Moonlight Fantasy/Sunlight Fantasy

Chapter 15: Reminiscing


My blade bit deep into his arm repeatedly but it healed when the net cut was in its way. "You are not there yet?" He sounded annoyed "You need to be pushed further!" His fists started moving at me like a machine gun, A few I managed to block with the blade of my katana but the ones I did not manage to hit me.

Simply blocking and striking back was not working, I had to take some hits to deliver heavy blows. The more we fought like this the more into a trance I fell into, slashing and receiving hits to non-lethal areas, but even non-lethal hits wore me down.

During the trance, I began to notice the little twitches in his muscles. from that moment on I started receiving fewer and fewer hits. "Yes, that's it! You have reached that realm!" His manic screams brought me back to the present fight. But by that time I had reached the realm of see-through, his muscles were clearly visible and his pale skin disappeared from my vision.

I fell into the trance and had a better handle on this new ability, however, the past hits were hindering my body. 

"You are getting better and better, however, there is nothing more I can learn from this fight." He bent his knees in a wide stance, stretched his left arm, and his palm facing me. His other hand clenched into a fist and lowered to his chest. 

A snowflake pattern grew below hid feet akin to a miniature volcano erupting or a geyser. "Give it your all!" It was like a lightning brid at me, my vision just barely caught sight of him. With it, I managed to block the blow but it sent me back and snapped my blade in half. A line of sunlight marked a boundary between me and the vampire. He looked at it then up at the slowly brightening sky and the rising sun behind the horizon, he clicked his tongue making a 'tch' sound "Your luck ended up saving you." His brief words marked the end of our fight.

He turned around, started walking, and gained speed to the point he was sprinting towards a place covered in fog with huge spikes coming out of it. I never let go of my blade until his back disappeared from my view. My blade hit the ground with a clang and my fingers and hands were so numb for a moment my senses fooled me into thinking they were gone.

I turned back to check if the person who helped me was still alive. My back leaned on the wall, whatever was keeping my legs up left me and they gave in. The curve of her ass and her voice from the small heal from before let me know a woman was under those mage robes she wore. She was on the ground facing away from me, no doubt passed out from drawing too much magic. The crimson told me she was from the crimson clan which was the total opposite of the Onyx which I was from, their specialty was magic while ours was martial combat.

My muscles rested a bit before I pushed to walk around and look for all the katanas of my fallen comrades. My partner even if broken was still my partner and I would not leave her here.

After tying them all together like a bunch of branches with some cloth I moved back to my helper. I flung her right arm over my shoulder to have her lean on me and placed my hand on her hip to hold her tightly as I made my way back to Tsige.

"Should I bring the Young Master to his room?" Lilith's polite question brought me back from my reminiscing.

Taking a final sip from my and found out it was empty. "Ah, no I'll do it. You secure the perimeter and take a rest." Getting up I moved over to pick Entei up, "Come on, time for bed." I threw him over my shoulder after leaning down. The alcohol screwed with my vision but I knew this maze of a house like the back of my hand.

The door to his room was a translucent sheet on a lattice frame, Pulling it to the side revealed a low platform bed, shoji for windows, and minimal furniture. From a young age, he liked his room simple, with no extra decorations on the wall or something to give it extra character.

After dropping him off on his bed and covering him with a sheet I closed his door and headed to my room to find Rin fast asleep in the middle of the bed, stretched out like a starfish with a huge smile and saliva coming down one of her lips. Removing my clothes I moved her so I could be the big spoon in our cuddle, she took one of my hands and brought it up to her cheeks where held it like her treasure.


Tifas POV

Hours earlier

An hour after Entei left the inn. "Oh crap shuda askd him tu drag Briggs to 'is ruum, now we" shee pointed at herself and me "ave to do it." Jessie had an idea way too late. "S'okey you ston nuf to drag 'im, les go!" She stood up and pointed towards the stair to the second room.

"Finally let go? Wanted to keep it together in front of him then." I had one more sip from my mug, stood up, and dragged our party leader by his foot. "Hope we can pay tomorrow, probably lost most of what we made yesterday." I threw him over my right shoulder like a sac of potatoes his half-empty mug toppled over and the ale spread over the floor under the table. My left hand gripped Jessie's arm to keep her straight and have a hold of her on the way.

I let Jessies arm go when we got near our room, "Don't fall I have to go drop Briggs to his room." Briggs flew to his bed from where I threw him to it, closed the door, and made my way back.

"Jes! Leave a side of the bed for me." I found Jessie spread out over the sole bed in our room. On the floor where 4 wooden cups were spread about and one more close to her side of the bed, half filled with water.

"You liked him?" She asked.

Her question had me a bit surprised at the sudden inquiry. "um, yes?"

"Be confident in your answer, none of that usual wishy-washy."

I took a deep breath before answering. "Yes, I like him a lot."

"There we go." She moved to her side, leaving room for me. "I will be rooting for you, but you know me I got a loose morals so don't be mad if you find me in his bed sometime."

"Don't get in his pants! Or so I would like to warn you but I know you, even if I beat you up that won't deter you from doing it. At least let me go first." The thoughts of his sweaty body on me, kissing my neck and biting my ear, his hip thrusting into me had my body lighting a small fire using my rapid breathing to fuel it.

"He isn't here so why are you getting hot'n bothered?" Jessie rolled over to my side, her ale breath hitting me straight onto my face and fueling the fire. "Let me help you a bit," her right hand slowly traced the outer side of my abs in a downward motion.

"Wha-what are you doing" I felt her lips on my jaw and her left hand worming its way under my butt. My eyes shot open and I turned them to her, for a moment it felt akin to getting a bucket of cold water poured on me.

"Shh, close your eyes and imagine it's him doing this to you." Her fingers dug a bit into my skin and made a space to stretch the band on my undergarments and allow space for her hand to keep going lower. The pads of her index fingers gently played with my small tuft of hair. Her lips traced a line up the side of my neck drawing a moan out of me and building an expectation of her lips reaching my ear.

with a small nod, I closed my eyes and tried to fantasize about him taking Jessie's place, her small hands would make it a bit harder to imagine him but the heat burning my body helped me fall into my fantasy.

His left hand gripped and squeezed my butt and the fingers of his right hand moved to caress my inner thigh. A sigh or a moan rushed up my throat but when I opened it to release it, nothing came out leaving me with a desperate expression for the release.

The slow but increasing tension in my body promised a gripping climax. When his lips finally reached my ear, his fingers traced the outside of my outer lips.

He pushed his middle finger in and his lips bit my ear lobe with the suddenness of a black stinger's swift movement of its tail. The sudden motion made the tension in my body snap and release came to me. First, my body tensed all over with pleasure assaulting me from all sides, and then my muscles went limp akin to a puppet with its strings cut.

"Wow he really has you hooked huh?" Jessie's voice brought me back from the piece of heaven I was in and broke my fantasy of Entei being in her place. 

The embarrassment rushed to my head and I quickly rolled on my side with my hands on my face.

"No words for how good it felt, or simply too shy?" She said between giggles before rolling to her side of the bed, "Well goodnight."


Word Count 1669

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Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far. 

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