My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 76: The Church truth


issei: huehuehue….

issei was walking without focus through the entrance of the academy

Varakiel: issei, focus on the road or you'll bump into someone.

varakiel pulls issei from his neck.

Varakiel: you'll end up hurting someone, remember even a car can't hurt you now.

issei: ah! s-sorry aniki.

Varakiel: what the matter with you? did you finally got a girlfriend?

issei: eh, n-no, is just that, heheh, my childhood friend just came back to town yesterday.

Varakiel: i see, so you like her?

Issei: well….

Varakiel: issei, you must be more assertive with your feelings, either way that harem of yours would remain a dream.

Issei:....yes, i like her.

Varakiel: good, so tell me about her.

Issei: of course, her name is shidou irina, we used to play a lot when we were young! i also was a surprised a lot, i though she was a boy but when she came home yesterday she told me she was that boy i used to play with.

Varakiel: heheh, what else?

varakiel ask as he notices silhouettes in a corner, both of them wearing white capes and one of them shivering from embarrassment.

Varakiel: (so much for being stealthy heheh) really then what do you like about her?

Issei: her chestnut hair with pony tails is very cute, and when she arrived home she was wearing some kind of sexy combat suit, i think she mentioned being some kind of exorcist or something.

Varakiel: is that so, heheh, she sounds like a lovely child, what else?

Issei: she was also accompanied by her friend, she had a very cool sword wrapped on her back, to believe such girl can carry something so big is incredible.

Varakiel: is that so, hmm…oh the next period is about to start dont be late to your classes or else.

issei: don't worry aniki! my notes have improved a lot lately.

Varakiel:mhm, then i'll see you later.

Varakiel then walks away towards…irina and xenovia.

Varakiel: *cof* hello, is something you need on the academy?

irina is startled by the sudden voice…

Irina: i-its you. the guy that made issei say those embarrassing things!

Varakiel: embarrassing? there's nothing embarrassing about talking about the girl you like, or perhaps, you like him too hehe?

then xenovia talks with hostility to varakiel.

xenovia: who are you?

Varakiel: is bad courtesy to ask someone's name without telling yours first you know.

irina: ah, right! eh, shidou irina, i am an exorcist from the church and she is my friend xenovia quarta.

xenovia: hmph.

Undine: (she remind me quite a bit to granberia)

Varakiel: (just wait until you see her real attitude haha) good, varakiel fateburn, teacher of this academy, is a pleasure xenovia, irina.

irina: t-teacher!?

xenovia: liar, you're too young to be a teacher.

Varakiel: oh, but i am 32 years old.

irina: ehhhhh!!? impossible, are you a devil?

xenovia: he has to be a devil, irina i wil-

as xenovia was about to take her sword

*chop* *chop*

Varakiel: don't assume things you dolts, i just take care of my health very well, i am just a human.

irina: ow.

xenovia: ….

Varakiel: now i want to know what are you doing here?

irina: t-those are church matter a civilian shoul-

Varakiel: is about the excalibur isnt?

xenovia: ! who are you?

xenovia prepares to unsheath her sword.

Varakiel: can you not? this a public space, you'll hurt someone.


Varakiel: good, then come with me…

varakiel then walks to the academy.

Irina and xenovia look at each other and nod, and then they follow varakiel.


Varakiel took irina and xenovia to the student's council.

Varakiel: come inside.

Varakiel then invites irina and xenovia to go inside.



both go inside.


Sona: varakiel-sensei? what is it?

tsubaki: do you need something?

Varakiel: well can you please call rias and akeno here, there are some….things she needs to deal with.

sona and tsubaki notices the two girls behind varakiel.

Sona: the church?....tsubaki.

Tsubaki: yes sona-sama.

Tsubaki then walks out of the room.

Sona: take a seat.

Varakiel: mhm.

Varakiel then sits down in the room.



irina and xenovia stayed still.

Varakiel: relax both of you, no one here is your enemy, and besides both of you must be very hungry isn't?

irina: h-how did yo-

Varakiel: well, I have seen that both of you hold your stomach a lot the way here.

Varakiel then takes out some food from his inventory.

Varakiel: eat something, and don't worry is not poisoned.

Irina: r-really?

Varakiel: mhm.


Varakiel: you don't want to fight with a empty stomach do you?

Xenovia: who are you?

Varakiel: you'll find out soon, so, eat.

xenovia and irina nods.


sona: … varakiel-sensei why are these 2 church members here?

Varakiel: wait until rias come and i'll explain it to you.


sona takes a look at irina and xenovia…she was a bit jealous

Varakiel:*sigh* here you can have some aswell.

Varakiel hands some food to sona.

Sona: …hmph.

sona cross her arms and looks away.

Varakiel: (very cute) fine, say ahhh.


Varakiel then feeds sona.

Sona: *munch* *munch* *gulp* delicious as ever.

sona says with a smile on her face.

Varakiel: hehe.

irina: soo delicioussss~~~.

xenovia: is good….

both irina and xenovia were devouring the food that was given to them.

Varakiel: you were literally starving, how long has it been since you both eat?


irina counts with her fingers.

Varakiel: just eat up, forget about it.

irina: ok~!


Varakiel: i swear my view of the church is falling down more and more.

Sona: i never though it would be possible but mine aswell…



tsubaki then came back with both rias and akeno following her.

*knock* *knock*

Sona: come in.

then they enter the room.

rias: hm? sensei?

Varakiel: mhm, sit down rias, these two girls want to talk with you.

akeno: is that so? what does the church want with us?

Irina:Recently the Holy-swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen.

Rias: all of them?


Akeno: thats….bad.

Varakiel: except for the ones you carry isn't?

xenovia: yes, right now i carry excalibur destruction.

irina: and i have Excalibur Mimic, i can change it shape into anything i want so it's really useful for carrying around. just like this, each "Excalibur" has it unique ability. This one is in possession of the protestant church.

Xenovia: irina…there's no reason to tell these devils the ability of excalibur, is there?

Irina: ara xenovia, Even if they are devils we still have to form a trustworthy relationship with them in this situation. Also, even if my sword's ability is revealed, I won't fall behind all the devils here.

Varakiel: mhm, i can tell you're quite strong, but let me tell you any of them here could take you down in a moment, not underestimate your opponent.


Varakiel: so let me get this straight, the excaliburs were stolen and some people brought them here.

irina: yes, they were stolen by the grigori. 

Rias: they were stolen by the fallen-angel organisation? it's not a matter of mistake. But certainly it would be the fallen-angels when it comes to stealing them. For the devils working at the top, holy-swords do not give them much interest.

irina: we know the main culprit who stole the excaliburs. one of the leaders of grigori, kokabiel.

Rias:kokabiel… One of the leaders of the fallen-angels that survived the previous wars since ancient times... I never expected to hear the name of the one that appears in the Bible.

rias smirked at the mention of the legendary fallen angel.

Xenovia: we sent priests, exorcists, to this town secretly but they kept getting killed.

Varakiel: so that's why there has been several murder cases these days.

xenovia: Our request... No. Our order is to not to have any devils intrude in the battle between us and the fallen-angels for the Excaliburs. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident.

rias: Such manner of speech. Is it restraint? Are you thinking that we might collaborate with those fallen-angels? Perhaps that we might team up with them to do something with Excalibur?

xenovia: HQ thinks that it might not be impossible.

rias was about to get angry when…

Varakiel: *puff* hahahahaha.

Varakiel laughs.

rias: sensei?

Akeno: varakiel-san?

sona: sensei?

tsubaki: varakiel-sensei?

the four of them look at him with a puzzled face.

xenovia: what is so funny?

xenovia looks at him with hostility.

Varakiel: hahahaha…ahhh…sorry, is just that you reminded me of someone that i know, you see, you're about to face a legendary fallen-angel, one who survived the war where god fought, you who has barely seen the world think that you can even match a bit of his strength.

Xenovia: i….

Varakiel: no you can't, not this soon, if you train properly in let's say 3 years you may be able to match him.

Rias: 3-3 years!?

Varakiel: mhm, this girl here is very powerful, give her some time and she can be called a swordmaster.


irina: really!? What about me!? Tell me!

Varakiel: hmmm, you… i am not so sure, i feel like you're missing….ah i know, you're missing some wings.

irina: wings?

Varakiel: yes wings, i feel like if you turn like in an angel you can become really strong in the future.

irina: really!? i must work hard to become an angel in the future!

while xenovia and irina were in their own train of though rias pull on varakiel shirt.

Rias: is that really true?

Varakiel: have i made a mistake so far?

Akeno: well varakiel-sensei i remember when you came in the bathroom when ria-

Varakiel: not that kind of mistake, akeno.

akeno: fufu.

sona: so powerful in such a short time?

tsubaki: humans really are something to fear sona-sama…

Varakiel nods to himself.

Varakiel: mhm, never underestimate humans, ever, anyways we agree with your terms the devils won't interfere with your conflict with the fallen angels and they won't cooperate with them.

Xenovia: Fu. Hearing that is good enough. I had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the three Excaliburs. If something were to happen I would be the one to be hated by the bunch in the Church headquarters. Well, we won't ask for cooperation. If you were to form an alliance with God's side temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou.

Rias: is that so, so you were aware….where is the person the orthodox church dispatched?

xenovia: They have that person put on hold for this case. They are planning to protect the last Excalibur if Irina and I fail.

Rias: So it's just the two of you? You are going to retrieve the Excaliburs from the leader of the fallen-angel with just the two of you? How reckless. Are you trying to die.

Irina: yes.

xenovia: i have the same view as irina, but if it's possible i don't want to die.

Varakiel interrupted again.

Varakiel: is this really what the church is teaching you? die for them? hmph.

Varakiel was slightly pissed off, he was already aware of it but hearing it face to face is another thing.

Irina:Don't talk ill of our be-

Varakiel: i am not talking about your belief. I respect you and your beliefs, but dying for the cause? that's not what the one wanted.

Xenovia: ...

Varakiel: Anyways, is impossible with the two of you right now, you might as well die and deliver kokabiel the excaliburs on you directly.

xenovia: we won't die in vain.

Rias: You seem confident. Do you have a secret weapon?

xenovia: maybe. I will leave it to your imagination….Then we will take our leave now. Let's go Irina.

rias: So you won't drink some tea? I can prepare a snack for you.

xenovia: i don't need it.

before xenovia could turn around varakiel spoke.

Varakiel: are you sure? i made them with extra care today.

xenovia then turned back and sat down.

xenovia: fine if you insist.

irina: yay.

sona: sensei's cooking skills are something to truly fear….

tsubaki: indeed sona-sama, she changed her mind in an instant.

akeno: fufu, varakiel-san really is something.

rias: great, then akeno can you please?

akeno: of course, tsubaki-san, can you take me to the kitchen?

tsubaki: this way akeno himejima.


Varakiel: now that you have end up your meeting i want to ask some questions.

rias: really?

Varakiel: mhm, first how has asia argento been labeled by the church…

Xenovia: the witch asia argento? 

Varakiel: witch huh...…

Undine: (varakiel, calm down, your anger is about to burst out)

Varakiel: *exhale* I never will understand why the church likes to defile their own symbolism.

irina: what do you mean?

Varakiel: Are all of you guys so stupid? Do you know why asia argento can heal humans, devils, fallen-angels and angels alike?

Xenovia: that doesn't matter, she is a witch, her power is cursed.

Varakiel: You stupid fool, this is why humanity is the ultimate evil, none of you stopped to look at the kind side of that power.

irina: k-kind? in that cursed power?

Varakiel: cursed power? don't you say that God loves all races equally without indistinction? that's the true nature of asia argento power, the love of god.


sona: g-god's love!?

both xenovia and irina stopped moving….

Varakiel: that's why asia argento can heal up everyone, that's why she is so kind, and never hold a grudge against anyone, and at the same time she didn't fight back when she came here. but that doesn't matter now, from now on asia will not have anything to do with the church anymore.


right outside the student council room.

Asia: *sob* varakiel *sob* thank you…

koneko: are you okay asia?

ophis: why are you sad asia?

asia: i am not sad ophis, i am….happy.

ophis: happy and still crying??

ophis went into thinking mode..

koneko: is that so?

Varakiel: the church doesn't deserve someone like asia argento, the church doesn't look up for god anymore, it just craves for god's power.

irina: that, that….*sob*i am sorry *hic*.

asia then goes inside the room and… okay, i-i don't blame you…

asia embraces the crying irina.

irina: y-you? i-i-i *sob*

asia: shhh.

irina: uwaaaa, i am sorry… that really…true?

Varakiel: of course it is.

rias: mhm, varakiel-sensei knows a lot about the history of god.

xenovia: e-even more than the church?

Varakiel: i know things that not even angel michael knows. is that possible….

sona: is that so sensei?

Varakiel: mhm.


irina: i am sorry…

irina bows to asia argento and varakiel.

asia: i-it's okay please i don't mind.

Varakiel: mhm, as long you don't call her witch.

xenovia then faces both of them as well.

xenovia: i…i am sorry.

xenovia bows as well.

Varakiel: we accept your apology, but listen well, from now on if the church even mentions that they want asia back….

Varakiel releases a terrifying aura dark and fiery.

Varakiel: I will personally go and deal with them myself.

both irina and xenovia shivers.

Asia: Mr.varakiel please stop, don't scare them, they are just following orders.


asia stood up between varakiel and irina and xenovia.

Varakiel:.....*exhale* hehe, very well asia, if you trust them then i'll do as well.

irina:*shiver* w-who are you?

Varakiel: just a humble teacher protecting his students, now eat up before it gets cold.


varakiel takes out more food for everyone…


Varakiel: So what do you think kiba?


kiba who has been silent the whole time looks at varakiel.

Kiba: sensei, you're right, my hatred wasn't towards Excalibur, it was towards those who made my friends suffer. I was just too blind to see.

Varakiel: mhm, excalibur would never hurt those who are innocent, after all it is called the sword of the promised victory, if it was the complete excalibur, it would have killed those guys that hurt your friends.

Kiba: i-is that so?

Varakiel: mhm after all king arthur was a good king he made mistakes, but he's always know for never hurting the innocent. listen a sword isn't only a tool, is a companion, some tools can even gain consciousness if you take care and trust them a lot.

kiba: excalibur had a consciousness?

Varakiel: mhm, and that's why it was destroyed, none of you know why it was destroyed right?

rias: of course not sensei.

sona: do you know sensei!? is one of the greatest mysteries between the devils.

irina: there's not even a record of it in the church so how?


xenovia lends forward with interest.

Varakiel: Well, it's simple how can anyone destroy something that everything but humans or angels can't touch?

Xenovia: a devil manipulated a human and destroyed it!

Varakiel: that would be too easy, the properties of excalibur wouldn't allow it to be close for too long to a devil even the manipulation of one.

Rias: Are you saying….*shiver* h-humans…

Irina:n-no that's impossible.

Varakiel: Mhm, it's the sad truth, when the church knew that excalibur had a consciousness they labeled it as a cursed item and just destroyed it.

Both irina and xenovia stand up.

Xenovia: Blasphemy, irina let's go we are leaving!

Varakiel: running away? Is that really what you want to do?

Both xenovia and irina stopped beside the door.

Varakiel: Let me tell you, the church isn't as kind as they make it look like to you…kiba could you?

Kiba: of course sensei….

Xenovia: Who are you?

Kiba: I am your senpai. though i apparently was a failure.

Xenovia: senpai?

Varakiel: the only survivor of the Holy-sword Project.

xenovia: you?

Kiba: mhm, i was the only survivor that the church couldn´t get rid off when the project failed.

irina: holy-sword project? what is that xenovia?

xenovia: t-that…

Varakiel: kiba here will explain it to you…


Irina: *sob* *sob*

xenovia: so that's what happened…

Varakiel: thank you kiba, the fact that you can talk about it with everyone says about how much you have grown…

kiba: yeah ... .thank you sensei.

asia: kiba-kun suffered a lot….

sona: to believe the church would do such a thing to children ... .unforgivable..

tsubaki: indeed sona-sama, it 's disgusting…

Varakiel: Mhm, listen you two, we didn't tell you all of this just to mock your beliefs or get you on our side, I wanted for you to know that the actual church is too rotten and corrupted. question what they sent you for…is clear why they sent you here…

xenovia: n-no that's not true!

Varakiel: the truth is in plain sight xenovia, the church wants to go to war. that's why all the excaliburs can be reunited that fast…

Sona: and how they have been able to hide pretty well from us…

Asia was shocked.

Kiba: Yet again they want to hurt more people…

kiba clenches his hand hard.

Varakiel: mhm, with that you can explain why they also exiled asia, they don't want a "holy-maiden" to be able to form a rebellion when they are preparing for war.



both of them were speechless, the truth is in plain sight the dots connect and there's nothing to refute.

Varakiel: that's why both of you can't fight alone, if they succeed war will be unleashed and humans will have angels and fallen angels on the dark….and now you can come out zeoticus.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

Zeoticus: such a display of deduction varakiel-sensei

zeoticus came out from a shadow in the room.

Varakiel: i don't remember to have invited you to this meeting.

Zeoticus: sorry i was passing by and couldn't help but get interested on what the church was doing….to believe they are doing such a despicable thing.

rias: father, were you listening all this time? what have i told you to not spy on my matters.

sona: zeoticus-sama with all respect rias is right.

zeoticus: hehe, sorry.

irina: y-you are?

xenovia: zeoticus gremory….

Varakiel: mhm, can you leave now?

zeoticus: of course~.

before zeoticus could leave the door.

Varakiel: Also not a single word about this or no more cooking for 3 months, i been clear?

Zeoticus: *shiver* Crystal!

zeoticus then leaves the room.

irina: ….


Varakiel: don't worry he won't speak to anyone about this, he too craves for peace…

Varakiel and asia were escorting irina and xenovia outside of the academy.

Varakiel: both of you don't have a place to stay? isnt?

Irina: we are going to stay in the church nearby.

xenovia: do you know where is it?


asia: about that….it seems it had an accident and it burned down.



Varakiel: hmm….

asia: mr.varakiel maybe they could?

Varakiel: they wouldn't feel comfortable around the devils right now, and our house is still in remodeling….i guess i can help you find a place for you to stay….

irina: t-that won't be necessary we can handle it ourselves.

Varakiel: no, the two of you are in danger right now, by this time the person of the orthodox church might be dead.

xenovia: that…

Varakiel: fallen angels are relentless, they are more evil that devils.

asia: mr.varakiel is right, let us help you, but what we can do…

Varakiel:...i guess we'll have to camp….

Undine: (fufu, you never miss a chance to camp around do you?)

Varakiel: (of course, is our way of living after all~)

Undine: (indeed)

Asia: camping?

irina: camp? but we still need to get tents for that.

xenovia: and were we should camp?

Varakiel: well we can camp in the forest behind the academy, that way we can remain close to everyone else.

asia: that sounds like a good idea.

irina: then what about the tents?

Varakiel: don't worry about it i have it covered.

asia irina xenovia: ¿?


asia: wow mr varakiel, so you used to camp a lot?

Varakiel already took out the camp that he always used on monmosu and konosuba, a place full of dreams and memories.

irina: I understand about the space magic, but why is everything already set up? even the cauldron has hot food on it.

Varakiel: well, i arrived in this town not so long ago and camping was my way of living, i never miss a chance when it comes to camp, it's fun, and there's something relaxing of being out in the wild.

asia: yeah, i like this.

asia says with a smile.

xenovia: your way of living? who are you?

Varakiel: that's true i haven't presented myself to both of you, my name is varakiel fateburn, i am currently a teacher in kuoh academy, and also i am the strongest human in the world.



asia: mhm, mr. varakiel is truly strong.

irina: i see…

xenovia: but to call you the strongest human in the world, isn't that a bit arrogant?

Varakiel: is not arrogance is a fact.

undine: (you sounded more arrogant that before, not that you're wrong)




Varakiel: anyways you should go to sleep i can notice that you haven't taken a proper rest in a while.

irina:*yawn* yeah all the pressure hasn't allowed us to rest properly…but you can't spy on us.

Varakiel: I am already married, why should I spy on you?

irina: eh?

irina looks between varakiel and asia.

asia: i-it i-isnt like that!

xenovia who was really tired dropped dead on a tent.

asia: woah, she didn't looked like she was that tired.

Varakiel: think about asia, they just found about the evil things the church is plotting, and with their bad quality rest and food they been having, her body collapsed without doubt after seeing a safe place.

Asia: poor xenovia…varakiel can i?

Varakiel: go ahead, you're allowed to use your power whenever you see fit.

asia: mhm.

asia nods with a smile and walks to the sleeping irina and xenovia.

Varakiel: *sigh* (god's love uh, it's just a theory but it might be right, or not, one thing is sure, her power is not a curse, none is.)


the next day…

Varakiel: So the reason you are out of money is because…this?

varakiel takes a look at irina and xenovia luggage.

Irina: this painting has the drawing of someone who looks like a saint! That's what the person in the exhibition said as well!

Varakiel: Then you must know who the person in the drawing is, right?

irina: i think….it's…saint…peter?

xenovia: don't mess around. saint peter wouldn't look like this.

asia: indeed, i don't recognize this person irina-san.

Irina: no, he must have looked like this! i'm sure about it!

Varakiel: let me take a look….

varakiel picks up the painting and exanimates it….

it had "made in china" labeled on chinese


varakiel toss the painting away on to the bonfire…

irina: ah! saint paul!

asia: didn't you said it was saint peter?

xenovia: god, is this also a trial?


Irina:*munch* so delicious~.

xenovia: ….is good.

xenovia was devouring the food while saying "is good" whenever she takes a bite.

Varakiel: so your main objective is to retrieve the excaliburs isnt?

both irina and xenovia nods with their cheeks bulging with food.

Varakiel: (adorable) and how do you exactly think of doing that?

Xenovia:*gulp* The minimum objectives we have to achieve are destroying the three Excaliburs or take them back. If our Excaliburs are going to be stolen as well then we should break them before it happens. Even if we use the last resort, there's only a 30 percent chance that we will succeed in our mission and return home safely.

Varakiel: so you're not sure either huh, and besides you should mark down that 30% your chance are 0%, even if you retrieve the excaliburs the church would still another way to stir up war.

xenovia: that…..

xenovia looks down to the ground, she doesn't want to believe everything she got known yesterday, but she can't, deep inside she knows its true.

Varakiel: so let's do this you face kokabiel and make him confess that he wants to stir up war.

irina & xenovia: ehhh?

Varakiel: don't worry is a plan i made up yesterday while reviewing the prons and cons. isn't asia?

Asia: yeah mr. varakiel is very good at planning things, thanks to him i have learned a lot of things of japan in such a short time.

irina: r-really?

Varakiel: mhm, just do as i say, so first….


a few days later…

Varakiel: alright everyone, no assignaments for tomorrow and please go back home early. There have been a lot of murder cases lately, so please refrain from going out at night.

the other students nodded to varakiel request.

Varakiel: mhm, then ill see everyone next week.

rias: varakiel-sensei what happened to those two?

Varakiel: they are looking for a priest, you should know him, balba galilei.

rias: the one who did that to kiba?

akeno: ara, are they perhaps attacking soon?

Varakiel: probably, but for now ill go to my house the remodelation should be done by today.

rias: is that so…

rias looked a little down.

akeno: fufu, rias-chan don't look so down we can still visit varakiel-sensei ourselves you know.

Varakiel: mhm, you're welcome anytime at my house.

asia: woah, mr.varakiel our house is so big now!

asia says as she admired the new size of their house, unlike the single floor now it hold 5 floors and the corridors are very spacious for a certain girl.

Asia: but why are the corridors so big?

Varakiel: well, remember that i mentioned that my brothers and my wife are coming back?

asia: of course how can i forget about mr. varakiel family.

Varakiel: well my wife is quite…big persay.

asia: big?

Varakiel: mhm, so what do you think ophis?

Ophis who remained silence most of the time speaks.

Ophis: is….big.

Varakiel: you like it?

ophis: *nod*

Varakiel: good, this is our house now.

Varakiel pats both asia and ophis.

Asia: yes, hehe.


ophis puts a subtle smile.


later at night…

Asia,ophis and varakiel were watching the tv together.

Varakiel: so how was school today asia?

asia: it was great, i got to talk with my friends and learn a lot of new things, hehe.

Varakiel: great, and you ophis?

ophis: ... .ok.

Varakiel: just ok?

ophis: *nods*

Varakiel: alright

asia: mr.varakiel, ophis doesn't talk a lot in class she is mostly talked to and only responds with a nod…is that really ok?

Varakiel: of course, not everyone has the skill to make friends asia. ophis is the kind of girl who likes to be with people she really likes, like you and me isn't ophis?

Ophis: *nod* i only care about varakiel, asia and koneko ...and koneko 's friends.

Varakiel: hehe, alright.

asia:okay then, i wouldn't want someone to abuse ophis-chan friendship.

Varakiel: hehe, you have grown a lot asia.

asia: hehe.


the next day.

the whole occultism club paid a visit to varakiel.

Rias: hello varakiel.

Akeno: hello varakiel-san

koneko: ophis-chan.

ophis: koneko.

both koneko and ophis went inside to play.

Varakiel: hm? where is kiba?

rias: well, that's what i wanted to talk about you see i told him about valper galilei location, and didn't come back yesterday…

akeno: rias is very worried that kiba might have become an stray demon…

Varakiel:*sigh* come inside and sit down.


Varakiel: so that's how it go.....then you don't have to worry about it, he will come back soon.

rias: r-really?

akeno: ara, rias, have more trust on varakiel-san, after all he 's kiba' s mentor.

Varakiel: mhm, with all the therapy I had with him he would never abandon you for vengeance, at most he wants to break a few bones of that bastard, and I don't blame him. I would do so aswell after what he has done.

Rias: ...if you say so varakiel…

Varakiel: relax he will be okay, so do you want to eat breakfast?

rias: of course!

Akeno: if you don't mind varakiel-san~.

Varakiel: of course i don't~.


at the evening…

Rias: then we will take our leave thanks for the meal varakiel.

akeno: yeah it was delicious as ever.

koneko: goodbye ophis-chan, varakiel-sensei, asia-san.

Ophis: goodbye koneko…

asia: take care.

then rias akeno and koneko went back to the academy.

Varakiel: alright, then asia ill see you later, ill go to the mall to buy some things.

Asia: ah, alright mr.varakiel, take care.

ophis: goodbye.

Varakiel: hehe, i'm going then.

varakiel then left the house…

Varakiel: (the attack should be today, so let's reveal ourselves to the whole world now, no more disguises, hahaha)

undine: (*sigh* there goes my peaceful vacations)

Varakiel: (sorry about that undine)

Undine: (it's okay dear, it had to come eventually after all the forces in this world are becoming too reckless, we must sever any sigh of war, for the sake of this world)

Varakiel: (indeed, the balance of power is too unstable, if kokabiel were to succeed this war could end the world)

Varakiel then walked away and waited until the time was right….

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