Naruto: Not such a simple trader

Chapter 5: 05: Training [1]


I can only see the darkness.

But it seems that darkness is all I know, a slow walk of my legs, the white sand covering me and dancing with every movement I make.

Why do I exist here?

What use is my purpose if all I do is... exist?

I am alone, in this vast sea of white sand, under a sky as dark as my eyes are, the enormous moon at the highest peak of the sky.

Is it even a sky?

I have killed so many times, but it does not produce any change in my state.

I am lost, because I have nothing to do while alive.

What meaning do we have in life?

Am I alive?

What is it that I seek?

I... do not know what it is that I am seeking.

I only exist in a state of immutable permanence.

Every night is the same as the previous one, without variation or meaning.

I do not feel the passage of time nor the need to question it... I simply walk slowly among the shadows of Hollow world, observing the emptiness that surrounds me, without curiosity, nor a trace of wonder.

I do not know any purpose because the concept lacks meaning.

I simply... exist.

There is no direction, there is no destiny. Everything I see is fleeting and ephemeral, vanishing like sand carried by the wind.

There is no difference between one night and the next.

There is no reason to move forward, but neither to stop.

If the world were reduced to nothing, nothing would change.

Because my simple existence is that.



Usui was slowly waking up, for some strange reason, his heart felt so sad and pitiful, he does not know why he felt so sad and disappointed, so hurt.

He touched his cheek gently, still feeling its horrible coldness, he felt his cheeks were damp, had he cried in his sleep?

What had he dreamed? He cannot remember it, but his aching soul might remember it vividly.

He sat, analyzing his inner feelings, as if he were now beginning a search that he would never manage to finish.

Usui does not know the reason for that feeling, but he will never disappoint his feelings, because they are the ones that guide his path.

He sighed softly to then get up and get ready, calming his heart, today is a day that will be productive, he hoped it would be his parents had told him that they would train his being. Calmly, he left his room, his steps were so soft that they seemed imperceptible.

And upon arriving in the kitchen he saw his parents, that gentle feeling returned.

A warmth that, although it did not change his face, was always present, trying to bring a smile to his neutral expression. He greeted " good morning, mom, dad " in a soft murmur to his parents, watching as his father directed his gaze at him and offered him a paternal smile.

" good morning Usui, did you sleep well? "

" hmm " Usui only nodded as he sat down, watching as his mother finished cooking, his mother undoubtedly made meals that he could eat without getting tired.

Breakfast was quite calm for the three, and when they finished, Usui's father, Kisuke, looked at his son " well, at this moment we will train somewhere away from the Konoha area, it is possible that we will have to leave Konoha itself since those from the Kurama clan are staying here, it is more for our protection "

Usui listened in silence, simply nodding.

His father got up and now calmly smiled at his little son " okay, I will go prepare the pass to leave, we will tell a small lie, but they will never know " the man boasted as he went about his lie, and Riruka only smiled amusedly, though her expression was quite gentle.

Usui only nodded his head softly.


Usui and his parents had successfully left Konoha, the rather plausible lie was simply that, as merchants, they have permits to leave Konoha. His father had only lied by saying that he would search for something in the forest for one of his products, they believed him since he had left with his tools, which, of course, the boy knew perfectly.

And now they were in a blind spot where the ninjas of Konoha could not see them, all for Usui's protection.

" very well, son, it is time for me to show you your power, at least how to control it, the rest will be up to your will " Kisuke said with a face now full of seriousness, " the first thing you have to do is think of something that you want to materialize, your Kekke Genkai is so powerful that you do not need to perform conventional seals to activate it, it is spontaneous. You have to think and be in total concentration to make it appear, but before the first step, I will teach you how to channel your chakra "

Usui almost twisted his face, wishing he could, as at that moment he blinked softly. What did that mean that his father explained? That he only had to think and it would activate? He only sighed and sat down just as his father had done.

Kisuke began to explain " this is something you would have to see at the ninja academy, but I will teach you because you do not necessarily have to enter, it was taught in our clan. The way to channel your chakra is to meditate. At first you will feel a warmth in your abdomen that slowly rises, if you manage to look within yourself, you will notice your chakra. Come on, try it by placing your hands in this position " calmly, with the tips of his fingers forming as if they were a circle.

Usui obeyed, his legs crossed, his eyes closed as he began to sigh, as his father had said, he was entering a meditative trance.

He sighed and exhaled, each time more slowly until he no longer felt what was causing it, he looked inside himself, it was dark.

Seeing the darkness made him shudder with terror.

He focused more on the light in his abdomen, it was blue and pure, soft and fickle, it seems that it is his chakra.

" upon already recognizing your Chakra, it is now possible to cast your genjutsus, you have an innate talent and an ability to use genjutsu as I told you, channel your chakra in your body and mind, and just let your Genjutsu flow "

Hearing his father's voice softly was a guide, following that rhythm.

Unconsciously, only Nelliel came to his mind, is she all right?

She... just disappeared?

The chakra inside him was moving quickly, going directly toward his head. Although the boy did not know it, the chakra he was producing was the purest Yin chakra.

Outside of Usui, Kisuke got up and looked with pleasant surprise as a girl appeared before his eyes, she appeared in a position as if she were embracing Usui.

Riruka, upon seeing the girl, approached Kisuke with emotion but very worried " it's her, Kisuke! That is the girl I told you about yesterday "

her voice was undoubtedly very trembling.

Usui began to open his eyes, but when he looked around, what he saw was a surprise his eyes widened at the pleasant astonishment.

Nelliel was there with him, giving him a very happy smile.

Although, unlike how he had found her before, she had particles around her, as if she were... alive, a living person before him.

" you did it, Usui, you are a prodigy, I thought you would fail but you have done it " Kisuke was the happiest person at that moment, his son had talent in genjutsu, that girl was truly real, she was right before his eyes, even those tiny pores were detailed!

Although it was strange because she had a skull on her head.

" Usui! You did it! I am no longer alone, now I am with my best friends always and forever. I truly thank you, but do you need me for something? Whatever you need, I will help you " Nelliel said quite firmly, as Usui blinked and got up, standing before the girl.

" a-and I, my father only wanted me to use my Kekke Genkai, that is why I called you. I am sorry to bother you, Nelliel, but I am glad that you are now happy " at least her mystery was resolved it seems that the girl, upon entering her own space within her soul, found herself happy and was not suffering from loneliness.

Nelliel only shook her head, amused " not at all! I will always be here for you, they can wait "

Kisuke approached his son a little, he did not know why he thought of that girl, but he wanted to act simply to know if it was something good for his son.

From the long sleeves of his Yukata, he threw at an admirable speed ten Kunai that not even his son could dodge. Usui was surprised, and with frightened eyes —the most expressive of all— he saw how the Kunai were only centimeters away from striking him.

But to the surprise of the three, the adorable and cheerful girl, upon feeling Usui threatened, transformed so quickly that not even his eyes caught the exact moment. Now she was a rather curvaceous and beautiful woman, her hair, which had been short before, was now quite long, a rather noble profile on her face with almond-shaped hazel eyes, the red mark on her face still remained.

But now she exudes an intimidating aura in front of that pair, as she deflected those Kunai with precision and skill, even throwing them back with a unique force toward the man. Kisuke ended up with only slight marks, as he managed to dodge, he does not know how, but he did.

Now the beautiful woman into which Nelliel transformed also carried in her hand a Zanpakutō with a traditional katana blade, with a tsuba in the shape of two crescent moons and its scabbard green on the side.

The family was surprised, no one managed to react in time, because even Usui felt intimidated by the potent aura that Nelliel emanated.

" N- Nelliel, you can put away your katana, it is not necessary, perhaps my father was testing me "

he wanted to reassure her, since, at his sight, the now woman was threatening his father with her Zanpakutō, that sharp look.

" are you sure, Usui? " she murmured softly, in a voice quite sweet despite its seductive tone.

" no... I don't want you to hurt my family "

Nelliel turned her gaze to the one who was now her boss, Usui had a pleading expression on his face, something that surprised her a great deal at first, an expression reminiscent of Ulquiorra's, revealing that she could not help but wear a surprised look.

He saw those who were the family of Ulquiorra, his parents displayed fear and trembling, perhaps because of the aura she had shown that made them want to threaten their little boss.

"... all right, if you say so, I will comply " she said quite obediently, and now before they realized it, in the blink of an eye, she was once again like a little girl.

Usui barely smiled, but a terrible headache and dizziness burst from his body, as soon as he felt it, Nelliel became evident as a Genjutsu, her body beginning to crack and break apart into specks of dust.

" you are still very weak, Usui, you have to train a lot if you want me to keep you company for so long " the new girl smiled amusedly, although she knew that it was because she had revealed her true form.

For Usui, it was an even heavier burden of Yin chakra to release his true form, his body remains too weak to support all his power, although Usui is very strong, too powerful, it's just that he still hasn't discovered it.

" we will see each other later, Usui, I will always answer your call when you need me " Nelliel was quite gentle with the boy, and thus, with those simple words, the girl disappeared from the sight of the three.

Kisuke, upon seeing that she had disappeared, went immediately with his son, worried, he overexerted himself more than his childish body can now support. " calm down, son, forgive me for attacking you, I only wanted to see if what you thought was something to protect you, besides, the Kunai would not harm you, they would only pass by you " he wanted to explain everything to his child, sitting down when he saw his weak face.

Riruka approached her husband, hitting him, Kisuke let out a whimper at his wife's mistreatment,

" it will be the last time you do that to Usui, do you understand? " Kisuke nodded like a scolded child. Riruka then approached her son with concern,

" try not to overexert yourself, my child, I know it is your first time using your Kekke Genkai, but, try not to think about something you still cannot bear, all right? "

Usui remained thoughtful, but in the end he nodded, " yes, mother "

The woman only gave him a gentle smile,

" when you recover a bit from your chakra loss, I will continue to teach you, all right? "

Usui only nodded softly, accepting what his mother dictated to him.

Then, realizing that Nelliel is basically an invocation used by his genjutsu, although he did not know how to feel, Usui felt very lost in his mind.

But it could be something good, one never knows what might result in this crazy world.

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