Chapter 2: II
Year 2162, October 19th…
From the moment the darkness enveloped me to the moment I opened my eyes again, I swear I could've counted. That was like… The fastest ten seconds of my life. In just an instant I was face to face with God, now, I was face to face with a completely different stranger.
Gazing down upon me with a stern, quizzical look, his lips mumbled something just barely from behind his standard doctoral face-mask. His slicked back jet-black hair gave room for the opinion that he's a stickler for things that are inconvenient. That much gel will keep that baby in place for months. I snickered--Which only resorted to a sort of… Incessant snort or the sound of choking.
The man's expression relaxed slightly, tapping my cheeks before he suddenly jerked away--Giving my little infant body an insane amount of vertigo. What the hell!? Is that standard procedure!? It really felt more so like early game torture!
My startled protest came out as nothing but simple cries of a newborn.
Placing me down gently on a blanket, various nursing staff worked to clean me up further as the man who subjected me to such an experiment, slipped his gloves off with an exaggerated snap of latex.
"Good news, Maita-san, Yoshikawa-san… He's as healthy as can be!" He clapped his hands together. I couldn't see the reaction or the appearance of my parents, but from their reactions I could kind of gather what I was getting into.
A sweet, harmonious but clearly fatigued melody wafted through the room as her muffled cries reverberated around the room. "...Thank god! Oh my--Isn't this great, love!?"
"Mm. Any signs of a quirk?" Drowning out the divine melody was a gruff, strict and resilient voice. Wow, sounds like a piece of shit… I mused. The room went quiet at his question.
Eventually, the doctor cleared his throat. "W-well uh, no-No sir. Usually quirks don't show signs unt--"
"Yeah, yeah until around four years of age…" My fathers lack of excitement showed that he wasn't exactly thrilled his son was powerless right off the bat. All good things take time, young padawan… Though, those thoughts translated roughly to, "Goo! Yahgahaaa!"
The nurses giggled only to scramble away suddenly. A looming shadow approached that dawned over me like a bad omen. I glanced up, my eyes automatically squinting to protect my retinas from the overbearing headlamp that sat above me.
From the outline of the frame, I could instantly tell that this was my father. Aside from the rather tangible aura the man radiated and the familiar masculine scent, I could've been fooled.
"H-Honey… C-Can you bring him here? I want to hold him…" My mother's voice called out soon after. The man and I shared a strange moment of silent eye contact before he wordlessly scooped me up and transferred me smoothly.
As I settled into my mothers arms, her motherly scent mixed with the stench of her sweat plagued my nostrils--It was one of those weird smells where I couldn't really tell if I enjoyed it or not.
Definitely going to be a guilty pleasure… I hope this is just a baby thing! The fact I couldn't speak nor control my own motor functions already irked me… Add on a strange attraction towards my mothers scent and I might go bonkers.
For a moment, me and her shared a moment of understanding. Her pale, grey eyes matching mine as she smiled so soft it could've put me to sleep.
"Little Ryuzaki… You're just so cute!" She yelped, scrunching her face towards mine.
Chairs rolled back and heads snapped as the sound of a door opening caught the attention of all present.
"I'm going to deal with the press. Let me know when she's good to go." Once again, my fathers gruff voice left the room in another state of awkward tension. My mother sighed, her tired eyes glazing over with years of fatigue as tears began to fill the corners.
A pit gaped within my stomach at that moment… As her silent, tired tears fell upon my face, something within me began to stir…
I don't know what, But that son of a bitch needs his ass whooped.
. . .
Three Years Later… 2165, September 7th.
Sun beamed through my window seal, breaking through the blinds like it was its destiny to shine its light in my face. I stirred, rolling in my bed as I groaned dramatically.
I sat up, my toddler physique rendering my morning stretch damn near obsolete. I looked around, my eyes taking in the darkness of my room. Other than the single window that found itself square on the opposite side of my room's wall, I had to rely on lamps and nightlights when the sun went down.
A whirring fan drifted in the background, it's wobbly head spinning in it's programed range blowing warm, room temperature air.
Sighing, I rubbed my eyes and slipped off my toddler-sized mattress and navigated out of my room. Yawning as I stepped out, I rubbed my belly only to be stopped in my tracks as something vicious hit my ears.
"God damn it woman! All I ask of you is to stay home and take care of the place!" My vision narrowed as I entered the small hallway towards the living room. Sliding by the doorframe, I hid and listened.
Wonder what they're arguing about now… This wasn't anything new. From the moment the sun came up or whether the sun was setting, it didn't matter. If there was something to argue about, it would be argued.
Let me rephrase that. I wonder what HE'S bitching about now.
"Honey, all I'm s-saying is, i-is that I can help you! W-We can bring in triple what you already make and all I have to do is show my face!" I heard my mothers soft voice pleading for his understanding. His permission.
I hear him groan--growl damn near as she continues. Peaking around the corner, I see they're situated within the kitchen, putting me the furthest away from them as the kitchen was divided by the vast living area.
"I-I can't let my brand die after all this- W-What about Ryuzaki?! His future needs to be-" SMACK!
Blood drained from my face as my chest tightened, the familiar pit that had been deepening far within my gut only deepened further. That son of bi-- My mother gasped as she reached for her cheek.
A defiant, angry glare cemented in her pale grey eyes as she stepped away from Yoshikawa. That man didn't deserve to be called my father anymore.
The man in question grunted, glaring at my mom as he spoke, his finger pointed in her face as he practically shook with rage. His eyes glaring a deep blood red--A sign of his quirk activating.
I bit my bottom lip, rage boiling within my gut as I reeled in the helplessness I faced. I swear on everything I love… Once my powers manifest you're the first one to go. My silent threat known only between me and god sat quietly in the back of my mind.
"Don't you ever bring my son into this. That boy's future will be secured." He paused, running a hand through his disheveled hair. He spun around, as if completely at a loss. "Whether it be as the successor of my martial art or as a bloodthirsty warrior. I don't care!" His tone picked up towards the end, his frantic, fearful anxiety showing itself bare as he lashed out.
He was now face to face with my mom again, "If you want to go play dress up and fucking show off for those two-faced goonies who want you for nothing more than your looks, then fine! Go ahead you fucking whore!" Slamming his whole arm on the counter, he dragged everything down with it.
Dishes shattered and boomed against the floor--No doubt disturbing our neighbors.
I stepped from behind the door frame at this point, "Mom?" My voice was nothing but a squeak, but the silence was palpable--It carried like a shout. My mom jumped, Yoshikawa's head snapped in my direction, his beady, blood red eyes glowing with unknown intensity as they narrowed.
My mom darted towards me, her hands already ridding her face of her latent tears.
"Goodmorning, love! H-How did you sleep? Are you hungry? I was just working on some breakfast, give me just a sec with daddy, okay?" She pulled me into a hug and just as quickly released me, already trying to shoo me away.
But I stood firm. "No. Why is he hitting you?" I stood, eyeing the man. But the one in question scoffed. "You don't question your parents, boy." My mom shuddered, and so did I…
I'm going to enjoy watching you die. I blinked, choosing to stay quiet as I glanced back at my mom. Her eyes pleaded with me silently, her lips forming a thin smile that trembled with fear and uncertainty.
"Hah~ Whatever. I have things to do. Cradle him all day for all I care." His eyes shifted to me, "But when I get back, I expect you to be ready for training. You may be three but your foundation for martial arts can start whenever." He huffed, sipping what I assumed to be coffee from his mug.
My mom wanted to protest, I could see it in her eyes.
It's okay. I squeezed her hand, my eyes locking with hers. She smiled softly, her lips moving but no words coming out, yet, my heart still ached at her message. As the man sauntered out of the room a comfortable, healing silence draped over the kitchen area.
My mom and I moved silently to pick up the mess my father made.
Our actions and thoughts speak more than our words could ever manage. Eventually, we finished and my mom flashed the brightest smile she could've managed.
"So, I know you're hungry! Let's get breakfast!" She practically bounced at the proposition. Her pale gray eyes sparkled silently. Her dark bags added a strange, deranged beauty to her--It fits perfectly… How the hell did Yoshikawa even land this woman?
She's honestly by all means the polar opposite of the man.
I hummed, flashing a smile of my own. Though, it didn't quite reach my ears. "Pancakes?!" It was a simple request and it was one of my favorite breakfast meals back before I got sick. Even when I was, I had barely gotten the chance to eat it…
Man II'm glad she asks my opinion!
It's probably just due to our situation, but my mom treats me with a bit more dignity than I imagined an adult would for a three year old. Maybe my true age is showing through! Shaking my head, the real reason was probably something else entirely.
"Eh? You sure? I was actually thinking we would sneak out… And i don't know~ Stop by one of those fancy restaurants you've pointed out before." Her grin met her ears, her eyes closing and reddening further due to her previous tears.
The swelling and bruising on her face had already begun to settle--Mending into her appearance to give her that untouched beauty again. She mentioned it before… But I don't quite understand this woman's quirk… The ability to be ever beautiful? And my father landed her…
I kept my thoughts hidden behind a cheerful smile, my messy, spiky short black hair bobbing with me as I childishly danced at the prospect of eating out. My mom cheered along, "Okay it's settled! Go change real quick while I go see where your father is, I'll come and get you, sweetie."
I smiled, giggling as I childishly raced off back towards my room.
. . .
After an hour or so, we were out the door and navigating the busy streets of Tokyo, Japan. The early morning sun blazed as it's position in the sky slowly but surely heightened. Towering shadows that blotted out the suns effort painted the roads before us, many of the skyscrapers belong to hero agencies.
While some were just regular office towers.
"Ah! Ryuzaki, that building right there is where the strongest of them reside!" Pointing towards a particularly tall building. It was as bland as could be--I would've never known it was important without my mom pointing it out… And the massive group of civilians that gathered at its doorstep.
Wait, that actually looks pretty familiar. I hummed mentally, my mind racing to connect the dots. My brows furrowed unknowingly, resulting in a nudge from my mother. "We're almost there, love. Don't start getting all hangry with me now." She smiled, chuckling softly as she squeezed my hand a little tighter.
I hummed, "Just thinking mom… Who's tower is that? Why are so many people gathering in front of it?" The little golden globe that settled at the top put the name just at the tip of my tongue. Golden rings that matched only drew the assumption closer.
My mom faced forward, her face hardly in sight but even then I could feel her stiffness with her inner-conflict.
"Mom?" She let out a short breath, her head snapping back towards me with a cool smile, "That's All-Mights agency… I-I honestly thought I showed you before." She tilted her head, a finger on her chin as she genuinely expressed her concern.
"Wow, she's stunning… Wait haven't I seen her before?"
"Oh my gosh!~ What a cute duo! Her and her kid just radiate wealthy mob bosses."
"Dude, you think I got a chance?", "Is the sky fucking green?! Haha! Save yourself the unneeded character growth."
Various conversations caught my ear, all centered around us as we walked by. I couldn't blame them, my moms quirk made her quite literally irresistible. Thank god I don't feel anything less than just appreciation… That is definitely a very unfortunate power to wield.
My mother told me about her quirk once during one of her late night rambling sessions. She tells me many things, thinking I don't understand or can't grasp the idea or reasoning behind her emotions and whatnot.
I understand alright… My jaw clenched as my mind drifted off towards my father. Probably coming off a bit more absentminded than I intended.
My mom once again squeezed my hand a little tighter. We shared a look, her eyes glossing over with a knowing understanding as her features softened before cooling right off as she navigated the streets.
We didn't talk much until we reached the restaurant.
My mom pulled me to a halt, shielding me with her body as the pedestrians pestered us from both sides. Sometimes I got brushed, but it wasn't anything to trip over.
[Nouveau Sushi]
Wow, she's really going all out today. I glanced at her. She looked like a giant from my height, but her presence was the complete opposite. Despite the curious onlookers and constant murmuring--Be it about me and mom or simply just mom, just knowing she was here made it easier.
Man… I don't get how people do it. Crowded spaces just feel so obnoxious. Shaking my head slightly, ridding myself of my irritability. My nostrils were immediately assaulted by the smell of sweet, rich vanilla bean and a hint of cinnamon. My mom greedily breathed it in, letting out a big sigh.
Her eyes beamed as she found us a seat. My eyes were elsewhere though.
After just three years Yoshikawa managed to instill a sense of nagging anxiety. He hasn't abused me physically, yet, but verbally he can stress me out. His overbearing explosions of emotion and insecurity often leave me feeling small, like his issues are truly mine.
I scoffed quietly, unable to hold it back, Stupid bastard.
"Ryuzaki!- A-ah, I'm sorry about that, miss…" My moms hushed reprimand settled harshly in my gut. I jumped a bit, startled and my head gaze snapped from the table top to the bewildered face of my mom--Then it drifted to the kind face of our waitress.
A young woman, maybe about the age of twenty if I had to guess from her mature demeanor and intellectual vibe. The round black glasses that sat deftly on her pale face only exemplified that.
Her features were trapped in a perfect stoic trance, even as my mom apologized on my behalf before I could respond.
Sliding out our menu, the woman nodded with a hum. "Don't mention it, Risako-san." she paused, waiting for something that never came. "Let me know if you need anything." She smiled thinly and disappeared amongst the busy morning rush.
I watched her dance through the crowd and into the back of the restaurant. We had decided on our meals pretty quickly, some small talk here and there about how tall I'm getting, about how happy she is that I'm here…
Then why? The question begged to be answered. The pit in my stomach practically opened to swallow any ounce of satisfaction, affection or whatever, from her words.
Silence settled between me and mom, she observed me, but I was pretending not to notice. My mind was elsewhere entirely. Is this all because I asked for a good start… If so, god, you're actually a bastard. I closed my eyes, resting my head on my hands as I pondered.
Anyway, quirks within this world manifest around the age of four to maybe five. That's something I do remember from the series. I also need to find a reason to go to Musutafu. Which is in an entirely different prefecture than Tokyo.
A slight sight escaped my lips, my gaze raising to meet the piercing lazer eyes I felt beaming into my skull. Smiling, "What, mom? Did you say something?" I tilted my head to the left slightly, confusion etched into my words.
Her expression lightened, the worry draining from her eyes a bit. "Just… Curious about what's going on in that head of yours." She paused, leaning forward. "You're only three but honestly it doesn't feel that you are…"
My eyes widened, my heart racing as I slowly leaned back. I forced my face to be as neutral as possible. Even she seemed taken aback by her words. She covered her mouth softly with the tips of her fingers on her hand. "W-Well it's not a bad thing. I can at least say that I'm confident you'll grow up to be an emotionally mature and responsible adult." She nodded matter-of-factly.
Only to soon be met with a breath carrying the weight of prolonged melancholy.
Her phone rang, distracting her from whatever was going through her mind.
My Senju DNA should be effective from birth, no? I should probably take Yoshikawa up on his martial art lessons anyway. It would give me both the benefit of testing my genetic perfection along with my other wish of absolute combat.
Truth be told, I wasn't expecting much from that power. As that is the one that should play in place of my quirk instead of my chakra and sharingan abilities. The simple thought of that inevitable awakening is what kept me going and abiding my time so far.
Once my training arc ends, it's over for you buddy. I could hardly fight the grin that wanted to spread across my face. That stupid, indignant frown he wore flashing in my mind.
I was only forced to relax as our waitress came back with a notepad in hand, ready to take our orders.