Chapter 70: How to teach others to be kind
Varakiel then goes home…
Varakiel: i am back.
Varakiel: ( she is improving~) mhm, i am back ophis.
Varakiel pats ophis head.
Varakiel: alright let's go to bed ophis.
Varakiel then takes ophis to Asia's bed.
Varakiel: good night ophis, good night asia
Ophis: good night…varakiel.
Asia: good night.
The next day koneko and kiba came for more training….
Varakiel: hm? Why the sudden rush?
Koneko: we will have game soon we need all the experience we can get, sensei.
Yuuto: mhm like koneko said sensei, we have a game soon.
Varakiek: oh? And who's the opponent?
Rias: riser Phoenix.
Varakiel: oh? It seems you despise him a lot.
Rias: he's….. disgusting.
Varakiel: hmmm, i see if it's someone who rias-chan hates then he's really someone disgusting.
Varakiel begins thinking…
Varakiel: Phoenix, he's must be related to the Phoenix bird right?
Akeno: indeed varakiel-san.
Varakiel: hmmm, well i can only wish you luck~.
Rias: hmph i don't need luck i have to win or else….
Varakiel: (what? Is someone trying to take away my sweet student? Phoenix was it? You better pick a god and pray.) What is it?
Rias: he's my fiancé, if i lose then I'll have no other choice that marry him, a trick by otou-sama and the others.
Varakiel: oh? I'll have a serious talk with zeoticus, choosing the future of my precious student? Over my dead body.
Rias blush deeply
Rias: (p-precious…!?) A-anyways i have no intention of losing i will give my all in this match after all.
Varakiel: i look forward to it.
Varakiel then gave a kind gaze to rias…
Varakiel: But rias-chan, remember these words, it's okay to run away. No one of your friends would look down on you if you don't want to do something you don't want.
Varakiel then pats her head.
Varakiel: Remember that sona is your friend, you can rely on her.
Rias:...sensei…..that also means i can rely on you?
Varakiel: mhm, of course!
Rias: (is it okay to run away?....if sensei says it then it is true…) thank you sensei for your words.
Varakiel: Hehe, you want to learn about humans, isn't? These words come from a good person, they are not mine.
Rias: Varakiel-sensei you seem to know a lot of people.
Varakiel: mhm, I had to travel a lot to reach this city after all.
Rias: That makes sense.
Varakiel: But it seems you and sona can't assimilate Draig and Albion yet, I guess after this ordeal I'll have to personally train both of you haha.
Rias: ….why not now?
Varakiel: I don't know how to train you properly yet, I am still working on a plan.
Rias: i see…thank you sensei for the hard work you put for me
Varakiel: heheh, don't mention it, as your teacher it is my duty to protect you and give my all for your growth.
Rias then smiles to varakiel.
Varakiel: good job guys.
Varakiel says to kiba and koneko.
Varakiel: So do you feel anything different?
Yuuto: yes sensei, i think i can hold myself more time against you.
Varakiel: good. Koneko?
Koneko: me too.
Varakiel: Great, Rias needs all the help she can get so give your best on the game…..but if you lose, then I'll increase the intensity of your training. Got it?
Yuuto: Yes sensei, we will give our best for Bouchou, right Koneko?
Koneko: *nods* yes i don't want Bouchou to marry someone like him, I would prefer someone like sensei
Koneko says silently.
Varakiel: (hmmmm…i was not aiming for that but if rias is okay with it then i can't refuse my dear student~.) Good to hear, then rest. We'll continue tomorrow.
Yuuto: okay sensei.
Koneko: …*nods*
The day of the battle eventually arrives.
Varakiel: Alright guys, remember to do your homework and don't go home late at night, you are dismissed.
Then the classroom begins to get empty.
Varakiel: alright rias, Sona, akeno, tsubaki I'll see you later~.
Akeno: you won't come to see our match sensei?
Varakiel: I already know the outcome of the match, and also your test is coming soon soo i have to work on it. Just because you're demons doesn't dismiss you from the test, if you miss it because a demon matters I won't care, you will reprobate.
Rias: n-not fair.
Varakiel: Then come back be it victory or defeat and study hard, understood?
Rias: But if I lose then….
Varakiel: Then what? All of you are my precious students, if anyone tries to hinder your education I'll go right where you are and take you back.
Sona: Oh really? Even the underworld?
Varakiel: even the dimensional gap itself.
Akeno: oh my, Varakiel-san you sound so cool~ i might fall in love with you at this rate~.
Varakiel: no love matters until you graduate, after that you can do whatever you want.
Tsubaki: That means if we graduate we can…..
Varakiel: …..*sigh* Yes, I promise if you graduate from highschool division we'll have all the dates you want.
Then the aura of the four ignite like fire.
Rias: (i have to get better grades to graduate sooner)
Sona: (i have to get better grades to graduate sooner.)
Akeno:(i have to get better grades to graduate sooner.)
Tsubaki:(I'll graduate sooner!)
Varakiel notices their serious expression.
Varakiel: And no, you can't skip. You have to enjoy interacting with your other classmates, they might not be as good as you, but you can learn from them.
Rias: ok….
Sona: *tch* fine.
Akeno: *sigh* is so sad.
Tsubaki: …..hmph.
The four get disappointed.
Varakiel: heheh, alright I'll see you tomorrow girls , good luck Rias, Akeno.
Rias: y-yes (he called me rias again)
Akeno: mhm leave it to me.
Varakiel: I am back.
Asia comes from inside the house.
Asia: welcome back mr varakiel, come on Ophis do it like we practice.
Ophis: ….welcome..back…home?
Varakiel face lights up.
Varakiel: mhm i am back ophis.
Varakiel then pats ophis.
Ophis: ¿? …..Why are you happy?
Varakiel: because Ophis works hard to learn.
Ophis:...¿?....(but still…it makes me ... .happy somehow…to be…praised?....praised)
Varakiel: alright let's go, I'll make dinner for today~.
Asia: then good night varakiel…*yawn* let's go to bed ophis-chan.
Varakiel: oh, your Japanese is improving a lot Asia, good job.
Varakiel pats asia's head.
Asia: eh? Heheh.
Ophis looks between asia and varakiel……
Asia: hm? What is it ophis-chan?
Asia crouches to ask Ophis what's wrong.
Ophis then like varakiel pats asia.
Ophis: good…job.
Asia: ophis…heheh thank you.
Asia then hugs Ophis tightly.
Ophis puts a subtle smile.
Varakiel: (heheh, ophis is learning very fast how to praise and to be kind…~)
Varakiel: mhm….the match should be over soon by now, time to cheer up my defeated student.
Varakiel then makes his way to the academy grounds while carrying some food.
Rias looks at her defeated peerage who hasn't given up yet…
Rias: guys you have given your best but it is futile we can't defeat him…..
Yuuto: But still like sensei said, I won't give up.
Koneko: mhm i don't want to disappoint sensei if he hears that we didn't try it all.
Akeno:Mhm that's right I won't be able to see Varakiel-san face for a while if I did.
Rias: guys...
Riser: such a touching moment but is useless Rias Gremory, it's checkmate.
Rias: i…i…
Then the words of varakiel sound in her mind…
(Varakiel:is okay to run away.)
Rias with a smile and a resolved face…speaks.
Rias: It's my loss. I resign. (I'll absolutely take off that disgusting smile on your face next time!)
Riser looks at Rias with a smile.