My Kitsune System

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

As Ryan whispered those words. Tiny flames were ignited on his fist… The flames were black in color. There were also black flames on his feet.

The temperature of the whole field had now increased with the appearance of the flames…

All of Dan's senses screamed run… Dan then turned to look at the way out of the field, just to turn back and Ryan wasn't there…

Dan's senses picked something above, Dan raised his head to see that a foot was bearing down on him.

Dan raised his two hands to protect his head from the impact of the foot. He was able to block the attack but then the force imbued in the kick had sent a shock wave down his body. His hands now felt numb from blocking the attack.

Ryan then followed the kick with another quick counter. It was a kick to the side of Dan. This kick had a much lesser impact compared to the first. But it wasn't the impact that was the main attack…

Ryan's foot was still on Dan's body when…


There was an explosion that had occurred where the foot had struck…. The black flames started burning Dan up… The black flames started spreading really quickly… It was also sent a jeering pain… Dan could feel his skin literally getting peeled off. A deep roar escaped Dan's throat as he could hold it in no more.

All that was on Dan's mind was to get rid of the flames... But then Ryan wasn't actually done with him just yet. While Dan tried to find a way to extinguish the flames, Ryan gathered most of his energy into his fist….

Ryan then unleashed the punch with so much force that a sound was heard…


Some bones broke… and with that it was goodnight for Dan… Dan fell down and was knocked out cold…

It was already evening when Dan woke up… The field was mostly empty... it had only one person including Dan seated there.

The person sat crossed legged with his eyes closed as if meditating. Dan looked around and he noticed that field was the same… it was like nothing had happened at all.

On his body, the clothes he wore felt different. He looked down to see what he wore. He was now in a kind of a track suite…. It wasn't really his size but bigger.

He wanted to ask why he was in a different set of clothes when he noticed that around his things....there were pieces of clothes, they were burnt and were just pieces of what they used to be.

His attention was now fully on the person who was now meditating at the center of the field… Dan decided to approach the person to say thank you for saving him… as he was sure he couldn't have defeated Ryan but that he had some help.

Dan then approached the person… The person's features seem to now appear kind of familiar. From the jawline, hair color down to the skin tone… As he got closer, smell of something charred permeated the air.

Dan was now ready to go on the offensive if it was who it thought it was. He knew he wasn't strong enough to defeat him but at least he had a chance at escaping if he tried.

Dan got close enough to know who it was…. It was no other than….


As Dan noticed it was Ryan he was ready for an attack but then….

Nothing happened, Ryan just sat there and did nothing.

Why is he just sitting here? And why didn't he kill me?

Dan still waited for any sudden motions but then nothing happened.

Dan turned and was about to leave when he noticed Ryan moved too.

Ryan stood up, picked up his things and started to leave…

Why isn't he going to say something? Would he just ignore me? At least he should explain why he attacked me right?

Dan thought, but then he could really bother to speak the words out.

Probably I should just keep to myself… I have gotten into enough troubles as it is…

Dan turned to leave too when he heard a voice call out to him.

"Won't you ask your questions?"

Dan turned to look at where the words came from… It came from no other than Ryan. Though his back was turned against Dan. He had stopped to talk to Dan.

Dan was now surprised, one minute he wanted to kill him. The next he was left to leave. And now he waited to answer Dan's questions. Something was off or didn't make sense.

"Why though? Why did you attack me?" Dan's spoke…

Ryan sighed before he turned and then sat.

"About that I really apologize" Ryan said.

"I thought you were sent after me" he continued.

Sent after him? Why would people be sent after him?

Why would people be sent after you

As Dan said those words, Ryan expressionless face cracked. A little smile grew out of the expressionless face. Ryan then brought his hands forward and a little flame was ignited.

Okay you can produce flames out of thing air? Dan didn't really understand what the whole flame gesture was for…

Is him being able to summon flames meant to mean something to me? Because if it is… I am clueless… Dan thought to himself as he waited for Ryan to produce and explanation for his actions.

Ryan looked at Dan as the flames began to change color to now a dark hue… But then Ryan got no reaction from Dan…

"You really don't know then do you?"

"No, I don't" Dan said

"So, what do you know then?"

Dan kept quiet and just stared at Ryan… He just continued to observe Ryan.

Can I really trust him? What if this is all a façade? But then if he wanted me dead, I would have been already dead right? Or what if his after what I know? But then what do I know? Oh, he knows I know nothing…

Dan wanted to hit himself as he had given more information that he should have… and now his currently at a disadvantage.

As Ryan saw he reactions, he started to laugh…

"You don't have to worry, you have nothing of value to me right now. And if I wanted you dead…. Let's say there will be no trace of you ever existing"

Though Ryan said that as he laughed, Dan knew that within those words there was actually truth in them… Those black flames… Just the thought of them sent a cold slithering shiver down his spine.

"I want to earn your trust though… so let's do this I will answer any questions you have do you agree to that?"

"Okay then let's see…" Dan's mind was puzzled on what to actually ask about.

It will be nice to ask about the system but then that would be giving to much information, wouldn't it? So, let's start with something basic… something that everyone knows…

"Tell me about the god games?"

As Ryan heard those words, he immediately smiled again…

"You mean the Ascension?"

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