My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 71: Holding out for a hero, (yes it is the song)

Varakiel arrives at the academy but it is too late everyone is gone…

Varakiel: oh? I am too late now?

Suddenly a maid comes from somewhere and face varakiel….

???: you must be varakiel…i am grayfia, the queen of lord sirzechs-sama, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Varakiel: mhm, so grayfia-san tell me…

Varakiel then releases his power..


Grayfia: !!!! (T-this kind of pressure. w-who is this human!!?)

Varakiel: Where did my precious students go?

Varakiel says with a deep and rough voice, he's angry, he knows they took rias, Akeno, Yuuto and Koneko without their consent.

Undine: (varakiel, calm down you're not even allowing her to breathe.)

Varakiel:....*inhales* *exhales* 

Grayfia: *gasp* 

Grayfia then gasp for air…

Varakiel: forgive my rudeness, grayfia-san, I hate when people force my family to do something they don't want. family you mean rias gremory-sama?

Varakiel: and her peerage.

Grayfia: (this time the phoenix house has no escape…..and i can't wait to see how they get away from this ...high grade satan.) I have understood by rias-sama that you're a human but after seeing your power ...what are you?

Varakiel: I'll explain it later….for now where are they?

Varakiel says again with anger.

Grayfia: currently, the engagement party for-


Varakiel throws a punch to a tree nearby and the surrounding area is pulverized. Not even dust is left.

Varakiel: engagement you said?....Is it in the underworld?

Grayfia: ...yes varakiel….-sama.

Grayfia already recognizes that varakiel is someone superior by far.

Varakiel: really making your daughter do something you don't want…. I'll have a talk with Zeoticus later, why have you come to me? There must be a reason.

Grayfia: rias-sama asked me to hand you this note ....(now i see why…)

Varakiel then grabs the note with the simple words.

"Varakiel, Help me, please" - Rias

Varakiel then notices that the note is slightly…wet.

*Rumble* *rumble* *rumble*

Varakiel: ….system, teleport me outside that damn party.

System: of course…master.

Varakiel then vanish from grayfia view.

Grayfia:.....those eyes…he's more than a satan…..a super devil.

Grayfia shivers from the thought that a human has reached such power…

Grayfia: I better inform this before it is too late…..or maybe it is already too late... who is he?

In the underworld at the house of the gremory who were throwing an engagement party…

Yuuto: ... .Why do I feel something horrible is coming….

Akeno: Indeed it feels like a calamity is upon us….

Koneko:....sensei…he 's furious.

Sona and tsubaki hearing the conversation join up…

Sona: So you feel it…

Tsubaki: yeah sona-sama varakiel-sensei must have been informed we were forced to come here and about this…engagement, by how much we have learned from varakiel-sensei….he's furious by now.


Rias was changing in her room.

Rias: varakiel….(he's coming for me…i can feel it….thank you for hearing your student wish) *sob*

Riser suddenly enters the room

Riser: oh are you perhaps crying from joy for getting married to me?

Grayfia then suddenly appears. 

Grayfia: riser phoenix refrain from bargain into rias-sama bedroom.

Riser: ah? She is my fiance i can do whatever i-

Before he could continue, grayfia appeared in front of him.

Grayfia: don't mistake fiance with spouse you're not married yet leave at once.

Riser: you bitch *tch*...

Riser then leaves…

Rias: thank you grayfia….did you give him that?

Grayfia: rias-sama with all respect….who is he? 

Rias: hehe, he's my sensei and i am her precious student.

Rias then stands up and prepares to leave the room.

Rias: and he's the strongest human in the world.

Rias then with a red dress walks out to the main hall.

Grayfia: the strongest ... .so that's how it is…


Rias then walks to her perigee who was together with sona and tsubaki

Koneko: bouchou, sensei?

Rias: yes, he's coming.

Suddenly a melody comes from nowhere…. 

[Holding out for a hero]

Riser: what is this ugly music.

Suddenly a demon comes from the main door.

Demon: lord sirzechs, a-a-a human is attacking us!

Riser: ah? A human what are you saying a human is a weak thing how can he possibl-

Suddenly a magic screen begins to display the situation outside.

♪doo doo doo doo♪

There varakiel is facing thousands of demons face to face.

♪doo doo doo doo♪

*Slash* One feels down.

♪doo doo doo doo♪

Koneko: sensei!

♪Ahh Ahh♪


Varakiel walks slowly and steadily forward looking directly to the entrance.

♪where are all the good man gone and we're all the gods♪

Twelve demons charge at him at once.

Varakiel blocks their strikes with his shield at the same time.

♪where's the street-wise hercules to fight the rising odds♪

Rias: varakiel…

♪isn't there a white knight upon a fiery stead♪

Varakiel: begone!

With a single slash he brokes the blockade.


♪late at night i toss and i turn and i dream of what i need♪


*Tap* *tap* 

Varakiel keeps moving forward.

♪i need a hero♪

Sona: he's indeed a hero…

♪i'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night♪

Tsubaki: and what song is this, it fits the situation really well, it's his doing as well?

♪He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight♪

Varakiel then faces 40 demons at once.

Varakiel: [Iai]

The demons fall on the ground in an instant.

♪i need a hero♪

Rias: but i don't need a hero, i just need varakiel.

Akeno: Well he's acting like a hero now so bear with it rias-chan~.


♪i'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light♪

Varakiel: (why did you put this one system?)

Lily: (the system says that it fits the situation very well~.)

♪ and he's gotta be larger than life larger than life♪

*Tap* *tap*

♪somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy♪

Rias suddenly blush 

Rias: (d-does he actually know about those!?)

♪somewhere, just beyond my reach there's someone reaching back for me♪

Suddenly more than 60 demons launch fireballs, thunders and other elemental attacks to varakiel.

♪racing on the thunder♪

Varakiel just kept walking forward ignoring the damage of those attacks.

♪and rising with the heat♪

*Boom* x60

Demon: did we got him!?

♪its gonna take a superman to sweep me of my feet, yeah♪


Varakiel dispels the cloud of smoke and dust with a single sweep of his hand and keeps walking forward.

♪i need a hero♪

Sona: if this happened to me he would do the same?...(what i am saying of course he would, he's the only man i recognize to be my couple….)

Sona looks at the screen with a smile 


Varakiel eventually arrives at the main gate. Which was blocked by more demons.


Varakiel pierces the ground with his sword.

Varakiel: [Hellfire]

Suddenly pillars of fire come out of the ground.

♪Up where the mountains meet the heavens above out where the lightning splits the sea♪

Varakiel: [Hellfire: Salamander]

Then the flames condense in a flame dragon that follows varakiel sword movements.

♪i could swear there is someone,somewhere, watching me♪

Varakiel then looks where the device is recording him.

Rias: (he's looking at me)

♪through the wind and the chill and the rain♪

Varakiel: Begone!


Varakiel then slash his fire infused blade.


♪And the storm and the flood i can feel his approach like a fire in my blood♪

Varakiel then goes inside the giant door that is now destroyed…


*Tap* *tap*

Varakiel: here we are.

Varakiel is facing the door to the main hall.

Varakiel: Well little Rias is waiting, I shouldn't make her wait too long.

Varakiel then pushes the doors open.

music stops


Varakiel then makes his way inside.

Koneko is the first one to pounce on him.

Koneko: sensei.. you're here.

Varakiel: I am here koneko-chan.

Varakiel pats koneko who was hugging him.

Yuuto: That was really awesome sensei, you have to teach me that fire sword technique.

Varakiel: relax kiba-kun all on its time, is too early for you.

Akeno: fufu, hey varakiel-san you really look like a real hero, if i had troubles you would come to save me as well~?

Varakiel: Of course, akeno-chan, all of you are my precious students, I'll protect you no matter what.


Sona:...(he really would)

Tsubaki:(sensei is very strong but yet so kind..~)

Rias just looks at varakiel.

Varakiel: Hello Rias, I am sorry I am a bit late, but I must say it was worth it, you look beautiful in that dress.

Rias: really? ….~♥.

Rias makes a spin and smiles happily.

Zeoticus: ah varakiel-san you're her-

Varakiel: no food for you for 2 weeks.

Zeoticus: b-but-

Varakiel: 3 weeks.

Zeoticus: yes….

Sirzechs: haha, you must be varakiel fateburn, my father has told me about you, i am sirzechs gremory, brother of rias.

Varakiel:....*sigh* Next time you do this to rias I'll force you to read the damn bible.

Sirzechs: ha, well it was all part of dad prank.

Varakiel: oh? So you admit this is a prank? Making your sister cry is a prank!?

Varakiel was getting angry.

Rias: v-varakiel please calm down, he really didn't mean too, onii-sama is very kind.

Sirzechs:.....but he's right, rias….i am sorry.

The phoenix family walks up to the gremory family.

Riser: What is the meaning of this!?

Varakiel: You must be riser, just like Rias said, your voice itself is annoying.

Riser: What did you say?

Riser then tries to touch varakiel.

Varakiel: [Kneel]

Riser is forced by varakiel power to kneel.

Varakiel: Do you think you're strong because you have the traits of a phoenix? You are nothing more than a chicken with embers. Rias, akeno, sona, tsubaki let's go back. You need to study for your test, koneko, kiba come to my house for more training tomorrow.

Varakiel then looks at grayfia.

Varakiel: I am sorry for the bad first impression, grayfia-san, I hope we can be friends. Can I ask you to take us back to the academy?

Grayfia takes a look at sirzechs.

Sirzechs: is so sad the party is over so soon…grayfia you can take them back.

Grayfia: yes sirzechs-sama.


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