Chapter 31: CHUNIN EXAMS_9
"That's a lot of people" Naruto muttered as he and Sakura made their way to the centre of the stadium where the Chunin exams were being held.
"No shit" Sakura snorted "This is prime time entertainment Naruto. Didn't you see how it went last time?"
Naruto didn't remember anything with this much hype in his childhood, though there was that one time..
"Oh yeah, like 7 years ago!" he said " I wanted to see what was going on, but uh…"
He didn't really want to dampen the mood by saying that he had been kicked out before even getting a glimpse, so he came up with a lie instead.
"I guess I must have just gotten lost?"
'Even for you, that's not a good lie.'
'Zip it furball.'
"There is an adjustment" the proctor told the assembled participants ( minus Sasuke, but he had promised he'd be there before his fight started) "Dosu Kinuta has died so Sakura Haruno will be getting a direct pass to the next round."
After that announcement and a speech from Gramps, Naruto and Neji stood face to face with the proctor in the middle.
"Are you both ready?"
"Yeah"/ "Yes"
"Just give up" Neji said as he stood in that same pose "You are fated to lose against me, and I'd rather not waste time."
"Nuh uh."
"You can't just-"
"NUH UH" Naruto said with a grin before vanishing in a poof of smoke.
'A clone!?'
By the time Neji had turned his head by even 5 degrees, he'd been punched so hard he went flying like a ragdoll and skipped twice before stopping.
"H-how?" he asked
"Guess you were fated to be sucker punched dattebayo" Naruto said with a shit eating grin.
"Silence!" Neji thundered "What would you know abou-"
He was (fortunately) interrupted by the ground under hist feet cracking to reveal two hands that dragged him down till only his head was above ground.
He didn't even have time to get out the obligatory 'Nani!' since his face was then kicked by Naruto so hard the ground shook and he went flying again.
"Bring out the Byakugan" Naruto declared " I want you to be able to at least see the fist that breaks your nose.
With silent anger, his opponent obliged, performing the needed hand seal to bring out his fancy eyes.
"Now, I will defeat you completely" Neji declared "There is nothing you can do that these eyes cannot see!"
"There's no point in seeing if you're too slow to dodge though" Naruto pointed out before deciding that a demonstration would help the point stick.
With a burst of wind so strong it made him look like he was flying, Naruto punched Neji in the face again, breaking the boy's nose as he had just said.
While his opponent wailed in pain and held his nose, Naruto brought out 4 shadow clones.
"I'm pretty sure you saw that coming" Naruto said "I made sure to be obvious as hell after all."
"ooh scary" a clone said with sarcasm as Neji shot the blonde a murderous glare.
"Look at us like that after actually landing a hit dattebayo!" another clone taunted.
"Hinata was a much tougher fight, even back when we were 10" another said.
It seems like that hit a sore spot, because the Hyuga charged at the Naruto he thought was real and with a roar of "KAITEN!" (rotation), he started spinning and a dome of chakra came out of him.
While the nearest clone was destroyed, the rest all jumped back and looked on, now with some actual interest.
"There is nothing you can do against the Hyuga's ultimate defense " Neji boasted "give up now, and save yourself from the humiliation"
"Did he not see what we just did to him" a clone said, genuinely dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity the brown-haired boy was showing
"With no jutsu too" a clone agreed.
"Well, if it's spinning he wants…" the last clone said
"we spin" Naruto finished with a grin.
The three clones did an identical set of hand seals as the real Naruto called out "Rasenton: Jiko Arashi!" (Spiral style: Storm of the self).
To the surprise of everyone in the arena, the chakra around the clones started spinning around them, much like a thinner version of Neji's Kaiten.
Rasenton (Spiral style) was Naruto's own creation. It was the mark of Naruto's mastery of the Rasengan's first two steps (rotation and force).
The original idea had just been a combination jutsu with fire style, to create a much more contained version of a fire tornado.
That idea had been thrown out the window when Naruto (with some pointers from Jiraiya) had realized the true potential of what adding rotation to his moves could do.
Even just Taijutsu would get a crazy boost just by applying Rasenton to his regular punched and kicks.
Adding Wind and Earth element chakra to his rotating chakra had only made things more fun.
The Jiko Arashi was honestly an improvised move the clones had come up with after analysing how Neji's Kaiten had worked.
That clone Neji hit?
It could have dodged if it wanted to.
But, being a clone of Naruto, it was more than willing to see first hand how the jutsu felt for its brothers to grasp the move truly.
The name had just been Naruto being a genius as usual.
"WHAT IS THIS?" Neji roared as his spinny mode was hit by two of Naruto's clones' spinny modes "WHAT IS THIS MOCKERY OF THE GENTLE FIST?"
"You're the one who started this extreme Beyblade battle" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow "I'll end it since you asked so nicely though."
With a slap on the storage seal on his wrist, he pulled out his two katana and held them in a cross stance while crouching.
'Liebe, you wanna get in on this?'
'I have literally nothing else to do Naruto.'
'Just say yes dattebayo.'
In a burst of black chakra, Naruto stood back up with one of Liebe's black wings on his back.
'And now..'
Funny thing about mixing his normal chakra with his anti-chakra? Rather than cancel each other they mixed into a new thing.
New thing means need for a new cool name for the thing. And so, Kushoton (Void style) came to be a thing.
In a storm of void chakra, Naruto clashed with Neji's Kaiten.
To Neji (and a bunch of the onlooking Hyuga's) horror, Naruto's move went through the 'ultimate defense' like a knife through cotton candy.
That is to say, with zero resistance.
Naruto had only actually used black hurricane for 4 seconds. One to activate it, two to hit him with and another second to deactivate it.
Neji Hyuga was unconscious by the third .