Chapter 74: Ball tournament and helping a friend
the next day.
Varakiel: Remember that in a week is the ball tournament, those who are in clubs be it a sports one or not is mandatory to participate, so practice but overall have fun.
then everyone leaves…
Varakiel: So you have enough players for the tournament you two?
sona: of course.
rias: mhm, i have a secret weapon for this tournament….
Varakiel: secret weapon? hyo-?
rias: shhh!! sona isn't supposed to know
sona: hm? know what?
rias: nothing, is a secret.
sona: hmmmm….
Varakiel: heheh anyways good luck, if you need to practice i can help with that.
Rias: prepare sona i wouldn't lose
Sona: oh? bring it on then.
Rias and sona look at each other and you can also see sparks between them.
Varakiel: heheh, so competitive, good for you.
varakiel was in the club main room with koneko and asia.
Varakiel: And you do this like this koneko.
varakiel was giving extra lessons to koneko.
Koneko: ….thank you sensei now i understand.
Varakiel: good.
asia: koneko is very smart after all.
Varakiel: mhm, so asia want to enroll in the academy?
asia: e-eh? w-would that be okay?
Varakiel: of course, and don't worry ill pay for the expenses, koneko can you help me get a uniform for her?
koneko: of course sensei leave it to me….let's go asia.
asia: m-mhm.
koneko and asia leave the room.
After a while they come back.
koneko: we found one that suits her sensei.
Asia then comes inside the room with the uniform of the academy on.
varakiel: oh, it looks good on you asia, all right it's decided you'll begin to study in the academy okay?
Asia: o-ok!
Varakiel: mhm, good, and you should join rias club as well.
Asia: mhm! It would be nice to participate in their activities!
Varakiel: (wait….oh crap, asia doesn't know they are demons yet….hmm….) Asia…there's something I haven't told you yet…
Asia: hm? What is it?
Koneko realized.
Koneko: i'll explain it to her sensei…
Varakiel: please do, i'll go for now i have to help to organize the tournament see you later…
Varakiel then leaves the room…
Asia: hmm? What is it koneko?
Koneko: asia…..we…
And so the tournament began!
Varakiel was assigned has the announcer for the event…he was requested as such.
Varakiel: is this thing on? *Cof* Mhm, !Welcome everyone to the annual ball tournament¡ Are you ready!!!?
Varakiel: heheh everyone is very excited today! Alright let's begin! Fight on! But overall have fun, the tournament starts, now!
Bang! Bang!
Varakiel: Then let's begin with the class matches!
Asia's class was the first to compete and her class won.
Asia: *puf* *pant* ah, it 's over….
Koneko comes to her side…
Koneko: here asia…good job.
Koneko hands her a bottle of water.
Asia: t-thank you koneko-san.
Koneko: mhm…where is ophis?
Asia: ah she is together with varakiel…look they are there.
Varakiel and ophis were sitting beside each other under a tent while varakiel was giving announcements and commentary about the tournament.
Varakiel: both classes did well today, congratulations! Remember to always strive higher and prepare to win the next year! Claps for both classes everyone!
*Clap* *clap* *clap*
Varakiel: Thank you, next we have ….
This match was between rias and sona.
Varakiel: ohho! We have an interesting match today! Our gorgeous rias gremory and our beautiful student council president souna shitori!
Rias: mhm…
Rias got a smile on her face due to the compliment of varakiel.
And so did sona.
Sona: hmm~.
Varakiel: Are you both ready!?
Rias: Yeah!
Sona: ¡Yes!
Varakiel: alright, then set... ready…. Go!
Just as varakiel says go sona throws the tennis ball to the air and hits it!
Rias: too slow!
Rias easily hits it back.
Sona: this is just a warm up,
Sona hits back.
Asia: you can do it rias-san!
Yuuto: go bouchou!
Koneko: fight bouchou.
Akeno: ara, so energetic and can do it rias, remember varakiel is watching you~.
Akeno who was attempting to make rias shy got the contrary effect.
Rias: sensei is…
Sona: watching?
Both rias and sona increase the phase and the pressure on each other when they realize varakiel was watching them.
Varakiel: ohhh everyone it seems both rias and sona have begun to get serious!
Tsubasa: Come on, president, you can do it!
Momo: president, give it all.
???: Ohhhh you can do it, president!!!
Tsubaki: don't be so loud genshirou saji.
Saji: h-hehe sorry.
Varakiel: such enthusiasm from part of their clubs as well!!
Rias: remember our bet sona, the loser has to pay for an udon with all the toppings at Kobashiya.
Sona: yes i haven't forget it, it would be a shame to not taste it before you.
Then the time ran out….and the rackets broke.
Varakiel: Anddddd is a draw!! Both Rias and sona got first place claps for them, everyone!
*Cheers* *clap* *clap*
Varakiel goes to them with 2 gold medals…
Varakiel: congratulations both of you it was a great match to watch this really okay?
Sona: It feels ... .cheap.
Varakiel: These are the rules so bear with it~.
Rias: ok….
Varakiel: also an udon with all the toppings you said? I can arrange that~.
Rias and sona eyes sparkle as they hear varakiel.
Rias: please do sensei!
Sona: I gladly accept your offer!
Varakiel: mhm, *cof* alright everyone soon the club matches will begin, prepare yourselves!
Varakiel: so what do you think ophis-chan? want to go to school with asia?
ophis sees around that everyone is happy and laughing
ophis: (it looks….fun)....umu.
Varakiel: really? great! then you will go to asia's classroom so you stay together.
ophis: ….*nods*
Varakiel: hehe, i am sure you everyone will like you.
Varakiel: because ophis is cute.
While ophis was in thinking mode varakiel continues to comment the tournament.
Varakiel: heheh, then let's prepare you when we are back at home, for now let's cheer up for koneko, asia and all our friends, okay?
Then the match between the student council and the occultism club arrived.
Varakiel: oohhh, it seems we are having another interesting match again, souna shitori club and rias gremory club i wonder who will win this time or we will have a draw again!?
akeno: ara, this is going to be fun~
rias: is everyone ready?
yuuto: yes bouchou!
koneko: leave it to me rias-sama.
asia: y-yes!
and the secret weapon is….
issei: leave it to me! ill help aniki's wives to win!
Varakiel: (...*sigh* I would be touched if he didn't mention it…..and now they are looking at me…) *cof* hyoudou issei please refrain from making misunderstandings that can hurt someone's reputation…..
Issei: hehe, sorry aniki.
akeno: ara~ ♥.
rías: w-wives!?
koneko just blushes.
asia: w-wives? n-no varakiel is only my foster father.
asia blushes down as a tomato.
yuuto: is that so?
Meanwhile, the student council club side…..
Sona: tsubaki….who is that guy.
Tsubaki: *cof* hyoudou issei, 1-A classroom, according to some information he's varakiel-sensei apprentice.
Sona: is that so?
saji: *cuuu* so unfair why is the president and vice president looking to varakiel-sensei so intently.
Tsubasa: varakiel-sensei apprentice? he must be strong then.
momo: yes, but we still have to win for souna-sama.
Tsubasa: That's true, let's do this then saji, momo.
saji: ohh!
momo: of course!
after a heating match between both clubs the sports festival was at his closure.
Varakiel: good job everyone! i am sure everyone gave their best today, thanks you for everyone for your participation and with that, the sport festival is over!! a round of applauses for everyone today!
Varakiel: thank you! now all of you can leave, and remember don't go home late at night.
at the occult club.
Varakiel: good job everyone you worked very hard today.
varakiel says as he brings out plates full of food to the main table.
issei: of course aniki! when rias-senpai asked me for join up i couldn't refuse, after all she is part of your ha-
Varakiel stuffed issei mouth with a piece of bread.
Varakiel: I already told you to not say things that can damage my reputation….
Rias:...(i don't mind it though, wait , why am I okay with it!?)
akeno: fufu, but issei-kun is so adorable, calling us varakiel-sensei wives, i bet you will get a lot of girls under you soon enough.
koneko: issei, pervert.
koneko says with a slight blush on her face.
asia: awawa, varakiel-san wife? b-but i already made my vows to god, what should i do!?
asia talks to herself in the corner of the table.
the student council club was also invited by varakiel to come.
sona: so varakiel, what can you tell me about hyoudou issei? since when he became your apprentice? I am quite curious what kind of power he has for you to train him personally.
Tsubaki: sona-sama, according to my analysis he became his apprentice a month after beginning teaching at the school.
Varakiel: oh, you work fast as ever tsubaki, mhm indeed so let me tell you.
Varakiel then get close to sona and tsubaki and whispers to them.
Sona: i see so that kind of thing happened without our awareness…
tsubaki: what did you do with them varakiel-sensei?
Varakiel: don't worry about them, i already took care of the problem.
Sona: is that so?....alright.
Varakiel: anyways eat up your food or it will get too cold for you.
sona: yes, sensei.
at the other side of the table.
momo: ahhh varakiel-sensei cooking is really out of this world.
tsubasa: *chomp* yes! is so damn delicious!!
tsubasa says as she devours a steak of her plate.
saji: s-so good, being sona-sama subordinate is really a blessing~!
issei: i know right!? aniki food is the best!
Varakiel: hm? kiba, is something bothering you?
yuuto:.....(sensei….h-he might be able to help me)....yes sensei.
Varakiel: is something about your past?
yuuto trembles a little.
Varakiel: i see….come to my room later at night, as your mentor is my duty to hear out all your troubles, understood my child?
Varakiel pats kiba's head.
yuuto: sensei….i….thank you.
meanwhile all the females squad up and began to look at varakiel and yuuto..
Tsubaki: this…(is perhaps VxY real!?)
Asia: (think of the lord, think of the lord, think of the lord!!!)
akeno: oh my~.
koneko: perverts…
later at night.
*knock* *knock*
Varakiel: come on in.
Yuuto then enters varakiel room.
Varakiel: sit down kiba-kun.
varakiel invites kiba to sit down at the other side of his desk.
yuuto: ..mhm.
Varakiel and kiba were then face to face.
Varakiel: alright, kiba, whats your problem, rest assured that nothing that you say will come out of this room.
Varakiel: so that's your trouble….kiba, you have gone through a lot, you're a very strong child.
yuuto: no, i am not strong sensei, if…if i was strong then my friends…they….
Varakiel: No, you're strong, you're here pushing onwards, living, that's strength, the will to live, no matter the odds.
Varakiel then put both of his hands on kiba shoulders.
Varakiel: your friends may be gone, but they are not dead, they live with you, within your memories, use their wishes for you to live, use them to become stronger to protect what you have now, that's what they would have wanted for you, yuuto kiba, LIVE!
yuuto: sensei…..
Varakiel: It is okay to cry my child, do it to your heart's content.
Yuuto: *sob* *sob*
Yuuto: thank you sensei.
Varakiel: don't mention it child, as i said is my duty to look after all of you, as your teacher….and your friend.
yuuto: i….thank you varakiel.
Varakiel: heheh, that's more like it kiba~.
Varakiel then picks up a training sword from his room.
Varakiel: then, are you ready? from now on your training will become even harder.
yuuto: yes varakiel!
Varakiel: good.