My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 78: The powers are here


Kokabiel lays on the ground at the gates of death.

Varakiel: any last words?

Kokabiel: w…who are you?

Varakiel: ask that to hades.

???: stop!

a man with twelve jet-black feather wings speaks.

Varakiel:.....You know my price, azazel.

Azazel: So it's really you bastard….*sigh*

azazel rummages through his pockets and takes out a bow.

azazel: I remember that you don't have a bow, do you?

Varakiel: so you remembered.

azazel gives the bow to varakiel.

Varakiel: well a deal is a deal….up you go.

varakiel grabs kokabiel's neck and throws him to azazel.

Varakiel: so is everyone here already?

azazel: Of course after such a ruckus it is obvious what would happen.

Varakiel: that's true…hello vali how are you doing?

Vali: hello sir.

Varakiel: hehe, drop down the formalities, so how is your power adapting to your human body? believe a human has such potential to grow up.

Vali says as he looks at the weapons surrounding varakiel, he knows that each one of them is equal to that of an archangel strength.

Varakiel: mhm, while devils angels and fallen angels can have a lot of time, the limited mortality of humans can make them get their strength to huge lengths in a short time.

Everyone else gets close to varakiel , vali and azazel.

Rias: Can I ask what is going on here?

azazel: if it isn't rias gremory, your brother should be arriving here soon, i am azazel and this brat here is vali.

rias: the leader of the fallen angels? how come you know varakiel?

Azazel takes a look at the red orb hanging on rias neck….

Azazel: *sigh* so it was really a gift for one of your girls you bastard…

Varakiel: of course i don't like to lie….almost, *cof* you see rias this guy here, vali, was the user of divine dividing, the celestial dragon albion. you stole it?

Varakiel: o-of course not rias-chan! i wouldn't never commit such a crime.

Vali: this guy came into our base and decided to take out albion out of me directly, and in the process i died and he reincarnated me into a human with what did you say?

Varakiel: sacred necromancy~.

Azazel: are sure you won't lend me a copy of that magic varakiel? i can hand you over some good gear!

azazel put his arm around varakiel like a shaddy salesman.

Varakiel: i am sorry but even if i lend it to you, you won't ever understand what it says, and besides i think i already lend you some good rare outerworld materials.

azazel:...fair enough.

rias: varakiel-sensei…

akeno: varakiel-sensei, you killed someone stole his corpse and just revived him and though it was okay?

Varakiel: o-of course not! don't look at me with those eyes, it's scary, besides reviving him i rebirthed him in a human, he has the fast and steady grown that a human warrior can have, just think of him has another issei, but with demonic powers!

Vali: talking about this issei, he's my… what do they call it here in japan? senpai?

Varakiel: mhm, he was killed by fallen angels i rebirthed him just like you, so in a sense he could be your senpai but you might be stronger than him.

Vali: i might?

Varakiel: i been teaching him a lot of battle techniques, so at least he can have good spars with you.

Vali: i see…i can't wait to find him…

vali says with flames on his eyes…


issei: *shivers* i-i wonder if someone is trying to curse me..

issei says as he was on his bedroom doing his homework.


Azazel: oh it seems the others have arrived.

Varakiel: took them long enough…

Suddenly from the academy grounds a magic circle appears and light come's out from the sky…

Varakiel: hehe, we meet again sirzechs.

Sirzechs: oh? varakiel is nice to meet you again.

varakiel and sirzechs shake hands.

rias: onii-sama…grayfia…

grayfia: rias-sama, varakiel-sama.

grayfia bows to them….mainly to varakiel….

varakiel: there's no need grayfia, just see me as a friend.

grayfia:...very well, if that's what varakiel-sama wants.

sirzechs: akeno told me you might need my help but it seems it wasn't necessary, i am curious varakiel-sama are those weapons of yours..

Varakiel: They are sacred relics. Yes, I got them from the shady businessman there in exchange for some really rare materials.

varakiel says as he points with his thumb behind him to azazel.

sirzechs: so you can use several weapons…is good to know~.

suddenly a pillar of light comes out from the sky.

Varakiel: and the last guests arrives.

from the sky an twelve god winged angel descends…and….

michael descends in front of varakiel and put his hands oh his shoulders…

Michael: can you explain about what you said about the lord!?





Varakiel: you must be the seraph michael.

Michael realizing what he has done steps back embarrassed.

Michael: *cof* indeed i am the first seraph of heaven, michael.

Varakiel: Varakiel fateburn, is nice to meet you michael.

Varakiel extends his hand for a handshake.

Michael: varakiel fateburn…we have heard of you.

Varakiel: hehe, i guess my raid on the underworld didn't go unnoticed, *cof* very well, so everyone is here, so? shall we talk?

Sirzechs: very well, i will represent the devil's race.

Azazel: *sigh*

azazel turns serious.

Azazel: i will represent the fallen angel's.

Michael: i will represent the Angels.

the three of them take a look to varakiel.

Varakiel:*sigh* you guys are making a hard bargain.

Varakiel transforms his clothes to the armor with the monster lord sigil.

Varakiel: I will represent humanity.

azazel, michael and sirzechs smile and nods to him.

Sirzechs: very well, so shall we talk about peace?

Azazel: aslong i can get back to my workshop fine by me.

Michael: i agree, the lord would have wanted peace.

Varakiel: this world needs this peace as well, another conflict will damage it beyond repair.

Sirzechs: indeed, our conflict must end.

Varakiel: but only us won't be enough, we must gather the leaders of the smallest factions aswell.

Michael: shall we perform a conference then.

Azazel: where should we perform it.

Sirzechs: we shall perform it here.

Varakiel: i agree, but we must ask the current ruler of this territory isn't?

Sirzechs: t-that…you're right varakiel, rias isn't a kid anymore.

the four of them turn around and look at rias…


rias paralyze from the pressure and fear…

Varakiel: don't be afraid rias, come.

varakiel says to rias in a soft tone.

Rias after hearing those word regains her focus and steps forward.

Rias: i-i-i allow that my territory is used to perform this peace conference.

rias says with anxiousness.

the four of them smile at her.

Varakiel: mhm, it shall be done then, we shall gather the other leaders….i shall leave that duty to you, as for me, i will be sure that the area is safe for the conference.

Sirzechs: very well, i will gather the leaders of the underworld.

Azazel: *sigh* fine, i will help you to gather those old bones.

Michael: then i will gather the leaders of heaven.

Varakiel: very well, then, this conference shall be performed in 2 weeks that should be enough time to gather everyone and leaves me time to gather my people for the security of this conference.

Sirzechs: your people?

Varakiel: my family is very strong, i can assure you that.

Azazel: your family you say? interesting.

Michael: very well, 2 weeks is it, then with that matter over…

michael bows to varakiel.

Michael: varakiel-sama please, i beg you, what do you meant that the lord isn't dead…i..i…i need to know.

michael says with teary eyes.

Varakiel: (he might be as old as god but he's still a child at heart.) very well, god isn't dead indeed.

Michael: that mea-

Varakiel: but he isn't alive either.

Sirzechs: he isn't dead nor alive?

Azazel: hm….did he?

Varakiel: indeed, he reincarnated.

Michael: that!

michael realizes a lot of things now.

Varakiel: indeed god isn't "god" anymore, he decided to reincarnate, he could be a demon, an angel among you, a fallen angel, or even a human, the reason? who knows, maybe he got tired of everything, maybe it's part of his master plan.

Michael: b-but i sensed his divinity many days ago.

Varakiel:...that might have been my doing, you see, among my many skills, i have one were i used the power of the gods to send to heaven human souls, the divinity you felt was probably that.

Michael: then the lord isn't coming back….

michael arms drop in defeat and depression.

Varakiel puts his hand on his arms.

Varakiel: but he's still out there isn't? you can't just give up because he can't come back right? work hard prove him that you can achieve peace with all the races, make heaven a home where he can come back to.

Michael: a home where he can come back….

michael eyes burn with passion.

Michael: you're right varakiel-sama!

Varakiel: (hehe just like micaela)

Undine: (no wonder he reminded me of someone, he's just like her when it comes to their passion)

Varakiel: great, now, there's something you need to know about the church.

Michael: the church?

Varakiel: they have committed great sins in the name of god, sins god wouldn't leave unpunished.

Michael eyes turn cold and merciless.

Michael: i shall hear you varakiel-sama.


Michael eyes burn now with anger and hint of sadness.

Michael: those poor children….

while michael takes care of the church and the religion of god he isn't aware of the things they perform in the shadows, if he did…..

Michael: then that man over there?

michael takes a look to valper galilei

Varakiel: he's one of those people.

michael then proceeds to walk to valper galilei.

Azazel: oi, varakiel shouldn't you do something? aren't you like representing humanity?

Varakiel: yeah i indeed i represent humanity, but that thing? is not even human.

Sirzechs: indeed, he can only be called an evil monster, but aren't you a fallen angel azazel? shouldn't be aware of that? or perhaps your adventures with your wife has softened your heart jaja.

Azazel: *sigh* you might be right.

Michael: valper galilei, you were excommunicated from the church but wasn't given a reason, but now that i have known the truth….

Valper galilei couldn't even move or mutter a single word, those eyes that presence, he's facing the will of god, the first angel.


a sword of light appears in the hands of michael.

Michael: your punishment is eternal hell without chance for reincarnation.


in an instant the corpse of valper vanish without a trace left of him.



xenovia and kiba who were retaining valper shivered in fear, he's gone without a trace left and probably all the traces of him in the church will dissapear soon, making him like he didn't even exist.

Michael: you must be yuuto kiba….

michael bows to kiba.

Michael: i am so sorry for all you have gone through, i should have been more careful about what they were doing.

kiba: t-that….

Michael: i assure you than when i go back everyone involved in this experiment will not go unpunished.

Kiba:.....thank you.

kiba tears runs through his cheeks.

Kiba: is over…this nightmare is over…my friends i hope you can rest in peace….

kiba cleans his tears and faces michael.

Kiba: michael-sama please i leave it to you.


Varakiel: then remember 2 weeks.

Azazel: yes yes i heard you the 3th time.

sirzechs: well you might forget about such thing, azazel, you already have a record for it.

Azazel: hey that was just one time, and everyone ended up fighting anyway

michael: you also arrived late to that battle, and this other….

Varakiel:.....vali remember 2 weeks.

Vali: of course sir.

Azazel: oi which side you're on?

Vali: the stronger one.

Varakiel: haha, but atleast thank you for coming sirzechs, azazel and michael, i really hope we can achieve peace….after all the forces in the shadows are moving relentessly and plan to bring calamity to this world.

Michael: calamity?

Varakiel whispers so the 3 of them can only hear.

Varakiel: trihexa.

the eyes of them went cold and full of anger.

Sirzechs: is that so?

Azazel: so that's why you want this alliance.

Michael: rest assured varakiel-sama those people will pay for such sin.

Varakiel: i leave it to you then, and remember 2 we-

azazel: I KNOW!!

azazel and vali vanish in the air.

Sirzechs: haha, until we meet again…rias, take care.

Grayfia: Rias-sama, varakiel-sama.

Grayfia bows to them.

sirzechs and grayfia then teleport with a magic circle at their feet.

Michael: very well, varakiel-sama….and thank you for telling me about the lord.

Varakiel: mhm, also can i ask a favor?

Michael: of course varakiel-sama.

Varakiel: i want to ask you if you can lend asia argento be able to pray to god even if she is a demon.

Michael: asia argento….

michael looks around at notices asia.

Michael:....very well varakiel-sama.

Varakiel: and also leave the sama you can call me varakiel.

Michael smiles.

Michael: very well varakiel.

Varakiel: hehe, thanks in advance michael, then we'll meet again.

Varakiel and michael shakes hands.

michael then ascends back to heaven while being enveloped by a ray of light.


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