Chapter 3: III
That same night, my mother and I had retired on the couch. Choosing to spend our last couple of hours of peace and quiet in the arms of one another. Flashing on the screen was the view of various characters in spandex and capes, each preaching about saving the day and the benefit of helping someone in need.
Basic hero propaganda. Modern day stuff.
Of course I was just going through the motions. I was mostly looking forward to Yoshikawa popping up again. I'm tired of lazing around all day… It was one of the downsides of being in an abusive household I suppose.
Or it's due to my status as a full-blown reincarnator. Duh. I don't know how I manage to forget that but I remind myself everyday that I'm special. Makes me feel better.
My mom was unusually quiet this evening--Not that I minded. It did draw some questions though. Is she going to have another rant session? Oof, it might be her period. That plus the overbearing Yoshikawa? Yeah, that's hell alright.
A few more hours go by- 10:41pm, I read from my moms phone screen. She sighs. Scooting over a bit and sliding off the couch. She headed out the room, looking over at me with low eyes. "I'm getting sleepy, Ryu. When I come back from the bathroom we have to turn in for the night, okay?" She rubbed her eyes with a yawn.
I nodded, "Yes ma'am." She simply hummed, "Good kid." And waddled down the hall. I waited a moment before I turned the TV off and drifted up the stairs. Settling in my own room down at the far end of the hall, just next to our powder room.
A single mattress laid flat, even with the hardwood floor. A small wooden dresser that was about my height.
Moving on, I sat cross legged on the floor. The midnight moon beaming its mystical, silver rays upon my face as I sat in the coolness of my dark room. The longer I sat, the louder silence became- The sharper my focus came to be.
I took a deep breath, taking that focus and shifting my attention all the way to my solar plexus, searching for any sign of my chakra. Darkness was all that greeted me, something that became all too familiar over time.
However, I hovered, choosing to focus my most immediate focus in this area. The source of all chakra begins here within humans. Usually it's discoverable around the age of seven. Hopes of my wish taking part in manifesting that energy earlier plagued my mind.
For what felt like hours I sat there, meditating. It wasn't until I heard an unfortunate click elicit from the front door that I caught a single wisp of pure, pale blue chakra. Untainted and perfect.
I did little to focus on the power I felt for just a moment. The sounds of Yoshikawa's footsteps didn't startle me in the slightest. Before I knew it, my body began to tremble, calm down… Don't get too excited. Losing sight of my focus will reset my progress.
That's the last thing I need happening.
I took another breath, centering my focus. Come on… Come on! Even with years of sitting still under my belt, within this toddler body I could barely sit still.
Eventually, within the dark depths of my vessel, a tiny spark of ethereal flame sparked to life. My breath hitched for a moment, but I quickly seized the spark with my mind-My intent wrapped around it as it began to circulate around this foundation already embedded within my body.
Chakra channels! This was perfect!
A heat that could rival the bare raise of the sun began to assault my every orifice. My skin crawled as my nerves set ablaze. "Guh!" I bit my bottom lip hard enough to elicit a metallic taste to drip on the tip of my tongue.
Fuck! Now I see why there was always an adept shinobi around whenever a child unlocked their chakra flow! The pain was excruciating- I nearly passed out from just the tension reigning over my whole body.
The nerve wrenching pain was a close second.
After what felt like hours had passed, I subconsciously drowned out the bickering and violent thudding in the other room. My eyes opened as the pain surpassed and an overwhelming sense of euphoria flooded my senses.
At every moment--Every breath it felt as if I were getting hours of needed rest. My fatigue drowned away instantly and I hopped to my feet with a start--My head nearly hitting the ceiling.
W-Woah! I-I'm so light! I scoffed, it wasn't a scoff of disbelief or disgust… It- I was finally getting to the good part of gods deal. Deal because these wishes came with bullshit childhood trauma. Shaking my head, no matter how irritated I pretended to be with the old man, this unstoppable-dare I say, invincible feeling drove a genuine smile from ear to ear.
"Ryuzaki! Get your ass outside now. I told you training starts-" he paused, his already hateful, rage-filled glare turned more scrutinizing once he saw my face. "The fuck are you smiling about? Did I say something funny?" He stalked over, his brows furrowed into shadows that further pronounced his red eyes.
I stood my ground, no longer feeling any fear towards this man-- Not that I would fear a man like you. My thoughts said many things, but my face and lips stayed put. He reached for my collar, clearly not appreciating the lack of response.
"I asked you a damn question, boy." He snarled, his breath stinking of alcohol and whatever the hell else he consumed. I reeled my head back in disgust- "No, I-" But he didn't care.
He growled as he threw me to the ground, the back of my skull colluding with the wooden floor beneath me- THUD! "Argh!" I groaned, my vision blurry for but a second as a familiar sense of euphoria surfed through the place of impact. Active regeneration… I smirked, rolling to my side as I got up.
"You ever say some shit again, I'll do more than toss your ass on the ground." He spat, spinning on his heel as he walked out the room. "Get in the car." He ordered, and I happily obliged.
Not because I was interested in the alone time, But because I can finally begin to level up in this world. Muffled cries stopped me in my tracks, half way through the hallway and I turned to see my mother, laid out on the kitchen floor with a giant red mark and a blood-red eye gazing at me with hopelessness.
"M-Mom!" I couldn't shake the nerves that raged at the sight of her. I dashed to her side, appearing there faster than ever as my foot left a small crack in the tile.
I scooped her head up, moving her hair and placing her head in my lap. "Mom! Mom! Stay with me! J-Just- Let me call the police! Let me get you some help!" I rummaged through her pockets, pulling her phone out within seconds.
I quickly began to dial 119, but a weak hand slapped my own. "N-No! No police, no heroes!" She yelped. Her breathing forcefully steady as she willed herself up on her own.
She leaned her back against the island table that split the living room and the kitchen. Her gaze washed over me, devoid of everything but love. Her hand reached for my face, "Hurry. Go… H-He's angry. D-Don't defy him, j-just listen…" She struggled.
My jaw clenched, my gut burning with anger as did my eyes. I felt tears well up in the corners but I hastily wiped them away. No time for this shit. I have a lesson scheduled. Standing up, I nodded understandingly. But it did little to lessen the weight that settled in my chest.
"`Kay." I began to walk out, hearing the front door handle jiggle again. "Ryu? Be safe, okay? Y-You're smarter than you let on- Wiser…" Her voice died out as I was already a half step out the door.
Her words lingered, I haven't really been doing a huge job at keeping my status a secret. My jaw tightened as I hopped in the back of Yoshikawa's car. It was a beat up impala, black wrap with silver sterling rims. Basic shit.
The ride was quiet, he navigated the night traffic like a pro as his eyes- active with his quirk- scanned everything and everyone in sight. A smooth bit of jazz played in the background from the car radio, slipping me into my own thoughts as my gaze drifted out the window.
The night lights of Tokyo really gave a futuristic feel. This is all so surreal. I mused, even though my life since reincarnation hasn't been ideal. I'm set up with everything I need to grow and evolve. Perfect design, really. I could see plenty of ways this could play out- These people are nothing more than characters used to further my progress…
I sighed, that sinking feeling in my stomach becoming known again. It's all a means to an end. Eventually I'll die here and probably meet god again- Or maybe I'll stay dead.
"Look alive, boy. We're here." Yoshikawa's grating voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked around, confusion etched into my brows. He pulled us into a dark parking garage, situated under one of the main highways that are a part of Tokyo's road system.
What are we doing on the other side of Tokyo… We were near some water, that much I could hear. His door clicked open and slammed with a shut, his gruff voice throwing idiotic complaints at whatever his eyes landed on.
Well. here goes. Feeling the Chakra within my body continues to refine and enhance my physique and put my heart at rest. Plus, the presence of the Senju clan Sage Body, apparent by the abundance of natural energy that continuously reinvigorates my every cell- That only added more fuel to my fire.
"Hmph, come on. Do I need to hold your hand when you pee, too?" He gestured with his head to follow him into one of the garage houses, his quip followed by a shake of his head left me stoic.
This guy is a literal child! I roared internally. So badly did I want to let him hear it. Just need him for some training, that's all… Then he can just… go away. I smiled quietly to myself. His mountainous stature shrinking by the minute as I stared at him.
He turned the light on and revealed a spacious area. Not a single tool, material or vehicle in sight. Just gloves, a weighted bag and a wood mannequin. This dude is a fanatic. He pointed to the middle of the room, glancing at me as he wrapped his hands with padding. "Stand there." I simply obeyed.
My eyes never left him even as I did so. No matter how much it irked him.
"Are you always this quiet? Usually your mom seems to get a reaction out of you." He drawled, his words hanging in the air. What's the real point in conversing with you? I already hate the sound of your damn voice. "...Mm, I have nothing to say." He chuckled. "And you're rather cautious… I guess you get your instincts and maturity from me." He sighed. "That level of clarity at only three years of age is astounding."
I tilted my head. "Clarity?" What did I say that was so profound? It baffled me honestly. Silence followed behind the sound of velcro snatching together, only to get ripped apart and reapplied.
Eventually he turned around, his beady red eyes glowing in the darkness of the shed. What a creepy bastard. A glob of saliva sat at my throat, causing me to subconsciously gulp as he approached me.
"Before we begin, are you aware of what my quirk does other than look pretty?" He snided, I honestly shook my head. "No idea." His stance was lax, but he bounced on his toes as if he were about to get serious… No…
My eyes narrowed, brows furrowing as my focus zeroed in on him. A deep breath in, my chest falling with the exhale as my chakra surged throughout my body. Silently supporting me with its presence as my body thrummed with power. Even if I don't match him directly, I won't go down so easily…
My knees quivered- Nearly buckling. Tch! He's still a martial art master… He's definitely more than what he's leading me on with. I let my body fall into its most relaxed position.
Slightly bent at the knees, my shoulders level, my hands a low guard with my left foot planted forth. My already low stature only got lower, eliciting a nod of approval from Yoshikawa.
"Good. Seems like you're a natural." He smirked, his eyes glowing profusely as he closed the distance between us in an instant. His dash was superhuman-- Slow enough for me to see but fast enough for me to be caught off guard.
A knee flew straight for my face- Unpadded, straight bone to face.
I grit my teeth, my eyes widening for a second as I narrowly bent backwards and side stepped to my right, letting the man fly over and pass me. I shuffled like a pro- my body beginning to fall into an instinctual rhythm.
My heart pumped against my ribcage, adrenaline pumping through my veins as we squared off once more. This time, his smile was more vicious, more antagonistic- Wild even. "Good! Watch how I move! Adapt!" He launched himself at me again, yet another kick headed straight for my face.
I raised my guard, wanting to test just how much Chakra and being an Uchiha and Senju meant in this world. Yoshikawa is as close to a pro-hero I'll get. My jaw clenched as the weight of his kick settled upon my forearm and shoulder.
Both my arms shook as I skidded across the concrete ground- My bones were rattled, but it was nothing that wasn't already healed and even improved… I grinned. "Oh? Did that awaken something within you, huh boy?" Yoshikawa' nagging tone appeared right next to my ear.
His palm raced for my face as he stood just in front of me- He's fast! That was a deduction I had made a year ago when he protected me and my mom from a group of crazed stalkers.
Mom was always a looker, I guess that was his last act of service. I was forced back into the fight as the strength behind his grip wracked my skull. "...I know your just a kid, so I won't go too hard on you." His words whistled through the silence.
Chakra surged within my body- His own body tensing as he lifted me off my feet, his leg aiding by sweeping my own from underneath me. "Grr! T-This isn't anything like martial arts!" I struggled through his palm.
"Yeah it is! Haha! You're new so I won't go too hard on you." The tension in the room settled as he dropped me- His eyes flashing with slight surprise as I landed on my feet silently.
Spinning around, his back to me. He slipped out of his zip-up jacket. Revealing the hounds of lean muscle compressed into a black tank-top. "Foundations are the most important for any skill set, would you agree?"
Well yeah, duh. "Yes… Without a foundation there's nothing that could be built." Shit… Panic stirred in my heart as that sentence left my mouth, that was way too complex for a three year old!
But Yoshikawa didn't even stress about it. He spun on his heel to face me once more, his face lit with excitement as his eyes settled back into their natural color… A deep onyx that blotted out even the reflection of the stars.
"Tonight we will begin with creating a training plan for you that adjusts as you grow. Your quirk should be awakening here in a couple of months…" He paused, rubbing his chin. I took this moment to steady my own heart, calm the rising agitation at the spontaneousness of it all.
This guy is so fucking weird! I couldn't help but stress that to myself. These feelings, this overwhelming overstimulation- This guy's brain worked so wildly that he saw nothing wrong with the impetuous decisions he makes.
Though, I let the man plan. Whatever he was writing down in that brain of his would surely help me in the long run. Despite his abhorrent flaws. This would mark the beginning of my training arc, no? Hehe, finally! Excitement was slowly becoming my best friend at this point.
As it crept through my body, a deep steady breath cooled my nerves just in time as my new teacher's attention thwarted back towards me.
"Come, come. Stand in front of me and drop back into the most comfortable stance within you." I did as he said with little hesitation. The fear of embarrassment was non-existent with this guy.
There's little he could possibly judge me on that I would take to heart… Unless it was something about my personality. That might get me going. I mused, absentminded as he adjusted my posture with little taps and manipulations here and there.
"Hmm…" He stepped back, circling me as I stood in a similar position to the one I had dropped into earlier. "You're naturally pretty good at this. Does that feel uncomfortable, awkward?" He hummed, his hand running through his thick, bushy beard.
"Not really." I paused, sincerely analyzing the way my body felt. As seconds passed it felt as if my body instinctively fixed itself--The tiny imperfections that would get smoothened out later in one's years were already mending themselves now.
At least that's what it felt like. Absolute Combat, this is your area of expertise! I had this ability to be the front for my quirk. Meaning, my quirk has been here. I just haven't been able to utilize it effectively.
"Good. Seems that even as we go you're learning." He nodded, taking in the slight changes I made after his previous corrections. I hummed in acknowledgement, apathy floating in my chest as I awaited his next instruction.
"I want you to continue to hold that while I write up your finalized workout plan. It'll be a rough draft so nothing permanent. It all depends on your recovery rate and threshold." He grinned, his onyx eyes glinting with a malignant ruby. I shook my head, sighing.
This is going to be a great test of my patience.