Chapter 6: Chapter 6
Immediately Dan's eyes shone bright.
Yes, I have finally found it. Dan thought to himself.
Dan flipped through the pages to see an image of a large fox.
It had a numerous number of tails. It had large claws too.
It was just as terrifying as the first time he had seen it.
As Dan read through the pages, he came to understand that the Kitsune was the messenger of the goddess Inari. That they acted as a bridge between the goddess and her worshippers.
It also said that they can live for many years and that the number of years they lived is shown by the number of tails they have.
How many numbers of tails did she have? Dan tried to remember. But he was so terrified then that the memory is now foggy. What he was sure of was that she had more than one tail though.
And then he saw something.
The reason she could grow old and young. The reason she could turn into a beast.
That was because….
Kitsune's are shapeshifters Dan answered himself in his mind.
Wait what?
The color drained from Dan's face. He had now started to look like a pale version of himself. As if he was now a ghost of himself.
That means she can be anyone, anywhere, at any time?
The realization was now bearing down heavily on him.
She could literally be anyone in this room. She could be the…. Dan's gaze now rested on the old librarian.
Oh noo…. If she can do this then what about the others?
Dan could literally feel his heart shriek.
It felt like he was gasping for air.
Calm down, calm down... Dan told himself as he tried to relax.
He heard the sound of the library's clock. It was time to leave.
Oh no, no, no... I can't just leave at least not yet… I just got something.
Dan was really reluctant to close the book.
But then he had already gotten off on wrong foot with the librarian or she just doesn't like him. So, he couldn't bear to try and push by taking one of the books out.
He sat down there for a while as he was very reluctant to leave.
After he had lost all hope, he finally got up and strolled over to her desk to return the books.
He dropped the books on her table and decided to walk off.
"Are you done with your research?" The old woman asked.
"No not really" Dan paused and turned to give her a reply.
"But you know you are allowed to borrow books from the library though?"
"Oh, about that" Dan gave a sheepish reply.
"So now tell me which of them would you to take home with you?... as you know these are limited editions and can't really be found everywhere"
"Oh, okay thank you" was the reply Dan gave as he now stared at the different books on the table.
From the very old ones to those that look that they have just been printed. Dan was really worried about which one to pick.
Though he needed to know a lot about the Japanese pantheon, he wasn't sure all the answers where there. And even if he was to pick another different book, which other pantheon held the answers he needed.
It was a really difficult spot Dan was placed in.
I don't know what god games are or who are the people participating. But what I do know is that there is a Zenko and I need to know more about her... Probably I'll find a way out in the process. Dan thought to himself.
Dan then picked up the book he was reading earlier.
"Thank you" Dan said as he smiled at the old librarian and left.
Dan got home late and then dropped the book on his table.
He just stared at the book and said nothing.
He picked up his phone to check the time.
He noticed it was quite late now.
He didn't know what to do and so he decided to go through his recent apps.
After he had done that, he went into his recent apps and wanted to clear it.
And something caught his eyes.
It wouldn't be bad to read a bed time story, I think.
"mon système de vampire" Dan pronounced in French.
Dan then searched the web for the English version and begun to read it before he finally fell as sleep.
He woke up the next morning still with the notification from the system. He looked at the notification and didn't open it.
Today was not as eventful as the day before. Dan had his mind on one thing which was how to get rid of this system or blessings.
So far so good he had found none. And this infuriated him.
He was now far beyond the edge and was willing to go to any length to get rid of it now.
The book mon système de vampire said the system grants one abilities beyond one' own imagination. But then things like that always have a draw back. Dan thought
He had soccer training today and he was headed for the locker room. He was too absorbed and in his own mind that he did not notice what was really going on around him. He was now at the edge of the hallway when he heard to people who whispered at the other end of the hall way.
"Did you hear about what occurred two days ago?" a girl whispered to her friend.
"Is it the recent celebrity feud you are talking about?" the other girl answered.
"Noo, not that" the first girl said a bit infuriated.
"I mean the event that occurred just about some nights ago" the first girl continued.
"No not really what happened?"
"The story goes that a man had an accident and was later rushed to the hospital" the first girl said.
"Okay, so how is that news? Like it was just an accident you know right? It happens every day"
"But that's the thing, the accident isn't the weird thing" And now the first girl got closer into the other girl's ear to whisper the rest.
"It's the fact that the man survived without a scratch and was still able to escape from the police too after that"
"What? Common now Kylie where did you hear that from?"
"I am dead serious; I was told he jumped through a whole six storey building to get away from the building" Kyle said.
"Wait what? Six storeys?" second girl's face was in utter disbelieve.
"I am serious though Camille. I heard it from my boyfriend who works at the hospital who is also friends with the friend of the nurse who saw it"
Camille had no words to say as she turned to walk away from Kylie as she continued to scroll through her phone.
It seems the story has quite spread then. Ha six storeys. They wished. Dan chuckled.
Wait, how did I? Dan turned back to look at how far the distance was between them was but he was able to hear them clearly.
The distance was too far for Dan to be able to hear them clearly.
"Oh, the system" Dan said as he got into the locker room.