Chapter 33: INVASION-1
"BLACK DIVIDER" Naruto roared as he swung Kubikirobocho through a summoned Scorpion, dispelling the summon as Sakura swung the back of her spear at the Suna chunin's head and knocked him out.
'I feel Shukaku's presence getting stronger' Kurama warned, and Naruto could only grit his teeth as his gaze fell upon the red barrier which had Jiji trapped inside.
'I can't just leave him dattebayo.'
Naruto looked up at the familiar voice, and could only grin as the solution to his dilemma, also known as Jiraiya of the Sannin, dropped down along with Kakashi-sensei.
"Ero-sennin" he said "Thank god!"
"Thank me you mean" his mentor corrected, jovial as always "Anyway, what a mess huh?"
"We are not going to do small talk right now right?"
The Sannin chuckled before shaking his head and telling Naruto the actual reason for calling him "Nah nah, I just need you for that barrier, and then you and your teammate need to go chase your other teammate and deal with the one tail's host."
"when I said no small talk, I did not mean talk that big ero-sennin" Naruto deadpanned before what Jiraiya had said actually registered "Alright, what are we waiting for let's get going dattebayo"
"That" Jiraiya said as he pointed at a green blur that had landed right beside them "We were waiting for that. Alright, like the kid said, let's go!"
"The barrier works on the reliance of those 4 holding up the barrier" Jiraiya-sama explained as they stood in front of it "They're basically linking their chakra to hold it. We can't touch them because they made mini barriers around themselves, and going under didn't help either."
"So, you want me to interrupt the flow long enough for you guys to get inside?" Naruto asked " I can do that."
With a nod from Jiraiya, Naruto concentrated on his twin katana for a second before leaping up as that black wing appeared on his back again.
With a burst of black chakra, he cut 2 vertical slashes and then 2 horizontal slashed to make a window big enough to fit 3 people.
In a blur of motion, the 3 Jonin rushed inside the opening before it could close.
Ignoring the torrent of swear words the kunoichi holding up the barrier was letting out, Sakura and Naruto looked to see Kakashi gesture at the dog he had summoned before entering the barrier and nod at them.
With that, Sakura and Naruto turned around and followed the dog (who introduced himself as Pakkun) to the outskirts of Konoha.
"Raiton: Kaminari no Muchi Renda!" (lightning style: thunder whip barrage)
A storm of lightning whips cut through the traps (and Puppet) sent out by the drag queen of the Suna trio.
"Holy sh-AAAAH"
The makeup wearing boy was interrupted by insects suddenly crawling up his legs and biting his ankles.
In front of him, Shino nodded.
Sasuke nodded back at him, before using the retractors and some fire propulsion to rush through the forest.
With a groan, Sasuke slashed with his fire covered Katana, unleashing a wall of flames that blocked Temari's wind slices.
"LEAVE US ALONE!" she yelled.
"YOU CAN'T INVADE A VILLAGE AND THEN SAY THAT" Sasuke yelled back before performing 4 hand signs and bringing his hand up to his mouth.
"Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!"(fire style: phoenix flower jutsu)
Rather than the regular big fireball, Sasuke let out 8 or so medium fireballs that hit the trees behind Temari and brought down the trees in front of her, blocking her path.
Molding his chakra to increase his katana's reach like how Naruto did with his big ass sword, Sasuke slashed down, completely cutting through Temari's outstretched fan and arm, causing her to shout out in pain and drop the fan.
With a quick chop to her neck, she was out like a light.
A quick motion at the corner of his eyes prompted Sasuke to jump up and avoid an arm made of sand.
"we never got to finish our fight" Sasuke said as he saw Gaara, one side now covered in some sort of marked sand make his way to the opening Sasuke had made with his earlier fire jutsu.
"mother will have your blood!" Gaara screamed out.
While Naruto would have made some sort of witty remark about how this guy clearly had a few screws loose, Sasuke did not share his friend's sense of humour.
He did fireball the guy point blank though.
It did little, since Gaara blocked it with that transformed arm of his, while continuing to laugh like a maniac.
"I'll prove my existence, right here by killing you!" he declared as he threw that arm forward, and it extended.
He had to jump back before using his retractor to pull himself up a tree to avoid the blow that thing sent out.
From up here, he could see that the sand gourd had melded into the arm too, and those markings continued through that whole area.
With a roar, Gaara jumped and landed on the same branch as Sasuke.
To the Uchiha's surprise, Gaara was pretty fast, even though that arm looked heavy.
He had to jump to another tree when another hand grab destroyed the tree they were both on.
With his Sharingan, he looked through the foliage, trying to find any sign of Gaara inside the cloud of smoke the falling tree had generated.
A cracking sound below him had him realize his situation, and he had to jump and grab the tip of the same tree to get up.
"SUNA SHIGURE"(Sand Shower)
All the sand that had been left behind from the earlier attacks suddenly rose from their fallen state and shot at Sasuke in a barrage of tear-sized bullets.
Sasuke cursed under his breath as he zipped from tree to tree. The wind bullets complicated things, and he'd had to turn off his Sharingan to save chakra. The wind bullets were almost unnoticeable until they were right in front of him, and letting out quick burst of flames to push himself out of their path wasn't exactly helping his already dwindling reserves.
One such bullet cut through his retractor's wire, and he could only let out a brief "Oh shit" before falling down, hard.
"I HAVE YOU NOW!" Gaara yelled as he jumped down from a tree with his sand hand reached out.
Making the hand seals quickly, Sasuke jumped where Gaara was coming from and unleashed a last moment Chidori that cut through the Sand ninja's arm.
With a groan of pain, Sasuke landed on the ground in pain as he held his arm, which was seriously starting to spasm now.
"Understand what?" Sasuke asked, mostly trying to stall until his hand relaxed.
With a grunt, his back arched, and a tail came out of him.
Sasuke had fought Naruto a couple of times in his 1 and 2 tails form during their spars, but it hadn't been like this.
The sudden wave of malevolent chakra was all part of the deal, but while Naruto's had been made of chakra, it looked like Gaara's was genuinely the same tail that the one tails had.
That was when it clicked for Sasuke.
Gaara wasn't just releasing the one tailed beast. He was transforming into the damn thing.