Chapter 2: Serpentine wars
' inner thoughts'
(Akira pov)
It's been a few years since the war started between the serpentine and the elemental masters, I have yet to fight any myself, Arcturus always says I'm too young to fight that I should stay where it's safe , I'm obviously much older than him but he doesn't need to know that.
I've yet to convince him to let me fight even the weakest elemental master, the master of metal, while all elemental powers are powerful in their own right, the element of metal can only really be used for close combat and greater defense, its downside being reduced speed.
So because I wasn't allowed to fight, I decided to finally try to create my own unique golden weapon, after some thought I decided on a Naginata,(it is the name of the weapon that Aspheera's staff that was used for her magic and forbidden Spinjitzu) it is a weapon that I grew to like while training as it felt the most comfortable to use in my serpent form while my sword was ok it just didn't feel like it fit me, especially when I use Spinjitzu, it was a gift so I will always use it when I can.
Creating the weapon will take time so I need to find a good place to make it in secret. I want it to be different from the original four Golden weapons I wanted it to do more than wield a single element, I wanted it to do something to Spinjitzu just like the forbidden scrolls.
Deciding to look somewhere outside Ouroboros as using my power to make something as powerful as a golden weapon will no doubt bring attention to me, attention that I do not need right now.
Deciding to sneak out of the city, as I don't feel like arguing with the gate guards about not being able to leave the city due to risk of safety because of the war, especially since Arcturus essentially adopted me and I don't need him stopping me from leaving and worrying about where I'm going.
I may be thankful for him, teaching me the language and history of this realm and while I do care for him, I'd rather not delay the creation of my weapon.
(Time skip)
10 minutes of searching
After using the elements of speed and light to sneak out of the city I came across a rocky clearing a few miles away from the city. It was isolated no serpentine no humans.
Akira: " this seems like a good enough place to make the weapon it might not be the best place, but I'd rather not get too far from the city, no matter if I have the element of speed or not, with Arcturus and the other serpentine generals out in about filing the elemental masters, no one should notice my departure, I should have more than enough time to make my weapon."
Akira:" I want it to look similar to the original golden weapons with their dragon like design, but also unique."
Using my own golden power, I started making the weapon.
(Time skip)
Any sentence that has( ) will be things that the weapon can do, but might not be shown until later chapters
After over 15 hours of changing the design of the weapon and deciding its function, I've finally finished it.
A beautifully crafted Naginata, its pole arm adorned with intricate dragon scale patterns. The blade itself is looks as if it's forged from pure, shimmering gold, reflecting light with an almost an ethereal glow.
There is a dragon head on the end of the staff opposite of the blade, near the base of the blade is a slot that can hold the scroll of for forbidden Spinjitzu. The weapon resonates with a subtle internal energy, a silent promise of untapped potential.
I decided to make it a neutral weapon with no element with the ability to act as a conduit, allowing any elemental power to flow through it, it will amplify the power of the channeled element, making it more potent and focused.
This will allow the weapon to be used for diverse combat strategies as the wheeler can adopt to any opponents, elemental, strengths, or weaknesses.
It will enhance Spinjitzu granting the user a significant boost in speed, power and control. (it will also allow for the user to use. Spinjitzu burst in any environment, regardless of terrain or obstacles)
When wielding the weapon, it should allow for a novice spin it to user to achieve a level of power comparable to forbidden Spinjitzu, the dragon head is designed to hold the scroll of forbidden spinjutsu. ( with the scroll attached the weapon allows anyone, regardless of elemental abilities to wield the power of forbidden Spinjitzu).
It was beautiful, and it was MINE.
Using the element of form I channeled the power into the weapon to make seem like a normal Naginata, instead of gold it was now a grey/silver with purple accents.
Using the element of speed, I rushed back to Ouroboros.
Akira:' I need to get back before Arcturus does, he'll be pissed if he finds out that I left the city especially without supervision'
Speeding through the rocky plain I head into the forest which meant I was only a few miles away from the desert where the city was located.
While speeding through the woods I heard a conversation happening not too far away, slowing down to a crawl I took some time to think about whether I should take a look, curiosity took over and I went in the direction of the sound, which was a bit farther than I originally thought, though that would be thanks to my draconic senses already being superior to that of a serpentine.
As I slithered closer I noticed that three figures walking along the forest, as my purple eyes dilated into slits.
Akira: ' Elemental masters what are they doing so far from home? Let's from what I can my senses the masters of ice, shadow, and lightning.
(Klimer master of ice)
(Libber master of lightning)
(Lyra master of shadow)
Akira:' oh I really want to fight them its been so boring staying in Ouroboros not really doing anything of note, but if I don't get there before old Pop-pops he'll be pissed, ••••well he'll be very pissed that I not only snuck out of the city but also fought elemental masters'
Akira: " The true question is will it be worth it? "
Akira:"•••Fuck yes it will, okay now I just need a plan"
As I observe the elementals from my hidden position, walking through the forest taking about whatever they were talking about I'm not paying attention such boring things, I can't help but having the urge to tease them.
With a sly grin I deliberately slither over a pile of brittle twigs, creating a snapping sound loud enough to get their attention.
(3rd pov)
As the elemental masters were walking through the forest hoping to find a serpentine camp to gather information they suddenly heard a snapping sound.
(SNAP!) (Crack)
The elementals immediately reacted to the sound, their conversation cut short, as they turned to the source, Klimer began to speak.
Klimer:" What was that?!"
Libber:" It's probably just a deer. Relax, Klimer."
Lyra using her element felt something was off.
Lyra:" No. . . somethings not right."
Akira hidden in what are pretty sizable bushes especially for a serpent her size, that being not much smaller than the average Anacondrai, giggled mischievously.
Limer::" We should check it out, just to be safe, you never know what's out in these woods it may be a creature who sees us as prey."
Libber:"It's going to be fine let's just keep going, at most it's just a deer."
Lyra:"And at worst?"
As they went toward the sound Akira decided to lead them into a nearby clearing where there weren't as many trees. Making more sounds such as breaking twigs on the ground and ruffling bushes with her clawed hands.
Libber:" We've been following this thing for over 5 minutes, I'm pretty sure it's just some animal"
Lyra:" She is right we're just wasting our time following it we need get back on track so we ca-"
The sound of metal hitting stone can to their ears, it wasn't very loud but its high pitch made it very irritating.
Klimer: whether it is a animal or not it trying to get our attention, whatever it is get ready for a fight"
As they get past the brush and into the clearing they see a young large serpentine with mainly gray/silver scales and purple eyes, scraping what seemed to be a Naginata's blade against a medium sized rock.
They just stared at each other. . . .
Libber:"It's a serpentine but what kind is it?"
Klimer:"I don't know it's not one I've seen before."
Lyra:"it doesn't matter right now, we should proceed with caution."
Akira:" You know I can hear you right? I mean you're acting like I'm not even here and I think that's pretty rude of you."
(Akira pov)
They looked pretty surprised that I heard them, but that's the least of their problems because I want to fight, I have to finish this fast though but not too fast.
Akira:"There's no need for us to fight" I said with a calm tone." Why don't we just go our separate ways?"
The master of ice hesitated, unsure of whether to trust my words.
Klimer:" That sounds reasonable" he said cautiously.
What they didn't notice was how I slightly coiled up enough for a lunge, and just as he finished talking I struck.
As I lunged forward, my Naginata blurred through the air, I aimed for his chest fast enough for too not try to block it, but slow enough for him dodge.
As he nearly fell over trying to dodge my attack, the lightning master helped him to his feet.
Master of lightning:" Klimer! Are you okay?"
Klimer:" I'm fine Libber, just a bit shaken, she's fast be careful, Lyra try to use your shadows to confuse her."
Well at least I know their names, they're. . . unique, anyways
My eyes filled with excitement. I twirled my staff around gaining their attention
Akira:" Well I lied obviously, I really wanna fight, so you have two options, come at me and fight or try to run and I'll catch up and fight you anyway."
I could see the irritation in their eyes at my supposed arrogance, oh how I enjoyed this the last time I fought was the first realm not long after the battle between a great dragon warrior who was having a tantrum and a two headed dragon.
It was interesting to watch.
Akira:" sorry were you saying something? I was thinking about what I would eat once I'm home."
Libber instantly began to zap me with lightning, which I blocked with my staff some it tickled my arm but other than that it didn't hurt at all.
Channeling a small, but unnoticeable amount of my own lightning into my weapon, I move my Naginata in a way that makes it look like I deflected her lightning.
The lightning passes by Libber's ear just missing her head.
Libber yelped as she stumbled backwards.
Libber:" You little. . . " she began, her voice filled with rage.
Akira:" Is that all you've got sparky?" I taunted, my voice echoing through the clearing." I've been fireflies with more zap than you!"
Klimer, using his ice froze the blade of my weapon.
Akira:' ok I can either melt the ice or . . . yes I think I'll do just that'
I used the frozen end of the staff as a bludgeon, but instead of striking Klimer, I went for Kyra catching her off guard.
Kyra used her own short staff to try and block my strike, but the strength of the blow broke through the staff hitting her chest, launching her into a tree.
Libber:" Lyra! You dam snake, you're going to regret that!"
Akira:"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots." I said sarcastically." Come on then, show me what you got!"
Klimer used his power to make a wall of ice in between Libber and I, I suddenly lunged towards him, a blur in their eyes Klimer cried out as the unfrozen blade of my Naginata made a shallow cut across his arm, deep enough to draw blood.
As he fell to the floor I used the blunt end of my weapon to knock him out, I saw Libber helping Lyra up, I could see bruises forming from where I struck.
As they looked in my direction I saw their eyes widen as they saw their friend lying on the ground unconscious.
Libber:"Alright snake you wanna fight, I'll give you a fight!"she said her hands glowing blue crackling with small amounts of lightning, her eyes glowing a faint blue.
Akira:" so far your dance moves have been terrible"
Lyra:" Libber calm down, she stronger than us we need to fight together."
As I watched Lyra trying to calm Libber, I began to wonder whether I should show a elemental power.
Akira:' It would obviously have to be one that they've never seen before, if I were to use an element that already has a wielder they'll no doubt ask Wu or Garmadon about it, which means they might make the assumption that I'm not a serpentine at all at worst, half serpentine at best.'
As I was thinking, they began their attack.
(3rd pov)
Libber rushing towards Akira, her fists covered with crackling lightning as she tried to strike only for Akira to catch her arm, Lyra came out of the shadows and kicked her in the face causing her to instinctively let go of Libber's arm.
Akira:" so now you decide to fight." she said with a crazed smile, only for her to notice that there were shadows everywhere.
Akira' why don't I feel like I'm forgetting something important?' she suddenly looked up at the sky and noticed the sun was setting.
Akira " well shit it looks like we're going to have to end this early, I'm on a time crunch here, oh well see you soon maybe next time you'll actually put up a fight." She says as she begins to slither away towards the forest.
The two elemental masters were shocked by the statement, Libber in particular was offended by the comment.
Libber:" You think that you can just walk away, no you don't get too" she said as she began to charge towards Akira.
Kyra:" Libber stop!"
As Libber jumped into the air her hands once again glowed an electric blue preparing to strike.
(Akira pov)
As I noticed Libber coming at me for an attack I finally decided the perfect element to use.
As she jumped into the air, my hands started to glow a purpleish-magenta, and as I turned around an octagonal pattern shimmered into existence, its edges humming with power.
The air around my hands began to have a slight distortion.
Akira:' well might as well add some cliché." As I finished turning I moved my right hand towards Libber.
Akira:" SHOCKWAVE! "
Libber's eyes widened as she was hit near point blank with my power, launched into one of the trees, a loud cracking sound was heard, the sound of a one of the thinner trees snapping, Lyra watched in silent shock as this was no doubt her first time seeing a serpentine with elemental power.
Akira:"be thankful that she only hit one of the smaller trees otherwise she wouldn't be walking out of here, at least not with her legs."
With a burst of non-elemental speed I rushed into a deeper part of the forest and once I was far enough I used the element of speed to rush through the forest into the desert and towards Ouroboros.
That's the first chapter I might have made it harder for myself over explaining things but I tried my best. Please let me know how you liked it.
Also this is her spinjutsu tornado
As for the name of the custom golden weapon I haven't decided yet, I might go for Vortex edge or Whirlwind edge but idk.