Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Dan was now alone. It was just him and the streets. As he walked down the street back to his dorm. He couldn't help but wonder how his normal life had changed. His believes and everything he knew was now in question.
"She said she's a Zenko" Dan whispered to himself.
He had now finally gotten into his dorm it was now quite late in the night and most folks had slept.
It was then he noticed that he had a notification on his screen. He had been so immersed in his thoughts and fear that he had not noticed it earlier.
Dan used his mind to reach out to the notification button and then tapped.
It then opened up and it showed….
Quest completed.
Reward: 10 divine embers(received)
The system then asked him if he wants to open his status window. Dan though hesitated at first, but then reluctantly agreed to it. He decided to pick the yes option.
And then an icon which was by his top left corner was highlighted. The icon was a picture of him, in a kind of game mode. The icon then opened up to him.
The first thing he saw below the writing was….
Name: Dan Othniel
Title: The Goddess Chosen
Level 0: 0/15 (use divine embers?)
Tail Level: 0/9
Dan read through the status window carefully trying to understand it. The system apparently had gotten his name and even given him a title. Currently in his level he was at level zero like every other game.
Starting from the ground up it seems.
Just beside it he saw a message. It had asked him to use the divine embers. Dan just stared at the question.
Do I really want to do this though? Do I want to go live my life for someone else?
Dan asked himself these questions again and again. He had hoped he would get a different answer each time but each time it was the same thing.
He needed to find a way out this current situation and just be normal again.
Finish college…. get a job…. if his lucky enough he falls in love and makes a family… He gets to old and possibly die a peaceful death maybe….
With these thoughts went to his bed to sleep…. He hoped tomorrow would be better than today.
The next morning Dan woke up to the sound of the system's notification. He then abruptly jumped out of bed, of fear of being in danger. But then he realized he was fine and not in danger.
He had now been on edge ever since his encounter with the Zenko. He then just sat on his bed and looked out of his window.
The notification bell kept moving but then Dan wanted to ignore it completely. And that he did.
Dan wanted no part in this world. He wanted no jump scares, teleportation, seeing ghost and what naught. He hated to say it but he just wanted to be normal.
Dan got dressed and headed for school. Today the world had just passed him like a blur. He really didn't feel it move or rather it didn't move him. Like a spectator he saw the day unfold and unwrap itself.
But he was just not in the mood for it.
After he was done with his class. He headed toward a particular building. A place he never really fancied but now he felt it was essential and important to him. A place that held all the information one needed.
He walked into the library.
Dan had used his whole day in class to search of people who ever got a system or were blessed by gods.
The search engine always brought him the same results. It brought him mythological stories of gods and demi-gods.
But nothing in those stories said anything about having a system. The closet he ever got about a system was an old story he saw online which was titled mon système de vampire.
It would have been nice to actually have a sit and read a novel but Dan wasn't sure he had all that time in his hands.
He needed to know who the Zenko is, why he was chosen, and what happens in the god games… And how to rid himself of the system.
Those were the questions in his mind as he got into the library.
He had never really had the need to come here, never has to. Every information he ever needs he can sort out with just a phone, the internet and Ai. But it seems this trio have finally failed him.
Something he had never believed could happen.
His eyes scanned round the library and he noticed something. There were too many books in the library that he didn't know where he was to start from.
He walked around a bit and he saw the shelves were covered with so many books. From the natural sciences down to art and literature.
There were just too many books to search from.
"May I ask what you are looking for?" he heard a voice call from behind him.
Dan turned to see an older looking woman. Her face was riddled with wrinkles. She had stressed folds on her forehead. With her glasses dangling from her neck.
She wasn't smiling nor did she look like she was in the mood to help Dan. Any wrong moves could trip her off.
A small smile began to grow on Dan's face.
"I am currently working on research about gods, I don't know if you have any material of that sort?"
She raised an eyebrow at Dan, as she looked at him from head to toe.
"You mean the ancient gods?" The old librarian asked with a kind of confused expression.
"Yes" came the reply.
"I see" she said not sparing him much of a glance as she turned and started to walk away.
"Follow me" she told Dan.
Ouch, you don't have to be so cold about it. Dan thought to himself as he followed her from behind.
She came to a particular section of the library, that had to do with literature and the stopped. She turned to look at Dan.
"So, may I ask why you want to research on the ancient gods? The society has moved on and left them behind…. We are more into an age of technology now" the old librarian said.
"Because we have left and forgotten the gods…. That doesn't mean they have left and forgotten us…. And this is just for research to see how previous cultures has transformed our new world"
"I see, so this research you're doing, do you have a particular God and pantheon you want to work with?"
"Pantheon?" Dan asked.
"Yes" she sighed
"Like do you have a particular religion or culture you want to research the gods on?"
Dan had not really thought about which god pantheon he wanted to research on. He just thought that maybe he will just come here and read through some text and the he gets what he wants.
But then nothing is as easy as it seems.
Though he had done a little bit of research he really wasn't sure of which pantheon to research with. One of the best pieces of information he had gotten was that a Zenko was a type of tailed beast in Japanese mythology.
But then he wasn't sure if he had to deal with only one pantheon.
What if there are other gods? What if there are demi-gods or system users like me? Does the Japanese pantheon have anything on the god games?
In all honesty he had so many questions he wants answered but then he didn't know where to look.
"Hello?" the old lady's voice broke his train of thought.
"Oh" he flinched a bit.
"Didn't you hear what I said? I said which pantheon do you want to research on?"
"Erm, I was thinking of working with the Japanese pantheon" Dan said smiling back to the lady.
"Wow!!" the old lady was taken back.
"That's a new one" the lady said as went about to grab a ladder and started going up to reach some books.
She moved through books with precision with her hands. Most of the books she was searching through had to be limited editions.
As not much things were known about the gods now…. As when the world moved into a world of technology it slowly but gradually forgotten about the ancient gods.
"Why this particular pantheon though?" The old lady asked from above.
Dan was a bit surprised by her question. As he had thought that she may have wanted no interest in him but now she seems a bit invested.
"To be honest I really have no idea" Dan said not wanting to leave her hanging.
"It kind of just happened" Dan added.
"I see" the old lady nodded as she got his reply.
After the lady was done picking some books, she then came down to meet Dan. She held some big books and few other mini ones.
"Here are the books you need to help with your research" the old lady said.
Some of the books had a kind of dusty scent to them. As it seems that they haven't picked in a while.
"And since this is your first time, I think you should have some basic knowledge about the other pantheons too" and then she handed Dan two other smaller books.
Dan then took a sit and started going through them.
He had decided to check through the book and see if he could find anything on the Foxes as deities. But then he had seen nothing or at least not yet.
Time had really gone as now darkness had began encroaching. Dan had begun to lose hope to. Not only him but his body had started shutting down too.
He could now barely stay awake.
And then he saw it.
It was written in bold.