Chapter 30: 'Stay alive' Chapter 30
Drenched in cold sweat and with a pulsating heart pumping in his chest,Taehyung woke up in a state of panic, disoriented from the nightmare,unsure where he was or what was real. The dream disturbing his sleep seemed so vivid it gave him a throbbing headache, piercing his temples and blocking his clear sight.
His fuzzy,half opened eyes drifted from one side of the ceiling to the other, realising his strange surroundings. He wasn't in his room. As he attempted to pull up his body,his hand stung like piercing needles and something was definitely wrong!
He tried to remember the last thing he did and the realization crashed his body! He was in his office,smashing everything blocking his way after his brother's message.Jungkook..his Jungkook was getting married! It wasn't a nightmare but a harsh reality! One he had brought upon him when he once again abandoned him to give him the chance of a better life.
He curiously raised his hand, bringing it closer to his face. He frowned seeing it bandaged. Bloody hell! Did he injure himself during his outburst? A wince shook his body when a familiar face stood right above his head like the Grim Reaper!
" I'll be damned! Look who finally decided to wake up! Welcome back to the world of the living!" The mocking undertone clearly indicated Yosef was still very much pissed!
" What.." Taehyung coughed, shutting his eyes to the pain in his lungs."What happened? Where am I? Why is my hand..?"
" You don't remember?" He squirmed his eyebrows,poking his tongue, dipped in doubt if that was in fact true!" You had a breakdown. You're in the guest room and you managed to hurt yourself. Does that answer your questions?
" No..not really.."
Yosef gripped his hands on Taehyung's armpits, carefully lifting him up and making him lean his back on the headboard,tacking the pillows more comfortably. He dragged a chair closer to bed, sat down stretching his legs and gave him a pill with a glass of water.
" Drink this."
" What is it?"He took it in his hand but didn't drink it,just kept staring at it like it was poison.
" What does it look like? Antibiotics for your sorry ass! It will help you heal faster and avoid infection. Although after what you did,I should kill you myself!" he scowled, kind of irked."Take it!"
Taehyung gulped the pill with a few sips of water,darting his gaze from Yosef,then placed the glass back on the nightstand."I'd like to sleep more.. if you don't mind.I'm tired."
" I'd like to know why the hell did you make your office like a warzone." He lifted his finger to hush him." If it's because you learnt Jungkook is getting married,you had it coming,you moron!You walked out on him,told him to find someone else and set him free. If it's because you realised what an asshole you were, it's not too late to fix this. Go back to Seoul and stop this marriage. Kidnap him. It's simple. So which one is it?" He crossed his arms on his chest, tapping his foot on the floor.
Taehyung had no answer so his gaze wandered around the room,ending on the window behind the man's shoulder.He couldn't read Yosef's expression. He looked disappointed and irritated? Sad and disappointed? So he preferred to stay silent, squeezing the sheets.
" So I'm waiting." Yosef had no intention of having this conversation right now but recalling tbe scene of Taehyung totally helpless in a pool of blood,he couldn't control his tongue. He needed answers,he was gonna get them.
" You read my messages? You had no right invading my personal life!"
" Yeah, I sure did and that's the least of your problems."
Taehyung stirred in his place. He still couldn't look at him and preferred to keep his mouth shut, although Yosef didn't seem to want to drop the subject.
The man shook his head helplessly at his stubbornness." I'm running out of patience Taehyung. If this hasn't taught you a lesson and put some sense into your stupid brain,I don't know what will! He's getting married. You're losing him forever. There's no going back if he gets hitched. He'll be somebody else's husband. Share his bed." His eyebrows lifted and a deep sigh left his lips.
" I know ok? Don't you think I understand?" His voice trembled and heart stopped at the prospect of losing him.
" And what are you gonna do? Sit there and cry? Grieve? Slit your wrist again? Huh? What? Is this how you intend to spend the rest of your life? Do you think it's easy for us to see you like this? The men are so worried about you. Alexander is weeping like a baby..Guy is terrified..Adrian and Mason are trying to be strong..and Ryker " he tousled his hair." I don't know what he's thinking.. I could never tell!"
Taehyung leaned his head on the headboard, a guilty expression coated his pale face. He grasped his actions had an impact on his friends but he couldn't for the life of him remember cutting his wrist. He remembered breaking things and shouting and that feeling of despair but not that." I'm sorry for making you worry.. I expected Jungkook move on..I left him no choice..but hearing is different than imagining it. It happened sooner than expected."
" Are you happy now? This is what you wanted,what you fought for. How does it feel to know the person you love is slipping right through your fingers? And you are to blame for it?"
" I had to Yosef. It's too damn complicated."
" No. No, it's simple. You get your ass on the plane,fly to Seoul and you get your man!"
Taehyung bitterly chuckled. His eyes were steeped in sadness,ready to shed years,his lips had become a thin line and he was clutching onto the sheets for dear life." If certain he wants to get means he's thought this through and decided it was the best thing to do. I won't ruin his life again."
Yosef jumped up pushing his chair till he hit the wall,growling and pacing inside the four walls of the room that were now closing up around him.
" I can't! I can't understand what's going on in that head of yours! Are you that stupid? Haven't you learnt a damn thing? Life is too short to waste it! If you found love then you should hold on to it! Taste it. Treasure it. Not act superior and let it go to waste. How many of us can experience real love? Say they have found the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with? Noone. We're a bunch of losers,scared to open up,feel,love and here you are throwing your good luck away. And for what? For your damn pride!"
He paused trying to find the appropriate words that needed to be said." You don't have to have everything figured out. You don't have to fix every problem in a day. You just need to give yourself permission to live,feel,love without fear and guilt! Don't let darkness steal the light from you. Instead of letting negativity take over,decide to change your life and embrace what's been given to you. A man who loves,accepts you for who you are and is willing to stand by your side no matter what! Don't give up Taehyung..please."
Taehyung knew Yosef was right. He should fight for his love,claim it and keep it forever. It wasn't his pride that stopped him but the realisation and fear that eventually his decision to claim Jungkook would backfire and the younger would grow hating him. He had made the right decision and had to stick to it till the end.
" My mind is made up,Yosef. Say whatever you want. Shout as much as you want if it makes you feel better. Kill me if you want..the better for me."
Yosef gripped the chair, thrashing it on the floor but the man didn't flinch. On the contrary,he remained calm and stoic, allowing him to snap all he needed.
" I'm done with you. I'm out of here. I won't watch you destroying yourself." He turned around, walking to the door." I'll send Alexander up." He left without sparing him a glance because if he did he'd punch his face!
Taehyung was alone again,immersed in misery and grief. His eyes stared at his wrist,frowning. The crazy idea popping in his head was both scary and liberating. If he had done it once, he'd find the courage to do it again. Just two cuts and it would be over and done.
His torment would finish and wouldn't have to live with the knowledge his Jungkook belonged to someone else. He dragged his feet off the bed, leaned on his palms and slowly got up. His head was buzzing and the room was spinning but grabbing onto the wall,he took small steps towards the bathroom.
The moment his hand pushed the door open a voice startled him. " Where do you think you're going? Get your butt back in bed and stay there!"
Alexander was looking at the tall figure with anger and concern, pointing at the bed. Yosef had warned him to be cautious,not to leave him out of his sight for a single moment as he was afraid he'd try hurting himself again and Alexander was determined to do exactly that. He had to pull himself together,stop crying like a little baby,act strong and not break in front of V.
" Why can't I get a moment of peace? Why am I being punished?" Taehyung wondered out loud,scorning and unwillingly making a turn,plugging his feet back to bed.
" Because you're irresponsible and irrational and I can't handle seeing you bleeding." He tucked him under the covers,a rigid expression flashing on his face and grabbed another chair, sitting next to him.
" What were you gonna do in the bathroom?"
" Take a piss. Wanna watch?"
" Cut the bullshit V! I ain't buying it!"he threw back at him, crossing one leg over the other.
" Is this how it's gonna be from now on? I'll be under surveillance? You'll be monitoring my every move? When I eat,what I eat,where I go and what I do?"he asked fretted, stretching his legs on the soft mattress.
" If you continue acting like a brat,yeah."
" Alexander, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself. Don't need you or anyone else watching over me. We've got a business to run so go do your job."
The younger rolled his eyes in annoyance."Business is going great. Everything is being taken care of and you'll just have to put up with me.Take a nap and stop bugging me!" It was so stressful to pretend to be cool when inside him he was sizzling,having no clue as to what was happening to his boss or the reason behind his odd behaviour.
Sometimes Alexander thought it was best not knowing. His reaction might trigger a sequence of unexpected events and for the time being he was unprepared to deal with them. Something inside him itched that Yosef knew but his lips were sealed.
The truth was that Taehyung was feeling very tired and his eyes were closing. Moreover,he didn't want to talk further,explaining, analysing,defending his actions and being scolded for them. He preferred to sleep, avoid all the fuss and shut the world out. His mind was restless and his heart seemed shattered,bleeding uncontrollably.
He closed his eyes and forced himself into a deep slumber, gripping the sheets and taking in breaths to calm down. The only thing he wanted was to burst out crying but he had caused enough heartbreak to his friends and he didn't want them to see him sobbing.
His sleep was restless and he'd wake up every half an hour,refusing to open his eyes and face Alexander's questions and pissed attitude. He had his back turned towards Alexander,leaning on his left side feeling it numbing yet he dare not shift position. The injury in his wrist was itchy and slightly annoying but nothing compared to the clastening pain in his heart.
How could he live and breathe knowing the love of his life wasn't his? How and where would he find comfort as his happiness had grovelled through his hands? Jungkook was ready to start a new life,have a family and potentially children. Be happy and enjoy a carefree life with his chosen husband.
Taehyung hated that bastard! Every pore of his body was yapping to eliminate him. Wipe him out of the living,shipping him straight to bloody hell!He was grappling with his urges to fly to Seoul and claim his man! A tiny part of his jumbled mind was screaming that he had no right. Absolutely no right to destroy his happiness, dragging him into this shit hole he called life! Some life!
Eventually he did nothing! Days,weeks,a month flew by,finding Taehyung exactly in the same place. Locked up in his bedroom, shutting everything and everyone out! It didn't matter how much they all begged,yelled, warned him to open, he remained indifferent and inexpiable, sticking to his original decision.
What if the world was crumbling down, crashing him? If each day was as black pitch as the next one? If he spent sleepless nights,alone in his bed,dreaming of him,feeling him,seeing him as vivid as if he was actually there in the flesh?
If his body was begging,dying from the need to be touched by his warm hands? If his soul was aching and he resembled a zombie? A living dead?
Taehyung was set on defending his decision and thinking that if Jungkook was happy,it was worth his suffering. He had nothing left but a life of misery,regrets and bad decisions. And he was fine with it till the day his eyes fell on Jungkook's angelic face. Being too damn stupid to grasp the effects and changes in him,he had lost valuable time in refusing to recognise and accept the power of that boy on him.
Looking back,it was love at first sight but V was totally inexperienced when it came to feelings and love so he dealt with it the only way he knew. As a revenge and a challenge, stubbornly ignoring its existence.It took him fifteen more days to finally decide to show his face and return to work.
His friends confronted him with timidity,giving him a wide berth,unsure of how to deal with him. Taehyung on the other hand,seemed more withdrawn,infused in apathy and stolidity not caring and showing interest in discussing or solving the mystery concerning his outburst.
He was working his fingers to the bone hoping it would distract him from Jungkook's wedding. Needleless to say vit didn't work! Jungkook was present in every breath or step he took, more vivid than before. His mind couldn't get a second of peace, intensifying his frustration.
Five days before the wedding.
Taehyung was in his private gym,situated at the end of the corridor,next to his penthouse, aggressively thumping a punching bag, soaked in sweat,dismissing the light stinging in his wrist. The doctor had warned him to take it easy and rest. Let his wound heal but he was too nervy to stay put and do nothing.
He had done pull-ups, push-ups,squats and lunges,saving boxing for last. Yet,it seemed impossible to distract his mind from thinking. Jungkook's face was right there.. smiling,giggling,talking to him. Taehyung was certain he was losing it! He was going crazy!
The slight discomfort in his wrist continued as he leaned forward, hugging the punching bag and bursted out crying. He couldn't control his tears and the gut-wrenching pain in his heart. He bore no delusions that the pain would ever stop and he had to come up with a way to cope with it.
The idea of ending his life had crossed his mind plenty of times and it could offer him some kind of relief but then he thought of his friends. What would have happened to them if he was gone. They'd probably fall apart,lose themselves again or worse. His enemies would attack them in no time!Taehyung couldn't be so cruel to the people that supported him for years.
He couldn't care less about the business being practically forced to take over in the first place. It wasn't what he had imagined to become as a child. His dream of studying and going to the university was forever gone and he had to compromise. If he could turn back time, he'd done things differently.
He let go of the bag, swinging back and forth,hanging from the ceiling, rubbing his drenched forehead with his arm and removing his gloves,he hit the shower. Another night, another torment.
Two days before the wedding.
Taehyung was on pins and needles. Work was the last thing on his agenda. His concentration was long gone,leaving him edgy,vexed and down the dumps. His footsteps inside his office,rushed and unsteady,the thunging of his expensive, custom-made,Italian shoes echoed like thunder.
His jittery fingers rumpled his hair, hurling and pulling them as if he wanted to rip them. If only his head would stop pounding,the muscle in his right cheek flexed and he winced,brows furrowed tight with pain. The man blinked rapidly to keep tears from slipping out of his droopy eyes,breathing deep and slowly, laying his head on the wall next to the monitor screens.
'" He's getting married.. I'm losing will I survive knowing he's somebody else's husband? How? How?" he sobbed, labouring for breath, feeling the walls around him choky."Why? Why do you hate me so much? Why can't I catch a break? Why?" He kept thrashing his fists and hitting his head on the hard wall, dismissing the pain. He wasn't religious, didn't believe in God probably because he had abandoned him long ago. So he wasn't expecting any favors now.
His irreconcilable attitude had left him with nothing but a broken heart and a bad temper. He had to leave. Find a place where the pain would ease and his thoughts would vanish.
The bar. He'd drown his misery into tones of strong booze and would keep drinking till tomorrow. Hopefully, it would knock him down for good and stop him from remembering.
He groped his way out of the room and when his bodyguards surrounded him ready to escort him,he waved his hand." Don't follow me. Leave me alone."
The four men seemed hesitant to obey but one intimidating look from him made them piss their pants. They stayed back however one of them called Adrian. Taehyung made his way towards his private elevator, abandoning his previous idea of going into the bar. He didn't want to be a laughing stock and preferred the privacy of his own home ro get wasted.
He felt a hand forcefully gripping and pressing his shoulder and as he shifted to see who it was,he glared at a bulky,short man with a nasty grin on his scared face." This lift is for private use. Take that one." He pointed at the elevator in the opposite direction.
" I want this one."
Taehyung rubbed his clenched jaw,lifting his brow." I don't give a fuck what you want. Back off."
" Or else what? V is gonna kick my ass? Beat me to death? Put his macho gang teach me a lesson?You know all you rich guys think you're so superior.. your look at us like we're you goddamn servants. Treating us like shit!" The man was spitting while talking, throwing hostile glares at Taehyung.
" Who the hell are you?" His face looked familiar, he had seen him before but in his state of mind,he couldn't remember when and where.He tugged his hand,jogging him away and stretched open his fingers and bent them a couple of times.
Without warning the man slammed his fist on Taehyung's face, catching him off guard, shattering and slitting the corner of his lips,blood drops crawling down his jaw and staining his grey jacket and silk,white shirt. Taehyung took a step back,wiggling his jaw and spitting the blood from his mouth,the man took a step forward,crowding him and launching another brutal attack.
This time V had foreseen it and was prepared so he instantly ducked,the punch thumbing the air above his head. Taehyung's right fist swang repeatedly on his stomach and ribs with ferocity and wrath,making his opponent stumble and losing his balance for a moment.
As he tried to stand on his feet V yanked back with his right forearm,snapping the man's neck like a tree branch. The man's knees bent, hissing in pain,gasping for breath,holding his neck and coughing. V slided to the side,grabbed his elbow,pinned him on the ground,snatched his hair and threw a deadly threatening look, gritting his teeth.
" Don't mess with me, asshole.Wrong timing! I'm gonna fucken kill you if you keep this up!" He was too close to breaking his neck.
The man spit on his face and Taehyung pulled his hair tighter." FUCK YOU V! I ain't scared of you! You ruined my life. Left me with nothing. I lost my job,my house, my family and went to jail. All because of you! You turned me over to the cops and they locked me up! You don't know what they did to me there.." he spurted out,his face spouting menace and revolt." I fucken hate you. Want you dead! Son of a bitch!"
His words fueled Taehyung 's wrath. All his piled up anger,agony and frustration had found a way to be expressed. This bastard would get a taste of V's wrath. Molten anger sprang to life,flooding his veins, overpowering him. Worlfish, murderous eyes pierced through the man,who had the guts to go against V,spreading fear.
Taehyung smashed his elbow into the side of his skull,the soft spot on his temple. Fierce growls resonated in the empty corridor. The man,pinned down on the floor,his legs trapped between Taehyung's,making it impossible to pull up resistance,towered over,his distorted face was callously and persistently punched with his body panged against the floor.
Ruby,crimson blood spurting and splattering on V's hand,face and clothes but he was in a fit of pique,sidelined to stop his ominous attack. The poor man's mouth was exuding only muffled cries and groans of unbearable pain and he would have been beaten to death if Adrian,Guy and Alexander hadn't arrived on time.
The first two managed to push V back,Adrian holding his hands,peering his body as a shield between them and Guy grabbing him by the waist. Taehyung snarled, throwing curses at every direction, threatening them to let him beat the living shit out of him.
" Easy..easy there V.. you're gonna kill him!" Adrian voiced out, striving to simmer down Taehyung 's brimming rage.
" LET GO OFF MY HANDS! I'M GONNA KILL THE FUCKER!" he blasted,filled to the top with livid anger.
Alexander caught a glimpse of Mason rushing towards them for assistance. "Mason get him the fuck out of here. Don't leave him out of your sight." he asked in a whisper as soon as the man approached them.
Mason took one good look at the man who had the misfortune of making V hopping mad and shook his head." They never learn!" When he tried to grip his hands and take him upstairs, Taehyung jabbed him and launched another brutal attack on the almost unconscious man.
It took ten men to forcefully drag V away,into the elevator and finally in his house. Mason Instructed the seven guards to stay put and under no circumstances let him out of the penthouse. Guy and Adrian got rid of the half dead man,who was badly bruised, lacerations,nose broken,smashed ribs and thick blood smeared on his face and body,teeth knocked out,gasping for breath.
They couldn't take him to the hospital,risk being exposed and the cops questioning them or arresting V for attempted murder and deadly assault so they took him far into the desert,left him there, bleeding to death and attacked by vultures. They'd finish the job.
Taehyung's hands were sore,his knuckles bruised and bloody, hurting like hell. He inhaled and exhaled enough times to finally feel air entering his lungs but his anger hadn't diminished at all. His handsome face, a mask of horror and menace.
Looking at himself in the mirror of his bathroom,the sight intensified his vexation. He opened the tap, rinsing cold water on his face to clean the blood. Impatiently, his fingers ripped his jacket and shirt,shredding it to pieces, pulling down his pants and boxer,kicking them and going under the shower.
The cold water grazing his skin seemed insufficient to bottle up his anger,the soiled feeling of disgust or the choked up pain in his heart. Slinking his back on the cold tiles,he collapsed on his knees, hugging them and cradling his body.
It was too late to hush his sobs and yaps as they were streaming his soul,burning him. He wept like a boby for the life he lived. The choices he had made. The love he couldn't keep. For Jungkook..
A killer.
A bloody murderer.
That's what he was and would always remain.
His piled up anger would find a way to emerge no matter what the circumstances.
Perhaps he was born with killer instincts. Maybe it was too late for him to change and now more than ever he was certain he had made the right choice.
Jungkook was far better staying away from him. He had nothing to offer except blood, violence and danger.
He could hardly remember how much he drank that night. Bottles of whiskey and vodka,broken glasses were scattered around the bedroom, burnt cigarette butts spread everywhere and the room stank with an unpleasant, suffocating odour of smoke and alcohol.
Taehyung was so wasted and at some point he passed out on the floor. When he woke up the next day,he wasn't sure exactly when,but he began another round of drinking nonstop, just to get his mind off Jungkook.
It was either already married or he was about to. It was too much for Taehyung to handle so he preferred to drown his sorrows in bottles of alcohol. He had no more tears to shed,no power or will to shout and curse.
He was dead inside.
" Are you positively sure this is what you want to do Kook?" Jimin was sitting opposite his brother in the luxurious room,one leg crossed over the other with a questionable look on his worried face.
" Positively positive, hyung!" he answered back ,checking himself out in the huge,white mirror,hanging from the wall.His decision was made and nobody would change his mind.
" It's not too late to back out. I honestly think it's too far-fetched." Jimin insisted but his brother was way too stubborn to admit it.
Jungkook turned around, gazing at his hyung. His calm and serene expression gave Jimin the impression they were in deep,deep trouble." No offence Jimin but keep your opinion to yourself! Your advice hasn't been exactly..the best." he drawled,giving him a weird smile that Jimin couldn't decode." Look where they got me."
" I get it! My advice was hogwash!I thought it would help you forget him and move on and it only made things worse but.." he let out a deep sigh, getting up and walking to him." But this is too much!"
" No, it's not. I'm sick and tired of repeating the same damn conversation and I've got better things to do than sit here talking to you!"
"Kook! You're so mean!"
" Good for me! I've got half an hour to get ready and you are deliberately stalling me." He frowned,raising an eyebrow." Whatever you have in that messed up mind of yours,you can just forget it! I'm doing this and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me!" He fake smiled,blinking his thick eyelashes.
Jimin gulped, seeing his serious and determined expression behind his sarcasm."Let's take a moment to rationally discuss the matter and I'm sure we'll find a much more suitable..mmm.. approach."
Jungkook scoffed,shaking his head and rolling his eyes back." No more talking. No more analysing. No more..of anything." He wriggled Jimin,pushing him towards the door, ready to kick him out when Jin peeped through the crack of the door.
" How's it going? Ready?"
" Papa! Could you put some sense into him?" Jimin's voice was begging for help." He's not listening to me." He had the illusion Jin would actually help him and boy was he wrong!
Jin stepped in,his sparkling eyes inspecting Kook from head to toe." If you couldn't, what makes you think I can?" He caressed Kook's hair,smiling." Nice choice of clothes!You look stunning !Thank God you got your good taste from me!"he gloated.
" I got everything from you papa!"
" That means you're going to be very happy,baby!"
" I would be happier if hyung wasn't hassling me."
Jin waved his hand,jeering." Don't mind him! He's no fun!"
" Maybe aliens took him and gave us back 'not so fun Jimin'. He giggled." After all the crazy things he has made me do,he finds this eccentric!"
Jimin's eyes moved from Jungkook to his papa and vice versa.
Has the world gone mad?
Was Mercury in retrograde,causing everyone to flip?
He was stunned with their reaction and wondered if he was the only logical person in the room. Mostly because Jimin was known for being impulsive, spontaneous,wacky and always had the craziest ideas,making everyone mad and himself in trouble! Now tables were turned and for the first time, he was the sane one!
" What the hell is wrong with you? Have you gone bananas?"
Father and son gave him a 'what the fuck' look and roared in laughter.
" Someone is having fun!" They heard Yoongi saying,coming through the door,hands stuffed in his pockets." Kook you look fabulous! Love your outfit!"
" Thanks hyung! It took me a while to decide what to wear for this special occasion but I did good!" He was glowing and the dazzling smile on his face betrayed his joy.
" Big day today!Are you ready? Namjoon is waiting and between us he's more anxious than you! Keeps mumbling how he's gonna lose his son!" Yoongi winked at him."Someone is gonna take him away!"
Jungkook chuckled." Dad is such a drama queen sometimes."
" Tell me about it!" Jin agreed,puffing." I've been living with the man for years and it still bugs me."
Yoongi tapped his wrist." We're running late guys! Come on, let's go!"
" Not you too!" Jimin exclaimed, grabbing his head with both hands and stomping his foot on the white, marble floor." Can't you for once have my back on this? Be on my side? Tell them how ridiculous this is!"
Yoongi knitted his brows, tossing his head to the side."I don't know what you're talking about.I'm being supportive. It's his choice and I'm ok with it. We all are."
Jimin was blowing a gasket. His eyes had popped out,his mouth was wide open."It's a cuckoo choice! It makes no sense! I can't believe you're feeding his craziness!" Frustration and vexation was running over him.
Yoongi shut his mouth with his right palm, scrunching his lips while Jimin was rumbling, muffled by his husband's hand." If you keep this up, I'm gonna gag you,baby. The clock is ticking.People are waiting."
Jin fixed his son's shiny hair, Jungkook glanced one last time in the mirror and scooted over.
It was a big day as he was marching to a whole new life!
The unremitting buzzing in his head was strangling his temples and each movement of his face or his body was making the throbbing worse. Taehyung had woken up from his unconscious state,finding himself in an awkward position.
His upper body was hanging from the edge of the bed,blood gathered in his whizzy head,the lower part was on the soft mattress. There were bits and parts he remembered,dead drunk,crying, smoking,talking to Jungkook's photos. He had no idea how he ended up in bed.
He needed to get his shit together and slowly crawled to the bathroom, getting in the shower and let the cold water run on his stiff body.
He soaked in water before deciding he had enough and crawled back to his bedroom, stumbling on empty bottles. "How much did I drink?" he wondered out loud and the sound of his own voice was making his headache worse. All of a sudden it hit him!
Jungkook was probably married by now.
He needed to cry,yell,break things but simply sat there,on the floor,gazing at the ceiling.
The pain was too excruciating to cope and his bleeding heart seemed to have stopped beating. The air, trying to enter his lungs was choking him,he started coughing and finding his way back to the bathroom, teetering and tripping on furniture,he scooted over the toilet, hugged it and emptied his stomach.
He puked so many times,his throat stung and eyes turned teary but it was a piece of cake compared to the agony his heart was experiencing. It was too late. Too fucken late to get on that damn plane,fly to Seoul and kidnap him.
' What have you done, asshole? How could you let him get married?" He banged the lower part of his palm on his forehead, hissing and cursing." Idiot! Stupid coward!"
It was at that precise moment,being on the verge of a jealous rage after two drunken nights in a row,that he realised Yosef's words and the fog vanished from his mind.
He was V. He had tons of flaws,a heart headed mind,a vicious past,a questionable future but nobody…nobody could ever love Jungkook the way he did!
With all his remaining strength and a clear mind,he managed to stand up,the walls were still closing around him, the room was spinning but he was determined to pull this through and fight for Jungkook. Even now.
He'd fly to Korea,find him and bring him home with him!
His phone rang and his first attempt to grab it,ended up with the device slipping through his fingers and falling on the floor but the second one was successful." WHAT?" he barked, totally drained from patience. He had better things to do and a lover to kidnap!
" It's Ryker. There's a situation down here. You need to come. Pronto!"