Chapter 17: Ch. 17 The Last Shinobi Sect leader
"What happened to Benimaru?" Naruto notes tears suddenly streaming down the boy's face as they the genjutsu only lasted a moment, but he just saw a tragic lifetime. "Did Yo do something."
"It's the result of his genjutsu, only they know what Yo is showing him." Fugaku says, as curious as the child next to him. What could bring such emotion from the boy on the battlefield? "Don't worry he won't scar his own brother."
Benimaru was quickly able to figure out how it happened and decides to try the same. So as the tale of Yo comes to a close, the tale of Benimaru begins.
'Oh he figured out how to use the Sharingan that fast? Not too shabby… So where am I?" Yo says sitting on a high ledge on a mountaintop overlooking a great valley. He watches a boy a little older than Beni is now train alone on a high peak. He works tirelessly from before the sun came up refining his techniques, building strength, and practicing chakra control. 'So this must be old school Beni? Little bro has always been a hard worker huh, good to see. He still has that bad haircut though…I'm definitely making him grow it out after this.'
The boy trains until just after sundown, when a gong goes off. The curfew call for the young trainees. "Hmph it's that time already? Very well," the boy dashes off. He arrives at a large fortress like estate, built into one of the highest peaks. The ninja sect. Going through the gates he goes to a big dining hall where many youth's from five to seven years old gather to eat.
"Beni! Over here" Another kid who looks just like a young Shino Aburame but more outgoing, waves to him to come eat. Assuming he'd be late, 'Shino' had already acquired another plate for Benimaru. The boys laugh and joke while eating. Benimaru was also much sunnier in his disposition then, unlike the stoic boy he is now. The two of them talk about some trial to graduate into official disciples in the ninja sect…honestly it sounded just like the chunin exams.
"The information gathering and survival tests were pretty easy," Shino says.
"Indeed. They were entertaining ways to show our ingenuity and survival skills. I hear the last one will just be one on one combat.
"Hahaha, it's going to be good chance to show our abilities off then. I've heard some people get taken as disciples to the elders or even the sect master based on their performance. All my hard work will finally pay off." Benimaru says beaming with a fist clenched tight as if he held on to victory.
"Yeah unless you match up against me," Shino laughs. "My parasitic insects are super strong."
"You mean super nasty," Beni answers with a stale face before they burst out laughing.
"Just you watch," Shino says pushing Benimaru. "I'll win for sure. You better win too!"
"Of course I will!" He retorts. He trained way too hard to lose. Deep down Benimaru was jealous, that many of the students around him had powerful techniques from their clans and families. Being a part of a family that descends from the founder, Indra Otsutsuki, he looked forward to the day when he would activate his own bloodline ability, the sharingan. With these groups on the rise, the sect was beginning to dwindle in numbers as clans began to steal the sect's work and defectors run off with rare techniques of its own. However, despite it's declining reputation the sect still had many secrets that outsiders coveted. That was enough to keep people coming to join.
A few days later the time for the third trial had come, on a sunny day the trainees had gathered in a courtyard with a large arena platform in the middle. They stand in rows around the ring as the sect leader steps into the center of the ring with two attendants behind him.
'Who have we here?' Yo wonders as he watches the old man enter the courtyard from a far door and walk to the ring. They clear a path for him, kneeling as he passes by. 'He doesn't look like anything special…' Yo thought. 'A mild-mannered old man who is probably not much stronger than his subordinates... if that. He looks like he has a discerning eye at least…but he looks soft.'
"Ahem. Good afternoon disciples,"
"We greet the sect master!" They all say with a bow.
"I will be brief as I'm sure you all have already heard what the final challenge will be. One on one bouts. The time to show the fruits of your training is now, hold nothing back and claim victory with your own two hands. The match-ups will be randomly selected. So please step up to the stage when your name is called. Several matches came and went, some were fierce while other matches were decided in an instant. Even Shino has won his fight easily, gaining entry into the sect's ranks. Benimaru waits for his turn full of anticipation.
"Benimaru versus Suijin." A spiky brown haired boy stepped up onto the other side of the ring to oppose Benimaru. He was a smug looking boy with bright energetic eyes. Benimaru sized him up carefully, not taking any chances he decided to go all out then and there.
"Don't take this personally Benimaru, but I'm going to beat you so badly the master has to take me as a disciple." The boy says straightforwardly. "You have to fall for my ambitions."
"Bold words, I hope you can back them up."
"Begin!" The sect master signaled the start to an intense fight, probably the most intense one of the day. They rushed each other with no hesitation trading blows furiously, yet neither gave any ground. When the first opening was created they immediately begin using ninjutsu, fire and water explode across the battlefield as they use techniques far too advanced for children so young. Only one of them can win and neither wants to be the other guy. They fight tooth and nail until they've depleted their chakra and can barely move, still they continue to fight.
When the two of them both throw a dazed final punch, they both stagger back. However, only Suijin dropped. "Winner! Benimaru!" With his fist raised high Benimaru lets out a triumphant roar. Blacked eye, bloodied swollen lip, cuts and bruises all over, and maybe even a few broken bones Benimaru clenches victory by a hair's breadth. Then he passed out.
'OOOOOOOOOH! Bravo kids good fight!" Yoriichi was ecstatic watching the fight, though they were pretty weak he loved the passion and tenacity.
Benimaru wakes up a few days later as an honorary member of the sect. Not only that, he had been accepted a direct disciple of the sect master for his brilliant performance and great work ethic. Benimaru wholeheartedly dove into his duties as a disciple of the sect. He was however shocked to find out that his opponent Suijin was his fellow disciple of the sect master who competed with him at every chance. Training, studies, chores, or even eating, anything could have been a challenge. They'd eventually become as close as brothers.
As the years passed both Benimaru and Suijin grew rapidly, making their name roar across the lands. The two of them carried out missions with finesse and became powerful enough to defeat even veteran ninja. Mastering many jutsu and developing even more, they were hailed as geniuses. Fire and water rage across the battlefield wherever the show up, devastating whole armies.
Benimaru and Suijin went on to lead the new generation into a golden era of the sect. They also helped thier fellow disciples to improve their strength too, devising new ways for them to use their own clan techniques. Many would have laid down their lives for the two young prodigies, but with under their brilliant leadership hardly anyone ever had to. Despite this new golden age of the sect, the power of ninja clans kept rising. Not only that, there were those who would defect after acquiring techniques and resources used in the sect. However, Benimaru and Suijin never wavered continuing to do whatever they could to keep the sect strong.
When they were sixteen the sect master called his disciples to meet with him on the highest peak. Looking over the viewings he begins, "Benimaru…Suijin…I have called you here to tell you of a decision I have made."
'This is it! That random moment that changes everything! I know it!' Yo watches excitedly like a movie, if only he had a snack.
The two of them both gulp, they have a fair idea of what he's going to say. The give each other a look that says, 'may the best man win.'
"The two of you have grown into truly splendid ninja. The sight of you is an inspiration to your allies and a terror to your enemies. I'm sure legends of your endeavors will persist for generations. As a team there is nothing I feel you can't achieve."
"Thank you for your praise master," the two of them bow.
"Suijin. You are thorough, meticulous, and you truly embody what it means to be a ninja." Suijin smiled, such praise can only mean one thing. "Benimaru you are tireless, innovative, and loyal to a fault. You would burn this world to the ground to protect those you care about that includes the sect…that is why I want you to be sect master after I am gone. Suijin you will be the next grand elder. I'm trusting you to make sure he never loses his way. That is all."
"Yes master! They both say taking their leave.
'That can't be the end of it,' Yoriichi thinks. 'This is usually when it gets crazy.' He had no idea how right he is.
The scene changes to one not much later, Benimaru stands in the doorway of the master's quarters mortified at the sight of Suijin standing over the slain sect master's body. S-Suijin, what's the meaning of this. Did you-"
"This is all your fault, you know Beni?" Suijin sighs shaking his head.
"My fault?" A greatly offended Benimaru repeats.
"Yes, this sect was never supposed to make a comeback… The seniors were starting to lose hope, they were just holding on to dwindling prestige. Taking over from the inside would have been easy if you hadn't come along. I would have had no opposition to doing whatever I wanted…"
"How did I not see it?" Benimaru asks. "You're just another rat who wants to steal the sect's resources."
"Steal is such a harsh word, I prefer to think of it as…liberating. The techniques and treasures are wasted on this dying sect. The great clans leading the way to the future could put them to much better use." Suijin explains.
"You mean YOU could?" Benimaru says.
"Ah true I do have some big ambitions, but I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Even some of your red eyed relatives have sided with me as well. In fact a coalition of allied clans are here to destroy the sect and raid its stores."
Benimaru couldn't refute his words as he heard combat going on outside. "You bastard…"
"I know this is tough for you to process, and I really do think of you as a brother so I'll tell you what. Join up with me and we can take the best treasures for ourselves, we know the sect's secrets better than anyone living." Suijin extends a hand to Benimaru who hesitates for a brief moment before taking his hand. "You made the right-"
Suijin is pulled right into a blazing fist, that sends him crashing through the sect's wall to the outside. Stepping through the hole Beni saw that many of his allies had in fact been slain. Others he had fought besides for years were now among the enemy. "So that's how it is…" Benimaru looked over the scene for a brief eternity literally burning up with rage. "You vile vermin…ILL EXTERMINATE YOU ALL!"
"He's only one man! Kill him!" Suijin yells from where he landed. A fist imprint is seared into his jaw. A wave of ninja rush at him. With a flash of fire Beni makes quick work of them all, leaving burnt corpses in his wake.
Still they continue to attack, some of them with powerful bloodline abilities and others masters of certain jutsu. Though what stung most was the techniques he helped create were used against him by ninja he helped raise up. "UNGRATEFUL TRAITORS!" He flew into a frenzy killing as his flames continued to rise in heat and intensity. Attacking with reckless abandon Benimaru didn't dodge or block anything, he only responded with flames.
Only with Suijin's help did the ninja manage to persist against Benimaru. Their fierce battle destroyed the sect as large scale jutsu rock the area. A joint attack knocked Benimaru through what seemed like a cliff wall, but was actually a hidden room. "Oh, this is it!" Suijin exclaims as he looks around the hidden room. It was a storeroom of various rare items. Among them are the fabled treasures he joined the sect to acquire. A pair of flowers one glowing a brilliant red rose and the other an alluring blue lotus. "The underworld water lily and the celestial flame rose! This is what I've been looking for!" Taking those two he ignored everything else, and was about to leave happily when he was stopped by Benimaru grabbing his leg.
"S-stop…those…b-belong to…the sect." Exhausted and mortally wounded Benimaru still has no intention of allowing this trespass to succeed. "You…can't…have…." Even as his senses faded his determination did not waver.
"Let go you fool. It's over." Suijin says kicking Benimaru but he doesn't let go. His grip on Suijin's leg tightens. "Give up already!"
Benimaru can't do much more than take the beating at this point. Soon more ninja would be here to finish him, even if Suijin let him live. Accepting his fate and more tragically the sect's, Benimaru's remaining chakra starts to well up inside of him. If he was going to fall here, the least he could do was take a few more with him.
"You bastard!" Suijin realized immediately what Beni was up to and started kicking more ferociously to get free. His leg started to burn as Beni's fire chakra intestines. "Stop! Benimaru!!!!"
Neither of them notice the celestial fire rose react to Benimaru's chakra. As his last act he self-destructs into a raging inferno destroying the storeroom and much of that mountaintop.