Of Arms And Ammunition

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: High-Jinks On The High-Seas!: A Piracy Life's For Me!

So carrying on from the last chapter. And my currently somewhat degrading condition, regarding my...sanity...so to speak.

And now with us all aboard the torpedo boat. I couldn't help, but feel a little bit...more comfortable...so too speak, regarding the whole situation. Which for the record, was currently...well...

"You don't get it do ya...you just don't get it do ya Dutch?...We're only being paid 20 grand to do this job...ONLY 20 GRAND!...What's wrong with getting a bonus, by asking for a ransom?!" Revy said, as like in the first episode of the anime. She had taken Rock, as a hostage, in an effort, to try and get more money from Asahi Industries. And not surprisingly, Dutch wasn't exactly the most thrilled, with Revy doing this.

"You're being too simple minded," Benny responded with from the other room, while he was on his computer.

"YOU WANNA DIE BENNY!?" Revy exploded with back to Benny.

"Not really," Benny responded back with, while he just turned his attention away from Revy, and then went back to his computer.

And yet, given the current exchange, regarding Revy's immediate outburst. I meanwhile, like when Dutch had first come into our bedroom, back at the Lagoon Company Headquarters. I was once, again completely stoic faced. Even though, deep down, I was sort of semi freaking out.

"Okay...Revy's blowup...is a heck of a lot more scary, and intimidating, to experience in person..." I thought to myself, while I still, remained completely stoic faced.

"So, whose going to negotiate with them...you? Do you have their phone number? How about a bank account so that they can transfer the ransom payment?" Dutch asked Revy.

And, during these very questions, I then noticed, that Revy's facial expression, was getting more, and more, pissed off. And, more and more crazed.

"Ah fine then!...We'll just shoot his ass and throw him overboard!" Revy said, as she quickly got up, and kicked a crate that was nearby where she had been sitting. To which she then proceeded, to take one of her Beretta out of its holster, and then started firing several rounds in a rapid and erratic like manner. All, while she had the Beretta in question...pointed at Rock.

And also, she wasn't even looking at Rock, as she squeezed off every single one of those rounds from her Beretta.

"STOP IT!" I then heard Rock yell, as he seemed to be fearing for his very life at the moment.

"Damn it...don't damage the ship!" Dutch then yelled out to Revy, over the multiple loud bangs, from the rounds, that were currently being squeezed off from her Beretta.

"SHUT UP!" Revy then yelled back in response.

And yet, as all of this was going on. I had managed to come across a tape cassette recorder, that was laying right beside me. And once, I had put the headphones on, and had pressed play. I then, started to listen to the music, as the current argument between Dutch, and Revy, took place.

It's taken a lifetime to lose my way

A lifetime of yesterdays

All the wasted time on my hands

Turns to sand

And fades in the wind

Crossing lines

Small crimes

Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

So lost for so long

To find to my way

I failed to follow

I'm out of place

Crossing lines

mall crimes

Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire

I feed on the friction

I'm right where I should be

Don't try and fix me

"And yes viewers...Hello boys, Catherine Lee here again...*I say this as I proceed to meow like a cat, while giving the most sexy of cat pawing motion with one of my hands*...So viewers, what do you all think of the story so far?...*I say this while bringing my face a little bit closer to the screen, which winds up showing off a bit of my cleavage, from underneath my ocean blue tank top*...Hey perv, my eyes are up here...*I say this, as the camera then pans up towards my face*...Now then viewers...in case you were all at all wondering of which song I was listening to...And to confirm any of your suspicisions as well...Yes the song that I was listening to in question...was Fix Me by 10 Years...What, you think that I didn't like the same kind of music as Revy does?...*I say this, while giving the most sexy and devilish looking of smiles...that once again, could give Revy's own devilish smile, a run for its money*...You know viewers, it is not the right thing, to assume things...naughty, naughty...*I say this, while proceeding to waggle my pointer finger on my left hand, in a very sexy and cute manner, while giving a very sexy looking pout*...So then viewers, with that in mind...I will see all of you boys, in the next chapter...*I say this as I proceed to once again meow like a cat, while giving the most sexy of cat pawing motion with one of my hands*"

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