Chapter 5: Chapter 5 — «The Price of High Ambitions»
An enormous creature slowly emerged from the shadows, approaching with the unhurried confidence of a beast accustomed to being the hunter rather than the prey. It looked like a grotesque fusion of wolf, lion, and serpent, though in reality, far worse. Scales glittered along its massive neck under the dim moonlight, and powerful paws armed with sharp claws sank into the sand, causing the ground to tremble slightly with each step.
— Okay… stay calm, — I whispered nervously, slowly stepping backward. — Luci, are you sure this thing was actually asleep all this time?
Luci, standing calmly just behind me, nodded with an unbothered expression:
— It was, until you decided to make the loudest landing in the history of this world. Told you before: elegance is definitely not your thing.
The chimera halted, tilting its head curiously, watching us suspiciously. Its yellow eyes gleamed menacingly in the darkness, and a deep growl echoed once again through the ruins.
— What exactly am I supposed to do now? — I whispered, feeling my heartbeat quicken.
— First, you can try to stop panicking, — Luci suggested lazily, crossing her arms. — Chimeras enjoy panic about as much as you enjoy goblins.
— Hilarious, — I hissed through clenched teeth. — Maybe you could offer something useful instead?
— Oh, of course, — she smirked mischievously. — Keep standing there like that, and maybe the chimera will simply get bored and fall asleep again.
— Thanks for nothing, — I grumbled, swallowing nervously as I cautiously stepped forward.
Instantly, the chimera raised its head again and roared louder, far more aggressively this time.
— Easy, easy… nice… creature? — I attempted carefully.
Luci sighed heavily behind me:
— Oh yes, talk to it. Maybe offer it a snack or a belly rub while you're at it?
— Or maybe you could shut up and actually help me?
— Help you pet it? No, thanks. I'll just watch from here and see how you use your single skill.
— Oh, right! — I recalled my ability and focused quickly on the chimera. — Evaluation!
The air flashed as the familiar interface appeared in front of me:
Name: Chimera of Xerx (Experimental Specimen)
Level: ??? (higher than yours)
Class: Artificially Created Lifeform
Strength: Very High
Agility: High
Intelligence: Low
— Rear of the neck (between scales and fur)
— Eyes (obviously)
I quickly glanced back at Luci:
— And what exactly am I supposed to do with this information?!
— Well, it says its intelligence is low. You could try befriending it, — Luci calmly replied with an amused smirk. — Maybe it just needs a friend.
The chimera didn't wait for me to finish my sarcastic exchange with Luci and lunged forward aggressively. I barely dodged, feeling its enormous fangs pass centimeters from my shoulder.
— Damn it! — I shouted, hitting the ground and rolling through the sand.
— Exactly, "damn it!" Sorry, you're on your own. Go get 'em, hero! — Luci cheerfully called from atop a nearby column.
The chimera turned around swiftly, crouching low, clearly preparing another attack. My heart pounded wildly, thoughts racing:
«Neck… between scales and fur. Eyes…»
But how was I supposed to reach those spots?!
Again, the chimera lunged. This time I tried dodging left, but its massive paw caught me, knocking me aside. I rolled painfully across the ground and slammed into a nearby stone wall, the impact driving the air from my lungs.
— Ah… damn… — I groaned, struggling to stand.
— Oh, you're still alive? — Luci sounded genuinely surprised. — I was just considering where I'd store your things…
— Shut up and help me already! — I shouted, barely dodging another vicious swipe from the beast.
— Sorry, dear, divine intervention is off-limits until you genuinely try yourself, — Luci sighed theatrically. — Rules are rules.
— What rules?!
— My personal rules, obviously, — she replied, unbothered. — Now hurry up and do something, hero!
I barely managed another dodge as the chimera smashed into a stone column, scattering rubble everywhere and raising a cloud of dust.
— Can you at least hint at what I should do next?! — I shouted, narrowly evading another strike.
Luci thought briefly, smirking slightly:
— The analysis said "Eyes (obviously)," right? Maybe that's your hint.
— Oh, you little…! — I grabbed the first stone I could find, hurling it straight at the chimera's face.
The stone hit directly in its eye. It roared in pain, momentarily distracted. Seeing my chance, I dashed forward, attempting to get behind its neck, but it swiftly recovered and struck me with a heavy paw. Pain flared sharply, and I collapsed.
— Luci… I think this is it… — I whispered weakly, unable to move.
The chimera loomed over me, jaws opening for a final strike.
— Ah, useless hero… — Luci sighed with genuine regret. — Such trouble…
She snapped her fingers.
A brilliant white flash lit the surroundings. The chimera roared, blinded, and Luci swiftly grabbed me, spreading her wings to lift us away.
— That's enough heroics for today, dear, — she sighed tiredly, soaring upwards. — Let's leave before your new friends wake up.
She landed gently on a distant column, setting me carefully on my feet. I stood shakily, gasping.
— So, still alive? All limbs intact? — Luci calmly checked me over.
— Alive… somehow, — I murmured, hiding lingering pain.
— Could've been worse. At least you weren't breakfast, — she smirked, watching the chimera retreat into darkness.
— Why didn't you intervene sooner?
— If I solve all your problems, when would you ever learn? Life is cruel—best you realize it early.
I sighed irritably, shaking my head.
— Well, if you can move now, let's see what else you've awakened with your grand entrance, — Luci motioned toward an arched passage.
We moved deeper into the ruins, stepping carefully through ancient corridors until a particular column caught my eye, engraved clearly with ancient symbols.
— What language is this?
— Ancient Xerxes, — Luci replied. — Use your skill again.
I nodded, concentrating:
— Evaluation.
"15th day, Fifth month, Year 1558 since the founding of Xerx.Our research reaches its apex. Tomorrow we'll perform the final ritual to create the perfect Philosopher's Stone. The creature known as Homunculus promised us immortality. Tomorrow slave number 23, bearing unique blood, will be our key element…"
— Wait… slave number 23? — I asked, stunned.
Luci's expression darkened:
— You just read the last note before a civilization's destruction. That "ritual" was nothing more than mass sacrifice, consuming every life in Xerxes overnight. Slave 23… was an unwitting pawn, his blood essential to Homunculus's plan.
A distant growl echoed. Luci straightened:
— Let's discuss this elsewhere… if we survive.
— Let's leave, — I finally said. — We need to find a way out.
Luci smiled approvingly:
— Finally, you're talking sense.
As we walked on, I was certain: these secrets would soon reveal themselves again.
We moved quickly through the winding corridors, making as little noise as possible. The sky gradually began to lighten, which should have comforted me, yet it only heightened my sense of urgency and tension.
— Where exactly are we going? — I whispered, cautiously following Luci, who confidently led the way.
— Somewhere away from your newfound friends, — she replied over her shoulder, smirking slightly. — After your spectacular landing and awakening those lovely creatures, it's probably best not to linger too long.
— Agreed, — I conceded reluctantly. — But do we at least have an actual plan?
— Of course! The plan is simple: stay away from trouble, — Luci paused theatrically before continuing, — though you've already spectacularly failed at that.
I sighed irritably, unable to come up with a suitable retort.
Our path led through a maze of seemingly endless corridors etched with countless ancient symbols and markings. The deeper we went, the stronger the sense that Xerxes hadn't perished merely because of some unfortunate accident or arrogance. Something darker, deeper, and far more sinister was clearly at play.
Luci suddenly stopped, raising a hand to halt me in my tracks.
— What is it? — I whispered anxiously, peering into the shadowy surroundings.
— Something's ahead, — she murmured quietly, narrowing her eyes. For a brief moment, her eyes flashed a vivid crimson as if scanning the area. — Ah, there it is. An ancient mechanism of some sort.
— A mechanism? — I asked skeptically.
— Indeed, — Luci nodded. — It runs on alchemy, likely a seal or barrier hiding something from prying eyes.
— What should we do then?
— Use your skill, obviously, — she said, shrugging. — It has to serve some purpose.
I hesitated briefly, then muttered inwardly:
— Evaluation.
Object: Protective Alchemical Seal
Age: 450 years
Condition: Functional, minimal energy remaining
Purpose: Concealing a hidden alchemical laboratory
Activation Method: Blood of one connected to Xerx or the energy of a Philosopher's Stone.
I frowned, reading the results aloud:
— Says here we need blood from someone linked to Xerxes, or Philosopher's Stone energy. Since we have neither, what do we do now?
Luci, studying the ancient runes carefully, bit her lower lip in apparent annoyance. At that moment, I found myself staring at her, struck once again by her ethereal beauty under the pale moonlight filtering through cracks in the ancient ceiling. Of course, I'd noticed how beautiful she was before, but now—perhaps due to exhaustion or her proximity—she seemed genuinely otherworldly. Her long, silky, snow-white hair cascaded softly over delicate shoulders, and her pale skin appeared to glow softly from within. Her deep crimson eyes, mesmerizing and mysterious, stared intently at the alchemical symbols with rare seriousness. I felt I could easily lose myself if I looked into them directly.
Abruptly, Luci stepped closer and gently but firmly took my hand. I flinched in surprise at the sudden contact, feeling her cool, soft fingers against my palm.
— Hey, wait… what exactly are you doing? — I muttered, feeling suddenly embarrassed by her unexpected closeness.
— Don't move, hero, — she murmured softly, ignoring my discomfort. — I'm going to bend the rules slightly, so be grateful and hold still.
Before I could respond, Luci lightly traced her fingertips across my palm. A slight burning sensation flared, followed by a sharp sting as a small wound appeared, from which a drop of blood hovered in midair.
The droplet began glowing faintly red, sending a strange warmth spreading throughout my body.
— Wait… what exactly did you just do? — I asked in alarm, feeling an odd surge of energy coursing through me.
Ignoring my question, Luci guided the droplet directly onto the ancient symbols. The moment my blood touched the seal, the runes flared vividly crimson, and with a deep rumble, the wall slowly shifted aside, revealing a hidden passage.
— What did you do? — I repeated in shock, rubbing my palm, staring at Luci incredulously.
She sighed deeply, debating briefly whether to answer honestly. Finally, with slight irritation, she admitted:
— I slightly broke the rules. Technically, I temporarily turned you into something akin to a walking Philosopher's Stone. Only briefly, luckily.
I felt my eyes widen in horror:
— What?!
— Calm down, it was perfectly safe, — Luci reassured me calmly but added with mild annoyance, — However, this little intervention significantly reduced my options for further interference.
I blinked in confusion:
— Reduced by whom exactly? I thought you had admin privileges or something?
Luci rolled her eyes, sighing wearily as if explaining something obvious to a child:
— Technically, no one can ban or limit me directly. But if I continue to interfere this blatantly, someone will become… very displeased.
— Someone? — I cautiously repeated, sensing she didn't want to elaborate.
Luci cast a brief, dark glance upward and replied more softly:
— Yes, someone who maintains the balance of this world. Trust me, you definitely don't want to meet him. And I'd much prefer to avoid unnecessary confrontations with… that Entity.
Her tone strongly suggested dropping the topic. I took a deep breath, deciding not to push further for now.
— Alright, I get it, — I said quietly, glancing at the opened passage. — So from now on, I'm truly on my own?
Luci smiled gently, recovering her usual sarcasm:
— Well, I can still stand aside and offer sarcastic commentary on your brilliant actions. But next time, I won't be able to save you.
I sighed irritably, carefully stepping through the newly revealed corridor, heart pounding nervously again.
We eventually reached a small chamber bathed in faint blue illumination from alchemical symbols etched around the walls. At the center was a massive stone table, upon which lay a thick book, clearly ancient and covered in centuries of dust.
— What's this? — I asked, approaching carefully and gently touching the book.
— Probably an alchemist's diary, — Luci replied thoughtfully. — Quite a rare find, actually.
I carefully opened it to a random page, my heart racing slightly as I read the initial lines:
"…Slave number 23 willingly agreed, believing he would help us create a cure for death and illness for the entire city. He remains unaware his blood will serve as the foundation for the greatest alchemical transmutation ever seen. His unwavering trust makes him the perfect candidate. We shall sacrifice this slave to create true immortality. Our sacrifice is justified by grand ambitions."
I swallowed nervously, feeling deeply unsettled:
— Luci… what kind of horrors occurred here?
She gazed silently at the book, answering softly, almost sorrowfully:
— Humans have always justified their greatest atrocities with their highest ambitions.
I snapped the book shut, silently deciding to keep it.
— Let's move on, — I finally murmured, turning to Luci.
She smiled approvingly, nodding slightly
We continued onward through the corridor, leaving behind the hidden laboratory and ancient secrets.