Chapter 18: Ch. 18 Yoriichi vs Benimaru part 2
As the scene of Benimaru's last moments ends, Yo forcibly breaks the genjutsu apart making a weird expression.
"What's with that face?!" Benimaru asks slightly offended.
"Don't be a baby I'm just thinking that there was two special flowers. You had one, and the other…." Yo says drifting off into his thoughts. Benimaru is smart but the era he's from and this worlds culture, or lack thereof limits his school of thought some.
It doesn't take Benimaru but a split second to catch Yo's implications but that can't be right? Even in denial he knows the truth. There is no way the flower with underworld in the title wouldn't help with the afterlife in some way. A blazing chakra starts burning off of Benimaru's body as he realizes this.
"I see so I can finally get my vengeance." Benimaru says with a scary dark smile as his flame chakra starts to burn hotter and hotter until he is shrouded in a black ink like flame.
"AYE!" Yo yells pushing his reishi straight at Beni awakening him from his trance.
"Don't think too much about it, You have a big brother now. I'll always be here so don't worry. Betrayal is not in my vocabulary. Now chin up, look alive! The next round is taijutsu. Here I come!" Yo says vanishing from that spot kicking straight at Beni.
"Renewal Takwondo: triple kick." Yo says swinging three almost simultaneous kicks that Beni dodges rather easily.
"Big brother I hope that isn't all of your 'martial arts.'" Beni says from behind Yo, swinging a fist at his back. Yo jumps to dodge but Benimaru grazes his leg. The onlookers were all astounded that Benimaru could land a blow.
"How is he hitting Yo?!?" Sasuke yells, at this point Yo has created an invincible image in his mind.
"I can't even tell." Kushina answers honestly. Looking to Fugaku who seems to be even deeper into the fight.
Back at the fight Yo and Beni face off with each other. "Next time it will be a clean hit elder brother." Beni says with a smirk.
"Nope you are finna get your ass beat boy. I figured out how to deal with you, transformation jutsu." Yo turns into his six year old self the body that fought Masamune.
"Hmm, the boy a genius indeed." Fugaku nods.
"Whats going on Fugaku?" Mikoto asks.
"Simple Beni is a monster of combat too, but not so much that Yo can't hit him… Unless you take into account three things. First the Sharingan. No matter how much faster and stronger Yo is, those eyes allow for Benimaru to keep track of him. Second, as skillfull as he may seem Yo only woke up a short while ago…he may still be adjusting to all of the growth his body has undergone. Third Beni is a small target versus Yo, making him much easier to hit... And they are both aware of these factors. Yo should have dodged Benimaru's punch completely, but Yo is still adjusting. So he decided to give up his reach and physical advantage to fight Beni in a more compact form."
"Ha! I thought this was taijutsu?" Benimaru laughs with an ugly expression. 'This monster is well and truly made for combat,' he thinks to himself as he takes his stance.
"Hey don't be like that, this is the only one. I want to have a real fight, besides you shouldn't have insulted martial arts. " Yo says as he falls into the stance of the flowing water fist.
Benimaru gets into a Uchiha like stance except it seems more optimized for combat instead of killing. With that he vanishes appearing in front of Yo.
Benimaru throws a jab with his hand shaped like a claw. It went straight for Yo's eye. Yoriichi could've sworn he heard a eagles caw, but there's no time to think. He redirects the blow downward. Benimaru attempts a few more but Yo deflects them all, stopping the assault by wrapping his leg around the incoming arm. Yoriichi begins to try to climb on Benimaru's back like a spider looking for a submission hold. Beni, not understanding the technique just starts pounding Yo's back into a tree. After a few blows the transformation almost wears off, so Yo releases Beni but not without three blows to Benimaru's foot.
"Yo isn't fighting like usual." Mikoto says.
"Yeah why is he cheating mom?!" Naruto says getting slightly angry.
"It's a brotherly fight, this fight is not about fancy techniques or any grand point to prove. It's just two brothers fighting, boys being boys. You'll understand one day." Kushina says noting Naruto and Sasuke's budding rivalry, well with Beni in the mix they will always have to stay on their toes.
"Benimaru…" Yo says with a serious voice.
'He couldn't have found out in that exchange, all he did was try to crush me with his legs.' Benimaru was annoyed but he knew Yo couldn't be fooled any longer.
"Your taijutsu, it's not very good is it?" Yo asks with a smirk.
"Shut up! I'm only five, and these stupid eyes are messing with my other senses." Benimaru pouts and complains probably the only person in history to say his Sharingan hindered his combat.
"Cut it off." Yo says with a shrug.
"Not going to work either. You're too fast, so I'm just going to get better as we go." He says confident as he rushes Yo but a four hit combo sends him flying back. He gets up again and again, only to be struck down again.
"Hey let's just switch to ninjutsu." Yo says feeling a little bad now, he won't hold back in a battle but it doesn't mean his emotions vanish.
"No! Just now I finally got my own sharingan! I can do it too!" Benimaru says with frustration as he takes a stance with his right arm down his side bent forward at the elbow like a karate stance and the other hanging down like leaf taijutsu. The mixing of the two isn't what shocked Yo it was how Beni's chakra, speed and strength shot up.
"I take it you've met Kojiro." Yo states with a smile.
"His posture technique was really rough to learn. It's literally beat into you, but with this I'll light you ablaze." He says before vanishing and punching at Yo. He blocks it in time but just the shockwave removed the transformation jutsu.
"Hahaha well done Beni!" Yo says before he takes a step forward. With one hand sign he redoes the transformation, with another step his chakra blasts off in waves. "But do you know he based that technique off of not just my breathing right? I was born with a perfect posture he based it off the times my power jumped sporadically." Yoriichi says as his wild grin returns to his face. "Beni remember well, close quarters combat is my domain."
Yo rushes again this time his techniques are sharper and fiercer, Benimaru is getting hit left and right but he is growing at a visible rate. He is stealing Yo's moves, trying what works and discarding what doesn't. It doesn't take long before beni starts to develop a style resembling a mix of fire bending and Ssam-Su Taekkyeon. Fire blasted out with each strike changing the arena to a blazing hell. Still he has yet to land that clear, decisive hit.
"Hey, hey this is basically a ninjutsu battle!" Yo yells as he dodges.
"Shut up, you cheated when you used the second transformation jutsu! And, you and I both know this is ninshu not ninjutsu." Benimaru says stunning Yo into a standstill as he blast a jettison of blue flames from his fist straight at his elder brother. As the attack nears, Beni hears a sound he is growing to hate. Yo taking a deep breath.
"Water breathing eleventh form x flowing water fist: dead calm, tranquil torrents." With his bare hands as a conduit he used the advanced move to parry Benimaru, not shockingly Yoriichi didn't fly that far. It just turns the area into a steamy, burnt landscape like something from a Lovecraft novel.
"Well look what we have here. Those flames, they are your gift huh," Yo says realizing Beni is subconsciously tapping into a fragment of the rose's power getting Yo more interested in this flaming flower. Yoriichi's ego takes over. " Beni, the real test begins now! Remember the reason I make Zanpacto for others is simple, my zanpacto is absolute."
"Protect the motherland, Atoria.". Yoriichi says a name with a different chant, but this time no painful side effects. His sword vanishes from his hand becoming invisible as wind a pressure erupts into the shape of a blade. 'Oooh so even you notice his qualifications as a king. Right your Majesty?' Yo thinks to his sword, arriving in his soul scape. A black void with nine palaces. one opens, letting a golden light shine in all it's splendor.
"Hmph! Unlike you, he has the desire to be king, a noble heart, and a strong sense of duty to protect his people. However, like a younger me he is enslaved to that duty… As his elder brother and as someone who has walked his path before, we must shatter his shackles to the past and make him look forward towards the future." The noble king's voice rings out with a stern and weary tone.
"Don't worry your Majesty, even if the sky falls on him I'll catch it. This won't be another Camelot." Yo says with full confidence.
"I would still rather have the child as a master." Says the tsundere woman, turning her nose up within her palace. This elicits a chuckle from another castle.
"How cute Arturia! Spoken just like the little lass you are." The laughing sounds almost teasing.
"What was that!?" Arturia bellows practically shaking Yo's soul.
"Hey Sinbad none of that sexist crap." Yo says flatly, still trying to get his bearings,
"I'm not sexist! I love women, but she is a little girl isn't she? She's so tiny like a doll." He continues his teasing which gets her more angry.
"Okay you're not helping your case throwing throwing tantrums, I'm going to fight now." Yo says leaving the battlefield that is his soul. He arrived to see a shocked Benimaru staring at his now crystal blue eyes.
"Yoriichi, what exactly is the nature of your sword? I know from your genjutsu how those swords work, is this your true gift?" Benimaru questions.
"You guessed right baby brother. This is my true nature, and true Zanpakuto. Its glorious name 'The Nine King's Heavenly sword.'" Fluctuating energy of different types blast off in all directions, then vanish as soon as they came. "As you can see getting nine kings, with nine different ruling ideologies, to acknowledge you is not easy." He says looking forlorn, making Benimaru want to choke him