Chapter 29: 'You reap just what you sow' Chapter 29
He came barging into his office to find him sitting on the couch,holding his head with both hands, sighing heavily.He couldn't care less about the apparent glum expression on his boss's face. He had it coming after returning to Vegas alone and hurt.
"Stop shouting your head off." Taehyung asserted in a whisper. The on going buzzing in his heavy head,the interminable flapping of his heart were smashing his frame of mind. He had made the most arduous decision of his life and the least he expected was some peace and quiet,if not some sort of understanding.
Yosef was fit to be tied with his irrational behaviour but managed to tame his rage for a while. He took a seat at the edge of the desk, opposite the boss and rubbing his forehead he said." Explain why Jungkook isn't here. Why did you come alone looking like a crying pussy? I vouch not to break your idiotic head. Come on, I'm all ears." he urged him.
" I just couldn't do it..I chickened out..I got cold feet and I ran." Taehyung admitted faintly. His eyebrows were drawn up in the inner corners,looking away. His jaw muscles clenched and one side of his mouth was raised, hunching over his defeat.
" What else is new? What is it with you and running away? Do I have to glue your feet to one place to stop you from running?" He tousled his hair and continued." Did you see him? Was he alone or with that moron? Did you talk? Confessed? What happened between you two? And most importantly why,why did you come without Jungkook?"
" Don't want to talk about it."
" Well,you don't get to weasel out of this so you'd better start talking buster!" He had no intention of backing out and was curious to know how the hell he fucked up.. again! It was becoming a habit and a nasty one!
" You're not gonna let this go,are you?" His constant questioning was testing his endurance and crashing his patience. His grief was enough to have Yosef bombing him with whys.
" Not a chance!" he confirmed strictly,his gaze piercing through his boss.
Taehyung huffed, rubbing his jaw." Promise me not to lose your temper.. I've had enough shouting to last for a lifetime."
" Can't make any promises but I'll give it a shot." that was the best he could do!
Taehyung reluctantly told him the whole story from the moment he stepped foot in that venue till the morning he left. Yosef facepalmed himself and getting up,he gave Taehyung a hard smack in the head.
" Shit head! You're a fucken dump shit! In all the years I've been dealing with idiots you're by far the biggest! Daft prick!" He was about to lose his mind over this!" You actually bought his fucken lies? The guy was clearly trying to get rid of the competition and since Jungkook doesn't love him and he doesn't stand a chance, he thought of messing with your head and you let him get to you. How many times have we dealt with smart asses like him? How many times have we nailed them to the wall? Huh?Creating doubts is part of his job description. He's a freaking cop! We eat assholes like him for breakfast!"
" Yosef it's over. Done..I did what I thought best for Jungkook. I've spent all my life protecting my brother from danger. Don't ask me to risk Jungkook's safety because I can't breathe without him. I can't be selfish."
" And you prefer you be miserable, crying about your love, hugging a bloody bourbon? We can protect him. All of us. Keep him safe. We won't let anything happen to him!Nobody is gonna dare to mess with your husband."
Taehyung chuckled at the husband part. If anyone had told him that, a year ago he would have laughed but the idea of having a husband to come home to was so appealing." We can't protect him 24/7 and you know it. It's too risky and Jungkook is too hard headed to deal with my way of living."
" That's bullshit and you know it!" he threw back at him." There's always a way and I'm damn sure Jungkook would accept it if it meant being with you."
" It's over! It's finished! Let it go and get off my back, will you?"
" I'm up to here with your nonsense. You're scared stiff and use his safety as an excuse to hide your fears. He loves you. He'd go through fire to be with you. He'd go against his family,move to another continent and start over only for you! Idiot! Butt head!" He didn't even realise he was pacing back and forth,moving his hands up and down." You had one chance" he waved his index finger at him." Just one..more than any of us had or will have. One of us morons,scams of the earth has the opportunity to actually be happy.. and.. and you fucked it up. So don't come crying to me when Jungkook decides to follow your advice and find another man or accepts SeenHe."
Taehyung, sinking down on the couch was ogling at the floor unable to face Yosef for the truth of his words which were a cold knife,sharp, precise and impossible to ignore. His face wilted and shattered,twisted in the unbearable pain of loss.
" It's not that easy, Yosef. How am I supposed to bring the son of a cop into the lion's den?How will the others react? Did you forget who we are? What we do?"
" They love you jackass! They'd do anything for you and I think we'd all love Jungkook. He must be an amazing person to have V completely at his mercy." he tried to convince his friend." His family would be an ocean away and they won't interfere. And the boys won't object cause they actually want what's best for you. You've been there for everyone since day one. You have helped them,gave them a home,a job,a purpose. They wouldn't disappoint you!Think about it."
The older tossed his head backwards, shutting his heavy eyes." The organisation will be pissed if they find out I'm with the son of a cop. Haruto made sure I wasn't an active member and I wouldn't be bothered by them but that doesn't mean they'll be pleased. How can I protect him against the Yakuza ?"
" You've got your ways to deal with them like you did in the past. I won't say it will be a piece of cake but Haruto had strong bonds with the most powerful members within and they will back you up if and I quote "If" that happens.!"
"'s different.. they'll object and won't leave us at peace. No, I can't do that to him." he insisted, rubbing his clenched jaw.
" Stubborn as a mule! You're too much!"
He didn't realise he was alone again until the door closed with a loud bang. Perhaps Yosef was right. He was an idiot for letting him go and not trying to make this work. Taehyung could protect him. Nobody would dare mess with him,his retaliations would be severe. They would end up dead and buried before they could blink.
On the other hand,it wasn't just his own enemies but the organisation as well. Except for Jungkook's life his entire family including his own,would be exposed to danger. No,he had to protect them all. He was determined even if it meant living a life dipped in misery.
Days turned to weeks and Taehyung continued his meaningless life in a funk. None of his friends bothered him,asked questions but behaved rather casually as if everything was normal.Yosef would deliberately avoid him, exchanging a few words only about business during meetings and every time they crossed paths in the casino Yosef would just shake his head in disappointment and look the other way.
Daytime was bearable as he was pored over work,dividing his time between running the casinos and visiting the doctor or taking long drives to nowhere. He couldn't help but ponder if Jungkook was doing well,or how he was handling his rejection. If that bastard was still in his life, taking advantage of his absence.
Negative thoughts were swarming in his head making him edgy. He couldn't find a moment of tranquility. Even in the silence of his sleep his mind hummed with the sweet melody of his euphoric voice. Jungkook was the yellow wrinkled photograph that time hadn't faded. A piece of yesterday. A part of the past, present and future so vivid and colourful but distant and untouchable.
Another day had passed and the night had spread its wings over the bustling city, emphasizing its vibrant rhythm and glamorous lifestyle.Taehyung, swaggering the vast casino,convulsing from the obsessed gamblers and enthusiastic people exploring it,took care of one last problem that required his undivided attention and went straight to his penthouse.
A hot shower gave him relaxation and removed the dirt of the dumbasses he was dealing with. Jungkook's photos were there, reminding him he was doomed in spending his life with imagining him instead of touching him.
" Tough night..the men are treating me like I'm porcelain and I'm gonna break..Yosef is simply ignoring me. If he could,he would punch me straight up! And here I am talking to a photo." He shook his head and twirled it around to get rid of the stiffness in his neck." How the fuck did I end up here? Trapped in the dark unable to escape.. I couldn't get away evenIf I wanted to..but I could, right? Sell everything and return to Seoul to be the CEO and only that.." He shook his head." wouldn't past will always haunt me…and then you..No, it's best I left."
He didn't bother putting on clothes,his boxer was sufficient. He tried to get some sleep but it was proven impossible. Twisting and turning in bed,every time he shut his eyes Jungkook would appear,making it hard to ease his mind and his cock. Hard as a fucken rock in the Grand Canyon!
He dealt with that every single night. His hormones were having a ball seriously testing his patience! After an hour of ignoring his arousal,he threw his boxer on the floor, fisting his aching dick, hissing and moaning. His other hand pinched his nipples in turns,slowly dragging his palm over the scorching flesh of his stomach, reaching lower and his fingertip rubbed the drenched tip of his cock, pressing it vigorously.
" Fuck! Fuck!" he cursed through gritted teeth,cocking his head to the right and biting his lips. A loud,sharp bawl slipped away while his palm was tantalising his hard-on,tugging up and down in razor sharp moves. Cupping and squeezing his balls,his head moved rapidly from left to right,up and down, screaming in ecstasy. The finger again began tormenting his cock head while jerking and pushing the foreskin down,releasing strings of precum on his hand and stomach." I fucken love you! I want you so much..I need your mouth around my cock.. sucking me,,your tongue licking me..I need to pound that hole till..till it bleeds.."
His heart was racing and irregularly pounding in his throbbing chest and he was so horny,he was barely holding his orgasm. His eyes drifted towards the photo of Jungkook on the nightstand and stayed there." Fuck baby.. I'm gonna cum..for always make me shoot.." His back bend, toes curled,legs stretched , eyes pinned on Jungkook and a massive load of cum gushed out of the twitching dick.
He was biting his lips so hard they actually bled,tasting the metallic flavour. Trembling hands grabbed the photo, pressing it on his heart. " without" he cried out in despair. Jungkook could have been there,holding him, hugging him,making love to him the way he did that night.
Taehyung finally realised he was getting more pleasure out of making sweet love than giving pain as a master. What he always waited for in his wretched life was him.
Jungkook. His first and last,true love.
His heart couldn't fall in love because it was waiting for him. He couldn't touch another man before or continue to spend his nights with women because he'd betrayed his own master.
The master of his heart and body.
With the photo pressed against his chest, eluding a peculiar warmth,his hand kept tormenting his hard cock,pushing up and down in an excruciatingly slow rhythm, enjoying the pleasure,feeling the heat of his body filling him with intense energy.
His nights were a persistent arousal of the mind and body. A part of Kookie was his sole companion through painful, dark paths. And he'd better get used to it.
Until that day came.
The day his heart stopped beating.
The day his scarce hopes were crushed by the cruel reality.
The day he came face to face with the consequences of his decision.
The casino was bustling with visitors, drinking, laughing, gambling and having fun. Taehyung,in his office along with his men, were discussing the creation of yet another new casino and he was ready to announce certain changes in their operation. He had endured enough killing the past twenty years and he had decided to stick only to beating. He didn't want to lose face among the scrupulous criminals in Vegas. He had a reputation to maintain.
" I know you're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you and if any of you have objections I can understand but my decision is made. No more killings. We have other gangs and the cops breathing in our back waiting for a screw up and I won't risk destroying everything we have built. You can of course continue other activities but no more blood in our hands."
He was prepared for an outburst of shouting and objecting however his announcement was well received by his men. Nobody questioned his decision. Nobody made any kind of rude remark.
" It was about time!" Adrian blurted out." I've spent a fortune on new suits from the blood stains."
" Yeah! They're so hard to remove. I had to throw away half my shirts. And I love my shirts!" Mason added, wiggling his shoulders."They're so trendy!"
Alexander chuckled." Thank God! I'm so done with doing your laundry! You're too messy! You can't even kill properly."
" Good choice boss." Ryker gave him a thumbs up." Maybe now the cops will get off our backs and leave us the fuck alone."
Taehyung was stunned and puzzled by their reaction to his announcement and thought they'd go berserk at the prospect of not killing! Because that was what they did best. Beating the shit out of people and then killing them. No questions asked!
" So you're ok with it. Don't have any problem." he stated just to be on the safe side.
" Yeah that's cool." Adrian nodded,glancing at his friends and speaking on behalf of them.
Yosef was as quiet as a mouse,tapping his fingers on his knee and foot on the floor. He was still too damn peevish to glance at him,let alone speak so he kept his mouth shut. Guy was trying to figure out why the sudden change and put his crazy thoughts in order. V was different. They knew that! He had dramatically changed over the last year and after that incident at the mountains, Guy was keeping a close eye on him.
" Is that all? Can we go now?" Yosef asked, slightly rude, darting his gaze from V.
Mason elbowed him, knitting his eyebrows."What the fuck is wrong with you? You didn't say a word."
" Got nothing to say." He blew a huff, standing up and quickly stepped out of the office, banging the door behind him.
Taehyung was about to call him back as he couldn't stand his silence anymore when received a message from his brother.
' Jungkook is getting married in two months. I thought you should know since you did everything to make sure he becomes happy. I hope this pleases you,dear brother.'
The room felt like closing in around him. Anger thrummed through his veins,blood was drained, overpowering him. His face contorted with rage and harrowing pain,balling his fists by the sides. Eyes squinting,brows pulling together,teeth hurting from clenching his jaw,his stomach stiffening, breath barely coming out.
His Jungkook was getting married.
The love of his life would belong to another man in two months.
And he practically pushed him into that.
Should he feel betrayed? Most importantly did he have the right to? How could Jungkook commit himself to someone else so soon after him? Was it SeenHe? Was he the chosen one? Or did he meet a man who he fell in love with at first sight?
His mind was fuzzy and blurry and concentrating or thinking rationally was out of the question." Out." It was a faint whisper at first and nobody heard it." Out..get out." he tried to make his voice audible but it didn't comply."OUT! ALL OF YOU! GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!"
His friends were jaw-dropped at his shouting,the agony visible in eyes,completely dismayed and kept staring at him, confused and still.
Taehyung's wrath was out of control. He weaved his way across the room,a mask of rage and pain coating his face,snarling and blaring as his hands flipped chairs, the round, marble coffee table,a small leather couch blocking his way and his glassy desk, scattering the objects on it,smashing them to pieces. His foot thrashed on the black, leather chair,kicking it towards Adrian,who flinched and gasped,bending down to avoid the hit.
Guy took a few steps in an attempt to calm him before hurting himself but Mason's hand stopped him in his tracks." Stay put. Don't."
" But he's out of it!" Guy responded,tugging his hand.
" Let him. Whatever it is, he needs to get it out of his system."
"GET THE FUCK OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He harshly pushed them to the door and out the corridor,roaring and screaming,locking it behind him. The ceaseless banging,the loud voices of plead were heard in the far distance and were automatically ignored as the man seemed to be in a trance.
Whatever was left in place was violently hurled and smashed to pieces. The room was jammed with broken glasses and furniture.Taehyung's hoarded agony had finally found a way of expressing his misery,agony and devastation.
His gaits,fast and sloppy, traipsing through the broken mass of objects,weeping and yelling,cursing himself so gratingly it shook the whole room.His soul was experiencing heartening affliction,a darting pain,too much to bear and impossible to tame,making him utterly detached from reality.
His temples were throbbing,head spinning like crazy,his breath clogged in his throat and every attempt to let it out stung like poisonous, piercing blades. Knees cringed from the unbearable weight of his loss and as a result he collapsed on the floor between the broken glasses.
Huddled on the ground,hands roughly hooked around his knees, cradling his body like a wounded child,he failed to notice the sharp piece of glass pressed deeply into his wrist,thick,red blood surging out and dripping on the floor.
He couldn't feel anything except the racking ache in his condemned soul. His teary eyes,heavy and misty, slowly shutting the world out, transferring him to a different, less painful dimension.
" Jungkook.." was the last word he lisped breathlessly before surrendering to the awaiting abyss.
His men were outside the office, jumbled up and dipped in worry. Hearing their boss's heartbreaking screams and cries,seeing him enraged was so unforeseen. Mason was standing absolutely still, leaning his back on the wall. Alexander kept banging at the door, pleading V to open it. Adrian was pacing back and forth in the dim corridor, occasionally ruffling his hair. Ryker's eyes were glued to the heavy door,steeped in concert.
Those men,tough and obscure,capable of handling the most dangerous and demanding situations, seemed inadequate to face this one.
" We have to do something." Alexander fretted, his hand insisted on knocking on the door.
" Let's break the fucken door." Guy suggested,closing the distance between him and the door.
"How will we do that wise guy? We ain't Superman!"Ryker goaded Guy,who was in a frenzy, trying to knock down the heavy door with his shoulder.
" It's locked. Do you know how much power it needs? You'll dislocate your shoulders,dump shit!" Mason answered calmly. Of course he was extremely worried about V but someone had to be calm.
" And what do you suggest? Leave him alone? Do nothing? Should I remind you what happened at the mountains?" Guy exclaimed,taking sharp breaths to suck in the pain on his shoulders from hitting the door.
" I haven't forgotten." Mason rubbed his forehead." I've got a better idea." He pressed the tiny earphone with his index finger and…
Yosef was having the worst night ever! He was agitated,irked but above all his guts were screaming that something bad was gonna happen. Unable to concentrate,his cuckoon was too stifling and he couldn't function, shouting at everyone present.
" Are you fucken stupid? Can't do anything by yourselves? I have to be here 24/7 to control everything? You check the monitors, not your goddamn phones. I don't give a shit if your house is on fire! Eyes on the screens! Fucken morons!" The loud banging of his hands on the desk scared the shit of the five people present.He would have continued snubbing if he wasn't cut off by Mason's voice in his ear.
" WHAT?"
" We need you upstairs. V had an outburst and locked himself in his office. It's bad, Yosef."
Yosef threw 'a fuck me', jumped up and rushed to the upstairs floor. The rest were gathered outside V's office,looking like someone had died." What happened? Where is he?"
Alexander rushed to answer, shaking." He started shouting and breaking things and shoved us out. I think.. he's in trouble Yosef."
The man twirled the round handle and cursed again. It was locked and the key was most likely inside the key cylinder. Scanning the area around the door his eyes caught a glimpse of the keypad on the right side. His own instalment in case of an emergency. His index finger hurriedly pressed the code,a beeping was heard and the door immediately unlocked.
Wasting no time,the door was pushed aside and he stormed in, facing absolute chaos. Flipped furniture,smashed glasses scattered everywhere and a squirmed, unconscious Taehyung on the floor in a pool of blood.
" Fuck man! What have you done to yourself?" He watched in numbed horror, face still,eyes blazing, imprisoned by fear. Rushing to him, leaning down he quickly picked him up, neglecting to check his pulse and ran outside, yelling."CALL A FUCKEN DOCTOR! NOW!"
Drops of blood venting along his path as Taehyung was carried upstairs to his penthouse and placed on the bed in the guest room, knowing V wouldn't want any of them to see his bedroom.Alexander was crying following Yosef and the others and at the same time calling the doctor. They were dealing with a heartbreaking scene and seeing him so helpless and vulnerable made their blood icy cold and drained from their body.
" Guy, get me something to tie his wrist." He ordered the man who untied his own tie and passed it over to him. Yosef wrapped it around his wrist and pressed it tightly to stop the blood flow.
" Is he gonna be ok?" Adrian asked with a broken voice.
" How the hell should I know?" he threw back at him." I'm not a fucken doctor."
" Check his pulse." Mason ordered rather squeaky.
Yosef placed the tip of his index and middle finger on the groove of his neck, careful not to press it and thank god it was there." It's faint but he's breathing. Don't know for how long if the doctor doesn't get his butt here." He sat by his side,blood staining on his jeans and tried to put his jumbled thoughts in order. What triggered this? What made him act so irresponsible and irrational?
He turned to Mason who seemed to be the calmest of all." Tell me what happened after I left."
" He got a message and then snubbed. He told us to get lost and started breaking things and shouting." the man explained.
" What message? What did it say?"
" Beats me. His phone is downstairs. I didn't see it."
" Go get it and tell them to clean the place. Not a word of this to anyone. We keep it between us."
Mason nodded and a few minutes later he returned with the phone in his hands,handing it over to Yosef who checked the messages, coming across one from his brother. His suspicions became reality reading it. Jungkook was getting married. He was tying the knot with another man.
No wonder Taehyung lost it and ended up hurting himself. That fucken idiot! They say be careful what you wish for because it might come true! Yosef cursed, throwing the phone away. Guilt overtook him and heaved. Perhaps if he hadn't turned his back on him due to his anger and kept insisting, Taehyung wouldn't be in this situation.
His eyes landed on the unconscious man, pale and lifeless. The expensive grey suit and white shirt he was wearing had huge clots of blood which kept gushing out with less force than before.
He removed the jacket slightly lifting his upper body up and threw it away then uncuffed it pulling it up. Even though he was used to the sight of blood Taehyung 's made him shiver.
For the first time Yosef embraced the feeling of helplessness and it stung. He hated not being able to help his friend and guilt was easily detected in his face." Where the hell is the doctor?"he asked Mason who was standing near the door, eyes stuck on the man covered in blood but got no answer. Alexander was still crying with Guy trying to comfort him. Adrian simply stared, unable to grasp the scene unfolding before his eyes and Ryker was downstairs taking care of everything.
" Alex,stop crying and call the doctor again." His voice held worry and rage." What's taking him so long? Did you tell him it was a fucken emergency?"
Alexander's mouth opened and closed the moment the doctor escorted by Ryker arrived and Alexander didn't get the chance to answer. He walked in, holding his bag and a huge medical kit.
" Doc he's breathing but.." Yosef stood up abruptly and the doctor signalled him to calm down while approaching Taehyung.
" It's gonna be fine Yosef.Leave me alone with him."
" I'm not going anywhere,doc." Yosef replied firmly,hands shaking and breath coming out sharp despite the doctor's reassurance.
From the stubborn look on his face it was evident he wouldn't back out so he nodded and added." The rest of you can go."
The men unwillingly left, shutting the door on their way out but remained outside, waiting for news about his condition. Inside the room the doctor carefully cleaned the wound using antiseptics,stitched him up and bandaged the area and also gave him a tetanus shot just in case.
" I've done the best I can. I've given him antibiotics. I'll write you a prescription so make sure he gets them and change his bandage regularly. The cut wasn't severe and he didn't lose a lot of blood. What happened Yosef?" Doctor Jackson was a personal friend and the one treating them when injured.
" I don't know doc. I wasn't there when he.."
"Don't stress yourself.Keep an eye on him please. There's a chance he might do it again." He tapped his back." I'll stop by tomorrow but if anything happens in the meantime call me."
" Why isn't he awake yet?"
" I gave him some sedatives so he'll be sleeping for hours. Feed him properly and give him lots of fluids. Ok?"
Yosef nodded." Thanks doc."
As soon as the doctor left, the man walked outside into the hallway and informed the others. He gave them specific instructions on what to do, sent Guy to buy the drugs and asked him to take his place in the monitor room to supervise the others.Alexander insisted on staying, however Yosef told him to handle Taehyung 's appointments and take care of anything that would come up without giving as much of a hint of his condition.
" What should I tell them? He's got appointments all day." Alexander,in spite of his usual efficiency and remarkable self control seemed too lost.
" Just..tell them he's on an unexpected business trip..out of the country. Go!"he pointed at the exit.
None of them wanted to leave but they had the casinos to run and nobody could suspect anything regarding V's condition. Heavy footsteps were heard inside the room,Yosef sat on the glassy chair at the left side of the bed, elbows resting on his legs with his hands cupping his disturbed face.
Fear tightened his chest,made his hands tremble,stole his breath and grief hollowed out his body. He had dealt with worse than this but never allowed them to affect him. This however was different. His friend,his saviour, was lying on the bed after trying to slit his wrists. The powerful V looked so fragile and the sight frightened him. He was their pillar. The strongest of all of them. And look at him now.
" Why man? Why? We would have found a solution. Kidnapped if we had too..we wouldn't let him get married..why? Idiot!"
He sat there thinking and wondering with no apparent answer. An hour later,he stood up,made headway to the bed wanting to get rid of everything that reminded him of today's events.
Unbuttoning the white shirt his eyes fell on Taehyung's chest and his jaw dropped as his eyes widened.'Jungkook's ' was tattooed above his heart and his eyes felt teary as he blinked. V loved Jungkook so deeply he had a tattoo of his name as a recognition of that love. He'd never thought he'd see the day that the notorious V would be crazy,madly in love! Yet it was an undisputed fact.
He rubbed his forehead and a heavy sigh left his mouth,shaking his head. He gently took off the stained shirt and pulled down his pants, shoes and socks, gathering the pile of clothes and taking them to the bathroom. He grabbed two towels,a bottle of blitz and returned to the room. He used the first to clean the blood from Taehyung's body, gently so as not to disturb his sleep.
After wiping the blood from the floor he threw the towels in the dustbin,checked his temperature, thankfully he didn't have a fever and covered him with the quilt but didn't leave. He took a seat on the same chair and kept his eyes glued to him as if he was afraid he might vanish. Taehyung, although he was sleeping,he looked frail and stiff as if someone had sucked the life out of him.
Yosef was seriously tempted to call his brother,tell him about the incident and find out if Jungkook's marriage was in fact true because he himself found it extremely weird not to say suspicious. He quickly dismissed it because V would be furious if he knew. Hyunjin appearing here would complicate things,making them worse.
Time crawled,the sky turned from bright to pitch dark and the clock on the nightstand chimed midnight. Each tick tock,a loud thunder in his heart. Alexander and Guy called him every half an hour so did the rest. He didn't know what to tell them apart from ' he's sleeping and don't you come up.'
Suddenly the craziest idea popped up in his head and he was so tempted to execute it. He slithered his eyes towards the door and although his mind was screaming no,his curiosity was yelling the opposite.
Taehyung was still in a deep slumber and he wasn't in danger of being caught in the act so he checked him up one more time before marching outside the guest room, heading towards the main bedroom. Thankfully it was unlocked but he was unprepared for what he was about to see entering.
The whole room was a shrine dedicated to Jungkook. So elegant and peaceful.Huge pictures of him hanging on the walls,photos on almost every furniture. The bed was made for two. Even the closet contained clothes especially for him. At that precise moment Yosef realised the depth of Taehyung's love for him. He wasn't only madly in love,he was obsessed. Seriously and undeniably obsessed!
Taking a closer,more detailed look of the younger 's face he smiled. The boy was stunningly gorgeous! He had the most extraordinary,bright smile. His eyes,sparkly and captivating, were like speaking straight to your soul.
He could now clearly see why they trapped V, entangled him in his mysterious web. Only a beauty like him could mesmerize V to that extent. He possessed a cuteness and pureness that was extremely rare in their world. As if he was an angel. A mythical, spiritual creature that hypnotized you the moment your eyes caught a glimpse of him.
His idiotic friend was the biggest moron on the planet! You don't walk away from a beauty like him. You keep him for good and make sure you give him love and affection every moment of every day, thanking your good luck for having him.Yosef would be a damn fool to let someone else have him.
No! Kim Jungkook belonged to Taehyung!
Yosef left the room having made his decision and was clueless to the fact that his action would have a tremendous impact not only on Taehyung and Jungkook but to all of them.
Grabbing the phone,he dialed a specific number and after three rings it was answered.
" Hello.. I'm Yosef Taehyung 's friend from Vegas...we need to talk."