My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 75: Dragons are very territorial between them after all...


*clang* *clang*

rias: *yawn* what is that noise?

*clang* *clang*

akeno: it seems like it comes from the front yard.

*clang* *clang*

Koneko: i smell kiba and varakiel-sensei, in that direction.

asia: so early in the morning?



the four of them rush outside.

Varakiel: not enough kiba! you're way too slow!

kiba: understood!

kiba says as he stands up from the ground.

Varakiel: good! let's try again.

Varakiel then charges at him and….

Varakiel: block!


Varakiel: block!


Varakiel: dodge!

Varakiel then infuses his sword with the power of fire.


Kiba: argh!

kiba is sent far away.

Varakiel: still too slow to react!

kiba: understood!

kiba then stands up again.

rias: this….

akeno: isn't this a little too much?

asia: a-ah! yuuto-kun wait your injuries are very bad stop!

koneko: this is not his usual training…i wonder what happened yesterday….


Varakiel: alright yuuto we are done for today.

as varakiel says that yuuto drops exhausted on the floor.

Yuuto: is this how you usually train varakiel-sensei?

Varakiel: quite, i always train with my partner.

then the girls get close to them.

asia: your partner? who is that mr. varakiel?

akeno: yes, i am curious who is capable to be equal on your strength sensei.

rias: me aswell.

koneko: he must be very strong…

Varakiel: she is called granberia, a dragon girl.

rias: i see….wait dragon!?

Varakiel: mhm, you see the reason i didn't use albion or draig on me is because she would kill me if i get involved with another dragon….

asia:....but mr.varakiel isn't ophis a dragon?


koneko covers varakiel mouth.

Koneko: don't teach bad words to ophis-chan.

ophis who was all the time silent just tilts her head.

ophis: …?

Varakiel: my bad…*cof* anyways asia, can you help me heal kiba, please?

asia: ah, o-of course!.

asia then crouch's down and a green hue appears on her hands….

rias: varakiel-sensei would that be okay?

Varakiel: don't worry, her sacred gear is meant to heal everything equally, i must say god really gave good gifs to this world.

asia: mhm, mr. varakiel told me that this power of mine is called twilight healing, is meant to heal all the races equally without distinction.

Varakiel: mhm, so don't doubt to ask for healing to asia, the more she uses it the better she gets and eventually it will evolve.

koneko: evolve?

Varakiel: mhm, the reason god gave the sacred gears to humanity is because their will, he knows they are very powerful, so that's why he gave them to them, but if they will use it for good or evil is up to them.

rias: is that so?

akeno: doesn't that mean god is a good guy?

Varakiel:.....we'll he has a lot of history.

ophis: after adam and eve defied him, he got very angry because he wouldn't be able to control humans in the end.

Varakiel: *sigh* mhm that the case, but he eventually let that go.

asia: oh, i knew the lord was very forgiving.

asia then begins to pray.

asia: aau…

varakiel: but still he didn't let demons or fallen angels worship him due to his dispute with his son, they both were acting like babies.

rias: i-i see…

akeno: fufu, we always forget that you said that you're very old, but how much you know varakiel-sensei?

Varakiel: a lot of things, if i were to told you some of them you would get traumatized.

rias: oh really?

Varakiel: i am serious rias, is better if you live on ignorance.

varakiel used a serious tone, he isn't joking.

akeno: that bad?

Varakiel: mhm, don't worry when all of you are ready i will tell you but for now, enjoy your school life, and besides those "things" can't hurt you.

koneko: why?

Varakiel: it might sounds cheesy but...because i am here.

varakiel says with a slight blush on his face.

akeno: fufu, varakiel-sensei is rias hero after all.

rias: a-akeno!.

while everyone else is chatting, ophis pulls on varakiel shirt.

Varakiel: hm? what is it ophis?

ophis: are you talking about great red?

Varakiel: someone worse, trihexa.

ophis then gets a serious gaze.

ophis: that guy?

Varakiel: mhm, some dumb people want to free him to destroy everything, guess who is it.


Varakiel: to be more precise his son.

ophis: rizevim.

Varakiel: oh you know him.

ophis:....*nods* he-

Varakiel pats her head.

Varakiel: ophis, you don't have to tell me anything, i didn't help you for that, just help me protect all our friends and family, alright?


ophis says with a smile on her face.

Varakiel: heheh, so what do you want for breakfast?

ophis: ramin…no ramen.

Varakiel: ramen it is.

Varakiel then tells everyone to go back inside and wait for breakfast.


Varakiel then goes out of the club building with everyone else.

Varakiel: thank you for helping me enroll ophis with asia, rias.

rias: of course varakiel-sensei, is always good to have more people on our school.

Varakiel: mhm, alright ophis you'll listen to everything asia tell you alright?

ophis: …..yes.

Varakiel: asia, i leave her under your care.

asia: of course mr. varakiel.

Varakiel: how does your body feel kiba.

yuuto: i feel great sensei, asia's sacred gear is really powerful.

koneko: yes, you were hurt really badly, asia is very strong.

asia: eh, heheh.

asia laughs shily.


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