Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 223: Chapter 223

Gaara let out a roar of pain and frustration as his left arm exploded, shooting sand everywhere. However the sand quickly reformed and the redheaded, unstable Jinchuuriki turned his attention back on the blond; launching himself at Naruto with even more fervor.

Snarling Gaara raised one of his clawed hands, sand beginning to form sharp and pointy shapes along his arm, "Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken)!"

The Genin-turned-monster announced as he tossed several dozen sand projectiles at Naruto. The blonde's eyes widened ever so slightly before he regained control and began to weave through the hailstorm. While he was not as agile as say, Yugito, he was still able to dodge the projectiles.

However as soon as he had finished dodging, Gaara had just finished his preparation to attack. Using his clawed arms to grab onto a pair of tree's he was standing between, leaning back before using the leverage to shoot off like a rocket. Naruto could only look up in shock as Gaara came towards him at speeds something so large and unwieldy should not be capable of making. Naruto had no time to react as Gaara launched one of his clawed hands at the blonde's chest and swatted him away. Naruto bit down a yelp that threatened to escape him as he was sent rocketing away, smashing through a tree before hitting another one hard enough to leave an indent.

Naruto groaned as he fell to the branch below him, spitting out some of the blood that had congealed in his mouth when he bit his cheek. He stood up and hissed a bit as he felt his ribs mending themselves back together. When it was finished he looked around and blinked when he did not see Gaara anywhere.

However he instantly realized that anytime Gaara disappeared it was probably not a good thing. He jumped off the tree branch he had been on, and just in time too. For as soon as he did Gaara dropped down right on top of the spot Naruto had been standing on, shattering the branch like it was made of clay and sending a shower of bark everywhere.

Gaara landed on the ground and looked for Naruto, snarling when he could not find the blond, "Where are you Uzumaki! Are you afraid of me?" He chuckled maniacally as a smile came to his face, "That's it isn't it! You fear me! Because unlike you, I fight only for myself! While you fight for others and it makes you weak!"

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Are we going over this again? Don't be stupid Gaara, I don't fear you." Gaara looked around as the voice seemed to echo everywhere, "However, I'm also not stupid enough to fight someone like you head on. The basic shinobi rule has always been for ninja to fight from the shadows, a lesson that seems to have been forgotten long ago when flashy jutsu came into the picture. That's why I've decided to kick it up old school to kick your tanuki ass."

Naruto came up from the ground behind Gaara and slapped an exploding tag on his back, "Sayonara bitch."

Naruto leapt away as Gaara swung an arm to smack him, but the blond merely ducked under it and placed another exploding tag on him.

Growling Gaara tried again, spinning around and hoping to catch the blond off guard, but Naruto had predicted this and placed his hand on the other arm as he jumped over, leaving another exploding note on the redhead. Naruto closed the distance and put an explosive note on Gaara's chest, before leaping over him when the sand covered Genin attempted to swipe at him. As a last act, Naruto slapped an explosive note on the back of his head before jumping away and forming a hand sign. "Katsu!"


A large explosion consumed Gaara's form and the sound blocked out the red head's cry of pain; an entire twenty foot radius around the redhead also disappeared, taking many of the trees with it and creating a shockwave that knocked down many more.

Naruto landed several dozen feet away from the explosion and smirked as he took in the power of his customized explosive notes had, "Now that's what I'm talking about."

The blond crouched down on a branch and tried to look into the dust his explosion had kicked up, Did I get him?

'No,' Kyuubi piped up for the first time since the battle began. 'I can still feel that Tanuki's youki swirling and gathering around the red head. You've definitely injured him but he's still alive.'

Damn! Naruto sighed as the explosion cleared to reveal Gaara. The red headed Jinchuuriki was definitely injured, the sand that had surrounded him was falling off in globs, making it look like melting skin. He was breathing fairly heavily and was hunched over.

"Uzumaki! UZUMAKI!" Gaara shouted as he turned towards the blond Genin, "I will kill you! I will! You will die by my hand and prove my existence!"

"You've been saying that for the past several hours, yet you have yet to actually come through on that threat," Naruto shot back. "Face it, all the power in the world means nothing without finesse! Which you, my tanuki friend, lack."

'This coming from the one who just blew up half a park,' Kyuubi piped up.

'Don't get snippy with me miss destroys-entire-mountains-with-a-single-swipe-of-her-tails. The amount of mass destruction I caused was completely unintended and I only used those explosive notes because I can't use jutsu. Unlike you, who simply prefers to destroy everything she sets her sights on when she transforms into a giant nine tailed fuzzy.'

'Oooh big words coming from such a small kid; perhaps you should come inside the seal and we can settle this little account now, and I can beat your ass in my human form just to show you how powerless you are in front of me.'

'As tempting as it is to get smacked around by such a beautiful woman, we're going to need to hold off on that. It looks like our little tanuki is getting ready to attack again.'

Naruto was right as Gaara was now barreling towards him, using his arms to launch himself further across the ground. Naruto jumped deeper into the forest where he decided to continue playing his game of cat and mouse, though with how the battle had progressed, it was hard to tell who was the cat and who was the mouse.




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