacher, they were told to go change and meet him outside the school.
The students did as asked and when Shinji stepped outside he saw Momo.
'So she's here after all,' he thought.
Everyone gathered around what seemed to be a training area before the teacher started speaking.
Shinji didn't pay much attention until his name was called.
"Shinji, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In-"
"Stop right there! Did you say that this bastard got first place on the practical exam? You must be joking, let's fight right now and see who's the best!" Bakugo screamed in anger.
Before things could escalate any further, the teacher stopped him by saying, "There will be no fights, do so and you are expelled."
Bakugo clicked his tongue before putting his hands on his pockets and looking at him aggressively.
"So, as I was saying, what was your best result for the softball throw in junior high?"
"Well… I didn't actually go to junior high."
The students were surprised, the teacher was confused.
"It doesn't matter, just throw the ball as hard as you can while using your quirk."
Shinji walked to the spot before freezing in place.
'How should I do this? Do I use my full quirk or partial transformation? I'll just go with that.'
He gripped the ball with strength before his arm was partially transformed.
His grotesque hand caused some discomfort in the students, especially the female audience.
Momo looked at him with surprise, 'Wasn't his quirk about reflexes?'
Shinji threw the ball in the air as hard as he could, causing a small shockwave.
When the ball touched the ground, it showed that it had traveled 460 meters.
'It's kind of low, I was expecting something better. My full quirk could probably do twice as much.'
Many were shocked, but it wasn't that impressive.
The tests kept on going until it was finally Midoriya's turn to do it.
He'd done pretty good on the tests until now but his rank was still low, not the worst, but also not the best.
He could see the look of the teacher, he was carefully judging his performance.
'Will you pass this test Midoriya? Let me see.'