Mushoku tensei: The renegade heir

Chapter 35: The SeaFolks

[Give me power stones!!]

It's been four days since we started our journey on the high seas you can imagine everything is terribly boring here.

Seriously!! I have never felt more bored in my entire life, I can't even train properly because the ship is constantly rocking and Lilia started to cause more nausea than expected.

But obviously I can't just lie on the bunk bed doing nothing, right? I have to be active!

"Paul...are you okay? You've been shaking for a long time" Laws murmured beside me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?, ah, yes..."I've been a little anxious lately, don't you know how long it will be before we reach the mainland?" I murmured weakly.

"Huh... like 3 more days I think, does traveling by boat really affect you that much?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, I didn't even know that, but you have to learn something new every day, right?" I muttered with a weak smile on my face and Laws wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"bah, forget it, let's go up to the deck, I want to at least see the sea" I muttered and so we both went up.

Luckily we hadn't encountered any storms yet but that didn't mean I was having such a good time.

On the deck were also Roxy and Gesee who were equally bored.

"Hey buddy, do you have any good news?" Gesee muttered as he leaned on the railing with a bored expression.

"No, I'm just as bored as you guys, but there are only three days left and we'll continue the trip," I murmured as I approached them.

Roxy just stared at the ocean with a solemn expression but I could see from the corners of her mouth that she was anxious too.

" you know any stories we could tell to pass the time?" I murmured weakly, looking at them both expectantly.

Roxy just shook her head with an apologetic smile and Gesse scratched his nose as if he was thinking about something.

" you know the legend of the SeaFolks?" he murmured with a smile.

"SeaFolks?, the people of the sea?, I don't know, tell me please!" I said in an anxious tone and a mocking smile formed on Gesse's face.

"Hehe!...very good my little buddy!, listen carefully..."

Did he really just call me little buddy?

"ahem!, Legends says that the SeaFolks are an extremely territorial race! And do you know what that territory is?...well, the sea!, It is said that for millennia humans could only look at the oceans with expectation and anyone who tried to navigate between them was killed, But all this changed in the first Human-Demon war in which the SeaFolks made deals with the demons to let them sail through their waters and reach human territories, And after the human victory, they were able to continue with their territories but in exchange they would let humans navigate certain routes for transportation and trade!" Gesee said with a serious expression what seemed like he was receiving a history lesson but this was interesting

"But as the years have passed, the SeaFolks have become more intolerant of humans to certain extents so there may be a high percentage chance any cargo or transport ship is attacked by these beings..." He said in a dramatic tone at the end.

"Hey... that's interesting, but what makes those beings attack ships?" Roxy murmured, really interested.

"As I was told, they can attack for anything, even the slightest deviation in their trajectory or throwing unnecessary garbage into the sea" Gesee muttered, scratching his neck and looking at the sea.

"I think I've heard of these tribes too, but I don't hear much about them now that I think about it," Laws added thoughtfully.

""Hmm that's interesting then, and it's not known what those tribes are like?" I asked.

"Not much is known and there are too many versions, some say they are like humans but with fins and duck feet, others say they look like humans from the upper half only with a fish body in the lower half" Gesse muttered.

Now that you mention it, it sounds like you're referring to mermaids...

"Well...our luck would have to be too bad for those tribes to attack us, right?" Laws muttered, causing everyone to laugh.


It had been several hours since the SeaFolks' talk and I was honestly interested in meeting them but they seemed too hostile so I would have to pass.

I looked over momentarily and there was the captain on a platform as he took the helm of his ship, The guy looked like a real pirate in the position he was in but I wouldn't mention it.

"Hmmm?...what the hell?..." the captain muttered, squinting and looking in front of him.

"E-eh? B-but how?!" The guy shouted in panic as he looked forward.

Instinctively I looked towards the tip of the boat but I saw nothing...and then I looked towards the sea and I saw it...

around twenty individuals...swimming at almost impossible speeds and heading directly towards our boat.

"Captain? What are those things?" I murmured uncertainly.

"B-but I don't understand! I haven't gone off course!" the captain shouted and quickly let go of the helm of his ship and went down to the deck.

The twenty figures continued swimming until they came across the ship and they all jumped in unison, landing on the bow of the ship.

"Oh shit..." was the only thing that could escape my lips when I saw them.

"They were twenty green humanoid figures, with gills, fins, webbed feet and a fish tail...

Plus they all had single-pointed spears and looked extremely angry.

"P-Paul?...what are those things??!!" Hilds shouted behind me...when did she get there?

And behind her were Lilia and Flauta.

"Get into your rooms quickly!" I shouted and they listened.

But one of the SeaFolks, seeing them move, charged at a terrifying speed towards them and I was barely able to stop its advance.

"Ngh!?" The guy looked at me in shock when he saw that I could barely stop his attack and then with wind magic I threw him back.

"Stop!!" the captain shouted and began to walk until he was in the middle of us. The other passengers on the boat had already gotten off and only the two of us remained.

"Boy! You have to go to the cabins, it's very dangerous!" The captain shouted urgently at me but I stayed there.

"tch..." The captain clicked his tongue and began to advance towards the SeaFolks slowly.

[Why do you dare to invade my ship! I am on a free route and I have not broken any rules!!] the guard said in SeaFolk language which I could not understand.

The SeaFolks seemed to react and the largest of them walked a little closer to the captain.

[We have detected unusual activity coming from this ship as well as indiscriminate attacks against the sea by some of your ship's crew members] the Fish Man said as he looked at me And then his gaze turned to where Hilda and Lilia had gotten off.

[I don't know what you're talking about! This ship is just for transportation!!]

[That's what everyone says, Yeiter, kill this man and everyone on this ship and then sink it, I'm starving] One of the SeaFolks muttered something I didn't understand and the captain tensed and another Fishman got into a fighting stance.

"Oh shit..." I muttered as I unsheathed my other sword and dived forward, barely managing to stop the fishman's attack.


My sword collided with his spear, making such a deafening sound that it made my ears bleed.

[What the hell?!, is he a human child?, how can he even see my attacks!!] The fish man shouted something incomprehensible and took a huge leap backwards.

[What the hell is wrong with you Yeiter, he's just a human child!]

[Shut up Colcha! He can see my attacks and stop them...he's very powerful]

[This was supposed to be an easy job, I told you we shouldn't board ships for no apparent reason!!]

[Shut up Zamora! We'll be back home soon!]

The Seafolks started arguing amongst themselves and the captain had already gone to the cabins, leaving me and the fish men alone on the deck of the ship.

Shit... there are too many of them and they are obviously powerful... if they all try to attack at the same time, they might not have a chance....

No! I won't fall here! I'm so close to returning home!

I silently began to accumulate mana in my hand and the same fish man lunged at me and I threw a hollow stone bullet at him that he barely dodged but hit one of the others squarely in the head.

"Dikor!!" they all shouted in unison distracting the opponent who looked back and when he saw me again, his head was already on the ground.

There are two left, 18 left...

[damn kid! I'm going to kill you!!]

[damn human!!!]

[I'm going to rip your guts out, you son of a bitch!!]

Three of the Seasfolks launched themselves at me in unison but they were extremely slow...

With a Sonic boom the upper half of two was destroyed and the head of another with a stone bullet.

15 left...

Some of the fishmen hesitated at the sight of five of their comrades fallen at the hands of a child while others looked totally enraged at me.

[ must be done]

[[Yes...Thula, please collect our bones] two SeaFolks spoke to each other and got into a combat stance.

At that moment both disappeared from my sight in less than a thousandth of a second.

My instincts along with my entire body screamed "danger," but it was coming from two directions that would be impossible for me to avoid.

Everything happened so fast, I hadn't even blinked and my mind had already had an infinite number of thoughts.

One of them was coming for my neck...and if I bent down the other one coming for my ribs would cause me great damage...

So I made a decision and with a Sonic boom I rose into the air just in time.



I could only hear the whistling of the spears brushing against my feet which gave me chills.

[what the fuck?!, where are he goi- aaagh!!]

without wasting time use a technique of the North God Style And I threw my normal sword at one of the fish men, which embedded itself directly in his chest.

and using Sakka I used the momentum of my fall to attack the other SeaFolk, who managed to take cover but as expected, my sword broke his spear in half as if it were butter.

Only 13 left...

All this happened in less than ten seconds And when I looked back at the rest...they were already gone.

damn cowards...

I instinctively relaxed but I felt that something was not right, why would they just leave like that? And why did they jump from the stern of the ship?...

no, they hadn't left, they would sink the ship!!

"Haa...shit!" I muttered to myself as I ran to the stern of the ship and caught a glimpse of the last of the SeaFolks jumping into the sea.

I was right, but how do I stop them?!

If I throw myself into the sea it will probably be a suicide mission, I will practically be entering their territory.


A huge jolt hit the ship and it came from the part where the SeaFolks jumped.

"Those bastard fish..." I muttered as I gathered mana in my hands.

If I jumped into the water it would practically be a death sentence, so I had to attack from here, but how would I know where they were?.

That is the million dollar question and why I must use a large scale spell and I only know one.

Now that I think about it, I've been practicing this spell for quite some time, always throwing it into the sea...maybe those guys came for that?...

Bah what does it matter, now I have to finish them off.

I began to accumulate mana in my hands and a small cloud formed around me.

I had already talked about the spell a couple of times but still, controlling the Culumunimbus was the hardest part.

In less than ten seconds the black cloud around me compressed into a ball of white light that crackled in my hands, The feeling of electricity running through my hands was what always made me falter, but now I can't think about that.


Another rumble shook the boat and this time it was louder than the last, I have to hurry!!

I walked slowly to the stern railings, I had no idea what area they were attacking so I had to shoot directly into the sea...

The ball of light struggled in my grip and ignoring the mana cost I pointed it towards the sea.


another blow to the ship's hull...

"Die you fucking fish aaah!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, The ball of light instantly turned into a lightning bolt and shot out to sea in a swift movement.


The electricity crackled across the sea, momentarily blinding me, The intensity of the attack was such that every muscle in my body shuddered.

The lightning bolts spread out like spider webs and traveled across the sea in a radius of 200 meters, burning everything in their path.

But just as the lightning struck, the light disappeared in less than a second and calm came to the sea again.

Did I do it? I didn't want to say those words out loud, they are always bad luck...

but then...


The body of one of the SeaFolks came to the surface, if I hadn't seen them before I wouldn't have recognized them.

He was floating face down, his entire body scorched, practically turned to charcoal and after him another 11 bodies floated to the surface in the same way...

"Wow...that shit was intense" I muttered as I leaned on one of the railings.

It was almost comical, I even questioned myself for such a sadistic thought, since seeing the image of all those SeaFolks floating lifeless was something I never expected to see...

"But now was not the time to think about that" I muttered to myself and returned to the bow of the boat.

There lay the corpses of the other 7 SeaFolks I killed, I have no idea what provoked their attack, or what motivated them, but i was 100% sure that this would bring problems...

I went down to the cabins only to find the entire crew crowded into the kitchen, with Roxy and Laws protecting them with her staff and bow and arrow held high.

The moment everyone saw me, sighs of relief spread among the passengers.

There were no reasons yet that would explain what happened But at least everyone is safe and that's what matters.

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