Chapter 221: Chapter 221
Yugito smirked, "I'm sorry, but I've taken something of a shine to him, so neither you, nor your snake of a master will be laying a hand on him."
"Then I will have to kill you before I capture him," Kimimaro charged at Yugito, who merely widened the smirk that was gracing her features. As soon as the albino launched his attack Yugito used her agility to dodge every single strike he sent, before lashing out with a kick that sent him flying.
"I'm sorry but there is no way you're gonna be killing me," Yugito said as she slid into a combat stance. "But I do so enjoy a good battle, so at least try not to die too quickly."
Gaara snarled as he crushed another one of those infernal blonds only for it to go up in smoke. "UZUMAKI! WHERE ARE YOU! COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!"
Gaara jumped onto the roof and attempted to search for the blond boy. He didn't get the chance, the moment he had landed; a foot met his face hard enough to send him flying off the roof and onto the ground. He stood up from the small crater that his body created and looked up. When he saw who it was an insane grin came to his face, "Ah! I'm so glad to see you here Uzumaki! Now it's time I can prove my existence! I will kill you and prove my existence!"
Naruto would have made a comment, but Gaara had already shot off the ground and was coming at him with that powerful looking sand claw. Naruto waited until Gaara attacked, and was not disappointed when the unstable Jinchuuriki launched his clawed hand at him. However, Naruto neatly ducked under the attack, shooting forward as he began a set of hand seals. Once he reached the boy's torso he made a slashing motion with his hand.
"Fuuton: Kaze No Yaiba!" A blade of wind hit Gaara point blank; however Naruto was surprised to see it did not penetrate the sand.
"What the fuck!"
That should have sliced straight through him! Naruto had made the discovery that his wind attacks were nearly twice as powerful when he used hand seals. He believed it had something to do with the hand seals automatically molding his attack, rather than him having to mold the attack with his own control when he was doing his free style wind jutsu.
Whatever the case was that attack should have sheered through Gaara, and since it did not it meant that the sand he was wearing was infused with his tenant's youki.
Not a very pleasant thought for the blond.
He was forced to use a Kawarimi in order to escape the claw that came back towards him. He looked over at Gaara who had not seem to notice where he was yet, and tried to think of some way to defeat him. Sighing he went through several more hand seals before sucking in a deep breath.
"Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu!" the giant fireball slammed into Gaara, making the redhead scream in pain.
Naruto was left panting as he finished his jutsu, he realized that he would not be able to use many more with amount of youki he had been pumping out today, even he had his limits.
He was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard laughing. Looking over to where the smoke from his fireball was starting to dissipate he saw Gaara, laughing maniacally as more sand began to cover his body, forming another clawed hand on his right and covering the rest of him. Naruto held in a curse as he saw that Gaara now looked like a miniature tanuki with only his legs not being uncovered.
"Yes! This feeling! This pain!" Gaara shouted as he turned towards Naruto. "This is what I've been waiting for! The chance to kill an opponent that can bring me such pain! This battle will be the one to truly prove my existence!"
"I'm glad I can make you feel so special," Naruto replied in a voice that was laden in sarcasm. "However you won't be killing me anytime soon. But tell you what; I'll make this ass kicking I give you extra special so that you'll feel more alive."
"HAHAHAHA! You truly are an amusing one Uzumaki!" Gaara howled in laughter, "I'm sure your death will truly make me feel alive!"
Gaara jumped at Naruto faster than the blond thought possible, given the fact that the redhead was covered in sand. Thankfully it still wasn't fast enough to warrant any serious concern and Naruto was able to dodge the redhead. Unfortunately Naruto had missed the small flash of a tail, and he was unable to dodge that as it smacked him in the side.
Naruto was sent flying away from Gaara and crashed into one of the many stores that lined the street of this sector. Groaning he sat up and pulled off the fabric that was on his head. He brought it to his dazed eyes and blinked as he saw that he was holding a black lacy bra.
"Great, of all the stores I crash into, it just happens to be a women's apparel store. Something tells me karma is trying to play a joke," He threw the bras away and stood up, shaking the debris off before making his way outside.
He jumped back up on one of the roofs and found Gaara coming at him, still laughing like a maniac. Looking around he realized that he was at a disadvantage in such an urban area; he needed a place where he could set loads of traps since he was unable to really use any jutsu. Decision made he took off towards one of the many parks in Konoha.
Kimimaro grunted as he was kicked away from the blond woman again. He was quickly becoming frustrated with her; nothing he did seem to be capable of defeating her. So far he had tried everything he could to get in close and eliminate the blond Kumo kunoichi. Yet she seemed to be far faster and better then he was, since none of his attacks thus far had worked, and he had only received more damage for his troubles.
The narrowing of his eyes being the only sign of his frustration, he attacked again. However like the last dozen times he had attacked, nothing he did seemed to do anything. Yugito weaved in between the attacks, using her great flexibility to dodge at seemingly impossible angles. As the attacks increased in intensity, Yugito waited for the openings that always appeared when people got frustrated. She finally found one and weaved herself under a powerful sword swing, right before she lashed out with a kick to Kimimaro's chest.
However she became surprised when a ribcage jutted out of his chest and caught her foot. Kimimaro spun around, taking Yugito with him as the woman tried to get out of his grasp. She did, and was sent flying towards a building for her troubles. Luckily for her, it seemed that having a cat demon sealed inside of her gave her the ability to always land on her feet. She channeled some chakra into the souls of her feet and clung to the wall, looking over at Kimimaro.
"Karamatsu No Mai (Dance of the Larch)," Kimimaro exclaimed as he ran towards the blond. Yugito jumped off the building and landed a few feet away from the albino. Seconds later the pair clashed and Yugito narrowed her eyes as she found it much harder to get an attack in with the new bone protrusions jutting out. She was forced to dodge the attacks and jump away to gain some distance.
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