Chapter 1: I
"If you're reading this message, there's a high chance that you're either a close family member, a friend… Or a combination of both from my freakish schizophrenic imagination… That doesn't make sense.
Anyways, my name is--was Saint Mogutani. And I leave this note to give you all the peace of mind that wherever I end up from here, it's probably better than being trapped in a bed, casted with the curse of unbeatable-fuckin-cancer.
I prayed real hard that I would be reincarnated or something, so keep an eye out for any superstitious birds and rocks. I may end up your favorite gem that you one day wear around your neck or finger.
Love you all, especially you mom.
Saint Mogutani.
PS - Let Mason know he will always be a bitch and there's not a damn thing he could do about it."
. . .
As I stood in the middle of what is essentially paradise, watching and listening as an elderly man read out my parting note for the people back on earth. My eyes darted left and right, subconsciously rocking on my hills as he stared at me expectantly.
Shit… This is awkward. "Uhh~ What exactly do you want to know? I-I mean yeah, that was me but I didn't think my prayer would actually work!" Frantic as his runic Hebrew embellishments thrummed a little brighter than before, I grit my teeth and groaned as I accidentally let those words fly through my lips.
That's not any better an excuse! Trying my best to back track, I was impeded by a single raise of his finger. His bald head reflected the hidden sunlight within this permanent sunrisen domain.
A drift of supernatural wind wafted through the area, lofting the old mans silk, black robes and cloak alike. Slightly revealing his thinning, skeletal frame.
"Shh, child… I know of your struggles and your insight. I know what you faced and what you dealt with. Alone…" He smiled, his eyes closed as his perfect teeth almost glared in the light. "Even if I was there every step of the way."
To that, I scratched the back of my neck. Feeling traces of my long, black hair that cascaded across my back. Damn… cancer really was the ultimate nerf. Look at these luscious locks. My mind was quickly centered back on the old man as he laughed.
"You're genuinely an interesting child. Yes, this form is what you would look like in your prime. But that doesn't matter." I simply listened. There wasn't much else to do in this place. And it's been a minute since I've met anyone new.
Plus, this is literally god… When would I ever get this chance again? Regardless, there wasn't much else I could do other than chat. Shifting my weight as he continued, I hummed in acknowledgement to his previous statement.
His smile dropped naturally, returning his soft, wrinkled features to their most comfortable state. His perplexed gaze mixed with the matching rhythmic thrumming of his tattoos, it all made this more surreal--His presence really befitted the title of god.
"So, why me? Why am I here instead of some other cancer patient?" That was a question that plagued me since the moment he first spoke. I wasn't the first to die from this detriment. So why?
The old man shrugged, "Who says it's not some other patient? Who says I'm the only one with you here, right now?" He shook his head, his basic line of questioning really making me want to slap my own forehead for my stupidity.
The excuse of my brain being scrambled because I met god wouldn't even suffice. Well, maybe…
"You worry about the wrong things. The real question is, what's next?" Tapping the back of his wrist as if we were closing in on time. "So, what will it be?" I hummed, not a single ounce of understanding passing through my brain.
He must be waiting for me to desire to know what's on the other side… To proceed with death. I was brought out of my momentary trance by a snap of his fingers. A vivid holographic screen of various people who looked exactly like me flashed before me. Broken into a sort of kaleidoscopic point of view.
"Each of these could've been, or could be you. You just have to simply take the next step…" I gulped.
"And what would that be? Reincarnation? Transmigration? Or would I regress?" These are all things I've read in the countless webnovels and manga stories. The concept isn't anything new but the opportunity is…
If this goes the way I'm praying it goes… Oh man I'm about to have a lot of fun! I could hardly fight back the ardourish grin battling for dominance. Still, I remained as stoic as I could and listened as the old man led with a chuckle.
"Which ever you so choose-Though, I recommend reincarnation." He smiled knowingly, "It's best for most situations, allows you to gather your bearings." I nodded at that logic.
Makes sense. Duh, who wants to be thrown into a completely foreign landscape with no preconceptions of governmental workings and societal norms? Imagine ending up in a world where raising the bird is a death sentence--Or stomping your feet three times summons an abominable eldritch deity.
That would be freaky… The simple thought of that sent rancid chills down my spine. Quickly, I shook that terrible idea out of my head and focused.
"I assume reincarnation is your path?" The old man asked. "Yeah, it would seem so…" I paused, gathering my thoughts and choosing my next words carefully…
"D-Do I, by chance, get to choose my destination and the powers I reincarnate with?" I instantly felt the need to explain myself but I found no need to.
"Of course! That is but the basics of all reincarnation! Haha!" His laugh was genuine! As if I had said the most nonsensical thing in the universe. Rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly, I felt my jaw tighten but I let the old god have his laugh.
He probably deserves it… Actually, I wonder how many humorous things he witnesses a day? The thought of it alone made me eventually take pride in the gods' laughter. Even if it were out of sheer stupidity I guess…
"Tell me child! What is it that you desire!?" Through his howled laughter-- I swear it wasn't that funny…-- His question hit me like a jackhammer. Shit! That's a great question… My mind instantly flashed through the various abilities from all sorts of characters.
The world I want in mind is… Something modern, something I'm sure to be somewhat used to. Even if I did live in america my whole life. That part didn't take long. After a few choice options, my mind settled on one universe.
Rubbing my hands together, I grinned from ear to ear, "For my world choice, I choose My Hero Academia!" The old man nodded, "Great choice… Quite popular too, many parallel universes exist within this creation." His profound and rather horrifying statement simply hung in the air as he snapped his fingers.
Smiling softly, he gestured with his head to continue. Which I did.
Ultimately, for me it comes down to Naruto and the Sharingan… I love those eyes! The application and the importance behind them in the show simply drove me to a point of obsession back when I was a child. And it doesn't help that all the Uchiha's were cool as hell.
Especially the famed Ghost.
"For my wishes, how much am I working with?" Tilting my head with curiosity--Something I found myself doing out of habit ever since I saw my little cousin do it. I was around six--I think--I don't fully remember though…
The old man tapped his chin, "We'll leave it at the basic three." He smiled thinly. Uh oh, am I moving too slow?! Gulping slightly I quickly began to brainstorm.
. . .
"Alright, I'm ready!" I declared after literal hours of thinking. Shamefully it took that long even though I already knew what my first wish was… Figuring out my last two is what really held me up.
The old man sighed, shaking his head with a thin smile. "Finally, boy. If I knew you would struggle so much I would've dug into your subconscious. Pulling your little wishes from you myself." The smile on his face remained even as his brows knitted together, showing just how irritated he really was.
I gulped, laughing skittishly. "M-My bad--", "Yeah, yeah! Get to it, young man!" The old man snapped and I stood at attention. "Yes! Father God!"
Clearing my throat, I continued. "Firstly, I wish for the combined genetic perfection of the Senju and Uchiha clan--Their innate abilities transferring along.
As for my second wish, I wish for my quirk to be Absolute Combat, or something to do with that concept." I held up a finger matter-of-factly. If I'm going to a world full of villains who literally have cheat abilities, knowing how to fight is a simple must have.
Huffing silently, I was resolved in this decision, nothing would change that.
The old man nodded, "And for you last?" I smirked, "I wish for the trait of adaptation. For endless potential and a near limitless growth rate. Of course, I'm aware that certain thresholds take harsher stimuli." Shrugging as I carelessly added- "Though, I'm sure you'll handle the universal difficulty for me."
Through half opened eyes, I slipped my hands into my pants pockets and held my breath unknowingly.
The old man simply hummed, stroking his non-existent beard. Oh god… Ironic, but man… This is so intense.
"Sure. Anything else?" I tilted my head, confused. "Erm…? Give me a lovely home with two loving parents and maybe a little sibling?" I smiled weakly, flashing the best smile i could muster.
Snarling, the old man cackled. "Haha! Good luck, young man! I hope you enjoy your Hero Academia!" And he snapped his fingers. Sending me into a world of endless darkness as my consciousness faded.
Ah… That was so corny!