Naruto: Scourge of Chakra

Chapter 32: CHUNIN EXAMS-10


"I give up" Shikamaru declared.

A second of pure silence.



Naruto, Sakura and Ino yelled together as Shikamaru raised his hand and released his shadow possession Jutsu from Temari.

"I've got almost no chakra, and I'm too tired. So, I give up."

"Uh, Sabaku no Temari wins by forfeit!" the proctor said as he raised his hand.

"Now, for the final round. Sasuke Uchiha vs Sabaku no Gaara! Both fighters make your way down here!"

While Gaara walked to the centre, everyone looked around to see where Sasuke was.

"Did Sasuke get affected by Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto complained as he and Sakura looked on "He should have been here by now."

"Hey now" he heard a voice behind him protest "I'm not that bad"

The two turned around slowly, not worried about attacks in their own home village to see Kakashi Sensei along with Sasuke appear in a swirl of leaves.

"We've been here since Shikamaru got Temari in his shadow Jutsu" Sasuke complained "Kakashi-sensei just wanted to do an entrance"

"Never underestimate the power of the dramatic entrance" Kakashi said solemnly "And the greatness of the dramatic exit."

Dismissing the usual Kakashi-ness of how their sensei was acting, Sasuke put up both his fists.

"Wish Gaara some luck" he said with a smirk.

With a chuckle, Naruto bumped fists with his friend while Sakura did the same.


"Sasuke Uchiha vs Sabaku no Gaara, Begin!"

As the proctor jumped back, Sasuke unsealed his katana and held it with both his hands.

"Mother desires your blood" Gaara said with a bloodthirsty smile "and what mother wants, mother gets"

A wave of sand rushed at Sasuke, who just stood there in his stance before finally springing into action.

"Katon: Shobo-to"(fire style: fire tower) he declared, and a pillar of flames appeared where he was.

The sudden force blasted away any sand nearby, and Gaara had to put up a wall of sand to block the sudden surge in heat.

When the pillar disappeared, the entire arena roared as they saw that Sasuke was covered in flames.

"I figured I would try my own version of your 'Ultimate Defence' he said with a grin."

Gaara did not respond, opting to shoot a murderous glare before using his hands to gesture the sand to attack Sasuke from various directions.

With bursts of flames from the soles of his feet and the retractors Sakura had designed so long ago, Sasuke maneuvered between the attacks like he was dancing before jumping up high.

"Raiton: Kaminari no Muchi!"(lightning style: thunder whip)

The metallic rope of the retractors were bathed in lightning, and by attaching his sword, he increased the whip's piercing power too.

With a roar, he brought down his arm to unleash an attack so powerful it caused an actual sonic boom when he released it.

As he landed on the ground with a crouch, his Sharingan looked through the field to find his opponent.

"Sabaku kyu"(Sand Coffin)

Sasuke jumped up with a burst of flames, but his leg was still caught and he was forced to eat the ground before severing the sand that was holding him with a quick lightning-enhanced slash from his katana.

"Ryusa Bakuryu"(Sand Tsunami) he saw his opponent's hands in a clap.

"Hey, did you think this was over?" he heard Gaara say in a monotone "You're on the ground, and sand can be made by crushing that."

Realising the implications, Sasuke began the hand signs for his only actual defensive Jutsu.

"You're too late" Gaara said with a bloodthirsty grin "Sabaku Taiso!"(Giant sand burial)

Sasuke ignored the giant walls of sand coming from all around him as he finally performed the last hand seal.

"Katon: Pinukan no ryoiki" (fire style: fire god's domain)

Flames rushed out of his fists before settling into the form of a dome around him.

It was smaller than when he had used with Naruto against Haku in wave, but that was deliberate.

Gaara wasn't an opponent Sasuke could play around like how Naruto had with Neji, and now that Sasuke was done with his analysis of his opponent's abilities, he had a strategy in mind.

"Hiken!"(fire fist)

With a huge boom, the walls of his dome were turned into a spiralling wall of flames boosted by his own chakra.

The sand that had been trying to crush him was all blown away, and the flames rushed towards Gaara.

Sasuke barely saw Gaara's expression as he put up a huge wall of sand with whatever sand he could, but the glimpse showed him enough to show a cocky grin.

He was starting to get winded though, and his chakra wasn't exactly at its peak.

He would need to end this with one move then, and he had the perfect Jutsu in mind.

While Sasuke ran up the wall of the arena and made the necessary hand seals, Gaara wrapped himself in hardened sand.

It wouldn't matter, this Jutsu would be able to pierce that like a knife through butter.

"Chidori!" he yelled out as his right hand was covered in lightning.

With a burst of pure speed, he ran down the wall before piercing the shell.

A moment of pure silence.

And then…

"BLOOD" Gaara let out a blood-curdling scream "IT'S MY BLOOD".

Sasuke tried to launch a fire kick, but his hand was stuck.

Using his katana, releasing fire from his hands and even a fireball did not help.

With a shout of defiance, Sasuke released a Chidori again to free his hand.

He jumped back, and held his right hand in pain to see what was going on with this sudden influx in vile chakra.

A big arm made of sand let go of his hand at the lightning, and slithered back into the shell.

A growl escaped the shell, and Sasuke could only gasp when he realized what was going on.

Before he could say anything, the shell crumbled to reveal…Gaara clutching his head?

Sasuke had assumed that the idiot was going to unleash the one tails, but it seemed like everything was fine.

There was a huge crash, and Sasuke turned to see the Kage viewing box in smoke, and most of the audience asleep with feathers floating down.

'Genjutsu' he thought to himself, before making the ram sign and releasing the Genjutsu.

Anbu started jumping around all over the place, and he saw fights break out among the shinobi.

"What the hell" he wondered.

"Kid" the proctor said as he stepped forward "The situation's changed. The chunin exams are over. Find your team and-"

He was interrupted by the rest of Gaara's team landing in front of them and grabbing the still writhing Gaara.

"Gaara the plan.." the sensei began before shaking his head.

"I'm calling it off" he announced.

The other two whipped their heads to look at the man


"In his current state, he can't do it. You both take him and flee."

"Y-yes sir!"

With that, the two grabbed their sibling and ran up the wall.

"Go after them!" the proctor said as he got into a stance and went off to face the sand ninja.

With a quick "Understood!", Sasuke sped towards the wall as well.

Out of the corner of his eye (but for a Sharingan user, that was like a normal person's full focus gaze) he saw where the Hokage had been suddenly erupt with a red coloured barrier.

A big black coloured sword slash near that area led him to understand where Naruto (and most likely the rest) were.

It meant that they were most probably with their own shit right now, so he'd have to do this solo, atleast until they could back him up.

'Stop a Jinchuriki from releasing his tailed beast while his small fry siblings try to stop me' he thought to himself with a wry smile as he finally jumped over the giant wall and pursued them through the forest 'Should be fun.'

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