Chapter 21: Corporate Counterattack
Emily woke to the gentle chime of her phone. The notifications had multiplied overnight—missed calls, text messages, social media alerts, all demanding her attention. Still nestled in the luxurious comfort of Alexander's guest suite, she reluctantly checked the screen and felt her stomach drop.
"No," Emily whispered, fingers trembling as she tapped the link.
The video began playing automatically—Lucas seated behind a mahogany desk, impeccably dressed in a navy suit that emphasized the breadth of his shoulders. His expression was one of grave concern rather than anger, a masterful performance of a wronged man reluctantly speaking out.
"While I had hoped to address these allegations strictly on their scientific merits," Lucas began, his voice steady and measured, "it has become apparent that the personal nature of this situation requires candor with our investors and the public."
Emily's heart pounded painfully against her ribs as she watched Lucas lean forward, the picture of sincere regret.
"Ms. Grey and I had a brief personal relationship prior to her publication of these outlandish claims. When I ended our involvement, she reacted... emotionally. This vendetta piece disguised as journalism is the unfortunate result."
The interviewer, clearly sympathetic, nodded encouragingly. "So you're suggesting this exposé was motivated by personal revenge?"
"I believe Ms. Grey's emotional state has led her to misinterpret what she may have seen during unauthorized access to our facilities. A Group conducts cutting-edge biomedical research—work that can appear alarming to those without scientific background."
"Can you tell us more about the nature of your relationship with Ms. Grey?" the interviewer pressed, clearly sensing a juicy story.
Lucas sighed, the perfect picture of a man forced to discuss distasteful matters. "We knew each other casually in college. Recently, she approached me claiming to be working on a profile of successful alumni. What began as a professional interview..." he paused, appearing uncomfortable, "...became personal at her initiation."
The interviewer leaned forward eagerly. "Are you saying she used her position as a journalist to pursue a romantic relationship?"
"I hesitate to call it romantic," Lucas replied with calculated precision. "In retrospect, her interest appears to have been calculated. She was... persistent. Arriving at my home unannounced, suggesting private meetings rather than professional interviews, wearing clothing that was... inappropriate for professional settings."
Emily gasped in outrage. She'd never been to his home—their night together had been at her apartment, and he had initiated every intimate moment.
"One evening," Lucas continued, his expression one of practiced discomfort, "she arrived at my office after hours, clearly having had several drinks, making her intentions unmistakable. I regret to say I made the mistake of becoming involved with someone I was unaware had such... professional interest in our research facilities."
"You're suggesting she seduced you to gain access to A Group?" the interviewer clarified.
"I don't like to think anyone would go to such lengths, but the evidence suggests that was her plan. After our... encounter, she immediately began asking detailed questions about secure areas of our facilities. When I made it clear our relationship would not provide her special access, she became angry." Lucas shook his head sadly. "I never imagined she would fabricate such elaborate fictions for a headline."
"This must be difficult to discuss publicly," the interviewer offered sympathetically.
"Extremely," Lucas agreed, his expression solemn. "I've always kept my personal life private. But I cannot allow Ms. Grey's desperate bid for notoriety to damage the important work we do at A Group or the livelihoods of our thousands of employees."
The interviewer nodded gravely. "Are you concerned about potential legal ramifications of her accusations?"
"Our legal team is evaluating options," Lucas acknowledged. "But as I said, my greater concern is for Emily herself. I never expected that a night of..." he hesitated, seemingly reluctant to continue, "...passionate indiscretion would lead to such elaborate fantasies about werewolves and genetic experimentation. These delusions suggest she may need help beyond what our legal system can provide."
His eyes met the camera directly, radiating sincerity that Emily knew was entirely manufactured. "I truly hope she gets the help she needs. And I apologize to our shareholders, employees, and the public for this unfortunate distraction from A Group's mission."
Emily hurled the phone across the room with a cry of rage and betrayal. It clattered against the wall as she buried her face in her hands, humiliation burning through her like acid. Lucas had weaponized their most intimate moment, twisting it into ammunition against her credibility while painting himself as the victim of her seduction.
A gentle knock at the door preceded Alexander's entrance. He carried a tray with breakfast, but his expression told Emily he'd already seen the interview.
"I take it you've seen Lucas's latest... strategy," he said, setting down the tray and retrieving her phone from the floor. The screen was cracked but still functional.
"He's lying," Emily hissed, voice shaking with fury. "Everything he said—it's all twisted. I never went to his office after hours. I never tried to seduce him for information. He came to my apartment. He initiated everything between us."
"Of course he's lying," Alexander replied, rage simmering beneath his controlled tone. "But he's telling the kind of lies people eagerly believe—the ambitious female reporter sleeping her way to a story. It's a narrative as old as journalism itself."
Emily scrolled through her notifications, each worse than the last. Colleagues were distancing themselves with awkward messages. Social media buzzed with cruel memes and hashtags like #WerewolfGirlfriend, #ReporterRebound, and most painfully, #EmilyTheSeductress. Several media outlets had already published follow-up pieces questioning her journalistic ethics and mental stability.
"He's made me into a desperate, delusional slut," she whispered, the words burning her throat. "Everything I've worked for... my integrity, my credibility..."
"Only if you surrender," Alexander countered, sitting beside her. "Lucas is counting on your shame silencing you. It's how predators like him operate—they make the exposure of truth more painful than accepting the lie."
A notification appeared from her editor Catherine: "Office, 2PM. Mandatory meeting regarding your employment status."
Emily showed Alexander the message, her hand shaking. "They're going to fire me."
"Let me come with you," Alexander offered. "My legal team—"
"No," Emily interrupted, steel entering her voice despite the tears threatening to fall. "I started this. I'll face the consequences."
"At least let me drive you," Alexander insisted. "You shouldn't be alone right now."
Emily nodded, grateful for his support even as rage continued to build within her. Lucas had taken everything—her career, her reputation, her privacy—and twisted it all to protect his company's darkest secrets. Worse, he'd made their night together sound like a calculated seduction on her part, erasing the genuine connection that had felt so real in the moment.
The drive to the city passed in tense silence. Outside The Urban Observer's building, paparazzi had gathered, undoubtedly hoping to catch the "werewolf reporter" in her disgrace. Alexander's tinted windows offered temporary protection, but Emily would have to face them eventually.
"Whatever happens in there," Alexander said as he parked, "remember that you told the truth. Lucas can manipulate public opinion, but he can't change reality."
Emily clutched her pendant, drawing strength from its familiar weight. "He's counting on public ridicule to discredit my story. Making it about our... involvement instead of the evidence."
"It's a brutal but effective strategy," Alexander acknowledged. "The public will always choose gossip over substance. Especially when it fits convenient stereotypes about ambitious women."
Emily's phone chimed with a text from Jason: "Don't trust Catherine. She's working with Lucas. I have proof."
Before she could respond, another notification appeared—a video clip from Lucas's press conference was going viral, the segment where he described her supposed seduction attempt, complete with suggestive edits and mocking commentary: "When the story's not hot enough, some reporters get creative! #EmilyTheSeductress brings new meaning to 'embedded journalism'..."
"I hate him," Emily whispered, the words inadequate for the storm of emotions churning inside her.
Alexander's hand closed over hers, his touch unexpectedly comforting. "Channel that feeling. Anger is more useful than despair."
She met his gaze, finding understanding rather than pity in his eyes. "How do I fight this? He's turned the entire narrative against me."
"By remembering what's true," Alexander replied. "And by not facing him alone." He squeezed her hand gently. "I'll be right here when you're finished."
Emily steeled herself, summoning the determination that had driven her investigation from the start. Lucas Stone had declared war, using their most intimate connection as a weapon. But if he thought shame and humiliation would silence her, he had fundamentally misunderstood who she was.
Whatever came next—termination, public disgrace, legal battles—she would not give him the satisfaction of breaking her. The truth about A Group remained the truth, regardless of how masterfully Lucas spun their personal entanglement.
As she stepped from the car to face the waiting cameras, Emily Grey made herself a promise: this was not the end of the story, but merely the beginning of a new chapter—one where she would learn exactly what Lucas Stone was protecting with such ruthless determination, and why he was so afraid of her discovering her own connection to his world.