Of Arms And Ammunition

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Every Ship Has A Bao!: Welcome To The Yellow Flag!

Okay, so heading on, to a little bit later that night. After I had apparently discovered, that I apparently owned a video cassette player. Which given the era in which I had been in, right before I had wound up in the Black Lagoon anime, was saying quite a lot.

"In other words here viewers...sorry, Catherine here again...*I proceed to say this, while giving a very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*...Now then, I am sure that you are all aware by this point, that the Black Lagoon anime, doesn't take place in the modern world per say...But moreover viewers...as I am sure most have found out already...this anime...takes place back in the early 1990s...you know...back when video cassette players, were still the best way...for one to listen to music?...So, like Revy, I also happen to have a video cassette player...What?!...You didn't think that I did?!...*I now proceed to get a little bit pissed off*...Are you really that fucking thick-headed?!...*I now instantly realized what I had just said*...Oopsie...sorry there...that just sort of slipped out...But then again viewers...this fanfic is rated M...for Mature audiences...So you would expect some cursing in this fanfic...now and then...*I say this, while giving a sexy and devilish grin, that still, would give Revy's own devilish grin, a run for its money*...Now then viewers...lets now get back to the action...*I proceed to say this, while giving a very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*"

Okay, so moving on, to when we had all disembarked, back in Roanapur. And we had now approached the Yellow Flag. And as we made it through the doors, and towards the bar. I then realized something, as a thought, then made its way through my mind.

"Ah, so this is the Yellow Flag...Oh...right...there is going to soon be a gunfight in here...Well then, at least I know from watching the first episode, that the bar itself, is bulletproof...Sure, I am probably going to wind up getting an earful, from Bao...which by the way viewers, is the owner of the Yellow Flag...But, given what will wind up eventually happening in this story...I would say, that that is going, to soon wind up, being the least, of either your, or my problems," I thought to myself, which was followed during this, as we were walking towards the bar, of me, slowly turning my head to the right of me to briefly address the viewers. And I did so, while giving the most sexy looking of smiles. All followed, right at the end, by me sexily winking, at the viewers.

And, now having sat down at the bar, and now with an unexplained thirst for some rum. I then, once Revy, had asked for a bottle of Bacardi. The both of us, then proceeded, too, well, go to town, so too speak, on the bottle of Bacardi rum.

And now, fast forwarding to about a couple of minutes later. And, after having downed a couple of shots of Bacardi rum, as had Revy. I then, realized something else, that was interesting.

"Okay...so it would seem, as though I have a somewhat high alcohol tolerance...I guess this is how one Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail...sometimes feels..." I thought to myself, as I now took notice, as Revy, now proceeded, to down yet another shot of rum. As she threw it back, as though it was nothing.

However, now fast forwarding a tad bit. And after Revy, had taunted Rock, into going 'shot for shot,' so to speak, on the rum in question. This was then followed by...well...

"Never underestimate a Japanese businessman," Rock said, after he had proceeded, to down the entire shot glass of rum, that Revy had poured from the bottle, and had taunted him with it.

And, not surprisingly...

"Bartender...give us all of the Bacardi rum you got!" The flushed looking faces, of both Revy and Rock, called out to Bao.

And as for me?...Well...

"Okay...so that was...a bit embarrassing, to experience for real...still...this rum is very good...Now I see, why Captain Jack Sparrow, loved drinking it so much," I thought to myself, while after having finished my current shot glass of rum. I had then proceeded, to pour myself another shot glass worth. And, I wound up downing that as well.

But, however...

This was then followed, by a noticeable metallic clanking noise, as several grenades, were thrown, through the many windows, of the Yellow Flag.

And, acting on instinct, and knowing exactly where I needed to go. I then proceeded, to make a diving flip forward. As I managed, to get behind the bar, just as the light of the Yellow Flag had gone out, and this was then followed, by a massive hail of bullets, then proceeding, to pound relentlessly, against the front of the bar.

And, once I had removed both of my modified Beretta, from their respective holsters. To which I then heard the unmistakable sound...

"Don't come back here Revy, and you as well Cat...How many times have you both destroyed my bar?!" The unmistakable voice of Bao, yelled at us both.

Which, before he could say anything else, one of the mercenaries, wound up choosing, to jump onto the bar, only for Bao, to blow him away with his shotgun.

"You both owe me for all the damages, you understand?! Or else I am going to weld your assholes shut, and make you a new one on you heads!" Bao then yelled at us both, after he had blown the mercenary away.

"Got it..." Revy wound up saying in response, with an amount of craze, in her tone.

Which during when Bao had been shouting, Revy had removed both of her Beretta 92FMs from their holsters.

And knowing full well, what was about to happen, and with a very devilish smile, now adorning my face. I then readied myself, for the ensuing gunfight.

"Revy, Cat, I think it's time to show these guys why you are both named 'Two Hands,' and 'Double Tap,'" The unmistakable voice of Dutch, wound up yelling to us both, over the loud bangs of the gunfire.

"Gladly Dutch!" I wound up responding with, and all while I still wore, the most devilish of smiles, that would even make one Accelerator from the Toaru series proud.

"Hey viewers, Catherine here again...*I proceed to say this, while giving a very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*...Now then viewers...I will see all you fine gentlemen, in the next chapter...*I proceed to say this, while once again giving a very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*"

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