My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 68: Meeting Asia

Varakiel: i am back.

Varakiel comes back home followed by koneko.

Koneko: excuse my intromission.

Ophis ears stand up again.

Varakiel and koneko then walk to the living room.

Koneko: ophis-chan hello.

Ophis: koneko….hi.

Varakiel: heheh (so cute~) alright ill make dinner, anything you want ophis?


Varakiel: oh you remembered something else good job~.

Varakiel pats ophis head.

Ophis:....(happy)koneko, good job at school too?

Varakiel: mhm, she did.

Ophis: koneko good job.

Ophis then imitating varakiel pats koneko's head.

Koneko: *purr*....ho!

Varakiel:~. Alright then go wash your hands and sit down.

Ophis then stands up from the couch and goes to the bathroom and wash her hands…

Ophis: i did it.

Ophis then sits down.

And so does koneko.


Varakiel: alright here you go.

Varakiel hands them a plate of mapo tofu.

Ophis: ….itadakimasu…..*munch*

Koneko: itadakimasu….*munch*

Varakiel: mhm, hehe, itadakimasu…


Later at night…

Koneko: varakiel-sensei….i can stay tonight with ophis-chan?

Varakiel: of course~.

Koneko: good.


The next day….

Varakiel: alright everyone remember to do your homework and don't return home too late at night.

Then all the students left the classroom…

Rias: varakiel-sensei….

Sona: varakiel-sensei…

Varakiel: i already told you i won't turn into a devil, that's off limits, i love being a human being.

Rias: but don't you want to live forever?

Sona: don't you want more power that anyone else?

Varakiel: baka~.

Varakiel flicks his finger on their foreheads.

Varakiel: i already have those, but if you want it so bad how about i get you in exchange?



Varakiel: don't dare to agree you damn idiots! 

Varakiel then chops their heads.

Varakiel: seriously, don't look at yourselves like some kind of prize, value yourself more, you're beautiful, smart, kind, and hardworking, the four of you are beautiful girls who will be become fine ladies in the future.

Rias and sona look at the ground ashamed.

Akeno: oh my, so i am beautiful varakiel-san?

Varakiel: is there someone who can think otherwise? I can make them an eye exam myself.

Akeno: fufu.

Varakiel: you too tsubaki, you're beautiful so don't belittle you.

Tsubaki:...yes varakiel-sensei.

Varakiel then leaves the classroom.

Rias: ouch ouch, what was that?

Akeno: oh well, rias you see he got a little angry at you and me too, he's right you're not a prize, like he said you're beautiful, smart and kind. You shouldn't give yourself to someone else.

Rias: ah….i am sorry akeno.

Akeno: fufu, after all rias-chan can be dumb sometimes.

Rias: akeno!

Sona: i see so that's how it is…tsubaki?

Tsubaki: like the words akeno said , why you should hand yourself as a prize, you're the proud daughter of the sitri house.

Sona: you're right.


Varakiel: so?

Rias & sona: we are sorry for mentioning something like that.

Varakiel: *sigh* 

Varakiel pats both of them.

Varakiel: listen okay? There's nothing more precious that your own life, never let anyone try to control it, you're the one who should make their own decisions, you're the students i most feel proud off, you're destined to change the world as you see fit.

Sona: c-change the world?

Varakiel: mhm, that applies to the underworld and heaven.

Sona: *twitch* i see then i will keep these words in mind.

Rias: me too…thank you varakiel-sensei we won't do something like that again.

Varakiel: good, and remember if any of you has a problem that can't be solved by yourself, just call me and I'll be there.

Rias: hmph, there's not a problem i rias gremory i can't solve…..i think.

Sona: i am sona sitri, i wouldn't ever beg for someone assistance...i think.

Varakiel: heheh, whatever you say child, so do you need something else?

Rias: yeah, what the hell is this?

Rias then point at her collar.

Sona: yeah what are they.

Varakiel: hm? Didn't they told you already?oi draig, Albion what are you waiting for?

Draig and albion voice suddenly sounds….

Draig: their power is still a bit weak to merge with them right now, the process might hurt me and her.

Albion: indeed, is different to insert us in a person than being born with one.

Varakiel: oh i see…well do it when you see fit.

Rias:....who the hell are they?

Varakiel: isn't obvious?

Rias: where did you got them?

Varakiel: i was lucky i guess.

Sona: the red dragon emperor and the white dragon emperor…..why not use them yourself?

Varakiel: why should i? They fit you way more, albion blue hue compliments your beautiful water element and the red hue from draig compliments rias scarlet hair.

Rias: just that to gives something like this…. beautiful water you said? …~

Sona smiles sweetly.

Varakiel: see sona already accepted it, there are not refunds rias.

Rias: who said i didn't liked it idiot.

Varakiel: heheh, so? Anything else?

Rias: no.

Sona: no.

Next day…

Varakiel was making his way to the academy when he noticed something from a far, a priest and his student issei….the priest was walking behind issei and she seemed that she was trying to get his attention but to no avail, issei was sumerged in his own world.

Varakiel: oh boy.

Varakiel then walks to them.


Issei: haaaa! This is hard!

???: hawaau!

Just as the sister was falling behind issei.


Varakiel: are you okay, little one.?

???: auu, why do i keep tripping over….ah mister, thank you very much for catching me.

The sister release a kind smile.

Varakiel: no problem.

Issei: aniki! 

Issei turns around and notice the sister on his arms.

Issei: i am sorry sister just now i think i made you trip.

???: it's okay, im fine, mister here catched me…

Varakiel: then what are you doing here, little one?

???: i was appointed to the Church in this town…you two must be residents it's a pleasure to meet you.

Issei: (i can't understand her at all) uhh, aniki can you actually understand her?

Varakiel: of course, ah sorry little one it must be hard to try talking japanese *cof* hello i am varakiel fateburn this here is my student hyoudou issei.

???: ah mister you can speak english? What a relief it has been really hard to communicate with others, this must be a blessing of the lord…..

The nun the begins to pray.

Asia: ah where are my manners, my name is asia argento i am a nun from the church.

Varakiel: nice to meet you asia.

Asia: ah nice to meet you too mr varakiel.

Varakiel: you say you're going to the church right?

Asia: yes, mr varakiel so you know where is it?

Varakiel: *sigh* i am sorry to inform you…the church has burn down recently, it has been completely destroyed.

Asia eyes went blank.

Asia: oh lord this tribulation you have given me, i am sure to overcome it.

Varakiel: (poor girl…..) do you have a place to stay?

Asia: n-no all my funds were meant to be in the church…

Varakiel: (oh my god i am sorry asia!!!) *Sigh* now that's a problem…..hmmm i think i have an idea….

Issei: a-aniki ill go ahead or I'll get late.

Varakiel: oh right, little one follow me to the academy I'll try to help you out at the best of my capabilities.

Asia: r-really? Oh lord thank you for this blessing.

Varakiel: (angels….i hate you for abandoning this kind child, you like fallen angels and devils don't deserve mercy for trying to control humanity) then Follow me

Asis then follows varakiel while she chats with him…


Varakiel then enters kuoh academy with asia and issei…

Varakiel: alright issei, go to your class. I will handle asia's affairs.

Issei: okay! Goodluck asia.

Asia then prays for issei safety.

Varakiel: alright then follow me asia.

Asia: m-mhm

Asia then follows varakiel to the teachers room.

Varakiel: Please stay here until classes end. After that i will help you to find a place to stay.

Asia: i-i hope I am not a nuisance.

Varakiel: don't worry child, you aren't.

Asia: just to be sure…which class are you a student in?

Varakiel: student?

Asia: eh?

Varakiel: asia i am a teacher.

Asia: ehhh!!? So young and already a teacher? Incredible….

Varakiel: heheh, alright, please stay here and eat these Meanwhile. I promise I will get you a proper meal after my class is over.

Asia then looks at the recipient with a sandwich inside of it…

Asia: a-are you sure?

Varakiel: mhm, don't worry they are very easy to make, eat as many as you want.

Asia then looks between varakiel and the sandwich

Asia: *munch* delicious!

Asia without the initial shyness proceeds to devour the sandwich.


Asia noticed her eating speed got as red as a tomato…

Varakiel: hahaha, please eat more if you get hungry (poor child she must have been starving), then I'll go.

Varakiel then leaves the teacher's room and goes to his classroom.


After classes are over varakiel goes back with asia.

Varakiel: Alright, asia we should go.

Asia: ah, yes, mr varakiel…so have you find a solution? I…i am out of ideas.

Varakiel: heheh i have one that will benefit all of us…

Varakiek then walks out of the academy with asia…

Rias: *stare* 

Sona: *stare*


Varakiel: So let me tell you about my idea, I want you to live in my house.

Asia: t-that i can't do something like that, living alone with a male…it would be a sin.

Asia turns as red as a tomato again.

Varakiel: dummy i don't live alone, i have a child that i adopted in my house.

Asia: an adopted child? Is it an orphan?

Varakiel: actually let me you what i know…please don't tell anyone else about this *cof* I found her a week ago roaming aimlessly on the streets, she seemed lost and with an empty stare devoid of life, she was staring attentively at a doll machine, so I got the doll that she liked more and took her home.

Asia: t-that…(i know it's not what i think of please lord Don't let it be something horrible)

Varakiel: Then these days I have tried to gain her trust and by what I learn ... .it seems some horrible people kept her as a sex slave.

Asia: *gasp* (why lord, why?)

Asia gasp horrified

Varakiel: the experience was so traumatic that she doesn't know how to express herself anymore little by little i am gaining her trust but it pains me to leave her alone because my job, i wish asia could stay at my house and take care of her while i work, ophis needs to interact with good people.

Asia then begins to cry.

Asia: something so horrible…please mr varakiel let me help you.

Undine: (I didn't feel a lie in your words…did that actually happen?)

Varakiel: ( i know when someone has been sexually abused ...i noticed traces of semen on her body ...and i have experienced it ...hero association i will burn you to the ground until there's not a single trace of you left.) Mhm i will be in your care asia.

Varakiel along with Asia arrived at home.

Asia: you live so close to the academy…

Varakiel: mhm, i usually come back running to see ophis as soon as possible, i don't want her to be alone anymore, also please refrain from mentioning god to her…she begged for his mercy to no avail so mentioning him could trigger something. (Like her hate for him)

Asia: ….o-okay mr varakiel….i will refrain from doing so…(mr varakiel, you're very kind)

Varakiel: okay then..i'm back.

Ophis' ears then stood up.

Ophis: ...ok.

Varakiel: mhm let me present someone to you ophis, this is asia, she will be your family.

Ophis: family…..someone higher than friends…..

Asia: hello ophis, i am asia argento while varakiel is out working i will take care of you and play with you.

Ophis: play ... .I will remember your name…asia.

Asia: mhm, we'll have a lot of fun and happiness.

Ophis: …..happiness….like when varakiel touch me here.

Ophis then points to her head.

Varakiel: (so cuteeeee~) heheh.

Varakiel then pats ophis head.


Asia: (mr varakiel, he's like a hero….bringing joy and warm to everyone close to him) c-can i try?


Asia then pats ophis.


Varakiel: mhm it seems you will get along well with ophis, asia, i leave her under your care while i am away.

Varakiel says to asia with a genuine kind smile.

Asia: l-leave her to me. I used to take care of children in my previous church.

Varakiel: Mhm, then please sit at the dinner table. I will be done cooking soon.

Asia: Okay, let's go ophis.

Ophis: …..ok


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