Moonlight Fantasy/Sunlight Fantasy

Chapter 16: Starting a New Day

Entei POV

My eyes snapped open, my throat feeling dry like a desert and my head felt akin to an anvil being pounded by a hammer every time birds chirping reached my ears.

The door to my room slid to the side and Llith stepped in. She silently approached the side of my bed and offered me a cup filled with a green liquid that reminded me of the water of a swamp.

"Drink, you will feel better." She moved the cup close to my face, My brows crunched up along with my nose as the smell hit me, it gave away my huge doubt and worry regarding the drink. 

My attempts not to drink frustrated her enough to pinch my nose closed leaving me with only my mouth to breath, but I kept it closed until I needed to take a breath. That's the exact moment to pour that disgusting liquid down my throat.

A coughing fit took hold of me and I rolled off my bed trying to get away from her. "You will feel better in a moment." She folded her hands in front of her, gave a bow, and left me on the floor with my mind clearing by the moment.

With my back leaning on the side of my bed, and my head on the bed facing up. Sweat slowly covered my forehead and the pounding in my head slowly disappeared.

I got up and picked up the sword Makoto gave me. "Let's see how you hold up." A few swings let me know it was heavier than the usual ones I was accustomed to. Using the forms outside would make me confident it could hold up well enough for a long time. I walked out of my room, the backyard being my destination, on my trek there I noticed the house was very quiet. My parents were usually in the Wasteland doing quests so I did not worry.

Outside I stood still taking deep breaths and enjoyed the gentle breeze blowing through my hair and the warm heat waves of the sun kissed my skin. My hands took hold of the handle of my sword and I slowly started doing the 12 forms without using the breathing to fuel it, slowly my body picked up its pace until I was at my max speed.

Lilith stood 3 meters away, a towel lay on her forearm and her hand held a cup of water. It looked like the heat of the sun was too comfortable that she was about to fall asleep.

Some minutes later my speed started reducing to the point it moved in slow motion, I did one more round of 12 like that. 

Lilith got closer and handed me the towel first then the cup of water second after I lowered the tip of my sword signaling the end of the training. The towel soaked the sweat from my brow, my free hand picked up the wooden cup of water and brought it to my lips letting the refreshing, cool water go down my throat cooling my body a bit.

Lilith received an empty cup of water after I was done. "Your meal is waiting for you on the table in the living room." Her hips bent in a bow then she turned around and left the backyard and into the house.

"Guess I'll continue training on the way to my team." Whispering under my breath and my stomach growling I followed Lilith inside. 

Inside the house the aroma of freshly cooked food captured my mind, next thing I knew the bowl of food was in front of me. "What did you make today?"

Lilith passing by, en route to the backyard, carrying a basket full of dirty clothes stopped and looked my way. "Something for your hangover. The Mistress could have used healing magic on you, however she is not here, Young Master will have to weather through it with my help."

Before she finished my stomach growled and the food started disappearing into my mouth. She continued her way to finish what she was in the middle of doing.

The noise of me devouring my food bounced around the room, and a minute later the slap of wet clothes on something hard like a rock followed by them being scrubbed bounced in the halls and reached me. I started eating in Auto Drive while my mind started how to increase the power my Breathing gave me by either using boosting magic or leveling up. My breathing can still boost my body more but my body can't handle it at the moment, performing the forms at full strength with them can boost my strength by levels for every move, unless I stopped, in which case the strength I got from the forms waned and I knew they could repeat in a loop theoretically giving me infinite level when I do it long enough. The problem is that at the moment I can do 4-5 of them and another problem is keeping that boost if I am interrupted.

A sigh came ripping out of my throat. 'I have time to come up with solutions for it, for now, I can just focus on gaining levels.' With my plate empty, I stood up satisfied with the meal, my feet led me to my room where my gear awaited me. I called it armor but it was only a chest guard that constituted it. My long sword took its place on my back and my red blunt sword on my left hip, a band tied my long hair in a ponytail, and a small pack containing food on my left shoulder.

"Lilith I'll be leaving now!!" I yelled down the hall hoping she heard but even if she didn't my feet were leading me out and they would not stop.

Like most days the streets were packed with adventurers walking to and from the wasteland. Parties of adventurers were buying food from street vendors selling and preparing them on wooden stalls, others were flirting with the locals and the rich-looking daughters of successful merchants or nobles. 

The ones buying food were trying to talk the vendors up to either lower the price or get a bigger serving. Flirty ones wanted some 'sugar', quite obviously but the one flirting with the nobles or merchants' daughters might be doing it to have some favorable relationship with the father or the house.

When my feet touched the dirt separating the wasteland from the town I made sure my weapons and backpack were tightly adjusted before my right foot settled in front of me, my body leaned forward and a deep breath filled my lungs and body before shooting out towards the place my party waited for me at.

I did not feel any strain on my muscles compared to using the forms, letting me know that simply running would not help me in being able to use more forms. The full 30-minute run had me thinking about ways to hone my body rather than focusing on the road, flying through groups of kobolds and some Black Stingers.

The base looked the same as before with log walls and guards out patrolling near the entrance. As I got closer my speed lowered to the speed of walking normally, and the guards either new ones or the same ones from the day before greeted me as I crossed the gates.

Tifa stood outside leaning on the wall close to the entrance of the inn she stayed at. When she saw me she practically jumped and started checking her clothes for wrinkles or something out of place before looking up and waving at me. "Entei is here!" She turned her head to the door and yelled, by the time I reached her our other two party members had exited the building and looked armed and ready to go.

"Hey hey! Heard from Tifa that you both went through quite the experience yesterday." Briggs came yelling boisterously and hooking me over the shoulder. "For the record, I was ready to make a final stand there with you all." He now wore a metal chest guard with some iron gauntlets that covered up to his elbows and a pair of iron boots with shin guards.

He got his arm off me and started walking in the direction of the adventurer's guild. "I don't know about you guys but I want to fight stronger and newer enemies not just fire dogs, black stingers, and young Cerberus." He turned his head sideways but his feet kept him moving forward. "Word is there's a cave that's crawling with these hairy and huge creatures.... or maybe not hairy but they are huge!" His arms spread and stretched from side to side as if saying this big, and to me, it looked quite comical akin to a little boy describing how big Godzilla was in the movie he recently saw.

"If they are really as big as you say, we need to level up a lot first to be able to survive an encounter with them." Jessie quickly went up to him and kicked his armored shin. "Oh yeah, Entei we got this idiot metal armor so he can be a more effective meat shield." A 'HEY!' came out of him but Jessie ignored his whining.

We continued our way to the adventurers guild with Jessie poking fun at Briggs and Tifa walking beside me.


Word Count 1562

If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.

Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far. 

How was the chapter? I feel like I repeated something way too often, and If that's how I feel then I'm right... probably.

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