Multiverse travel starts from a crossover right?

Chapter 6: Foundations of Survival

Takashi barely got the door shut before kicking off his shoes and dragging himself inside like a zombie in need of a respawn.

"I'm home," he muttered. To no one.

Silence. Not that he was expecting a warm welcome. Or any welcome, really.

Living alone wasn't new. He'd been doing it for years now. Technically, he had a guardian his uncle but the guy was basically an urban legend at this point. Always out of the city, always busy with work. If Takashi didn't know better, he'd think the man was part of some shady secret organisation. Probably not, but hey, it'd explain the ghost act.

At first, meals were a depressing mix of takeout, instant food, and the occasional pity offering from nosy neighbours. But relying on others? Not his style. So he learned to cook, and now he actually ate like a functioning human. Growth.

Still, after today? He wasn't in the mood for anything that required effort.

He tossed his clothes into the washing machine, then dragged himself into the shower.

The second the hot water hit, he felt some of today's bullshit evaporate. He exhaled slowly, pressing his forehead against the wall.

Another world. A crossover world. A chaotic anime mashup straight out of some deranged fanfic. And somewhere down the line? Zombies.

Yeah. That part still wasn't sitting right with him.

The whole thing was insane, but what really freaked him out wasn't what he knew.

It was what he didn't.

What else is different?

Who else is here?

And, most importantly—

How screwed am I?

Takashi shut off the water, towelled off, threw on some sweats, and, with the grace of a dying man, launched himself onto the couch.

Face down. Not moving.

He groaned into the cushion. "This is my life now."

Maybe if he lay here long enough, the apocalypse would just… not happen.

…Yeah, no. Wishful thinking.

With a sigh, he rolled onto his back, stared at the ceiling for a good five seconds, then forced himself up. Laziness wasn't gonna cut it. Not when things were about to go sideways.

Dragging himself to his desk, he grabbed a notebook and pen.

Something about writing things down made it feel more real. More solid.

Takashi spun the pen between his fingers, staring at the mostly blank page of his notebook.

"Alright." He tapped the pen against the paper. "Let's start with the apocalypse."

First thing's first. Step one: Not dying.

Food. No food, no life. Pretty simple. Stockpile non-perishables, maybe start learning how to grow stuff. Not that he was trying to become a farmer, but fresh food beats canned junk in the long run.

Water. Can't live without it. Need bottled reserves and a way to purify more. Filters, boiling, hell, maybe a rainwater collection system if things get really bad.

Energy source. Power cuts would be a death sentence. Solar panels? Generators? Batteries? Petrol ? Gotta look into options.

Oh yes, the EMP blast. Remember the plot from the anime.

Safe shelter. Preferably not one that gets overrun by the undead. Actually, scratch that. Multiple shelters. Because putting all his survival eggs in one basket was a rookie mistake.

Escape routes. Every solid base needed a backup plan. If one safe zone got compromised, he needed to know exactly where to go next. No running around like a headless chicken when shit hit the fan.

Takashi leaned back, cracking his neck. So far, so good. But zombies weren't even the real problem, were they?

Step two. Not getting killed by other people.

Weapons. Because let's be real. Zombies were predictable. Humans? Absolute wild cards. Desperation turned normal people into monsters. And given the shitstorm that was bound to unfold, someone out there was definitely going to lose it.

Defensive measures. A weapon was great, but he needed security. Traps, locks, reinforced doors. Anything to make sure some wannabe warlord didn't just walk in and take what was his.

Allies. He didn't love the idea of trusting people, but going solo forever? Bad idea. At some point, he'd need backup. The trick was finding the right people. Competent, trustworthy, and not crazy.

The baits needed for the worst situation.

Intelligence. Not just book smarts. Actual info gathering. Who was in charge? Which groups were forming? Who was dangerous? Where's what? Knowledge was power, and if he had the right intel, he could stay two steps ahead of the psychos.

Takashi exhaled, tapping the pen against the notebook.

But all of this? Only if the apocalypse actually happens.

Step three. Preparing for a world that might not fall apart.

What if this was just some alternate universe where the zombie outbreak never kicked off? What if something else was lurking instead?

He frowned, drumming his fingers against the desk.

It'd be stupid to focus on just one scenario. If zombies showed up? Great. He'd be ready. If not? He still needed a game plan.

Which brought him to…

Step four. Not being broke.

Money. Can't survive without it. And let's be honest. 99.9% of problems could be solved if you had enough money.

Power. Not just physical strength. Real power. Influence. Connections. The kind of leverage that lets you move the world instead of getting crushed by it. If society was still standing, this was what mattered most.

Opportunities. If there was no apocalypse, what could he do? School? Business? Black market dealings? He needed multiple options, and he needed to be smart about them.

Supernatural prep. No clue if magic, vampires, or gods were a thing here, but let's not get caught off guard. If this world was a massive crossover of different realities, odds were high that something weird existed.

And given how ridiculous this world was shaping up to be? He wouldn't even be surprised if all three existed.

Takashi let out a slow breath, staring at his half-finished list.

This wasn't even a gut feeling anymore. It was more like an internal air raid siren going off in his head.

Something was coming.

Something big.

And somehow, he just knew. His life hadn't hit its worst stage yet.

Takashi closed the notebook, tossing it onto his desk.

Prepare for zombies. Plan for society. Stay open to the unknown.

Simple enough.

For now.


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