Naruto Card Shop System: Yu-Gi-Oh! in Another World

Chapter 11: Chapter 9: Draft Dueling 1

 "In a draft duel, instead of using a pre-made deck, you use a deck made from cards given to you from provided card packs. This makes the duels more random as you can't rely on using rarer cards from starter decks or from buying a bunch of booster packs," I answer.

 "So it tests the duelist's luck and improvisation capabilities," states Kaiba.

 "Exactly, and assuming Yugi here told you both the basic rules of a Yu-Gi-Oh duel, it should be a good way for you guys to see how a duel works while giving both of you a chance at winning."

 "Are you sure you want a handicap, old man? I bet I'll rock your socks off," Joey says confidently while Kaiba scoffs. 

 "I don't look that old, do I," I ask worriedly, scratching my cheek in confusion, as Yugi pats my back comfortingly and says, "No worries, you only look like you're in your early thirties."

 "Early thirties?! I'm only twenty-one, assholes," I grumble good-naturedly as I walk over to the counter and grab fifteen card packs and toss five each to Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba. "Whoever of you three wins, they get to keep the cards they get from these packs, otherwise you'll either have to pay the 1500 ryo to keep all the cards or give them back so I can repackage them."

 Yugi: "Got it!"

 Joey: "Gotcha!"

 Kaiba: "Understood."

 They immediately start opening their packs and organizing their cards as I continue speaking. "Each deck will have 30 cards in it and each duelist will only have 4000 lifepoints per duel to keep things simple. There will be three duels, Yugi vs. Joey, Joey vs. Kaiba, and Kaiba vs. Yugi. If there is a tie, all three duels will be repeated until there is a definitive champion. Did you all get that," I ask while they quickly nod and get back to deck crafting.


 Looking over them as they make their decks nearly made my double over in laughter as both Yugi and Joey got Blue Eyes White Dragon while Kaiba's strongest monster is Gaia the Fierce Knight.

{Blue Eyes White Dragon}

{Gaia the Fierce Knight}

 My reaction is not left unnoticed as I quickly cough into my hand before smoothly transitioning into an explanation as if the chuckle turned cough wasn't unintended, "Just so you guys know, the purple monster cards go into a separate area called the extra deck and requires the card Polymerization to bring out by tributing the required monster cards from the hand or field."

 "Yeah yeah," Joey responds as he looks over two cards, "What do these flip thingies do again?"

 "Those are monster cards that activate effects when flipped from the face-down position on the field," supplies Yugi.

 "Thanks Yuges! I can always count on you!"

 Kaiba snorts in the background as he finishes his deck and shuffles while Yugi continues helping Joey with his deck building. Soon, Yugi and Joey are done deck building and it is time to



Yugi: 4000 LP: 5 Cards in Hand/ 0 on Field/ 0 in Graveyard/ 25 in Deck


Joey: 4000 LP: 5 Cards in Hand/ 0 on Field/ 0 in Graveyard/ 25 in Deck


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