Chapter 22: Media Crucible
"Former colleagues describe Grey as 'obsessive' and 'prone to conspiracy theories,'" the television anchor intoned, her expression professionally concerned. "Sources close to The Urban Observer suggest her editors had concerns about her mental stability long before publication of the controversial werewolf article."
Emily stared at the screen in Alexander's study, arms wrapped protectively around herself. This was the third hit piece in as many days. Each one more personal, more devastating than the last.
"You don't need to watch this," Alexander said, gently taking the remote and silencing the television. "They're just recycling the same character assassination with different talking heads."
"I need to know what they're saying," Emily replied, her voice hollow. "I need to understand what I'm up against."
The meeting with Catherine had gone exactly as expected. The Urban Observer had terminated her employment, citing "serious breaches of journalistic ethics" and "reputational damage to the publication." Despite Emily's attempts to defend herself, Catherine had remained coldly professional throughout, as though they were strangers rather than mentor and protégée of three years.
It was only at the very end, as Emily gathered her few possessions under the watchful eye of security, that Catherine had revealed a glimpse of her true feelings.
"I warned you about getting too close to this story," she'd said, voice low enough that only Emily could hear. "But I never imagined you'd be foolish enough to get involved with both Stone men."
The comment had stopped Emily cold. "What are you talking about?"
Catherine's perfect smile hadn't reached her eyes. "Playing innocent doesn't suit you, Emily. First Lucas, now Alexander? You certainly aim high for someone so... ordinary."
The jealousy in Catherine's tone had been unmistakable, a personal venom that went beyond professional disappointment. Before Emily could respond, Catherine had turned on her heel, leaving her to be escorted from the building past the stares of former colleagues.
Now, three days later, the media assault continued unabated. Former sources had mysteriously emerged to question Emily's reporting methods. College acquaintances recalled her as "intense" and "desperate for attention." Even her former landlord had given an interview describing her as "erratic."
"This is coordinated," Alexander observed, refilling Emily's wine glass. "Too systematic to be spontaneous public reaction."
"Catherine," Emily said, accepting the glass. "She's the common denominator. She knows everyone I've ever worked with, every source I've cultivated. And now she's using them against me."
Alexander's expression darkened. "Catherine Howard has always been... ambitious. And possessive of what she considers hers."
Emily caught the personal note in his voice. "You know her beyond her reputation."
"We've crossed paths over the years," Alexander admitted, his tone carefully neutral. "She's moved in the same circles as the Stone family for some time."
"She's jealous," Emily said suddenly, the pieces clicking into place. "When she saw us together at the office, the way she looked at you... she has feelings for you."
A flicker of something—recognition, perhaps—crossed Alexander's face before he schooled his expression. "Catherine's feelings are her concern. My concern is protecting you from this witch hunt she's enabling."
Alexander's phone vibrated on the coffee table. He glanced at it, his expression tightening momentarily before he reached for it. Emily couldn't help but notice Catherine Howard's name flash on the screen.
"Excuse me a moment," Alexander said, rising from the couch and stepping onto the terrace with his phone.
Through the glass doors, she could see Alexander's profile as he typed rapidly, his expression uncharacteristically agitated. When he finally returned, his composed mask was firmly back in place.
"Work matters," he explained dismissively. "Nothing important."
As the evening progressed, Alexander grew increasingly distracted, checking his phone when he thought Emily wasn't looking. Finally, excusing himself to retrieve more wine from the cellar, he left his phone on the table.
Emily knew it was wrong, but her journalistic instincts wouldn't be silenced. With a quick glance toward the doorway, she turned over Alexander's phone.
The screen showed multiple messages from Catherine Howard:
Catherine: "The Lucas faction is reeling exactly as planned. Stock crash and media fallout should keep them handicapped for months. Phase one complete."
Catherine: "Why are you ignoring me? We've worked too long for you to go soft now."
Alexander: "I'm handling things my way. Emily Grey is more valuable than you understand."
Catherine: "Valuable? Or are you simply infatuated? She's nothing but a tool we used to damage Lucas. Her usefulness is over."
Alexander: "She has connections we need. Be patient."
Catherine: "Patient? While you play house with her at your estate? Don't forget our arrangement, Alexander. Don't forget what's at stake. And don't forget where your loyalties should lie."
Alexander: "My loyalties lie exactly where they should. Don't contact me again tonight."
Catherine: "This isn't over. That Grey girl is dangerous to us both. If you won't handle the situation, I will."
The sound of approaching footsteps sent Emily scrambling back to her position on the couch, heart pounding. Alexander returned with a fresh bottle, seemingly unaware of her transgression.
"You seem troubled," he observed, studying her face as he poured the wine.
"Just tired," Emily lied, accepting the glass. "It's been a difficult few days."
"Of course," Alexander nodded sympathetically. "Perhaps you should rest. Tomorrow will be better."
As she excused herself and headed up to her guest suite, Emily's mind raced with questions. Catherine and Alexander clearly had some kind of alliance—one that had involved using her article to damage Lucas and A Group. But to what end? And what was the "arrangement" Catherine had mentioned?
Most disturbing was Catherine's final threat. If Emily was now considered dangerous to their plans, what might Catherine do to "handle the situation"?
As she prepared for bed, a text arrived from Jason:
"Emily, don't trust Alexander or Catherine. They're working together, using you against Lucas. I have proof they've been allies for years while pretending to be enemies. Alexander isn't the sanctuary you think. Get out of there. Call me when you're safe."
Emily stared at the message, a hollow feeling spreading in her chest. Part of her wanted to dismiss Jason's warning outright—after all, Alexander had been her only support during this nightmare. He'd offered protection when everyone else had abandoned her. The thought that he might be manipulating her, using her as a pawn in some larger game against Lucas, was almost too painful to consider.
And yet... those messages between him and Catherine. The cryptic references to Emily's "usefulness" and their "arrangement." The calculated way they'd apparently worked together to damage Lucas while pretending to be adversaries.
Emily sank onto the edge of the bed, suddenly overwhelmed by exhaustion. The past week had drained her completely—Lucas's public humiliation campaign, her professional reputation in tatters, her career suspended indefinitely. She simply didn't have the emotional reserves to unravel another layer of deception and betrayal.
For tonight, at least, Alexander's estate remained her only refuge. Whatever his true motives, he had provided safety when she needed it most. The soft bed, the quiet room, the respite from reporters and social media attacks—these were real comforts in a world that had become increasingly hostile.
"I'll figure it out tomorrow," she whispered to herself, too tired to even fully process the implications of what she'd discovered.
She switched off her phone without responding to Jason, unwilling to commit to any course of action while so emotionally depleted. The wolf pendant felt warm against her skin, its familiar weight oddly comforting despite the questions surrounding its appearance in Alexander's home.
As Emily drifted into troubled sleep, one certainty remained: nothing and no one were what they seemed. Not Lucas with his public vendetta, not Catherine with her jealous betrayal, not Alexander with his solicitous protection, and perhaps not even her own mother, whose secrets seemed to lie at the heart of everyone's interest in Emily herself.
Tomorrow would require decisions—about whom to trust, what to believe, where to go. But tonight, surrender to exhaustion was her only option. The games of wolves would have to wait for morning.