Multiverse travel starts from a crossover right?

Chapter 7: Compressing My Problems

67, 68, 69…

My arms are shaking, my muscles screaming, but I keep going. "Come on, you piece of shit body, work with me here."

Ghost-Maker's template is in there, but it's not just gonna hand me power on a silver platter. No instant upgrades. No cheat codes. If I want faster assimilation, I have to earn it—train like him, fight like him, push my limits like him.

I actually have to earn it.

Fine. Whatever. If that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do.

70, 71, 72…

My arms feel like they're filled with molten lead, but I keep going. If Batman's discount rival could master all this, so can I. I just have to suffer first.

And honestly? I can already feel it. It's been ten days, and something's different. My awareness is sharper. My thoughts are clearer, faster. My confidence? Higher. My mind? More critical, more analytical. I see patterns I used to miss, pick up on details I would've ignored.

It's weird.

I half-expected to start losing my empathy, turning into some emotionless, ultra-efficient machine. But I haven't.

Nor have I got interested in


Maybe I'm just cherry-picking what I need from the template. Maybe I'll get the rest later, whether I want it or not.

"Faster assimilation, my ass," I mutter, switching to one-arm push-ups because apparently, I enjoy suffering.

Not in a masochistic way—hell no. This is about breaking limits. Getting stronger. Forcing my body to adapt because I refuse to stay weak.

By the time I finish, I'm wrecked. Chest heaving, arms dead, sweat dripping onto the floor. A part of me wants to just stay here, staring at the ceiling, questioning my life choices. Maybe even let the void take me for a bit.

But no. Shower first. Then suffering.

The hot water is a blessing, washing away the sweat, the exhaustion, and maybe a little bit of regret. Muscles loosen, the burn fades a little, and for a second, I actually feel human again.

Once I'm done, I towel off, throw on some sweats, and collapse into my chair.

Alright. Workout's done. Mind's clear. Body's ruined, but whatever.

Time to get my shit together.

I decided to do the spin again.

Yes. Can't wait to check it again.

Spins: 10

Alright, fate. Let's see what kind of bullshit you've got for me today.

The wheel spun, the screen flashed, and—oh. Oh my… hmp.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

The first one's a template.

A spy. An English spy. And not just any spy—Johnny freaking English.

Hah. Hahaha.

Look, I know he's not exactly James Bond. Hell, he's barely competent half the time. But but the dude trained in Tibet.

And that? That's what I care about.

Because after that training, my man could take a direct hit to the balls and walk it off.

Which means, from this point forward, I never have to fear a low blow again.

Peak survival strat unlocked.

Nutcracker resistance: 100%

Genetic Manipulation.

And now, for my first actual superpower.

Marvel mutant ability? Hell yes.

I scan the card. It's the power of Jacob Gavin, Jr., aka Courier.

Oh yeah. I know this guy.

The man who left as a man and came back as a woman.


Genetic manipulation at a biomolecular level. Commune with my own cells, tweak my DNA, shift my form—within limits.

I can reshape my body, alter my appearance, even change my gender.

If someone gets their hands on my blood, I can destroy my DNA from it.

On paper, this sounds insanely broken.

But of course, there's a catch. There's always a catch.

I can't just regenerate lost cells out of nowhere. No Wolverine-tier healing factor. If I lose something, I either have to rearrange my existing cells or deal with the loss.

Which means if I try to regrow a limb, my size shrinks.

Cool. So, if I'm not careful, I could go from "badass mutant" to "action figure-sized disaster."

Not the worst card, honestly.

Getting cards from two of the biggest multiverses this early in the game?

Damn. Maybe my luck isn't complete garbage after all.

Yeah, no. Definitely just jinxed myself.

Naruto headband. See? Called it. Should've kept my mouth shut.

But then… Compress.

Oh. Oh-ho-ho. Looks like the bad luck streak just compressed itself out of existence.

Mr. Compress's Quirk. One of the best powers from MHA.

And exactly what I need right now.

With it, I can st—cough—acquire many things that are… ahem… not useful to others.

Compress lets me shrink down anything within a spherical range into a small marble without actually damaging it. The weight is reduced too, making it easy to carry, hide, or—if I'm feeling generous—return later.

Not that I'm planning anything shady. Obviously.


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