Chapter 73: is this really a date?
A week passes on…
Varakiel: and that's how it is~
Varakiel was talking with rias and sona in the lunch break.
Rias: y-you have a brother?
Sona: what kind of brother would he be?
Varakiel: heheh, he technically isn't my brother, he's more like my step son.
both rias and sona spew their drinks.
Rias: s-s-step son!? you are married varakiel!?
Sona: *cof* *cof*
Varakiel: mhm~.
Rias: (noooooooo!!)....
Sona: (ahhhhh!).....
Varakiel: (heheh they are so cute~) sadly his mother isn't in this world.
Rias:.....i am sorry to hear that…
Sona: me too…
Varakiel: (for being devils they really are kind…heheh) don't worry about that, eventually we'll meet again.
varakiel says to them with a smile.
Rias: (sensei…how can someone be so strong?)
Sona: (sensei is truly strong)
Lily: (varakiel do you think is okay to make such a misunderstanding?....)
Varakiel: (heheh is just a small prank, and is not the kind that would make them cry so is okay~)
Lily: (you're mean….)
Undine: (idiot.)
Varakiel: Anyways I wanted to ask if me, asia and ophis can reside in the academy while the remodeling is over? It would be at most a month.
Sona: that…..i am sorry varakiel but i can't allow two unrelated people get inside the academy….
Rias: why you have to follow the rules just now….
Sona then continues.
Sona: but you can reside in my residence meanw-
Rias then pounces on her.
Rias: don't you dare to abuse the situation!
Sona: i am just helping my sensei that is in need right–
Rias then stuffs a bun in sona's mouth.
Rias: varakiel-sensei, you, asia and ophis can reside in the occult research building, there are some spare rooms that you can use.
Varakiel: heheh, alright, thank you sona and rias, you are so much fun when we are together.
Sona: *munch*.....*gulp* of course sensei.
Rias: You have helped us a lot. We want to help you in everything we can.
Varakiel: heheh, I am really lucky to have such trustworthy students.
varakiel pats both of them.
both rias and sona blush slightly.
Rias: sensei we are not kids.
Sona: indeed we are—
varakiel cuts off sona.
Varakiel: no~ in devil numbers you are still kids.
he 's right.
Varakiel: then ill be in your care for a month rias and sona.
Rias: y-yes.
Sona: of course…
varakiel then at evening came with asia and ophis to the academy.
Asia: t-thanks for your hospitality.
asia bows to rias, akeno, kiba and koneko.
Rias: nothing like that asia, you're welcome anytime in here. and you as well ophis-chan.
ophis nods slightly.
Ophis: (they are friends….)
koneko: hello, ophis-chan.
ophis: koneko…(she is family, but varakiel said she's demon she doesn't need protection.)let's play.
Koneko: okay, let 's play ophis-chan.
koneko then grabs ophis hand and drags her inside the building.
Varakiel: thanks for receiving us rias-chan and akeno-chan.
Rias: is nothing sensei, really.
Akeno: fufu let me tell you a secret varakiel, rias ordered us to clean this place to the g–
Rias covers akeno mouth.
Rias: akeno!
Akeno: fufu, rias don't be so shy.
Asia: *giggle*
Varakiel: heheh, then ill be in your care, hm? where is yuuto?
Rias: well, he went to do an errand he should be back soon.
Varakiel: oh, ok then shall we go inside? today i am making a small celebration for our month living together.
Akeno: that sounds delicious varakiel-san~
Varakiel and asia then goes inside the building following rias and akeno.
Varakiel: heheh thanks again for your hospitality.
varakiel was talking while he was sitting on a couch while rias was behind her desk working.
Rias: no problem varakiel-sensei, you have helped us a lot, i want to repay you accordingly, after all kiba and koneko managed to turn the tides and defeat all the peerage of riser.
Varakiel:hmph, after all they are strong.
Rias: mhm!, they are my lovely servants of course they wouldn't give up so easily.
Varakiel: So riser phoenix traits were too much for you uh?
Rias: yeah, no matter how much we strike he kept regenerating.
Varakiel: and then you gave up? why?
Rias:.....koneko and kiba weren't giving up no matter how strong riser was, i just couldn't handle seeing them so beaten…..and then i remembered your words that day...
Varakiel: mhm.
Varakiel stands up and pats rias.
Varakiel: good job rias, is okay to run away.
Rias:*sob* sensei, please train me, i don't want to be weak, i want to protect my dear servants, i don't want to lose like that again.
Varakiel: heheh, leave it to me, I'll make the greatest training routine for you and sona.
Rias: mhm….and what about akeno?
rias said teasingly to varakiel.
Varakiel: akeno is already very strong she just needs-
Akeno: *cof* i just heard varakiel-san say my name what is it?
Varakiel: (oh poor child she was actually hearing) is nothing akeno-chan
Akeno: ..~.
akeno smiles.
akeno: oh really~? then varakiel-san tell me how is this brother of yours? i am curious.
Varakiel: of course.
Akeno: oh so he's a hero too, you don't come from a legacy of heroes right?
Varakiel: no, actually we are not your usual hero that supports humanity.
Rias: Is that so? Which kind of hero are you?
Varakiel: We are the heroes for the future.
Akeno: for the future?
Varakiel: Mhm, we fight those who seek to hurt the peace and calmness of the world,for example, if we hear that someone wants to wage a war we'll go and stop it.
Rias: just that?
Varakiel: Of course we also help those in need as long as we hear about it. I might be the strongest human in the world, but I am not omniscient, I can't just know when someone needs help.
Akeno: i see.
Varakiel: heheh….i can´t wait for them to come back….
Varakiel: huh? i didn't mention it? my little sister and my wife are with him.
both rias and akeno aura turns black….
Rias & Akeno: wife?
Varakiel: oh it seems i didn´t.
Rias: b-but you didn't say she wasn't in this world?
akeno: you did varakiel-san? were you lying?
Varakiel: when did i say i only had one wife?
Varakiel: As someone who traveled a lot I met a lot of people and of course fell in love with some of them, some wanted a simple relationship and some…well, wanted a vow.
Rias: how many…
rias says weakly.
Varakiel: hm? what did you say rias?
Rias: how many wives?
Varakiel: hmmmm…..there's….granberia, alma elma, alice, chisa,ilias,tamamo, mica-
Akeno: varakiel-san, pervert.
Rias: i get it…..pervert.
Varakiel: heheh, well that's the life of a hero, even my little brother has married others.
Koneko, who was listening behind the door, goes inside.
Koneko: sensei brother is a pervert too….
ophis who was alongside koneko asks.
Ophis: what is a pervert?...
Varakiel: someone who loves a lot of people ophis-chan.
asia: uh? why is mr varakiel a pervert?
Asia came to the main room too.
Varakiel: is nothing Asia, so is the food ready?
asia: o-of course even though i am not as good as you, i am proud of my skills so far.
asia says while sticking out her chest and putting a fist on it.
Varakiel: (hehe so adorable) good to hear, alright everyone, cheers!
the principal office.
Zeoticus: varakiel-sensei….
zeoticus was looking at varakiel with begging eyes.
Varakiel: *sigh*...fine you're forgiven, but never do that kind of prank to rias ever again.
Zeoticus' face lights up.
Zeoticus: okay.
Varakiel: (is this guy really the leader of the gremory house?) and so far that's the progress of rias, akeno, souna and tsubaki.
Zeoticus: their grades have improved a lot more than before, varakiel-sensei you're a blessing in disguise.
Varakiel: Yeah, yeah, even though you're forgiven I am still a little mad at you… is there any problems about what i did?
Zeoticus turns serious.
Zeoticus: varakiel, your display of power as make you an objective of some houses you should be careful.
Varakiel: Do you think they can do something to me or my family? I am talking about the raid on that damn party.
Zeoticus: oh, you're talking about that, well the phoenix house leader took it well.
Varakiel: good to know, then ill see you later in cooking class.
Zeoticus: ohh, i am looking forward to it!
Varakiel: (heheh, he really reminds me of alice gluttony) mhm.
Varakiel: alright guys remember to do your homework and don't leave to late to your house, have a good day.
then the classroom becomes almost empty.
Rias: sensei, i don't get the subject of today.
Akeno: me too.
rias and akeno say teasingly while looking at sona and tsubaki.
Sona: hmph.
Tsubaki: really? is such a easy subject to believe you're this bad, varakiel effort might be wasted.
they look at each other, you can almost see the sparks….
Varakiel: heheh, sorry but i have a date today.
Rias, akeno, tsubaki and sona: ehhh!?
Varakiel: so ill see you later~ (heheh is so nice teasing them)
Varakiel then leaves the classroom.
Rias: a date? with who?
Akeno: varakiel doesn't seem to have a deep relationship with anyone besides us in the school….
Sona: who can it be ... .koneko?
Tsubaki:maybe…. kiba yuuto?
the four of them blush on the thought…..perverts.
Varakiel was waiting in the local park…
Varakiel: she should be here soon….
four women were silently observing him from afar…
Rias: who can it be…
Sona: it must be someone very beautiful…
Asia: i am sorry for making you wait mr varakiel…
asia and ophis greet varakiel.
Varakiel: heheh not worry asia i just arrived.
the four from afar get surprised.
Rias: a-asia?....she is very good, we underestimate her…
Sona: to believe a nun would do this kind of trickery…she is good.
Akeno: fufu, asia-chan is a step ahead of us.
Tsubaki: asia argento, a strong rival…
Varakiel: alright let's go asia and ophis, let's have a lot of fun~.
Asia: umu, let 's go ophis-chan.
varakiel and asia then grab a hand of ophis and they walk out of the park to the city….
Rias: using ophis-chan as a trick to look like a father and mother, asia might be more evil that i though….
sona: indeed, a nun is indeed something to fear…
akeno: hey girls they are getting away…
tsubaki: we must follow them…
varakiel, asia and ophis come to the entrance of the academy there…..
koneko: hello, sensei, asia and ophis…
Ophis: koneko…
ophis let go of varakiel and asia and hugs koneko.
Koneko: hello ophis-chan….
Varakiel: hehe you two get along very well, so? shall we go?
koneko: yes, i want to play a lot with ophis-chan today.
yuuto who was also there, greeted them…
Yuuto: hello varakiel-sensei,asia, let 's have a lot of fun.
Varakiel: mhm, after all you two have worked hard, remember that you always need to rest after training too much.
Yuuto: mhm.
Rias: k-koneko and kiba too!? i have been betrayed
Sona: why weren't we invited ... .is sensei doing this on purpose?
Akeno: ara ara it seems that is the case….
tsubaki:.....even kiba yuuto was invited ... .maybe i was right….
tsubaki blush slightly ... .pervert.
Varakiel and company then goes to the game center to play around….
Varakiel: alright let's have a lot of fun everyone~.
Koneko: yes…ophis-chan let's go.
koneko and ophis went to play by themselves.
Varakiel: asia please look after them, but remember that you should have fun too.
asia: o-of course!
Asia then goes to play with koneko and ophis.
Varakiel: alright kiba-kun, let 's have a lot of fun today.
yuuto: yes, varakiel-sensei.
Varakiel: heheh, leave the sensei aside while i am not teaching you or training you i am just varakiel.
yuuto:....alright varakiel!
undine: (heheh, he sounds almost like luka, i see why you like him.)
….. this is where they came.
sona:...i am ashamed to believe sensei would have such a relationship with them and not me….
akeno: fufu, after all sensei is kind, he took them to have fun and relax.
Tsubaki: but is not fair that he did-
Varakiel: so you came~.
varakiel speaks to them from behind.
Rias: !! s-se-sensei!
Sona: ahhh, s-sensei hello.
Akeno: hello varakiel-san~
tsubaki is embarassed to the point she can't mutter words….
Varakiel: heheh, you really believed i won't notice four gorgeous ladies following us around?
rias, sona, akeno and tsubaki blush.
Varakiel: *sigh* come on let's have fun together today, right yuuto?
Yuuto: yeah bouchou let's go!
Rias: t-that….alright!
rias initially ashamed by being found out says excited.
sona: fufu, you believe you can defeat me rias gremory?
sona says as she walks to a fighting game…
akeno: fufu, then teach me how to play varakiel-san~.
akeno grabs varakiel arm.
varakiel: yes,yes. then tsubaki let's play.
tsubaki then snaps back to reality.
tsubaki: ah, y-yes!
tsubaki then grabs varakiel other arm.
Varakiel who was left alone by the now exhausted tsubaki and akeno looks for the others….
Varakiel: oh what is it ophis?
Ophis was in front of a claw machine….
ophis was observing a doll in particular….
Varakiel: do you want it?
ophis: *nods*
Varakiel: should i get it?
Ophis: *shake*
Varakiel: you want to get it yourself?
Varakiel: then try it.
Ophis: no, i failed once, i won't be able to do it….
Varakiel: why?
Ophis: because i am ouroboros, as long i fail something my infinity wouldn't allow me to succeed.
Varakiel: and?
Ophis: !!
ophis looks at varakiel.
Varakiel: what if you're ouroboros? that's doesn't mean you can't change, try it.
ophis tries to get the doll…..
Ophis: see….i can't….my infin-
Varakiel: again.
Varakiel: again!
Ophis: varakiel…
Varakiel: again.
ophis: i can't.
Varakiel: thats false! again!
Ophis: ill always fail….
Varakiel: who decided that? again!
fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail
varakiel: again…
varakiel: ophis, tell me why did you give me your power? protect you.
Varakiel: why?
Ophis:....because ... .I don't want to go back, I don't want silence anymore….
Varakiel: Then don't say you can't change, again.
Varakiel: you remember what i told you before? the human will to never give up and overcome itself, use it, deep inside of you i know it exist.
Ophis: (human will…to overcome my infinity….just like that day) okay….varakiel…ill win.
Varakiel: you can do it ophis-chan!
Ophis: *nods*.
ophis eyes went blank…
varakiel: you did it ophis!
ophis: (this feeling, yes, like that day, the happiness from overcoming my own nature!....) varakiel….thank you.
Varakiel: heheh, nothing like that ophis this time you did it by yourself, you have the human will to never give up.
varakiel pats her head.
Varakiel: never give up and you'll prevail. a human….(I see why God was so angry when those two did that ... .such a strong being was born beyond his control…)
ophis hugs tightly her new doll…then hands it over to varakiel.
varakiel: hm? what is it ophis?
ophis: ….i want you to have it….
varakiel: ophis ...alright, i'll treasure it.
varakiel grabs the doll..
Varakiel: (is kind of cute….~) then shall we keep playing around?
ophis: …yes.
ophis then grabs varakiel hand.
varakiel and ophis then play with everyone else.