Chapter 222: Chapter 222
She went through a few hand seals as Kimimaro came back at her. "Raiton: Raikyuu (Lightning Release: Lightning Ball)!"
A cannon-sized ball made of lightning appeared in front of Yugito, who launched it at the Kaguya. Kimimaro was forced to roll to the left in order to dodge the attack, letting it sail on to hit a store and explode in a shower of sparks.
He got back onto his feet and surged forward. When he reached Yugito he began to spin, lashing out with not just his feet and fists, but also using the protrusions on his body to attack. Yugito had to backpedal since nearly every part of the Kaguya was now a weapon. She was forced to continue moving until she saw a small opening.
Yugito timed her attack to Kimimaro's, dodging his first attack before smashing her fist into his face. As the Kaguya stumbled back, Yugito gave him a kick to the ribs, before spinning and launching a snap kick to his shoulder.
As Kimimaro tumbled back, Yugito came in with another kick, this one to the head. Kimimaro's head snapped up, looking almost like he had broken it as his body jerked the opposite way. He landed in a heap a little ways away, only to get back up a moment later.
Yugito charged in again, her attacks increasing in power, speed and viciousness as she attempted to do some kind of damage. Kimimaro became hard pressed to avoid her attacks; the intensity of her assault was actually making him stagger back. He tried to attack several times, however Yugito was always able to dodge the attack and launched one of her own.
He received a snap kick the face that sent him stumbling back, allowing Yugito room to perform several hand seals.
"Katon: Hauringu Neko (Howling Cats)!" Yugito slammed her hands on the ground; causing fire to burst up and take the shape of several tiger-sized fire cats with two tails. They hissed as they launched themselves at Kimimaro, who did his best to dodge.
However they seemed to have an intelligence of their own, since they would follow him wherever he went. It only got worse when Yugito came into the picture, as the cats seemed to utilize teamwork with her. Several times Kimimaro would either get burned, or get a fist or foot to the face for his troubles.
Trying to gain some distance, Kimimaro jumped onto the building. Thankfully two of the cats hit the building, causing them to explode. However the others managed to leap up and follow him, forcing him to jump around the village roof tops so as to keep his distance. He was very lucky when he managed to lead the other four fire cats to their demise, using the villages building against them.
However before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Yugito came at him again. Kimimaro was forced to dodge Yugito's next barrage of attacks. Weaving between strikes as he tried to get a strike in edgewise, only to fail as Yugito's strikes came in fast and hard.
Kimimaro blocked the kick sent his way with the bony outcroppings on his elbow; however Yugito pushed herself off of Kimimaro's elbow. Spinning around she slammed her foot into the albino's face, knocking Kimimaro back.
Yugito used the new space to begin going through several hand seals. "Katon: Haineko (Fire Release: Ash Cat)!"
A large cloud of ash blew out of Yugito's mouth, taking the shape of a two tailed cat. It charged towards Kimimaro who only had time to look up as the ash flew towards him; it began to cut into his skin before settling down. However that was not the end of it and soon Kimimaro began to feel the ash burning his body, his skin began to burn off, making the Kaguya hard pressed not to scream in pain.
Yugito paused in her attack to see if she had killed the Kaguya clan member. Only to be shocked when she saw Kimimaro was still alive, albeit a lot of his skin was melted off and burnt, showing the bones of his ribcage, his jaw, and his the bones of his arms and legs.
"That was a most intense attack," Kimimaro commented. "Had I been anyone else, I am sure that would have killed me."
"This time, I'll make sure my next attack does kill you!" Yugito ground out, getting annoyed at the amount of punishment this guy was taking.
She rushed towards him, launching strike after strike on Kimimaro's body. She noticed that despite the amount of hits she rained down on him, the boy's body did not seem to be getting any damage real damage.
Yugito launched a snap kick to Kimimaro's head, before twisting around and jumping in midair as she smashed one foot into his chest and the other ground against his pelvis.
Kimimaro tried to come in with several spinning and jabbing maneuvers, but like always, Yugito weaved through the attacks with cat-like grace. As she danced around the slashes and jabs, Yugito got in close and landed several powerful blows along Kimimaro's torso, sending the white haired team stumbling back.
He continued to get pushed back, taking hits everywhere on his body. He did his best to dodge the blond woman, hoping he could attack her when she left an opening. It came when Yugito attempted to get in close, and land a heel kick on him. He spun around; hoping one of his bony outcroppings would catch her unawares. Unfortunately for him, Yugito, even though she was caught slightly by surprise was more than capable to dodging his attack.
Taking a chance Yugito came forward again and rolled under a leg, before twisting herself into a spin and doing to the splits. Yugito's feet smashed into Kimimaro's face, knocking him off balance and sending him stumbling back.
Yugito used the opportunity and jumped back up, pulling out a kunai as she began to assault the Kaguya. Kimimaro soon found himself unable to do nothing more than dodge as Yugito viciously slashed into him, making several cuts on the albino when he was not fast enough to dodge. Kimimaro was very thankful for his bloodline, knowing that many of these cuts would have killed others.
Yugito saw that her cuts did not seem to be doing much of anything, and began to channel lightning chakra through her kunai. The next time she made a gash on Kimimaro's form, the albino was shocked to see it actually leave markings on one of his ribs. He was forced to jump back as he received several more cuts along his body.
Unfortunately for him, Yugito had moved faster than he had been able to follow, dropping on the ground and landing a vicious double stomp kick to him. The young Kaguya was sent flying backwards, crashing through the door to a building several feet away.
Kimimaro stood back up and looked out of the building to see Yugito still standing there. He walked out and looked at her with a blank expression, "You are strong." The black marks of his cursed seal began to spread along his body, "To cut my bones even a little bit, had you been fighting anyone else I believe you would have won."
"However do not think that just because you have been able to keep me from killing you so far, means you can defeat me. I have not even begun to get started. It's time I revealed my true power."
"Great." Yugito groaned, "I should have realized you would be some kind of freak since you work for Orochimaru. However I hope you don't believe that whatever you are doing will allow you to beat me. I'm not considered the second strongest ninja in Kumo for nothing!"
"Come back here Uzumaki! Come back and face me!" Gaara yelled as he chased Naruto into one of the many parks that were in Konoha.
It had been hard to get here. Naruto had been forced to constantly dodge Gaara's attacks, while at the same time making sure he had stayed in sight of the crazed redhead. It was because of this he had not been able to get over to the parks unscathed. His body was littered with numerous cuts and bruises from when Gaara had managed to smash his claws into him. Thankfully they were being healed by Kyuubi and his own impressive regeneration and would not leave any permanent markings.
"Oh shut the fuck up!" Naruto shouted back as he dodged another sand claw, "Who the hell said I was running you little bitch! I just felt like a fucking change in venue. With all the goddamn property damage you seem to cause in a battle I didn't want to deal with the shit it would raise after I kick your ass!"
Gaara laughed as he landed a few feet away from Naruto, "You are quite entertaining Uzumaki! Do you actually think you can win! I've seen the way you fight! You fight for others rather than yourself! That makes you weak! Unlike you I fight only for myself, I love only myself and I live for only myself! It's because of this that I am strong! You cannot defeat me!"
"You know, with the way you keep running those fucking lips of yours, you're beginning to remind me of Neji. Only rather than being some fate driven bastard, you're just one insane motherfucker." Naruto frowned, "And fighting for others is not a weakness. If you're too stupid to know what true strength is, then I guess I'll have to show you by kicking your ass Uzumaki style."
"Bring it Uzumaki! Show me this strength of yours! Show me so that when I crush you, I will prove myself to the world!" Gaara jumped at Naruto, lashing out with a claw. Naruto jumped out of the way, letting the tree branch he was on take the damage as he landed on a tree several feet away.
He looked up to see Gaara had grabbed onto a branch with one of his clawed hands and was using it to swing himself around. Naruto waited until the last moment to slide under another one of Gaara's sand claws, placing multiple explosive notes along his arm. Flipping over Gaara, Naruto smashed his feet into the back of the other Genin's head, making the redhead stumble forward. He placed his hand in a hand seal and smirked, "Boom!"
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