Chapter 41: Chapter 041 - Where it started.
The boy pink-haired in the middle of the night is when he started moving, his face quite serene, accustomed to the breeze that hit his face with each leap he took, a serenity he had become used to.
But at the moment he feels he is attacked, he stops to hold with the tips of his fingers a sword that was pointed at his eye, millimeters away, but he did it; his calm face turns to the side to see where that short sword came from.
It is the third time it happens, he believed it was because of his clothing; it seems that they are just people looking for what they can find from travelers, his bored gaze looks at those bandits, most of whom seem like renegade ninjas since he can see bands on their heads with a deeply cut line.
" uhm... " he simply observes them, raising an eyebrow in strangeness.
" give us all your ninja objects or any valuables you have! Otherwise we will kill you " one threatened, pointing a Kunai at him; he was a man who looked intimidating, twice the size of all his henchmen.
" how sweet, you have to form groups in order to hunt innocent people " Yūji descended gracefully from the immense height he was at, looking at them with his hands tucked into his pants, his face showing just how incredibly bored he was.
" it looks like you come from a good place, quickly give us that " said one behind the bandit, already speaking with the rat seal ready to spit a jutsu at the young pink haired boy.
Yūji watched them; he did not feel like fighting, moreover, it seems that Suiren is helping him by eating directly from ninjas, from what little he has seen, Yūji stood aside watching as those ninjas or renegade bandits died in a pathetic manner.
This time is no exception, he caught a glimpse of his bubbling shadow, smelling that sulfur and the decay emanating from the place; the renegade ninjas, before attacking, feel that in the forest, suddenly it starts to feel very cold, as if a blizzard were arising.
" w-what? Why has it become so cold? You are doing something! Fire style; great fireball! " one could no longer tolerate and, making his move, was swift in performing his jutsu; the fireball shot out of his mouth.
Yūji does not move; he only smiles gently. In front of him he sees the thick layer of solidified water; the jutsu did not touch him, it evaporated upon touching the imposed barrier.
" Nobody touches Yūji! They will die! Die! "
Yūji lets out a small laugh as if it were a play " you should not have attacked, if I were someone like you, I would start running " he moved his hand, bidding them farewell.
Because he can see their faces of terror as they witness Suiren emerging from his shadow, although he has tried all those times when he kills the bandits who approach with bad intentions towards him, Suiren never lets him see her other form; she only becomes aggressive when they try to hurt her.
The ninjas seem as if death itself appeared before them " ah... a-ah! " after witnessing that entity, the leader of the renegade ninja bandits drops his own weapon " r-run! It's a demon! "
Yūji lets out a tiny sigh as he watches Suiren capture them again in water domes, liquid inside, around them a very solid barrier that seems to only break with cursed attacks, immune to chakra; does anything else need to surprise you?
And as always seen before, a blue light came out of the eyes and mouth of the bandits " and... well, you killed them again, satisfied? "
He finally looked at Suiren, who threw those bodies away as if they were trash " they are weak, very weak, Yūji is very strong and has a rich aura, I like him more "
" well... I should have imagined it, your cursed energy was not much, and your chakra was also a very small reserve, do not worry, maybe in the future we will find people that have a better taste for you, alright? " Yūji smiles gently.
And he feels that Suiren also smiles at him, simply closing her eyes to envelop herself around him; well, she just does not want to hide again in her shadow and prefers to take care of him.
" you should not worry, I do not think bandits will attack us again, you can go back to hiding " whispers the chico pelirosa to his curse, but she seems reluctant to obey.
" I will take care of Yūji in case they want to attack him again, I do not want anything to happen to you "
He remains silent, resuming his movement forward " as you command, Sui "
The road after that third band of bandits or renegade ninjas did not attack him again; Suiren is more like his shield, overly protective, always going to kill, however, he cannot blame her; on the contrary, he likes the way she is.
The road returned once again to monotony; Yūji looked at the large and fantastical trees, now noticing that they are becoming more and more... immersive.
He remembers something strange.
" this... I think I remember it a little " he whispered to himself, not knowing how much time he had been wasting, but he believed that his poor guides for sensing chakra several kilometers away with his six eyes have their benefits.
Yūji passed so many trees until he arrived, and upon doing so he found it; his eyes opened in surprise at seeing that he had arrived again.
He recalls several days ago what he told those grass ninjas that he would not return to Kusagakure with his sister.
What an irony.
He only smiled, clicking his tongue a little " what a damn irony, in the end I did end up arriving here "
And below him lies the village hidden among the grass; seeing the town he never knew was an enormous irony, returning to your own feet.
The people look very normal, they look really healthy, and time continued its course.
" so, if this is the entrance to the town... where we escaped was from the back... " Yūji was recalling, since he himself had never managed to see the town when he lived in that village with Karin, wearing that tunic over his flashy clothes, the boy began to walk around the town in search of his own area, deeper and deeper into that enormous and fantastical forest.
His eyes scanned for the memories of his childhood, and when the chico pelirosa arrived, he stopped at the shocking image of witnessing, he pressed his lips together as he looked again at that forest where he used to play.
Then that small stream where his sister desperately fed him, something to nourish him and make him stop crying so that he could rest.
The house, at least over all these years, has remained in what little it could, his eyes show a trace of melancholy, since after all this place was where it all began.
The beginning of his journey that he does not see soon everything will have an end.
At least... in this place he had his own identity, beneath the tree canopy where he was and fell gently, everything is flooded with memories.
He walked slowly, stepping on some small flowers in the process, his head spinning on its own axis to see that nature had increased in that place, giving the clarity of abandonment.
But his smile remains imprinted on him.
He walked and stopped in front of the small stream, not wanting to see himself; as a child he was curious and felt that need to know himself.
But now that he had his fill, he did not like it; he believed that having his memories back could change something, he only matured very little, but almost nothing, because he continues making the same mistakes he has stepped on over and over again.
Unconsciously, he touches his face gently, closing his eyes, trying to calm his heart that is beginning to beat ever faster.
But this time he looked again " everything is just memories... I have forgotten my mother from here, I only know that she had beautiful hair just like us, but her face still does not appear in my cloudy thoughts " over the years he has sadly forgotten her, he hesitated to walk to that house that barely manages to stand.
With some fear he opens the door, a creaking sound of terror, just as it left when Karin had the courage to flee.
Again that memory that took charge of burying it so deeply, so painfully, when he was still innocent of what his sinful soul had done, and it rendered him unconscious.
He remembers the scream of those pain ninjas before he turned them into inert pulp on the ground; the memories struck him like flashes when he looked at the living room.
He covered his mouth unconsciously, taking several steps back, his breathing quickened, he covered his eyes now to finally have it in his ears.
He has suffered seeing death so many times in Shibuya and Shinjuku, but...
For his other soul, it was the first time he killed, a first time where he explicitly saw that death comes in an unexpected way.
" these memories... I have not seen them so vividly in a long time " Yūji relaxed a little seeing how now Suiren peeks from his neck, wiping his sweat with what little she had of her body, was he sweating? He had not realized.
He sighed deeply again, to see the interior now with more determination and renewed security; he simply had not expected the memories in such a painful way.
Upon arriving at the entrance he saw the bloodstains and how the entire room was painted red because of what he had done; the wear is noticeable, mold stains, roots growing, and a smell of decay that remained penetrated.
There was not much left, only what he left with his sister.
He remembers how painful it was for her to take care of him and that he did nothing in the kitchen, how they both played and supported each other; in Karin he never saw a haggard or sad face, she always smiled at him to keep him happy.
He walked slowly through that house, with a rather melancholic look, ignoring how it remained, only remembering the very happy good times, before those same greedy ninjas treated them like simple animals.
He touched gently the wood that was held in the middle of the house to support it, the decoration that had remained barely intact, he walked until he reached the bedroom, formerly his mother's bedroom, now both of their bedroom; he calmly continued to open the closet, there remained the outfit that perfectly and clearly recalled what both used to wear.
He moved it gently and found a box; Karin always told him never to touch that area since it is something very precious to her, but upon opening it and seeing that it was a woman's clothing, he slightly understood why; it was the clothes that remained of his mother and that Karin kept longingly, perhaps to support herself or to feel her closer.
But analyzing these clothes... they are very curious; in each garment he finds, he sees a red swirl impregnated in it, could it have a meaning?
Holding the fabric and caressing it gently with his thumbs, thinking about it... he slightly remembers that that snake told him that it tried to capture him for his physique or something of his... lineage? However, it never said which.
He moved those dresses carefully and saw that in that box there was nothing else but a small paper; his eyes looked at with strangeness what it contained, holding it, it is too old, the letters are barely recognizable, it is strange.
It is a handwriting he had never seen, possibly it is from his mother " these letters are almost illegible... "
He blinked gently; for others it might be that this paper makes no sense, but he is able to see it, it is a map of the same structure of the house, he recognizes the room, the small living room, that little kitchen, but an area is seen that goes directly to the outside yard, more precisely to the stream where he played with Karin every day.
Yūji is someone curious by nature; he glanced at Suiren, who is still hanging on his neck, as she approaches, sniffing the paper.
" smells good "
He simply pressed his lips together; he had just begun to remember those memories and all that he did without wishing it, but he grabbed that box that contained something strange, they looked like scribbles, but when you pay attention, you manage to understand them.
" possibly mom left something important, Karin must have forgotten it just to protect me that time, Sui, so we have to see what mother left, what do you think? " he gave a soft smile to his curse, who seems very happy.
And with that, he got up, keeping that small box with his late mother's garments, leaving that house just as it is, which is being consumed by nature; surely the ninjas of Kusagakure have never gone there.
Upon going out again, it was already getting dark, so, guided by that paper that kept the scribbles fixed, he tried to focus " here it gives me a point, I have to be in front of the sun, take... ten steps to the left, five... steps? Ahead, here... uh " it is difficult to read something that time has corroded, but he is trying " well, here it is supposed to be the point where I have to dig, was it buried? "
He kept the small paper to see at his feet the point where he has to extract what his mother had buried, was she very worried that it would fall into other hands? Without worrying he began to remove earth from that point, but it seems that Suiren would not let him do anything as she saw him stop.
" no! Yūji may hurt himself, I will do it, I will do it "
" but, it is only removing earth Sui, you should not worry "
" no! I will do it! "
When he heard her shout a little, he preferred not to contradict her; he simply watched as the curse skillfully removed a lot of earth in a moment, he appreciated it with amusement, it did not bother him " well, well "
While looking at the earth she was removing, he saw a box very different from what he had found; this one is a bit larger " wait Sui! do not throw that! I found something " he saw how Suiren stopped throwing earth, she had noticed; it is a box that is clearly full of mold and decay, she holds it with curiosity.
" what is in here? " he came out of the stream to sit on the grass, looking excitedly at Suiren " what do you think we will find, Sui? " he saw how the curse looked happy.
" mystery, mystery! "
" good point, this is very mysterious " Yūji can no longer contain his curiosity, but he sees that there is a seal on the same box " uhm... this, it is sealed, I had not seen it, fūinjutsu, but this one seems very difficult compared to what Ajisai - san uses " he murmurs under his breath, so they will not be able to see what is in that mysterious box since there is no guide to break the seal.
" but... what is strange here, I feel a sensation that oppresses my soul just by touching this box, did mom have something wrong? " it was really strange for him to think, he blinked gently trying to see the note he had kept in his clothes, only that red swirl appears, very marked where he found the box, then he sees that something is written, but it is blurry and worn in parts.
" here it says a little... shiniga... uhm, swirl... Uzuma... at... it cannot be understood! " he rubbed his hair in desperation, it is a habit that is beginning to show.
Suiren tilts her head then looks at the note that Yūji had in his hand, but notices something strange.
" this has death "
" huh? "
" death "
With what Suiren said, Yūji tries to read again; all the text is unrecognizable, but where Suiren points, yes, there is one complete word that explicitly says death.
" it also seems to say soul, death, soul, why these two exactly? " now with more reason he wants to open that box, but he does not know how to undo that complicated seal, was his mother very good with seals?
" we cannot do anything for now, Suiren, we will try to dismantle secrets later, we will stay here " he smiled tiredly, at least mentally to take out a scroll that he stole from one of the bandits that Suiren killed along the way; he placed the box and with that, the box disappeared in smoke.
He sighed tiredly, secret after secret, he had always thought that his mother was a normal person, it seems that she was not.