Chapter 69: Killing some villains
Varakiel: now asia, ophis enjoy.
Asia: i-it smells very good….then oh l-
Varakiel grabs asia hands…
Asia: (right ...oh lord forgive me for this but for the sake of this child i am willing to sin) then let's eat!
Varakiel: ( what an understanding child, she deserves a good life.) Mhm, itadakimasu.
Ophis: itadakimasu.
Asia: eh, ah…itadakiimasuum…
Varakiel: Hehe, you'll get used to it asia.
Asia: heheh.
After dinner varakiel ophis and asia were on the couch and ophis was in varakiel's lap sleeping with a smile.
Asia: such a cute child…to believe something like that happened to her….mr varakiel i will give all my faith to protect this smile.
Varakiel: heheh, please fill her with a lot of love like me asia, but of course you won't work for free, i am going to give you private lessons so you can enter the academy when ophis can begin to go around by herself…. at least from here to the academy without getting lost.
Asia: i-i can't accept getting free lessons from an academy teacher…
Varakiel: Asia, you don't want to only speak with me right? In the future you will have to speak with others so it's better if i teach you japanese.
Asia: ah,....t-then I'll be in your care teacher.
Varakiel: mhm.
Varakiel took Asia and ophis to a bed and put them together.
Varakiel: Goodnight my children have sweet dreams.
Ophis and Asia put a smile on their sleep.
Varakiel: Hehe, all of you bring me so much joy and happiness. I swear I will give my all to protect you.
Undine: (both of them are adorable)
Late at night…
Varakiel: hm? Oh they seem to be hunting a stray devil, let's see their capabilities.
Varakiel then jumps out from the window.
Varakiel: (Undine I leave their protection to you.)
Undine: (of course)
Varakiel stays on top of a tall tower in the city where he has a complete view of everything that is happening around in the city.
Varakiel: ah there 's koneko…
Varakiel sees koneko and yuuto facing a stray devil while rias and akeno remain behind.
Varakiel: such an evil laugh.
Even if varakiel can't hear it he can imagine the laugh coming from that ugly monster.
Rias was yelling something to the stray devil.
The devil only mocks and laughs back at her.
Rias then yells at yuuto and he charges with huge speed forward.
Varakiel: not bad, but he's still lacking versatility, and his fighting style is rough and simple, but he has potential.
Then koneko charges at the devil's legs
The devil tries to stomp on koneko but koneko easily lift's her up and throws her up in the sky and punch her in the stomach.
Akeno then puts her hands together and suddenly a lightning bolt falls upon the stray devil.
And she does it again. And again.
Varakiel: As expected of akeno she is really a S, heheh.(oh it seems they are done~)....hmmm oh hehehe let's test them out.
Varakiel then changes to a pitch black armor and jumps from the tower to were rias perigee is…
Rias: good we are done lets g-
Rias suddenly feels a presence and the huge pressure coming from it.
The pitch black figure lands lightly on the ground.
Rias: who are you?
Everyone gets ready for battle.
Varakiel then unsheathes his blade and points to yuuto.
Yuuto: ah….are you challenging me?
Varakiel nods.
Yuuto: very well, rias, akeno, koneko let me at him.
Rias: be careful yuuto….he's dangerous.
Akeno: mhm, this pressure can only come from someone that has lived for a very long time.
Varakiel then provokes yuuto to charge at him.
Yuuto: …..Ha!
Yuuto with huge speed charges to the pitch black armor.
Varakiel: hm….
Varakiel easily evades to the side.
Varakiel then waits for yuuto next movement… which comes after he steps on the floor.
Varakiel: you lost.
Varakiel easily knocks out yuuto with a single strike. And then he grabs it with his arm and gently puts him in a tree nearby.
Varakiel then points at koneko to come at him. And he also sheates his sword and cracks his knuckles and puts an steady stance.
Koneko: this guy is very strong….
Koneko then jumps high in the sky trying to fall on varakiel…
Varakiel: nice thinking but….
Varakiel then punch the ground and with a single movement he blows it up sending koneko backwards.
Varakiel catches koneko and puts her in the same tree than yuuto.
Akeno: oh my….i guess is my turn,
Akeno then claps her hands and lighting bolts lands directly on varakiel
Varakiel:...(the power is good…but "that" holds her back….we need to have a chat soon)
Varakiel then takes a step forward.
Akeno: not enough?
Varakiel takes another step.
Akeno: he is very strong.
Akeno: did i do it?
Varakiel takes another step as the smoke clears out.
Akeno: can you please die?
Then akeno uses all her power in her last bolt.
Akeno: *pant* *pant**pant* was that enough?
After the smoke clears out
Varakiel takes another step.
Akeno: ah, i surrender.
Varakiel then with a single movement appears in front of akeno.
Varakiel then rises his hand
Akeno: eeek!
Akeno got ready for the strike.
Varakiel: good job.
Varakiel then princess carries her to the tree where koneko and yuuto were.
Akeno: ….varakiel-san don't bully her too much.
Varakiel then stands up and points at rias.
Rias: who are you? To defeat my peerage so easily and treating that good….varakiel-sensei is that you?
Varakiel: hello rias-chan~.
Varakiel then changes his clothes back to his casual look
Rias: what do you think you're doing?
Varakiel: heheh, i just wanted to test out how strong you guys are currently, i must say that you're quite good, but you lack a lot of experience, tell yuuto and koneko that when they wake up to look for me if they want to get stronger.
Rias: and what about me?
Varakiel: I don't need to test you out rias-chan. I know perfectly how powerful your power is. Oh yeah give this to koneko and yuuto so they woke up instantly.
Varakiel hands 2 panaceas to rias.
Rias: potions? Are you also an alchemist?
Varakiel: heheh, don't worry, they are made by someone i know, i can trust him 101%.
System: ;)
Varakiel: alright , feel free to come to my house if you need something or if you just want to chat~.
Rias:....okay, good night varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: good night little princess.
Rias then blush by the nickname….
Varakiel: goodbye, akeno-chan~.
Varakiel then pats akeno's head.
Varakiel: you did a good job keep it up.
Akeno knows perfectly that she did badly…but varakiel is trying to cheer her up.
Varakiel: no i really mean it, so you have lot of potential, you just need to realize it~.
Varakie: really
Akeno: for real?, for real?
Varakiel: for real for real, you're one of my excellent students. I have complete trust in you.
Akeno remains silent…
Varakiel: bye bye…
Varakiel then walks back home….
It was weekend.
Varakiel: Alright everyone I won't leave homework for this weekend, just remember to take a look again at today's lesson, have a fun weekend my dear students.
The whole classroom cheers.
Rias: so, yuuto and koneko will accept your training varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: mhm, tell them to come to my house and i will help them to train in my yard.
Rias: we are going aswell there was something i didn't understand about today's lesson.
Akeno: me too.
Sona: i also didn't understand something.
Varakiel: tsubaki-chan you don't need a reason to come to my house, all of you are welcome anytime.
Tsubaki: *nods*
Varakiel: alright then let's go~.
Varakiel: welcome to my house~.
Rias: is really close like koneko said…
Sona: too close actually…
Akeno: you said is okay to come whenever i like right varakiel-san?
Varakiel: of course, i will be reassured if you can become friends with ophis and asia.
Everyone were confused who is ophis and asia.
Varakiel: ah right i forget to mention them…
Varakiel then gives the same explanation of ophis to everyone…
Koneko: o-ophis-chan suffered that much?
Varakiel: mhm so please keep making her happy koneko-chan.
Koneko: leave it to me sensei.
Rias: such thing happened to someone….
Sona: disgusting….
Tsubaki: do you want me to find out about who did that varakiel-sensei?
Varakiel: leave it be, is better if ophis can forget about them completely and even better learn to hate them, ophis needs to learn to feel.
Varakiel and yuuto were training on the yard.
Yuuto: such thing done to a child….
Yuuto clenchs his hands so hard that they begin to bleed…
Varakiel: I don't know what you have gone through child, but let it go.
Yuuto: tch what would you know?
Varakiel pats yuuto head.
Varakiel: More than you can think of child, I have seen the darkest sides of the human heart, his ugly and rotten side, but thanks to that I know how to love and care all of you with the shiniest light of the human heart.
Yuuto:.....sensei *sob*.
Varakiel: let it go child vengeance isn't worth it, live for everything that you have now, live for your family.
Yuuto: b-but that wouldn't mean to abandon all my friends that died for me?
Varakiel: child, they didn't gave their lives for you to get vengeance, they did it for you to live remembering them, someone only truly dies when someone forgets them.
Yuuto: *sob* b-but….. I don't know anything anymore.
Varakiel: then fight!
Yuuto then looks at varakiel.
Varakiel: fight for the people you care for , protect those you love, give your all daily to never lose to anyone, if you fail then try again, until you win, never give up, just like the old heroes of humanity, they didn't only prevailed through the wars of angels, demons and fallen angels, they have overcome their own weakness with sheer hardwork and effort look at me! I am the strongest human of the world, and i fight for the future of everyone i care, even if you were reborn as demon your human will prevails! So stand up! And fight!
Yuuto: sensei….please teach me how to be a hero like you!!
Varakiel: very well, it will be hard are you ready for the challenge?
Yuuto: i have always been ready!
Varakiel: good then you need to learn to see….this.
Varakiel then slash the air
Yuuto then looks back there he sees the whole mountain that was in the woods cut in half.
Varakiel: are you ready?
Yuuto: …..sensei, I'll be in your care!
Varakiel then instructed yuuto not only a good way to fight but also some cursed demon blade techniques.
Yuuto was on the floor completely exhausted.
Yuuto: *pant* *pant* *pant* you do this daily sensei?
Varakiel: mhm, so? You give up?
Yuuto: never!
Varakiel: heheh
Varakiel then pats yuuto's head .
Varakiel: good job child you have passed the first lesson, never give up.
Yuuto: heheh.
Varakiel: alright child you rested enough come to eat with everyone….
Yuuto: okay sensei.
Varakiel: alright girls thank you for coming today, ophis had a lot of fun. And so did asia.
Rias: varakiel, are you sure do you want to have a nun in your house?
Varakiel: don't worry she is harmless, and I trust her a lot , later I will become her foster father, and enroll her in the academy. The same goes to ophis~.
Sona: Then I'll help you out to enroll them, they seem to be very smart.
Varakiel: heheh thank you sona-chan.
Varakiel: of course i would be glad if you look after them rias-chan.
Rias then smiles.
Rias: of course.
Varakiel: Alright then let me accompany you to your house. Ophis say goodbye to everyone.
Varakiel: mhm like that.
Ophis: goodbye.
Varakiel: alright I'll be back soon.
Everyone was making their way to the academy when suddenly.
Koneko: *sniff* i smell blood….
Varakiel: hm? Where?
Koneko then points somewhere.
Koneko: 3 kilometers in that direction.
Rias: well get ready we-
Varakiel: leave it to me I'll check it out myself, is already late so go to sleep.
Rias: sona?
Sona: sensei is strong, he shouldn't be in danger.
Varakiel: mhm, leave it to me today is weekend as your teacher is my duty that you truly relax on your resting days and besides i need to move my body a bit.
Koneko:.....sensei…be careful.
Varakiel: mhm of course.
Akeno: fufu, then we'll see you tomorrow too varakiel-san.
Then everyone goes inside the academy.
Varakiel: 3 km in that direction was it?
Varakiel then jumps high in the sky…and he sees an anormal house the windows were tainted with blood.
Varakiel: there you are.
Varakiel then lands in front of the house…
Varakiel then makes his way up to the second floor…
There a single door is being light by a lightbulb…
Varakiel: well no point in wasting time…
Inside the living room .
Varakiel: huh, the people of the church really like to profanate the meaning of the cross.
There a human was nailed to the wall upside down.
Varakiel: and you must be the one who hurt this innocent soul.
???:hmm hmm, who do we have here?
Varakiel: I'll cut your stupidity, why you did this sinner?
???: my name is freed sellzen. I belong to a certain exorcism organization.
Suddenly a wind current hits freed…
Freed: …huh? Why i can't...ah ah ah ... .AHHHHH!
Freed arm was cut and dropped on then floor but the moment it hit it, it divided in perfectly simetrical cubes.
Varakiel: sinner, i asked a question why you did this ?
Freed: y-you you realize the sin you're commiting? Yo-
Suddenly another wind current hit him…this time his right eye.
Freed: ahhhahhhhhhh!!!
Freed drops to the floor in pain.
Varakiel: Respond, sinner. Why you did this!?
Freed: he was a regular criminal who was summoning devils, so i had to kill him.
Varakiel: So that's your reason? hmph, this is what the church is truly teaching? Pathetic. No wonder god is dead.
Freed: h-how do yo-ahahhhhhhh!!!!
Freed is suddenly lit up in flames
Varakiel: those flames will burn you down even in purgatory not even hades can turn them down, suffer sinner.
Varakiel then walks to the nailed corpse….then he removes the nails and the body falls down….
Varakiel: may you find peace, child….[Sacred Exorcism]
Somewhere in heaven….
Michael: t-this power !? Father!?
Michael then tries to take a look to where the familiar power came from to no avail.
Michael: father is….father is alive somewhere out there!
Varakiel then leaves the room as it burns down
Varakiel: i wonder if leaving religion roam in monmosu was a mistake….no they are wonderful gods they respect and guide humans correctly.
Varakiel then takes out the weapons of that exorcist…and his head.
Varakiel: is time to send a message and a warning…
Varakiel then vanish from the scene.
Suddenly a fallen angel appears..
???: is it that i have to do everything myself? argh!!!
Then as he arrived he banished.