Naruto: Uzumaki Yuji [EN]

Chapter 42: Chapter 042 - Hōzuki Castle

That day Yūji did not sleep, he was exploring and looking at everything his sister had known before, always seeing the fact that people are ignorant of what is lived day by day, in the bubble of their own happiness, watching villagers enjoy themselves, people laughing, children running at night at the threshold of the road; Yūji was covered with a translucent layer since Suiren, as has been said many times, was really good at stealth.

The only thing Yūji saw was the happiness of the people, sitting on a high branch under the light of the moon; he still felt lost about what to do so that Sukuna would disappear from his life, maybe he had not made any move, but at any moment he could do something.

Even though he still had his identity problems, one thing was clear, and that is the end of truly beginning to feel attachment to people; disdain showed in his grimaces because he had seen Suiren kill in front of him many times. Although they were bandits or renegade ninjas, they were still human, and his sense of doing justice slowly faded because of what he thought.

Yūji no longer felt himself despite having his own face.

He leaned against the trunk, getting used to resting like that, looking at the sky and finding the moon, so big and bright, his eyes half-closed, he had noticed that this moon is bigger than he thought...

Could it have a meaning?

Squinting his eyes, sleep took over him, and in the end he fell into a deep rest, letting Suiren take care of his body, although he really did not care, he could never die, at least not at the hands of others.

Not when Sukuna will always keep him alive.


The next day, Yūji woke up renewed, seeing that nothing had really happened; he checked his body and saw that Suiren had never moved from her position, so silent as not to disturb him and to take care of him.

" thanks , Sui , let's follow the road... I don't know if we will do well, let's hope to find something " smiled the boy softly to see how Suiren snuggled against his body, enjoying her sensation; she says that she feeds on his cursed energy, so he will let her take all she wants.

" but before we go, we will have to steal food, the money I carried from the missions ran out in Konoha itself, what a shame " he admitted, embarrassed.

" money? "

" yes... well, it doesn't matter, with this camouflage I have for you no one will look at me, you relax " he gave a smile and confidently crossed that barrier that separated him from the enormous forest inside Kusagakure.

This is a village although it looks impoverished, it has good food; Yūji, with curiosity, began to walk, many passers by, sometimes he bumped into people but they trembled in the cold wind, thinking they were bumping into people walking by their side.

It is invisible but not intangible, so Yūji, now quickening his pace, stopped at several stalls where the people were distracted " all right Sui, we will do this quickly "

" Yūji has to eat well! " was the only thing he heard from Suiren, which caused a sweet smile.

Yūji passed by a stall displaying their food, be it vegetables, fish, and some prepared dishes; his quick hands took everything he needed, and the people did not react because they did not have time to do so.

The pink-haired boy did not let himself be noticed and with that he finally stocked up; when he had plenty he again felt his CE in his legs, starting to run quickly out of the village.

" all right, we have plenty so we won't stop at rivers " Yūji returned to the same trunk where he had been before, taking out the penultimate scroll where he kept his food, placing everything in that same spot; when he did, he sealed the food and sighed " well, let's start Sui, hold on tight, keep covering me with your stealthy cloak, you should have said it, if we had known we could have saved the time of killing those people, right? " It was fun for him to discover that Suiren can help cover him from prying eyes.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know you could do that... I only found out for a moment " Suiren's voice was soft, making Yūji feel bad for complaining.

" I understand, I'm sorry Sui, relax, just don't take it off this time " With that, Yūji began his journey quickly.

The journey was very fast, to normal eyes nothing seems to move, simply the strong wind in that direction, so aggressive that the roots of the trees swayed violently, a whistle, for Yūji put more cursed energy than before, causing Suiren to heal him repeatedly without stopping from creating that transparent barrier that covers him from prying eyes.

For Yūji, Suiren is undoubtedly a great curse that helps him with that problem of not being able to use one hundred percent of his cursed energy; shamelessly he activated his six eyes, caring little about covering them or not, although because of that he does not keep them activated at all times since they began to give him a stabbing pain in his head, directly in his brain from so much information coming in.

He had only activated them to try to perceive cursed energy in people, and he was feeling it " I think we will soon arrive at another area Sui, try to heal me completely now, I will put more cursed energy to arrive without stopping "

" yes, I take care of you, Yūji "

The pink-haired boy fell to the ground with a dull noise, bending his legs slightly as he fell; he feels that running directly is better than going from tree to tree, although he is more used to that way, he will return to his underground habits.

He moved his shoulder to sigh, and produced all the cursed energy he could to move his legs to run to points of CE he saw with his six eyes, following his instinct that they will soon arrive at a village since there is too much cursed energy in one spot... or it could simply be street vendors, he really does not know.

The journey was long for Yūji, he does not know how long he has been running, but it was already beginning to get dark again; the yellow colors were fading in the sky and landscape.

Although he saw that slowly the forest was disappearing, because in front of him an immense, castle-like gray and intimidating structure appeared.

" ah... this, how strange it is " he pressed his lips in confusion; he really encountered very strong cursed energy, which had confused him more than many people from villages, not for a fortress that, without a doubt, even he feels intimidated by, the cursed aura is very strong.

" I thought it would be far away, I did not think this was very close... but, its aura is very strange " Yūji looked at Suiren squinting his eyes, seeing as if the curse, if it had a mouth, were probably drooling; did she also notice something strange?

" there is something very rich there, it is rich " he heard Suiren speak, Yūji really did not have to go, but from what he had seen, Suiren manages to take cursed energy from others, why she does it despite having unimaginable reserves? She does not know either, but she has said that it is a necessity.

" uhm... " Yūji frowned looking at the enormous fortress; the boy approached the edges to be surprised that what holds up the castle is... basically that piece of land, and beneath it is a ravine that leads to the sea.

With his eyes open he marveled " really, do we have to cross the sea? "

" Yūji, I want that, don't be mean, okay? " he heard Suiren again, who was moving around him; Yūji only wanted to continue in search of that damned snake, but now that Suiren was asking him, he looked around trying to find words to express himself.

In the end a groan of complaint burst from his mouth " all right, but if there are problems... in the end we would have to kill so that they do not turn us in; if there are many people inside I will not always be able to hide with your stealth, you are stealthy, but I am not " the boy agreed, letting out a big sigh.

This time he looked at the place strangely, he would not say it out loud, but he also had an immense curiosity to know what is inside; with chakra in the soles of his feet, the pink-haired boy began to climb the wall, and as he did so, he asked Suiren at that moment to cover him again with that cloak of water that makes him invisible to prying eyes.

When he was up, immediately the boy was surprised by what his eyes saw.

The people tied up and lined up in front; there are too many, so many people that it is surprising to look at, they seem like an abundant crowd as in a city.

" could it be , is it what I think it is? " Yūji asked himself, narrowing his eyes which once again looked with that celestial blue; most do not have much chakra, but their cursed energy is noticeable, too much.

" this is not something like a village, it is a prison, Sui, look, those over there are wearing suits; I have never been in a prison, but I saw videos with Gojo-sensei of how convicts look, so I suppose that is what it is... " he whispered softly to point out in the distance the people who were changing their clothes.

" although I am surprised that in this area there is so much negativity " he sighed softly to look again at the people who were being let in.

He analyzed with his eyes, and he saw what appears to be the boss of this enormous place; when he narrowed his eyes to analyze him, he was startled as his body tensed when he directed his gaze to the spot where he was standing.

" a-ah, I think, it's incredible, I almost forgot that they really detect chakra " the boy's face sweated a little from the surprise, relieved to still feel Suiren's watery cloak; the strange, mysterious-looking guy continued to keep his gaze in his direction.

Relieved that he diverted his gaze " this is dangerous, I do not know what techniques or jutsus Suiren might have, do you think it is a good idea to infiltrate just so that you can eat something? You can get other people to fill you up... " he tried to persuade while looking at his curse.

To see the pleasantly amusing image of Suiren shaking her head, Yūji pressed his lips together until finally he relaxed his shoulders.

" you are going to give me a little headache... all right, but if that guy with the sharp look can detect chakra, and I am not good at hiding my chakra, it is too much, then your stealth technique will not work, we have to put on that suit "

" yes, I will help Yūji because he loves me very much, and I am making you go through this "

" ah, at least you are aware " his tone was joking, now rubbing his index finger at the base of his nose he looked inside again, although he was leaving all his belongings, throwing them into the canopy of the largest tree; he only wants to be ready and with his body empty " all right, that weird guy is gone, this is our chance to get in Sui, we have to get ready, let's go, Sui! "

And just as he climbed up the wall, he went down, not running since the wind that he could create was perceptible; the boy had a determined look, whatever Suiren wishes will help him to accomplish it, Yūji went down and headed straight to the place where they gave uniforms to the convicts, that horrible suit, seeing an area crowded with people, he whispered " drop your technique... now, Sui " he ordered as he crouched to join that mass of people, who seemed enraged to be in that place; when he was in sight he stood up again as if nothing had happened, crossing the line with the other convicts who were already lined up, he is the only one in white now carrying a suit from that prison.

On his face he only had a serious look, although the smile that wanted to burst out escaped him; it was so easy to do. He saw how those men in clothes very similar to those worn by people like the police, those guards were well dressed.

And now with a shackle in his hands he crossed; these shackles nullify chakra, but he can break them at any moment; however, he will not, they put him in a cell with a stranger, this stranger has an intimidating face, but does not pay attention to him.

Upon being in the cell he furrowed his brow subtly; this guy has black sclera and blue irises, white hair, he did not seem very happy.

He has to put this guy to sleep if he wants to start the plan; he does not want to stay there.

" uh, you look young, scared? " spoke that guy, something that made Yūji sigh.

" not really, have you been here before? You seem used to it " he was sincere; that guy seemed bored in his look.

" I am, I have been here for at least a year, it is boring, having to move from your cell... what did you do to be here? "

The pink-haired boy blinked at the abrupt question " ah, well, really... I killed people from where I came " although he did not specify, he was sincere; he saw the boy click his tongue.

" well, what a surprise "

" and what did you do? "

" me? Well, it was me and my two brothers, although I was unlucky enough to be captured; those idiots abandoned me, I do not blame them, I would have done the same " he laughed a little at his misfortune, but continued, in a haughty manner " we simply made a disturbance, and I made many people kill each other while my brothers took the opportunity to loot, I was not fast and here I am " he raised his arms as if giving an example.

Yūji blinked curiously " you look very young, did they read your sentence? "

The other pale-haired boy blinked at his question " is that what they do? "

With that, Yūji swallowed a little saliva, here they didn't let you have your sentence? Poor kid... well, he thinks in a new idea

" well, what is your name, new kid? " Yūji crossed his arms behind his back, gathering himself to get comfortable.

" ah, I am Yūji, and you? "

The boy smiled amusingly " Ryūdōin Genshō, you can call me Genshō, no problem " he moved his hand without paying attention to manners.

Yūji sighed " hey... "

The white-haired boy, who had closed his eyes for a moment, opened them again just to look at him, noticing a malicious look on the young pink-haired boy's face.

" do you want to escape from here? "







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