Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Welcome To Roanapur!: Enter Catherine ‘Cat’ Lee!
It was just a normal evening for me, as I found myself in my apartment, by myself, watching an episode of Black Lagoon.
Well, I had started watching the first few episodes of Black Lagoon, and was just finishing up watching episode 2.
"Man, that Revy really is crazy, I am sure glad I am not related to her," I said to myself out loud.
"To be honest though, my life is a little bit boring though, I kinda wish it were a little more action packed," I said to myself.
It was after episode 2 of Black Lagoon had finished, that I started feeling sleepy, so instead of going to bed, I just fell asleep on my couch.
Unfortunately, while I slept, I was soon about to embark on a journey, that would soon have me embracing emotions, that I never even knew that I had.
And when I woke up again, I found myself no longer on my couch, and no longer in my apartment.
As a matter of fact, I found myself in a bed, in what looked like a somewhat rundown room, with what appeared to be some workout equipment in it.
Well, when I say workout equipment, I mean that there was a set of weights in one corner of the room, and a bar at the foot of the bed that could be used for pull ups.
"This isn't my room," I said to myself out loud. To which I then realized almost immediately. That the voice that came out of my mouth was not only feminine in nature, but also appeared to have quite a bit of bite to it.
And as I brought one of my hands into my field of view, I then noticed, that it now looked much more feminine.
Now shocked by the appearance of my feminine looking hand, I then looked down at myself, and I was shocked by what I saw.
I was now not only very fit, and had a tattoo of what I could only assume would be a saber sword, on each of my forearms, but I also seemed to be wearing an ocean blue colored bra, and a skimpy one at that.
However, before I could admire my very feminine and very beautiful body further, I then heard a familiar sounding female voice speak up from under the sheets next to me. "Sis, is it morning already?" She asked.
I immediately recognized the voice, and started to shake with immense fear, knowing full well who the voice belonged to.
And sure enough, one Rebecca "Revy" Lee, or "Two Hands" as she was nicknamed, came out from under the covers.
It was then that I realized what had happened, but my mind really didn't want to process it.
I was now stuck in the anime world of Black Lagoon, and was now the sister of Revy.
As in one of the most bat shit crazy and insane female anime characters ever.
This was going to be a very hard pill for me to swallow, and also was going to be a complete ride through hell itself.
But, seeing as how I was here, I might as well make the best of it.
I then decided to speak up.
"Yes sis, it is," I said, matter-of-factly.
However, before I could say anything more to Revy, a person came to the bedroom door, who I immediately recognized as Dutch.
"So this is Dutch...He looks...more...well...He looks a bit more intimidating in person doesn't he?" I thought to myself with a bit of fear. However, though I was currently feeling a bit fearful. What I was not able to see, was that my face, didn't show any of this sort of fear. In fact, my face, currently only showed a blank sort of expression. Almost as if, seeing Dutch in person for the first time, didn't phase me on the outside.
Dutch said that we had a job from Balalaika to go and get a disk from a cargo ship. Which from what I knew from watching the first episode, had to do with Asahi Industries.
And I also knew, that from watching the first episode, that this was where and when, we would meet Rock.
However, I had only managed to watch the first two episodes of the anime before winding up here, so anything after episode two, would be me being essentially thrown to the wolves.
However, if I had to put my money on it, seeing as how I was now Revy's sister. I would assume that like her, I also had a lot of experience handling different types of firearms and the like.
However, I wouldn't know for sure, until I got further into the events that lay ahead.
And so, as we both got dressed, and she holstered her Beretta 92FM's with their skull and crossbone grips. I then got dressed into my usual outfit, which to be honest, like the bra I was wearing in bed, and like Revy's usual outfit, was also quite skimpy.
I was now in a low cut ocean blue tank top that showed off my midsection. And were only just managing to cover my medium sized breasts. Which for size comparison, were basically as big as Revy's breasts. I also had on way too short jean shorts, and military combat boots with a Ka-Bar combat knife holstered into the side of one of them.
I then went to and then grabbed my two modified pistols, which were modified Beretta M9's with saber grips. And, like Revy's modified 92FM's, also had an added inch or so, on each of their barrels.
And to tell you the truth. As I holstered them both into their respective holsters around the sides of my torso, and upon me feeling the unusual chilling sensation of the steel of both guns, emanating through my tank top, and into the top of my skin. I then realized, that they would wind up feeling very comfortable in my hands, largely because with all the experience I had had over the years, what with me and Revy having to survive back in New York and the like.
But, it was not just due, to my past with Revy. But, it would also be my previous mastery, of various firearms and explosives. That as time went on, would wind up proving itself, to be very useful.
"Hey you pervs, do you like what you're reading so far? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you just then viewer…Hello viewers, Catherine Lee here…But you can call me 'Cat'…*I then proceed to meow like a cat, while giving the most sexy of cat pawing motions with one of my hands*…Or 'Double Tap'...Depending on what mood I am in...Now then viewers, you really didn't think that I wasn't able to talk to you all like this did you?…Well viewers, with regard to fourth wall awareness...need I remind you all, that Revy did do something similar to this, in the end credits sequence, of the first two episodes…Now then viewers...let's get on with the show…Right Revy?...*I say this in the most sexy female tone of voice that I can, all while giving the most evil and devilish looking of smiles, that could even give Revy's own smirk, a run for its money*"
Anyway, with all three of us, along with Benny, having now jumped aboard the torpedo boat. We then headed off towards the cargo ship.
A short time later...
And as the torpedo boat slowed, indicating that we had reached our destination, and with Dutch, me, and Revy disembarking.
And upon seeing Dutch, punch Rock hard in the face, sending him hurtling backwards towards the railings at the current side of the boat that we were all on. I knew right then, that this was only the beginning, of what would be a literal, ride through hell.
"Okay Mr. Japanese, the package that you got from Asahi Industries, this is it right?" Dutch then spoke up with saying to Rock. And this was while he had reached into his satchel, and had slightly pulled out the disk in question, in order to reveal it to Rock. Well, I say satchel, but to be honest, I wasn't really able to see exactly what Dutch was doing per say.
And this, was due to the current fact, that me and Revy, both had one of our respective modified pistols, aimed directly at Rock.
And, though I did not want to admit it. I was currently, now all but gone, so too speak. As I currently, had quite the devilish looking, and crazy looking smile, currently on my face. As I was now starting to realize, that in order to think like my sister Revy, then I was going to need to embrace the madness.
"I mean after all viewers...My nothing...but a comedy...*I say this while looking at the viewers all wild eyed, and smiling a very crazy looking smile...that still would give Revy's devilish smile, a run for its money*...Arthur Fleck...aka...Joker from the movie of the same...played by one Joaquin Phoenix...said exactly that line...and you know what viewers?...I think he was actually onto something when he said that!...Now then viewers...I shall be seeing you all, in the next chapter...*I once again proceed, to meow sexily like a cat, while giving the most sexy looking, of cat pawing motions, with one of my hands*"