My Kitsune System

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

The ascension?

"What do you mean by the ascension?" Dan said. His expression was quite blank.

As Ryan saw his expression, Ryan then realized something.

"You really don't know anything, do you?" Ryan began.

"It is called the ascension because through that event, we demi-gods can attain supremacy and step into godhood…." Ryan said...

"We would be able to obtain unimaginable powers.... Powers that this body of ours can't hold" 

"So, what if one doesn't want to participate?" Dan asked

Ryan then sighed and started walking closer to Dan.

With every step Ryan took and got closer to, Dan remembered the scene of how helpless he was some hours ago. His body wanted to move, he wanted to move, he wanted to run away but then to where?

 He was watched as Ryan strode towards him. On his face there wasn't hostility. But then Dan knew better than to trust the face of any man. As he believed most people put on a mask and never show their true nature.

And he has seen Ryan's true nature, Ryan was definitely no man. Dan's heart and mind raced.

What is he trying to do this time? Is he going to attack again? Dan found himself thinking.

Dan didn't know when but then he had already begun to activate his ninefold claw and was ready to pounce at any time.... He was going to use the element of surprise. Once Ryan made any suspicious movement that would be his chance.

Ryan then pulled his hand outward; Dan could already see the flow of energy gathering in Ryan's hands.

So, he really is going to attack then? I just need act a bit oblivious of his actions.

Dan could already feel his muscles tightening, his hands had burled into a fist he was ready to attack, he was ready to put all his power into that one strike to hurt Ryan and then escape.

Dan watched as the energy had now gathered in Ryan's Palm.

And then.... 


Flames danced on Ryan's palm...

That was all the signal Dan needed...

His instincts already kicked in. Dan had moved out of the way and had now pounced on Ryan.

He had rushed to plant a devastating blow on Ryan's face but then something felt off.

The contact wasn't there. Just at the last moment Ryan had side stepped and dodged the blow that was meant to be a surprise.

Now, Dan was in the air and his side was left wide open. His ribs could already feel the impact of the devastating blow that was to come and land on it. But then nothing happened.

Dan fell on the floor after he had missed. But no blow came afterword. Dan then turned to look at Ryan. He had an unreadable expression.

"Still don't trust me I, see?" Ryan said…

Ryan continued, " I actually just wanted to show you this." On his palm, the flames danced and formed images.

The images were of two people fighting. It was a spar or a training session. It was more like a death duel. In the image all actions were allowed as long as one obtained victory.

"So, it's some kind of ritual or rite of passage?"

"Yes, you can say that"

As Dan heard those words it was like a kind of a bomb. The color on his face got drained.

So, I have to fight to the death with other people?

Just the thought of having to kill someone made Dan's innards to twist and turn.

I haven't killed anyone before. I don't want to kill anyone.

Ryan could now see the growing hesitation on Dan's face.

"You have never killed anyone before, have you?"

Dan didn't reply to the question but his silence had said it all.

Ryan, seeing Dan's reaction, decided to change the topic.

"So, what are you?"

"I can sense the power of the divine in you. And it's not corrupted. It's too pure to say you're a shaman or that you practice shamanic arts"

"But then your abilities are quite different from any god I have heard of. So, tell me what you are?"

Dan really had no words to say. The revelation of him having to fight other people was one thing but then killing them was a whole different ball game.

Will I be able to bear the weight of hurting and killing others? But then I just finished fighting someone... but that's different right? I was defending myself. I can't kill, I shouldn't.

Dan was so deep in his thoughts that he had not noticed Ryan had asked him a question and was waiting for a reply.


Those words broke through Dan's train of thought and brought him back to reality.

"Oh, sorry about that, what were you saying?"

"I had asked if you were a demi-god or not?"

"A demi- god" Dan muttered.

I can't say I am a demi-god… I don't even know what I am… Saying I am a demi-god may lead to questions like which bloodline Dan thought. 

"Huh" Dan sighed.

I am really getting tired of this…. There are more questions than answers.

As Ryan saw no words had left Dan's mouth, he then spoke.

"So, it seems you don't know what you are or you aren't sure?" Ryan said with a little smile.

Dan's face remained expressionless....

"I can sense the power of the divine in you. And it's not corrupted. It's too pure to say you're a shaman or that you practice shamanic arts"

"But then you still feel completely mortal at the same time... why though?" Ryan said...

Ryan then looked at him from head to toe, Ryan's eyes picked Dan's body apart bit by bit as if Dan had taken what was his. Under Ryan's scrutinizing gaze, Dan could feel something crawl up his back. He just felt like leaving and not staying within Ryan's gaze anymore. 

"I do have a guess on what you are but then I am not sure. If you do help me, we could be able to find out what you are"

"For the past thirty minutes we have been talking about me," Dan started

"All questions about who you are and why you attacked me, you have evaded. So, tell me Ryan"

"Who are you?"

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