Moonlight Fantasy/Sunlight Fantasy

Chapter 11: Something is Going On

I stared at the night sky, a beautiful dark purple sky, stars spread out. The constellations were so different from the ones from my 2nd set of memories.

I laid down by the fire and rested my head on my forearms. One of the tents flapped open, "can't sleep?" I asked whoever had come out, my eyes unmoving from the sky.

"I couldn't, not without saying thank you first." It was Tifas voice. "I learned under my Master since I was little, half a year ago he said he taught me everything he could teach me. If I wanted to learn more I had to see the world, learn and live. I didn't believe him I thought he wanted just to get rid of me." I turned to her, and she sat and hugged her knees beside the fire. "But you have shown me he was right, he didn't just kick me out because he no longer loved me. And I have you to be grateful to."

Bet I would sound like an idiot if I said some 'wise word' but nothing popped up in my mind not even a famous quote. I simply gave her a smile, which petrified her for a whole minute. It seriously made me think I looked horrible by simply smiling. A stoic face might suit me more.

She gave me a radiant smile, she enjoyed the warmth of the fire for a few more minutes before going back to her tent.

Close to the time my turn was up the clacking of carapace hitting stone alerting me to incoming of enemies. Black Stingers came over the edge, their carapaces reflecting the moon's light. 

I charged my black blade with wind magic and swung at them, a wind blade flew from the edge of my blade slicing the Stinger in half. I was surprised by the cut, this discovery would boost my combat power even more. My arm kept swinging my sword kept going, sending wind blades killing the creatures in moments. During those moments I noticed the wind blades getting weaker and smaller. "Huh this will need more experimenting."

I walked up to Jessie's tent opening and pulled her leg to wake her up. "Wake up, it's your turn." When she woke up I left to lie down in my tent.

Either nothing happened or they did not need to wake me up to take care of things. I woke up and found Briggs up and sharpening his sword, the girls were either stretching on their beds or complaining about waking up too early.

Keep sharpening your blade like that and you will end up with it being below average." I took a seat by the ashes of the campfire, seeing Briggs aggressively using the wet stone on his sword.

"Gahaha!!! Good one didn't know you had it in you." He stopped sharpening and started giggling. "It doesn't matter if it's above average as long as you know how to use it."

"We all can fool ourselves with one thing or another." I took out a piece of dried meat to eat and fueled myself to pick up my things.

"Good morning, how did you boys sleep?" Jessie came over to us and almost jumped me, she hung from my neck like a koala.

"You asking both of us or just Entei?" Briggs gave her a look. "You're laying on him very thick." he got up a\, placed in the scabbard, and turned to break down his tent. "You will scare him like that and he might run away from the team."

"No worries, Tifa will be there to cuddle him." She turned to Tifa," Right? You'll smother him with those puppie-" At the last second she evaded a punch that was aimed at her face. "Uow, ok ok no punch sandwich needed."

Tifa turned to clean up and pack up her tent with a red face, and Jessie tried not to laugh but it was an uphill battle.

I packed my things too, and when we were done I coached them a bit. "Ok Briggs get in a defensive position, I first have to see what we can improve upon." He took his defense stance and I readied my blunt sword, with one well-placed strike he fell to his knees breathing hard even with the shield in the way I managed to rob him of his ability to breathe for a few seconds. "Mmm try to clench your muscles at the moment of impact, the closer you time it to that moment the more force you can block. But before that moment you must keep your body loose to react faster to the changing environment. Tifa help Briggs practice."

Iturned to Jessie who had her bow ready to draw, "Draw it but dont shoot it." She did as asked and kept her form, "ok let go." The bowstring shot back to its place and she gave me a starry look.

"What do I do ?"

"Well what do you want to improve?"

"Stability and accuracy maybe?"

"Take your stance again," I gave her a moment to do so and gently kicked her feet into a wider stance. Seeing it would need more precise handling I took a knee and moved her feet, knees, thighs, and hip to a more optimal position. "There we go now pull the bowstring back but distribute the weight between the muscles I'm going to name."

She gave me a perplexed look, "muscles have names?" I stared back at her, with a 'seriously' look. "Hey if they teach that in big cities to nobles how would I know? I'm a peasant."

Realization hit me that this world wasn't like the one in my memories and I was a noble, or at the very least from a very well-off family. "Point taken, I will poke the muscle you should use and I will name them for you."

Her left hand held the bow and her right got ready to pull the string, "OK now use these muscles, Superior Trapezius muscle, Deltoid muscle, Large Round muscle, Small Round muscle, Rhomboid muscle, and Latissimus Dorsi muscle." I poked all muscles corresponding to their names and moved in front of her. 

"Oh, your gonna poke me here next?" She giggled and gave me a wink.

"Maybe next time, Triceps brachii, biceps, Pectoralis minor, and finally pectoralis major." I ended up poking the muscle above her right breast.

She cooed when I poked the muscle "Tifa you better bag him soon or I will!" She turned her head and yelled at her friend, never removing her eyes from me. A Fire in her eyes burned a hole into mine.

She pulled the bowstring, most of the muscles I told her were being used in the motion. "Wow, it feels so much lighter to pull."

"You relied too much on the boost of strength levels gave you and the archer class let you wield the bow without really learning how to use it." I pointed out to her. "That is all I can help you with at the moment, let's go find some monsters for you two to practice on."

We roamed for a few hours around the place, Jessie practiced her form with the bow and imbuing the arrows with wind. She soon ran out of arrows and Briggs started going in and tanking all the hits, while she practiced forming arrows with wind.

"Time to go back!" Briggs said, "These new skills we learned today will help us a lot, thank you Entei, for teaching us. However they will not make a major improvement in just one day of training, we will need time to integrate it into our fighting styles. Let's go get another quest and rest on beds."

"My lovely baths we are coming!" Jessie added with the passion of meeting again a long lost lover. She got close to Tifa and conspiratorially whispered some into her ear. She turned red, turned to me and when our eyes met she quickly turned to look at the floor. Jessie noticed the moment we made eye contact, moving into action she hugged her from behind and fondled her breasts. "-he... gra... ike... rough..." Her whispers sometimes got loud enough for us to hear parts of words, Tifa gave soft moans and struggled to get out of her grasp.

"What a view huh?" Briggs watching the show beside me said. "Like they say, what's better than 1 candy bar..."

"A candy factory?" I finished his sentence.

"Umm yeah, but not how the saying goes." He gave me a pointed stare. "two candy bars are better than one... I think but the factory is better." After a moment of admiring the view, both girls turned to us and called us 'perverts' even though they were doing that in front of us.

We did not encounter much on our way back and the ones we did Jessie and Briggs were enough to take care of. I lost myself in thought, Makoto is supposed to appear 10 years after Kaleneons fall but it has been 17 years and he hasn't appeared, something going on here.


Word Count 1528

If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.

Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far. 

I'm falling behind on chapter I usually have ahead of the one I released. Dragons Dogma got me hooked.

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