Moonlight Fantasy/Sunlight Fantasy

Chapter 12: The Meeting

The closer we got to the base the more I felt a storm of magic moving closer to us. It yanked me out of my thoughts, everything looked normal when I looked around. "Let's hurry."

I took off in a dead sprint with the others following. A girly scream drew my attention to my right, some blond woman ran towards the entrance of the base as fast as she could. Some stood behind her, or the place she started sprinting from. And wow he was hideous, compared to everyone in this world anyway... Not trying to be mean but he was not good-looking, but then again ugly in a sea of very attractive people should make him more desirable right? It made him more rare kind of thing.

He stood there frozen, most probably perplexed, I sprinted towards him, gonna play some word guessing game since I can speak common and he can't, I can speak English but I don't know if he can.

When I got to him I motioned for him to stop and not go to the base, I tried both Common and English which he didn't understand. My team had caught up to me and got into position for a fight.

"Put your weapons away." My hands moved up and down in a 'calm down' motion. "We would be no match against him and he also does not want to fight."

"How can you be so sure? It is so ugly, must be a new breed of Inhumans from deep in the wasteland, Lets kill it before it causes harm." Briggs got closer to Makoto step by step, his sword drawn and pointed at him.

Unwilling to start a fight I knocked him out and held him to Jessie. "Take him to the base." When she took on his weight I turned back to him when a gate mist appeared, out of it came a beautiful woman with light blue or light green hair, and yellow eyes with a slit in the middle like a dragon had, from what I remembered from Movies. A long red scarf on her neck, a kimono the same color as her hair, and a red obi. 

She spoke with Makoto in another language and turned to me. "It appears my master cannot understand you so I will translate, What do you wish to convey to him."

"First can he reign in his magic? I feel it like a raging storm and I'm a small ship in the sea. Second, he has to learn Common otherwise he is going to be treated very poorly." I turned back to find Tifa in her fighting stance, her body locked up, her pupils gone, she had passed out while getting ready for a fight. "He seriously needs to keep it all in."

She turned to him and conveyed my words, after a moment he looked at Tifa as if perplexed that she passed outstanding. He told Tomoe something and walked into the gate. "Waka-sama invites you into our home, please watch yourself or you will regret it." She gave me a radiant smile accompanied by a thinly veiled threat.

With a small nod, I moved to pick up Tifa in my arms, Jessie left already besides she wouldn't be able to carry both of our party members, and she could die if she was left here. With her in my arms I walked into the mist gate, a new world greeted my eyes when I left the mist gate. The area that greeted me was clear of trees, dirt covering a wide area, buildings being constructed on it and tents doting the area around. High-land Orc, Mist Lizardmen, and Alke (spider people).

It took a bit for me to process the beauty of the place. Tomoe stood beside me pumping her chest out and lifting her chin, "Beautiful isn't it? There is someone here I will introduce you to, If you need anything talk to her." A mini version of herself popped her head from around her thighs. "This here is a fragment of me, she will be around town always so if you do need anything call her. I'm off to teach waka-sama~"

"What am I doing here? I just warned your master about his magic and language so why am I here?" Before she left I asked.

"You tried to communicate with him, that is a lot more than many would do. He doesn't understand this world yet, he thinks the people in it will accept him. I tried to teach him by not going with him to that town, for him to see their reaction. I didn't achieve the goal thanks to you, well not fully, I wanted him to learn but your girl there gave him a bit of a shock by passing out." She gave me a thumbs up and turned to her fragment "Get some orcs to build a home for him here. Well, I'm off."

"What kind of home do you want? As in the structure of it." The little fragment seemed eager to start building, maybe she just wants to populate the place? 

"A house in the Lorel Union style please." When I said that stars popped in her eyes and she kept saying Japanese Samurai.

Construction started right away and searched for a place to lay Tifa down. No one asked me to do anything but I could not just sit and watch them build a house for me.

I helped with chopping down the wood and carrying it to the construction site. It served as a good workout since Briggs and Jessie hogged all the fights on the way to the base.

When Tifa awakened a little before I left to help she almost went berserk on the orcs working on the place. 

We somehow finished setting up the base of the house in a day, or half. It was already starting the become dark, my stomach was also saying it was time for dinner.

"There is going to be a feast in honor of waka-samas new friend, it will take place at waka-samas home, follow me," A woman dressed in a black kimono decorated with spider-web design said, the final part of what she said was directed at me.

Tifa and I stood up and followed her through another mist gate that led to the inside of a house. The inside looked like a Western mansion in the other world. The aroma of meats and fruits greeted me a moment later.

Mio led us to what I assumed was the kitchen, in there along the vertical table with food and plates awaited us, After we took our seats Makoto came into the room accompanied by Tomoe. She wore the same kimono as before but not as adjusted, giving her the look of just coming out quite an exercise. An aura of death was being emitted from Mio beside me, her eyes killing Tomoe over and over.

Mio rushed to Makotos' side when he took his seat at the table. "I will be translating waka-samas words, "Tomoe informed us. "You may refer to him as milord or young master."

"Very well I won't be directing anything at him, it will be to you if you want to translate." We might have just sealed out the death certificate but Makoto needs more friends rather than servants in my opinion.

Mio started directing her death glare at me, her aura also leaking out. Makoto was freaking out and was trying to calm her down while Tomoe translated what was just said, or that's what I assume she did.

He said something to her in a language I did not know and turned to me. "Waka-sama says he wants to thank you for the warning when he tried to go to the town. Also, he apologizes for making the woman pass out." Makoto started eating his food with a big smile on his face.

"It wasn't much, but please reign in that magic." 

"My master was not aware of it. But even now that he is aware, it is quite difficult for him to keep it all in." She started speaking to Makoto and he replied something his downcast face conveying to me his disappointment in something. "He said he will stay in Asora while he learns common and we develop a method to keep his magic down, oh and this pocket dimension was named Asora by waka-sama"

"That's good to know, people there lose their minds, for example, Tifa here," I turned to her about to ask something but she was unconscious again. "emm yeah she must see it differently than I do. For me it's like feeling a hurricane, a storm picking up in the ocean but we are on land so it should be equally hard or more for others. I have been training a type of barrier, not perfect mind you but it works."

The night went on as we talked about the happenings of the outside world. Tomoe kept mentioning some Japanese dramas or something like that. She referred to katanas pretty often. Tifa woke up sometime after we discussed Makotos magic.

"Well, we have to leave" I stood up and Tifa followed 'thank you for the food it was delicious' she quickly said before running out of the house. "Thank you for the food but must leave, the rest of my party is waiting at the base and they must be worried sick."

"Wait a moment," Tomoe stood and called or some. "Waka--sama wants to give you and the woman a gift." A short man with a gray beard came into the room holding a scabbard with a sword and a pair of gauntlets. "The sword looks very plain but its durability makes it a weapon that will be by your side for a long time, and the gauntlets make its wielder lighter while in combat. I hope to meet you two again."

"Wow thank you." The sword looked like the blade Zack wielded in FF7 Crisis Core, the one issued by shinra and the gauntlets covered the knuckles and the back part of the hand leaving the palm free for palm strikes."I hope to see you in Tsige soon, ask for the Nouzens when you visit, come to think of it I never did introduce myself. My name is Entei Nouzen, pleasure to meet you, and goodbye for now."


Word Count 1742

If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.

Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far. 


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