Naruto Card Shop System: Yu-Gi-Oh! in Another World

Chapter 10: Chapter 8: Red Eyes Fusion

 Kaiba merely harrumphs and looks away before muttering, "Blue Eyes of the Dragon starter deck, ten booster packs, and one of those spirits."

 "That comes out to 1,500 ryo for the starter deck, 3,000 ryo for the ten+one booster pack deal, and I don't sell sentient beings for a total of 4,500 ryo and a fuck you."

 "Fuck you," He says as he holds out the money while I grab the items in question. I put the bills in my back pocket as I hand him the starter deck and booster packs. "Do you need a box," I ask.


 "Good, I don't have any."

 "You guys might want to take a look at this!" Yugi cries out as Joey gets enveloped by dark blue fire.

 "Don't worry he'll be fine, it's just a little bit of spirit fire, it isn't even hot enough to burn anything," I say as Joey turns into a glowing ball of blue light that contracts before expanding into ten foot tall scaled thing with a tail. As the light fades, I see the full magnificence of the fusion, a ten foot tall man clad in black metal armor with sharp edges and spikes poking out of major joints. Its wings are longer than he is tall when fully flared out and his tail is at least 8 feet. His feet have turned into a dragon's claws and the exposed hands and lower face show how his skin has turned rough and scaly.

{Lord of Red}

 All I can think of is one thing, "Turn the hell back right now before you damage my fucking shop!"

 "How the fuck am I supposed to do that!"

 "I don't fucking know! Just sit the hell down and try meditating or something, you're already putting holes in my floor!"

 Joey hurriedly sits down and tries meditating which, surprisingly, seems to work as the armor precedes to dissolve into his skin as his body returns to normal. Yugi looks wide eyed as he and Kaiba stare at Joey before exclaiming, "Woah! That was awesome!"

 "Give me a spirit better than that trash and I'll let you name any price for it. My father owns a ninja weapon store and can easily pay any price you could imagine," demands Kaiba.

 "Again, I don't sell sentient beings and spirits choose their partners. I have no say in it anyway," I respond.

 "And who are you calling trash, Kaiba! You don't even have a spirit partner, much less one as cool as my Red Eyes," exclaims Joey.


 "It doesn't matter much anyways since someone here isn't going to go around showing off his newly gained superpowers only to attract the entire ninja government to my head."

 "You talking about me," asks Joey.

 "Yes, dumbass."

 "Who are you calling dumbass!"

 I ignore him to go onto better and more important things, like the ritual for Yugi's divination. "Now Yugi, do you want your fate divined in private or with these two in the room," I ask.

 "Here's fine," says Yugi as Kaiba seems skeptical dismissive and Joey looks excited to see what it will look like. I go into the back and bring out ritual mat, the three blank cards, and the three candles wrapped in blood-stained rags. I direct them to close the blinds as I grab three of the common spell spirits. "Now, to start I will need some spell or trap spirits, spirits that are essentially braindead, spirits that, in life, had sold their soul or lost it when they fully submitted to a higher being, whether it be a concept like a country or creed, or a powerful being like a god." 

 Yugi and Joey look enraptured as I bring the spirits to the candles. "Next, I will use them to light the blood soaked candle's flames." A beat like a drum reverberates around the room as I put each spirit on the candles, causing them to envelop the candle for a moment, burning the rags, before lighting the candle black. "Then I place the candles on the circle to fuel it, giving it life." A piano plays a haunting melody in time with the beats of the weakening drum.

 "I place the cards as vessels" The high pitched sound of shuffling chains replaces the drum as the piano starts to crescendo and my chakra moves up to my throat. "Finally, the mists provide the soul" A haunted choir rises as my chakra reawakens the connection to the Millennium Necklace and the mist pours out of my eyes and mouth into the blank cards, inking them.

 Something works through my voice as I am forced to speak, "My eyes may fail but I still see, the past, the present, the future three. Souls enshrined, sacrifices fulfilled, a glimpse I'll give of what your future will be." Yugi looks panicked as his left hand goes to the first card on the left and flips it over. "The Past" Yugi's hand flips over the middle card as he noiselessly screams. "The Present" Kaiba and Joey become frozen as they try to interrupt the ritual and Yugi flips over the last card. "The Future" The mists coalesce into the cards as they truly reveal themselves and the ritual ends.

The Past: {Millennium Soul}

The Present: {Millennium Puzzle}

The Future: {Millennium Shield}

 I interrupt the connection to the Millennium Necklace as the mists dissipates and the candles go out, leaving the room in relative darkness.


 "What the fuck was that," Joey asked.

 "Magic," I responded.

 "Name your price," said Kaiba.

 "For what?"

 "I want to know my future."

 "3,000 ryo and I'll have things ready by tomorrow."


 I look at Yugi who is staring at the cards on the mat and ask, "Need any help interpreting them?"

 "No. This is something I need to figure out on my own."

 "Fair enough," I say as I look to Joey, who looks remarkably disquieted, staring at his hand. "You okay, buddy," I ask softly.

 "I-I don't think so."

 "Do you need to sit down?"


 I lead Joey over to one of the tables and help him sit down as Kaiba comes over. Yugi sits down after a few moments while staring at the cards in his hands, muttering to himself. After a few moments of silence, I clap my hands to get their attentions, "How about we do a small draft duel tournament?"

 "What's a draft duel," they ask in unison.

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