Naruto: Not such a simple trader

Chapter 4: 04: Kekke Genkai

Riruka held her son with concern, running agitatedly toward her home, when she saw her husband and dedicated him a smile, that smile disappeared and changed into one of worry, and she ran toward her wife to now hold her trembling.

" Riruka! What happened? Why is Usui unconscious? " he said while carrying his son, and he saw how his trembling wife was merely laying her son down and ran directly for something that produced a strong smell so that her child would wake up.

" it is possible that the unique Kekke Genkai of the Kurama clan has awakened, Kisuke " she whispered, looking at her husband, she saw how his face opened enormously and now he looked at his sleeping child.

In the end, Riruka did not wake him up, he had no discomfort that could cause any problem for her little one. The woman took her husband's hand to guide him to the other small room.

" I saw him, Kisuke, m-my child... today he behaved very strangely, first he ran out screaming, that makes him very unnatural, he has never behaved that way, he has always been such a calm and quiet child, then, I found him in a training area, and my child... he was alone, I really did see him, he was completely alone... talking to nothing, and then it happened " Riruka was agitated, although she calmed down as she explained.

Her greatest fear will always be that her child Usui, will want to be a ninja, she did not want him to have very good command of any of those arts.

" In front of my child, a strange entity manifested, it was a girl the size of my child, she was cheerful and very pretty, but what told me that I was seeing a genjutsu is the simple fact that she emitted a light that was not human, a light that immediately blinded me, and worst of all, not only is it possible that the unique Kekke Genkai of the Kurama clan has awakened, but it has also awakened the Ketsuryūgan, those blood-colored eyes... " The speed with which the woman spoke was due to her fear, she saw her husband even more worried, knowing he was from the Kurama clan, and that he was one of the last of the family branch. He should be the next heir, but he preferred to flee far from the clan because of how aggressive they are and their fixation on the ninja arts something that a pacifist and calm person like Kisuke would not want to be involved with.

" This is a problem... The Ketsuryūgan is easier to manage, but my clan's... " There were very few who managed to awaken this Kekke Genkai, one that actually made the genjutsu appear, it was said that to control this genjutsu a double personality of one's being was created, as if it were a corrupted monster, the innate evil that carried the weight of a dangerous Kekke Genkai. Kisuke thought deeply about how he could teach his son, although he was proud, he would have preferred that he never managed to awaken it.

It seemed that he already had indications of the awakening, and he never noticed it until now that his wife arrived worried, his cheerful and lively son had changed into a rather cold person, and it was not easy for him to show emotions.

If he taught him, it was possible that he could control the inner demon that he now carried.

" Don't worry, love, I... will try to teach him to control that genjutsu, and I will never let it transform into the monster that he now has inside " spoke Kisuke firmly. After all, being from the main branch entailed having studied that Kekke Genkai, even if he did not have it and had never been able to develop it in case it appeared in the family, it was always taught to the next head of the family.

Riruka looked at her husband with tearful eyes " then I will have to teach him to manage his ketsuryūgan... I only hope that my child does not become a shinobi, I could not bear it " the woman said sadly, seeing that her husband sighed with sorrow.

" That will be decided, but for now he is too young for you to decide, he is only four years old, wait until he is six and then we will talk with him " the man tried to comfort his wife, seeing that she nodded.

Meanwhile, with Usui, who was still asleep, he felt that something inside him was coming together uniformly, which took three years to come together, the cycle was slowly forming into one.

What Kisuke was right about, in a way, was that the double personality monster developed in Usui was Ulquiorra, the remnants of his soul that had not yet finished unifying to form a new being, from the reincarnated soul of the young man who perished burned, and from Ulquiorra Cifer. Now, it was not long before he could be reborn and put aside that coldness he had had all this time.

A rather slow process.


The child began to wake up, as soon as he did, he looked around with bewilderment, feeling a terrible pain in his forehead, as if he were being stabbed. He did not speak, but he made a small grimace, since he had absorbed the fragments of Nelliel's soul, his face thawed a bit and he could at least show his emotions more.

But thinking of Nelliel made him wonder what had become of her, he had seen that those fragments went to his chest, but... he feared that she had disappeared.

He did not know what to think, as before fainting he had also seen how his mother looked at him in surprise.

" You have already woken up, son, you had a very long nap "

Hearing a voice, when he turned to the side he found his father, who had a very kind smile, he said nothing, but he nodded.

" Surely you have many questions about what happened before... your mother was very frightened when you collapsed " whispered Kisuke, sitting in front of his son and touching his forehead, it seemed that the fever had gone down a bit.

" W-wher is mom? "

Hearing his son ask, he only laughed in amusement, " She went to lie down because of that scare, it's already very late, I stayed to watch over you, it seems you got a bit of fever... you seem to have spent a lot of chakra "

Usui was somewhat embarrassed that his father thought he had used chakra, but he said nothing to correct him, he simply listened in silence.

" Do you want to know what you activated at that moment? "

The boy looked confused, and Kisuke could see, albeit very faintly, the wrinkles on his forehead, the man felt somewhat excited that his son was expressing himself, but he did not want to make a scene in a moment of seriousness.

" I... think that mom saw... a person in front of me... but I don't know what happened " he wanted to play along with his father, since even he didn't understand what his two parents had discovered about his invocation of Nelliel, they might have had a somewhat erroneous image.

" Well, this is something long, son... " Usui saw how his father became somewhat nervous, which made him even more confused inside, but he let his father express himself: " I... do not come from such a simple family, I'll summarize it for you, in my family, during the era of warring states, the Kurama clan was a very powerful family, we were feared by the majority of clans that even today are very powerful... Do you know why? " Of course, I replied.

Father, I haven't even finished a Naruto plot, do you think I know what the Kurama clan is?

" Our clan had a very unique Kekke Genkai, it affected your five senses, influenced by a powerful genjutsu that is a unique rank of our clan... The genjutsu is so powerful that it manifests in real life, they believe that what is real is a lie, and the lie is real, a genjutsu that terrified people years ago, but now... our clan has never produced that terrifying Kekke Genkai again... you are the first to inherit it after a long time " Usui listened to the proud voice of his father, causing him to blink a couple of times.

" I... never believed that I would use the information that once seemed useless to me, I will train you and teach you to now use your unique trait, son, because this trait also has a danger that is like a time bomb, if you do not control yourself... it is possible that you unleash the second entity, an entity that is based on your very own unique trait... all is for your own good " spoke Kisuke with concern for his son.

" ... it's okay, father, I will take everything you teach me " and there was that chilly response from his son, although Kisuke noticed that his son tried to smile, he was glad that now, using his trait, he saw how his son wanted to show his emotions, but could not.

" Don't worry, tomorrow I will teach you... I also want to tell you something very important " again, Usui listened attentively to his father " your mother told me that besides the Kekke Genkai of the Kurama clan, you have awakened your clan's unique trait "

Inside, Usui rolled his eyes, had he gone from being a filler character to having powerful unique traits of his parents? The worst of all is that he had never seen the Kurama clan in the small part of the Naruto plot, nor his mother's trait, he was sure they could be their powers, but not as important as those of the main cast.

" Your mother... is a delicate subject " I thought I needed to explain to my son so that he understood the importance of both Kekke Genkai, since it is dangerous if both are activated, they will be in danger, and even more so your child. " Your mother is not surnamed Chuzu, her real surname is Chinoike. She was also part of a very renowned clan during the era of warring states a clan that possesses a dojutsu as powerful as the Uchiha's, a dojutsu specialized in genjutsu, just like the Kurama clan " Usui was surprised, " Did I have a dojutsu? " " She will teach you tomorrow along with me how to control it, you must not worry, alright? "

" Yes, father, I will rest " Usui said at the end after hearing the brief explanation.

At least now he understood why his father thought he possessed the Kekke Genkai of the Kurama clan, although... he did feel something different inside him, it was as if something in his body was going to activate at the moment that Nelliel was disappearing.

But when he saw how his father kissed his forehead and took him to his room, he only looked at him in silence " Rest, son, tomorrow a rather long day awaits you "

He nodded calmly, trying to muster a smile " Until tomorrow, dad "

Kisuke only gave a tender smile as he closed the door to his room.

Usui stayed there in that place, at least... having those two unique traits, he felt that he could defend himself.

But of course, it was never in his plans to be a shinobi, he could train only to protect himself from people who wanted to harm him, but nothing more, he closed his eyes as the new sleep overtook him.

He hoped to understand everything by tomorrow, and to know if he could really possess that new strength.

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