Chapter 67: Rias is a bully
Varakiel: and that concludes your first lesson.
Issei: so much... .but I will follow your teachings master.
Varakiel: mhm, and remember only the girls in your grade are allowed, anyone outside of that is out of bonds unless she looks out for you.
Issei: yes, master!
Varakiel: good but you have a long way to go for your harem young one.
Issei: yes master.
Varakiel: heheh, but don't forget about your studies. No one likes an incompetent student who can't meet the standard grades. Begin from there aim for the top 10 ranking.
Issei: ohhhhh!!!
Varakiel: good it seems you're motivated.
Varakiel: i am back.
Ophis ears suddenly stood up, like a cat.
Varakiel then walks to the living room.
Varakiel: i am back ophis.
Varakiel: (that's progress~) mhm.
Varakiel then pats her head.
Ophis slightly smiles.
Varakiel: what do you want for today's dinner ophis? was it called?.... hamburger.
Varakiel: oh where did you learn about it?
Ophis then points at the tv.
Varakiel: (seems like she's learning a lot from it good thing i blocked the lewd and notice channels, she's not ready for the adult world..) I see, then hamburger it is.
Varakiel then goes directly to the kitchen.
Ophis then walks to the dinner room and sit down in a chair.
Varakiel: (good she's learning fast to live in a house soon enough she will be able to leave outside by herself.) Heheh.
Ophis notice varakiel is laughing.
Ophis: …¿?
Late at night in the park where issei died.
Varakiel: so you are here.
???: oh a lowly being looking for me? Human what do you want?
Varakiel: who was the one who killed a student here 2 days ago?
???: you dare to use that tone with me!? Die!
The fallen angel then pounce in varakiel.
But varakiel easily grabs him by the neck.
Varakiel: I will ask again, who killed my student?
Fallen angel: w-hy i can f*caugh* myself.
Varakiel: respond now scum or i will begin to take off those stupid wings of you.
Fallen angel: why shoul- gahhhhh!!!!
Varakiel then with sheer strength plucked out the black wing from the fallen angel.
Varakiel: Who was it?
Fallen angel: r-raynare it was raynare!
The fallen angel gave up.
Varakiel: where is she?
Fallen angel: i won—- ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
Then the other one is removed.
Varakiel: Next time would be your eyes.
Fallen angel: t-the abandoned church nearby!
Varakiel: wasn't so bad right?
Then varakiel release the fallen angel…
Varakiel: But the amount of innocent people you have killed….die sinner.
Varakiel then pierces the fallen angel heart.
Varakiel: The abandoned church was it? HYUP!
Varakiel then jumps high in the sky…
Varakiel: There you are ...that child doesn't deserve to live in such a place begone with you.
Varakiel then takes out a spear from his inventory.
Varakiel: [Hellfire]
Then the tip of the spear lit up in flames.
Varakiel then with mighty power throws the spear to the abandoned church.
A subtle explosion could be heard from afar.
Varakiel then lands back in the ground.
Varakiel: that should do it.
Varakiel then teleports back to home.
Yuuto and koneko arrive at the park and they see a fallen angel plucked out from his wings and a wound right in his heart, while the corpse has an expression of horror.
Yuuto: this…this is horrible, and that expression, who can make a fallen angel feel fear like that.
Koneko: *sniff* I smell varakiel-sensei scent here, but it is subtle….
Suddenly huge flames can be seen from afar!
Yuuto: koneko let's go!
Koneko: hai, (please let it be a coincidence)
Yuuto and koneko then rush to the origin of the huge flames.
Yuuto: t-this, the old church? Did this fire began by itself or someone provoked it?
Koneko: let's call for someone to turn off the….
Koneko then notices that the huge fire vanished by itself.
Koneko: that proves that it was provoked by magic.
Yuuto: a clue at least.
Yuuto and koneko then goes inside the ruins
Yuuto: a spear?
Yuuto and Koneko notice the spear impaled in a charred corpse.
Koneko: another fallen angel…was it the work of a powerful stray demon?
Yuuto: that might be the case we have to inform rias….
Koneko:wait *sniff* is subtle but i can smell the scent of varakiel-sensei…it comes from the spear…
Yuuto: really but for the spear and his scent it the park to be here at the same time, that would mean….
Yuuto then looks up.
Yuuto: that he threw it from the park directly *shiver* s-such precision.
Koneko: *nods* but i can believe it if it was varakiel-sensei, he's very awesome after all.
Yuuto:....i agree with you koneko.
The next morning…
Varakiel: mhm it feels good to move my body even if it is for a bit.
Ophis was still sleeping.
Varakiel: hehe, cute as ever.
Varakiel then pats the still sleeping ophis.
Varakiel: alright let's work hard today as well.
Varakiel then transform his clothes to his suit and goes out the house.
Varakiel: i am going. (I leave ophis to you undine)
Undine:(don't worry she hasn't noticed me so far…..yet.)
Varakiel: (hehe)
Ophia suddenly wakes up .
Ophis: (silence…¿? Or not.)
Ophis could clearly hear something from the bathroom.
Ophis then as usual stand up from the bed and she takes the toothbrush with toothpaste already on it….
Ophis: 1…2…3
Ophis then finish brushing her teeths and goes down and hears the sounds from the dinner room
Ophis: food…
Ophis then notice the plate and a note with writing on it
"Ophis, for today's breakfast i made you pancakes, remember to pick your plate and put it in the dishwasher. -Varakiel.
Ophis: itadakimasu *munch* delicious…
Ophis then after finishing takes up her plate and puts it in the dishwasher.
Ophis then hears the tv that suddenly turned on…..
Ophis then walks to the living room and notice the sweets in the table, with a note.
"Ophis here some sweets for you."-varakiel.
Ophis:...thank you.
Undine: you're welcome child.
Undine from another room says.
Ophis: thank you too, ghost.
Varakiel was giving lessons at kuoh academy.
Varakiel: alright guys, you have all improved a lot in the past month i am very proud of you, as a reward i have prepared several gifts for all of you.
The whole classroom cheers!
Varakiel then hands the regular students hand made sweets.
Varakiel: i hope you can keep working hard, my dear students.
Student A: leave it to us sensei!
Student B: yeah, we will become the number one class thanks to sona-senpai and rias-senpai!
Varakiel: mhm. Then i dismiss you for today take the day off, don't worry I informed the principal before hand and he agreed.
Varakiel gives a thumbs up to everyone in the classroom.
Student A: really!? Yay! Let's go girls today a new movie is being released!
Student B: really? let's go then!
Then all the other students with exception of rias, akeno, sona and tsubaki leave the classroom.
Sona: was is true that you requested the principal for such matter?
Varakiel: nothing that some sweets can't handle.
Sona: i won't tolerate corruption in this academy!
Varakiel then takes a collar with a blue orb hanging from it.
Varakiel: this is your gift for your hard work, i really liked it's blue color it reminds me of the sea and you.
Sona blushed deeply but didn't deny the gift…
Varakiel then puts it on her.
Varakiel: for rias i got this, hehe its green color reminds me of your calmness and kindness, just like the wind.
Rias as sona blushed deeply but doesn't deny the gift.
Varakiel then puts her the collar as well.
Varakiel: mhm it suits both of you~.
Sona: really? ….i like it.
Rias: …..yeah me too.
Akeno: oh my, such a pretty gift.
Akeno says with a hint of jealousy.
Varakiel: heheh, for you akeno, i have this
Varakiel takes out a collar with yellow magatama.
Varakiel: i got a pretty magatama i think it suits you a lot.
Akeno: oh my really?
Akeno looks at the magatama attently something about it attracts her to it.
Akeno: i like it a lot varakiel-san~.
Varakiel: great!
Varakiel then puts the collar on her like rias and sona
Tsubaki eyes spell jealousy.
Varakiek: heheh(so cute) for shinra i got a magatama as well but this one is quite unique as it is light brown and violet mixed on it just like your eyes.
Tsubaki heart jumps up from joy, such a beautiful gift infatuated her.
Tsubaki: a-a normal one was okay sensei….
Varakiel: how can i give something normal to my most hardworking student, with your current progress you can easily skip to college division.
Tsubaki: sensei….. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Varakiel: heheh.
Varakiel then puts the collar on tsubaki.
Varakiel: mhm, it looks perfect on you.
Varakiel: alright like the others you can take the day off, do whatever you want, i wont leave homework as well.
Rias: really? Then can you come with me to the occult research club? I need to talk to you about something.
Varakiel: sure~(welp it was time to get involved with them but it will be fun too, seeing them fight in the future i look forward to it albion and draig.) Then sona, tsubaki i'll see you tomorrow~.
Sona:oh why would you need him for your club? It sounds interesting so I'll tag along. What do you think tsubaki?
Tsubaki: of course~.
Rias: *grrr* fine let's go then.
Varakiel:well lead the way.
Rias: hmph.
Then everyone walks to the old academy building.
Rias: what do you have to say in your defense?
Rias says as a long spear is displayed on her desk.
Varakiel: hey, you found it~.
Varakiel grabs the spear and it spins it at a very high speed and all the dirt and dust is removed from doing so.
Rias: aja, so it was really yours, now tell me why this spear was impaled on a fallen angel in that abandoned church…
Sona: ….and i thought sensei was normal he was never normal.
Tsubaki: after seeing all his education capacity it was pretty obvious.
Varakiel: hehe, sorry about that, i just wanted to enjoy the peace and calmness before the storm~.
Rias: who are you, no more lies ... .please i really want to know…
Varakiel:.....*sigh* fine you won rias-chan.
Varakiel suddenly wears a dark majestic armor with a sigil holding his cape.
Everyone is surprised.
Varakiel: I who bears the souls and will of the old heroes, who seeks strength to protect, i am he who desires for the future, a guide for the living a judge for the sinners, i am the hero who protects the future, and the lord who commands all monsters, the monster lord varakiel fateburn.
Everyone stares goes blank….
Rias: h-hero!?
Akeno and the others take a fight stance.
Sona: stop guys, he clearly doesn't have intention to hurt us…right?
Varakiel:.....guys, before being all that i am your teacher i wouldn't ever hurt someone i care for.
Varakiel takes out his helmet.
Varakiel: being a hero doesn't mean i hate demons or fallen angels nor that i support the church, i am not a hero for humanity, i am a hero for the future of everything. If you doubt me then attack me i won't retaliate, not against my sweet children.
Koneko suddenly pounce on varakiel.
Koneko: of course, i believe you varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: koneko-chan….heheh~ thank you for your trust.
Sona: ….so your real objective is?
Varakiel: like i have always said my dream is my objective, i have decided that the four of you must become very successful people who can achieve their dreams.
Tsubaki:....sona sitri-sama, i believe in varakiel-sensei words.
Sona: t-tsubaki?....very well if tsubaki trusts in you i will do so! But not more lies okay?
Varakiel: Well there's still a lie about all you that haven't told me isn't?
Akeno: oh my, that's true, we all been lying to varakiel as well.
Akeno then takes out her demon wings.
Rias: you're right…
Then everyone else takes out their demon wings.
Varakiel: see, hmph and you complain about hiding something like my identity.
Varakiel pouts while looking at the side.
Rias: …..(cute)
Akeno: ara (cute)
Sona: (cute)
Tsubaki: (cute)
Varakiel: anyways was that all?
Rias: almost, i just want to know why you killed those fallen angels.
Varakiel: because they killed one of my students, listen very well if any of you or your classmates were hurt by anyone , even god itself i will beat him up to death if that's the case.
The heart of Everyone in the room experienced a new sense of comfort and security…deeply in their hearts they believe that those words are not lies.
Rias: w-who was killed? I am not seeing a student missing….
Varakiel: it was hyoudou issei.
Koneko: from the perverted trio?
Varakiel: mhm.
Yuuto: b-but i saw him very healthy yesterday…
Varakiel: that's why i was very pissed of yesterday, they forced me to bring hyuodou issei to this dangerous side of the world….i revived him with necromancy.
Sona: n-necromancy!? Are you a necromant!?
Varakiel: I don't know the situation about necromancy these days, but in the old days necromancy was perfected to it's peak, you could revive someone without consequences, humanity conquered death and fear in the past.
Tsubaki: t-that must have been very long…right now the highest necromant user can only get an army of skeletons…
Varakiel: i see…*sigh* in the past necromancy was very sacred, while we lost the fear of death we never lost our respect to it that's how sacred necromancy was born, through a connection with a host you return the soul of a deceased person to its body, if the body is too damaged a spell to rewind the time of the body was created.
Rias: h-how old are you, such things can only exist in the old times…
Varakiel: my physical age is 30 years old.
Everyone sigh in relief.
Varakiel: my spiritual age or soul age is ….. more that a billion years, i can be considered older than god itself.
The whole room goes silent…
Varakiel: see that's why i told you rias now everyone would look at me with bad eyes, you better compensate me later.
Rias: w-why i have to?
Varakiel: sona-chan look rias is bullying me .
Rias: what did i do!?
Tsubaki: no matter who is it age is a delicate matter for humans rias-sama you should know that already.
Rias: h-how i would know that!?
Akeno: you're so mean rias , varakiel-san was clearly working hard for us and help us improve our grades, i didn't know you liked to bully people this much.
Koneko: rias-sama…pervert.
Rias: ahhhhhh!!! Fine i am sorry varakiel, please forgive me!
Varakiel: no, rias-chan is a bully to believe your ego has gone over your head.
Rias: please.
Rias begins to tear up
Varakiel:....okay fine i forgive you, please don't start to cry.
Rias: really?
Varakiel: really!
Rias: *cof* okay then!
Varakiel: (she's really a devil) so is there anything else?
Rias: *cof* indeed who's peerage are you joining? Mine or sona?
Varakiel: none~.
Varakiel: And that's final~. So if there's nothing else, koneko do you want to come home with me? Ophis has missed you.
Koneko: really? Okay…
Koneko stops eating her snacks and stand besides varakiel.
Koneko: Then rias-sama I'll see you later.
Koneko then pulls varakiel away….
Rias: …..
Sona:.... I'll go as well, see you rias.