Chapter 79: If you think about it, it makes some sense (also yes this is a reference to another fanfic :p)
Sona: So it's over? just like that?
Tsubaki: i must say….that was anticlimatic…
asia walks to varakiel.
Asia: mr.varakiel is that true about the lord? he really reincarnated?
Varakiel:...*sigh* yes he did, on the war where he "died" he used his last breath to perform his reincarnation.
Rias: but how you know that?
Varakiel: i already found him.
akeno: you already found god?
Varakiel: i didn't, we did in fact you saw him just now.
Tsubaki:.....!!! varakiel-sensei is perhaps!?
Varakiel: indeed, sirzechs is god, or well his reincarnation.
Rias: what do you mean varakiel-sensei!? t-that…
Varakiel: oh c'mon it's obvious, which race was the most damaged in that war? the devil race. when the old demon faction wanted to continue the war sirzechs was one of the core pieces to their defeat, how come someone so young can get so powerful in such a short time, how come even with such amount of power of destruction can he still keep a calm and kind demeanor.
Rias: but to god to reincarnate on a devil….
Varakiel: what about it? like i said god craves for peace, he wants the world to develop slowly and then see what is outhere in space, but he's too lazy to make such progress, so it's leaving it to humans to make such progress.
Sona: that….makes sense…i guess.
Xenovia: but how come michael hasn't noticed?
Varakiel: he believes that god is serious, but that's the opposite, if that was for god he would have made peace a long ago, but you know the story of his creations and bla bla bla, blame lucifer for that.
Asia: i knew the lord was very forgiving and peaceful…
asia begins to pray…
Varakiel: asia you should wait a few days until michael makes the changes on the system so you can pray.
Varakiel: anyways who is hungry?
Koneko: me sensei.
Varakiel: hehe then shall we go home?
Asia: umu!
A week as passed since the meeting of varakiel with azazel,michael and sirzechs.
in the occultism club…
Sirzechs: so it's like that.
Varakiel: well that was rather easy, i suppose bearing the name of lucifer has it's perks.
varakiel and sirzechs were talking casually in the main room.
Sirzechs: also did you really have to tell them about you know…"that"?
Varakiel: oh? what wrong? the siscon can't handle the weird look of his sister? well too bad, take it has a pay back for your bad prank with the phoenix family.
Sirzechs:....*sigh* if you put it like that i guess i really deserve it.
Varakiel: so "god" tell me how does it feel to not be the main attraction of fate.
Sirzechs:.......i only have one thing to say….
Varakiel & Sirzechs: fate is a bitch.
Sirzechs: jajaja.
Varakiel: jajaja, just another thing we agree upon.
Varakiel: so what do you thing about my cuisine grayfia-san?
Grayfia: …..varakiel-sama….no sensei, please teach me.
Sirzechs: oi….
Varakiel: what? you even agree to it, anyways of course grayfia, fell free to come to my house whenever you have time.
Varakiel: don't look at me like that! i won't do such a thing, i hate cheating, i don't tolerate traitors.
Sirzechs: i see…"god" would like to agree with you, fine, grayfia, you can visit varakiel whenever you have free time, but not now i wouldn't have free time with the conference process.
Varakiel: the old habits never die isn't?
Sirzechs:...i am working on that… about trihexa, who is it?
Varakiel: lucifer.
the glass cup that was on sirzechs hand instantly shatters to dust.
Grayfia: sirzechs….
Sirzechs: a-ah sorry!
Varakiel: (they are so cute together hehe)
Undine: (they look like you and granberia)
Varakiel: (really?...~~) *cof* the one who wants to release trihexa is rizevim livan lucifer.
Sirzechs: *sigh* yet again that name stirs up problems….you know why?
Varakiel:....he's bored.
Varakiel: that old bastard wants to do it because he thinks it will be fun.
Akeno:...he wants to destroy everything because he thinks it's….fun?
Varakiel: yes, let me summarize him in a simple way he is "an old man with the mentality of a kid with an eighth grade syndrome".
Sirzechs:...that indeed summarize him…*sigh* you have any idea of what to do?
Varakiel: just leave him to me, when i find him, i won't show any kind of mercy, ill take away his soul and imprison it for eternity.
Koneko: why go to those lengths?
Varakiel: he can use his soul to release the seal on trihexa.
Sirzechs: he found that method already!? how!?
varakiel looks at grayfia.
Varakiel: Euclid Lucifuge.
grayfia aura growns with anger. but calms down eventually.
Sirzechs: but that doesn't explain how....
Varakiel: you realized isn't?
Sirzechs: the holy grail?
Varakiel: the holy grail.
Sirzechs: *sigh*
Varakiel: anyways this hasn't happened yet.
Sirzechs: you can see the future, isn't?
Varakiel: mhm.
Sirzechs: to such lengths?
Varakiel: surprised?
Sirzechs: very…..but i won't ask how after all you're my friend….so where is the holy grail?
Varakiel: tepes faction, wielder valerie tepes.
a rustle come's from a room nearby.
Rias: hm? gasper?
eventually the rustle stops and the sound of doors opening arrives.
Gasper: did you said valerie tepes!?
Varakiel: so you finally came out….
an effeminate-looking male with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. His hair is styled in short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead, and he has pointed ears. is on front of varakiel face.
Varakiel: (if alma elma was here he would have been raped without doubt and i couldn't stop her…this boy is scary on it's own…) you must be gasper vladi isn´t?
gasper realising what he has done cowers in a corner of the room.
Varakiel: (*sigh*) anyways try to take out valerie tepes and rest assured she doesn't want to be there.
Sirzechs: very well, and it seems she is a friend of one of Rias servants, there's more reason to help her out….
Varakiel: oh shut up you siscon don't try to sound cool, and leave her protected in your house, in here she eventually would be find out.
Sirzechs: indeed…grayfia can you do it?
Grayfia: they won't even notice i was there.
Varakiel: great~ thank you grayfia-san.
Grayfia: umu.
grayfia then vanishes.
Varakiel: she's gonna do it now?
Sirzechs: mhm, she should be done in 3 days at most.
Varakiel: hehe, you really are a lucky "god" to find such a great wife, you didn't modify your luck when you reincarnated don't you?
Sirzechs: maybe~.
LUK: 12000
Varakiel: haha.
after an relaxing hour.
Gasper: wuuhhh.
gasper had a paper bad on his head and was…facing?, varakiel.
Varakiel: so you are the last member of rias, is nice to meet you gasper, i am varakiel fateburn.
Gasper: i-is nice to meet you varakiel-sama.
Varakiel: mhm, so tell me why the sudden change of attitude?
Gasper: i-i-i *inhales* valerie tepes is my best friend.*exhales*
Varakiel: ah i see, no wonder you came out like that.
Gasper: what is gonna happened to her?
Varakiel: sirzechs is going to take her out of the tepes castle and bring her to the underworld to keep her safe.
Gasper: r-really? c-can i visit her then?
Varakiel: you should ask that to your master isn't?
Rias: yes gasper you should ask me first, and even more to enter the room when there's an important meeting in here.
rias says with a dark smile to gasper.
gasper: i-i-im sorry!
akeno: fufu, but to muster so much courage to come out like that, your best friend must be very important.
Gasper: yes! we were together since we were born! is also thanks to her than i could…get out…
Rias: so it's thanks to her than i could find such a cute child, rest assured gasper she is gonna be safe, grayfia is so strong than the only ones that can defeat her would be onii-sama or varakiel-sensei.
gasper: w-woah…i-is varakiel-sensei very strong?
Varakiel: hehe.
Varakiel looks at gasper sparkling eyes and remember that moment, the moment he meet his great little brother.
Varakiel:(they should arrive a day before the conference isn't?)
Undine:(indeed they are almost here)
Varakiel: indeed little one.
varakiel pats gasper head even though he has a paper bag on it.
Sirzechs: then varakiel, i shall take my leave.
Varakiel: mhm, also don't forget classroom visits are coming soon you won't want to miss how much rias as progressed on her education.
sirzechs: not in a million years!
Varakiel: mhm, alright see you later….friend.
Sirzechs:.....of course.
sirzechs then teleports.
Rias: varakiel-sensei!
Varakiel: too late HAHAHA!
Akeno: fufu.
Koneko: *giggle*
Asia: hehe.
3 days later.
xenovia and irina were in front of varakiel in his now empty classroom.
Varakiel: *sigh* so let me get this straight, you two were assigned to become my…body guards?
Irina: yes it was a direct order of michael-sama!
xenovia:....irina lying is a sin you know?.....we requested michael-sama if we could be under your teaching, after all we never payed all the help you bringed to us…and also michael-sama wanted us to give you this….
xenovia takes a wrapped up object….
Xenovia: this is the dragon killing sword, ascalon, michael-sama said that is a gift for the information about god.
Varakiel: oh….is such a powerful sword.
Ascalon: Att: 5000 , Effect: Dragon slayer (500% damage to dragon and dragon related beings) Description: the holy sword that Saint George used to kill a Dragon.
Varakiel: (well a dragon isn't easy to kill as a human so no wonder saint george could do it with these stats) i gladly accept it….
Varakiel then grabs the sword…
Varakiel: It feels...compatible.
Irina: compatible?
Xenovia: what do you mean by th-
varakiel then stabs himself in the chest with ascalon.
Irina: e-eh!? what are you doing varakiel-sama!?
xenovia: w-we need to call a doct-
Varakiel: ugh! don't worry i am fine.
irina & xenovia: eh!?
after a close inspection irina and xenovia noticed that varakiel wasn't bleeding or his clothes were torn apart.
Varakiel: remember when you saw my armament that day? this is how I add a new one.
Varakiel then shows how the ascalon appears with a crystal luster on his hands and after a second it materializes.
Varakiel: i can absorb a weapon in my body and make it become a part of me.
irina: i-incredible! is this a sacred gear?
Varakiel: no, this is just the abilities of my blood
xenovia: your…blood?
Varakiel: hehe, you see through my veins runs a kind of royal blood, this blood allow me to perform these abilities.
irina: royal blood? are you like a prince?
Varakiel: it would be more like king, hehe, anyways the reason i said it was compatible is because not any weapon can be absorbed, it must be a weapon with a certain durability or magic properties, and of course i need that the weapon doesn't have a master, i could force them but i would underperform greatly.
Xenovia: that mean that if i lend you durandal?
Varakiel: i probably wouldn't be able to use it unless you grant it to me with your full trust.
irina: what about the excaliburs?
Varakiel: due to them being incomplete they would be directly repelled…my ability is quite picky to not say less.
xenovia: if that soo….varakiel-sama…hmmm…
Varakiel: hm? what's wrong?
Xenovia: i was wondering, c-can you teach me how to fight?
Varakiel: hm? but you clearly have a solid base already, why the sudden impulse?
xenovia: when we were capturing valper galilei kiba yuuto pulled some amazing techniques and moved very fast, if it wasn't because of my experience i wouldn't be able to follow him up.
Varakiel:hmmm….i guess i can teach you but you know, my battle style is nothing you have seen, you will find it very hard to forget everything you have learn…
xenovia: can i atleast try?
Varakiel: if that's what you want, what about you irina?
Irina:yeah i was about to ask something too, you remember that you said i was lacking wings for my growth?
Varakiel: mhm, what about it?
Irina: hehe!
suddenly a flashing light comes from irina and a halo and a pair of white wings appear on her back.
Varakiel: so you became an angel?
Irina: yeah i requested michael-sama and he agreed!
Varakiel: hmm…there nothing much i can teach you…
irina: aww…
irina wings drop down as she get depressed.
Varakiel: but my little brother might be able to help you.
irina: your little brother? you have brother varakiel-sama?
Varakiel: mhm, keep this as a secret for now okay, even more with michael.
irina: my lips are sealed and so are xenovia's!
xenovia: oi don't decide for me…..
Varakiel: hehe, you see my little brother is a half-angel hybrid.
irina & xenovia: e-eh!!?
Varakiel: mhm, my little brother was born half an hybrid between human and angel, he has adapted a very good control with his half wing and his battle tactics, he will be able to teach you properly.
Irina: t-that…i accept varakiel-sama!
Varakiel: great, they are arriving today so you come to my house after the conference alright?
Irina: o-of course!
Varakiel, rias, akeno, koneko, kiba, asia and ophis were walking to varakiel house…
rias: so they were assigned to you as body guards?
Varakiel: i don't mind them even if they are spies to keep watch on me i don't care that much.
akeno: but varakiel-sensei must feel good to be surrounded by a lot of women isn't fufu.
???: indeed it must feel good right?
suddenly an enchanting female voice come from the road ahead.
varakiel body freeze up.
???: after all that training must be veryyyyy hard, isn't it?
???: it isn't like you already have enough females around you right?
a woman with silver hair adorned with flowers walks up to them.
rias: w-who are you?
???: why don't you ask the idiot at your side? oh my bad i should say pedophile? really, 2 of them don't even look that they are under 15 years….i though you had enough with the fox you know.
Varakiel: a-alice is nice to meet you again.
Alice: cut the crap you idiot, be thankful that i am too hungry to beat you up right now.
akeno: may i ask who are you?
Alice: you didn't tell them?
Varakiel: i was going to but you came more earlier than i thought….
Alice: *sigh* the name's alice fateburn, monster lord and wife of the bastard at your side.
rias: m-monster lord!?
akeno: wife!?
Varakiel:....*cof* indeed she is alice fateburn, queen of all monsters and my wife.
Alice: ah? why you sound so let down? did you got bored of me? respond so i can beat you up, my hunger can wait.
Varakiel: nothing like that alice….i just wanted it to be a surprise…one that you ruined.
Alice:....Well, sucks to be you, now let's go home i am hungry.
alice then walks to varakiel side and waits for him to move….
asia: awawawa…
ophis: i can sense that she is powerful…
koneko: really ophis-chan?
kiba: as expected to varakiel-sensei wife i suppose.
Varakiel: where are luka and ruka?
Alice: who knows.
Varakiel: oi alice…
akeno: i wonder if varakiel-sensei is an M…
ophis: what is an M?
koneko: they are bad word ophis-chan don't listen.
ophis: ¿? ok…
???: big bro!!!
suddenly a voice comes from the sky.
Varakiel: uh? ruka?
varakiel notices that ruka was falling down while pulling luka with her.
Varakiel: oi! that's dangerous!
everyone got away from varakiel.
Varakiel manages to catch both of them.
Varakiel: ruka be more careful you will end up hurting someone!
Ruka: hehe, big brother, nice to finally see you!!
ruka rubs her face against varakiel face.
Varakiel:....*pufff* hahaha, and i missed you too my little sister!
varakiel leaving his big brother demeanor, rubs his face against ruka too.
Ruka: heheheh!!
luka: hello big brother.
Varakiel: hehe i missed you too luka!
varakiel gives a big bear hug to luka after putting down ruka.
luka:...heheh i missed you too big brother…
rias: you must be his brothers…
Akeno: they are very cute fufu
ruka: hello! my name is ruka!
Varakiel: let's go home first and ill present them to you.
luka & ruka: ok!
asia: are they twins?
Varakiel: something like that.